InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Make No Mistake, He's Mine ❯ One-Shot

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN INUYASHA, now you can't sue! Hahaha...I also don't own the song, "Make No mistake, he's mine." A duet sung by Barbara Streisand and Kim Carnes.

This is my first posted fanfic…so please review…good or bad! Criticism is a good thing…that way for my next stories I can improve. With that said: On with the show! Hope you enjoy! ^-^

**********Make No Mistake, He's Mine**********

Don't call him anymore

Cause I don't wanna hear your voice

I don't wanna see your face

Answer his door

Make no mistake

He's mine, he's mine, he's mine.

Kagome sat on a log, resting her head in her palm. She was trying not to cry, Inuyasha had left about 10 minutes ago. It was close to midnight, and she knew whom he went to.


As much as she wished for his happiness, she wished he would choose to live…maybe with her. Love her like she loved him. She didn't blame him for two-timing her; his situation was delicate. If she was in his situation, she didn't know how she would act. But in her mind she always chose the living person who loved her. Of course, she was a little biased.

`Can't he see it? Can't he see how it tears me apart when he sees her? Can't he see I love him so much I'd do anything for him? Even give up my life for him. And he runs to her…the shell that pretends to be her…but that's because he knows I'll be here, waiting like a dog (no pun intended) to scuttle around his feet and try to please him. I'm such a fool, why do I stay? Why?'

`Because I love him.'

She sighed and looked up at the moon. The stars twinkled madly, as if laughing at her foolishness, her naïve hopes, and her unanswered dreams.

`Even if we finish the jewel, I won't be able to let go…he means too much to me. She should leave him alone; she had her chance to love him 50 years ago! But her lack of trust killed her and him…it isn't fair. She should leave the picture…but I can't wish her dead, I hate her, but not enough to wish death. As much as I long to get rid of her, I don't wish her dead or her shell I should say. I bet she was a really wonderful person…but this shell…it's evil. I feel sorry for her…she can't ever rest…she deserves to rest. But not with him…not with him.'

Sighing again, she waited for him. Whatever happened, she would stay with him as long as she could.

Just to be with him. He belonged to her for now…couldn't Kikyou see? Inuyasha wasn't hers…

`He's mine…for now at least.'

He only knows how I feel.

I only know what he's like

When he needs me

Oh how he needs me

Deep in the night

Make no mistake

He's mine, he's mine, he's mine

She didn't really have anything to tell Inuyasha that was any different from what normally went on when they were together.

She just enjoyed seeing him run from his little group every time she summoned him. Hurting that little wench that followed him around, the one who kept trying to persuade him to not go to hell with her.

`How dare she! This should teach her that Inuyasha is mine, and only mine. No matter what she does, he will come to me, even if I am just a shell with a tiny part of MY soul inside. He will come because he loves me. More than her.'

She angrily paced back and forth. Inuyasha had left to go back to camp…to the others…too her. Even though he didn't say it, he didn't need to. She felt his love for the other girl, too. And she didn't understand it.

`I was the first to accept him after his mother died…even if I wanted him to become a full human…it would have been for the better. I don't want to be alone anymore…he owes me for what happened 50 years ago. I died alone then and I continue to wander around alone now. He let that witch bring me back…he wasn't there for me then, either. He needs to make amends, to come to hell with me so I am no longer lonely.' Her emotionless eyes wandered the woods around her.

Part of her wanted to kill the girl and take the rest of her soul back, but another part forbade her. She knew Inuyasha would never forgive her…once she had her soul back she probably wouldn't be able to forgive herself either. She just wanted to rest in peace…the only way she could do that was with him by her side.

`Why can't he see? Why can't his group and that wench see? He's mine…'

Don't get too close when you dance

Cause I don't wanna hear from my friends

You were out on the town

There in his arms

(There in his arms)

The thing that hurt the most about this was that when Inuyasha left the group, he never told them where he was going---as if they didn't know. Sango and Miroku ended up shooting her pity-filled looks after he scampered off! As if she wasn't hurt enough, having everyone know how she felt…it was too much. Salt in her open wound she had the nerve to call her heart. Which is why she now went off herself as well, usually in the opposite direction Inuyasha went. She never wanted to run into the couple again, the times she had, had been enough. Her heart couldn't deal if she saw them together again.

She pictured them as she had seen them before:

Kikyou resting in his gentle embrace, her hands on his chest, staring into his amber orbs as the Shinidama-chuu floated around them.

Inuyasha staring lovingly down at her, telling her he never stops thinking about her---not for one minute. That he'll protect her…

`Even when he's with me…he thinks about her. When he fights, he thinks about her; when he argues with me, he thinks about her; when he comes to the future to get me, he thinks about her... STOP! I can't…it'll destroy me to think that.' A soft choked sob came from her tight throat. `NO! No more crying over them. It's useless and it doesn't change the situation.'

She stood to walk back to camp, praying he was already there and in no mood to talk, because she didn't want to hear what he had to say right now. Even if she forgave him, she still allowed herself to be a little angry.

`Until he tells me to leave, he's mine…'

Don't include him in your dreams

(I wanna be in his dreams)

Cause I don't wanna close my eyes

(My eyes)

Kikyou wandered to a nearby village that Inuyasha's group had departed from a few days ago. Her Shinidama-chuu made her travel faster, by picking her up. She felt weak, her body…shell…needed to feed off of more dead souls.

`When Naraku is defeated…Inuyasha will be mine. I am his destiny. If only that wench never came, when that witch made me, I would have had a full soul. I could be with him now, by his side. Not scavenging for dead girls soul's, praying that there will be enough to keep this clay body satiated for a few more days.'

She stared at the sky, detesting the stars that twinkled merrily back at her, as if laughing at her inability to rest like they would be able to in a few hours.

She felt cheated and isolated. She walked alone, she carried on alone, the only friends she had were her Shinidama-chuu. She could fool townspeople for a while, but she never carried enough emotions to get close to them. She was like her own little island, void of any life forms.

`That girl probably laughs at my ill fortune. If only she would go back to where she belongs…he could be mine. Like it was meant. Mine…'

I don't wanna know where he goes

Each night when he leaves

(When he leaves)

Make no mistake

(Make no mistake)

He's mine, he's mine, he's mine

He's mine, he's mine

She entered camp and quietly laid down in her sleeping bag, careful not to wake Shippou. Her eyes fumbled in the darkness before settling on Inuyasha's up in the tree above her. Quickly she closed her eyes, praying he wouldn't ask her where she was, or why she left.

`Of course he won't, he doesn't care. He was too busy with Kikyou. He probably feels if he asks me where I went, I'll ask him where he went. Heh…he acts like we don't know…sometimes it's better that way. Sometimes…'

Sleep began to evade her, so she opened her eyes to star at the constellations. She felt his amber eyes on her the whole time. Tension thick enough to cut whirled around the two. She ignored it, hoping he would too. As long as he didn't speak, she could pretend that he went to relieve himself or bathe. That he wasn't with her…

`Reality check Kagome! He was with her, and you and everyone else knows it. He knows you know it. He's waiting to see if you `sit' him or yell. Won't he be surprised when you don't! Hehehe, at least you'll get to see his surprised face when you don't yell.'

For the second time that night, her gaze shifted to the moon.

Don't call him up anymore…

Unbeknownst to Kagome, Kikyou also stared transfixed at the moon. `So beautiful…how I missed it all those years…sharing it with Inuyasha…' a faint smile touched her lips. "Now that wench is sharing the moon with him…NO! Don't think like that. He had better come with me, he promised. He will come with me, when Naraku lies dead. Inuyasha better keep his promise to me…'

Kikyou wasn't so sure anymore, but if she let herself believe Inuyasha would choose that runt over her, she would lash out. She didn't want to hurt any innocents unless necessary.

`If only I could make her understand why I need him to be mine…'

Don't call him up anymore…

"At least I got to look at the moon with him tonight, and can continue to fight side by side with him. I'm lucky in a way; I spend more time with him then her, even if he doesn't love me. I spend his days and many of his nights with him. She only comes once in awhile…and even though I wish she wouldn't come at all…I can at least take comfort in that for now. That and the fact that she's moved on again, hopefully far away from us, so far we won't have to come near her for a long time.'

Kagome pursed her lips slightly, `If only she could understand how much I need him…how he promised to protect me…I trust he will keep that promise. Until Naraku is dead at least…I love him so much it hurts…I want to be with him…I just wish she could understand why I need him to be mine…'

A shooting star shot across the sky. At the same moment both Kikyou and Kagome closed their eyes, `I wish Inuyasha were mine…'


Okay, so what'd you think? Remember: like it or hate it review please! It helps you and me! Me to write better and you to enjoy what I write more. Thanks for reading! Till next time, Wondergalsparky.