InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Making History ❯ My Savior ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Making History
By Akira & Yuki

Disclaimer: Do not own Inuyasha ;o;

A/N: This was written by Yuki and beta-ed by Akira since the 2005 summer was a little bit eventless. Hope you enjoy!
Yuki: A special thanks to Mason for finally convincing me to put this crap on here. You rox my sox!
AND I'm sorry if these chapters are too short, but I had this all in one big file. And at chapter 20 it went to 367KB XP so hope they're long enough.

Chapter One – My Savior

I made my way back to the Kaguna shrine and dropped my things on my bed. I sighed as I looked around. It's a nice room and it's nicer and bigger than my old one, but I'm not saying I miss home. Who could deny the cooking there? With...dare I say it...FORKS!!!

"Andrea! Dinner!" Nina called. That's the daughter of the owner of the shrine. She's a woman with a little ten-year-old boy, Naota. Her cooking is awesome, but that's only because she cooks Japanese food, while my mom cooks American varieties. Her father, Aiyoshi, is the owner of the shrine, and the man who has agreed to watch over me while I am an exchange student for a little less than one whole school year. Well, I hate to call myself an 'exchange student’; I would rather prefer to call myself a foreign visitor through school. Yeah, it's bigger, but tough luck.

"Kay Nina!" I called back. Naota stormed into the door. He's a ten-year-old boy that could pass as a brother because he's so caring sometimes, but otherwise he's just plain annoying! I looked at him plainly and picked up my world record book. Since he's never heard of Guinness world book of records, and he annoys me so much, I tell him that I hold the world record for beating up more kids into comas. The kid knows comas, and since he doesn't know of my little lie, he gets scared when I rephrase the imaginary words I've drilled into both of our heads, and I triumph each time. Sounds stupid yes, but I deal with it.

"Andrea King (names protected) has been chosen with proof that she now holds the record for beating up more kids into comas than any gang or abusive parent or guardian in the world." I said joyfully. I slammed the book shut and looked at him. "Anything you'd like to say before I continue to hold that record?"

"" Naota said quickly, and then ran off for dinner. I rolled my eyes and raced down to the dining room. I entered and took my seat on a mat. We did grace then went off collecting rice. I looked at it with my chopsticks, and then looked at my chopsticks. I could use them, but they were so annoying to keep in the same position and eat tiny bits of food with it.

After dinner, I went up to my room and looked into my books. My history book was thrown onto my lap, as I skimmed through until I seen a photo that caught my eye. I turned back to it and starred upon it. It was a necklace with a purplish glowing jewel on it. It was beautiful.

"What.....what is that?" I whispered to myself. I read around. It was the Sacred Shikon jewel.

"It's getting late and you have school tomorrow, you should be sleeping soon." Nina said. I looked over with a yawn and nodded, turning off my desk light. I closed my books and then opened my window. It was humid tonight. I shut my door and changed into a pair of pajama pants and a t-shirt that was way too big. I shut off the light and made my way to sleep in bed.

The next morning I awoke, and changed into my school uniform. Darn mini-skirts. The education departments in this country need less perverts. I changed out and put on a knee skirt, and a baggy long sleeved shirt.

I went down with my backpack for breakfast and ran off, until I heard Naota calling me. I looked over, and seen him by the well house. That place is just some little building on the edge of the courtyard that is just covers the well. The well is pretty weird, and creeps me out with different noises it's been making lately. I ran over.

"What? You know you're not supposed to be playing here. You're supposed to be going to school." I asked him.

"I know, but Kauri went into the well house." Naota said. I sighed. It’s that stupid cat, always ticking me off and going some places that he shouldn't.

"That cat will be the death of me if you don't learn to overcome your fears of things." I said. I went into the well house and looked around. I saw Kauri pawing at a bug. "Found him! Go to school!" Naota gave me thumbs up as I picked Kauri up and sat on the rim of the well.

"You stupid old cat! Why won't you just be some lazy house cat like everyone else's?" I asked the cat, not looking for an answer. Noises started to come from the well; I began getting scared as I put Kauri down and looked into it. Nothing. Maybe I was imagining it. Then more noises.

"Maybe it's just some injured bird that fell in. What?" I said. I looked into the well to see a blue light starting to form. I looked at it, being stupid and leaning forward to it, and then I slipped, and fell.

"Aaaaaaaa!" I screamed as I fell into the well, the light rushing to me and I fell in. A woman looked at me villainously.

"More lunch." She said, and licked her lips as six hands held me from moving around. I looked in fear. I couldn't move or speak. "I sense great power from you. I should greatly enjoy this morsel."

"Let me go!" I shouted, and put a hand out, only to have blasts come out and shoot the demon back. I looked at myself. I could move or speak.

"What?! You broke my spell! I must devour you now!" The woman said. I screamed again. The light that was around me went away, and it was black brick well again. I sat on the bottom and looked around.

"That must've been a dream or something." I said, and quickly raced up, only to gasp as I sat on the rim. I quickly stood, realizing it was the cause of how I am where I am. Surrounding me was forest.

"KAAGOOOMEEEE!!!!!" I heard. It was a yell of horror. I ran closer to see a man with red hakama and haori on him, and then silver hair, sad and teary amber eyes, and....DOG EARS?!

I held in a gasp. He was looking at a woman in a school girl's uniform. She was mad.

"YOU JERK!!! I'M NEVER COMING BACK! NEVER!!! HERE'S THE SHARDS!! STAY AWAY!! KIKYO MEANS MORE TO YOU THAN I DO, SO I'LL JUST MAKE IT EASIER FOR YOU TO MAKE YOUR DECISION. KIKYO IS WHO YOU LOVE, NOT ME SO NEVER COME BACK TO MY ERA!!" The girl yelled. She ran off, and I decided that the odd man was going to be trouble, so I went back to the well and sat down next to it and leaned against it. Where was I?

I rumbling came and the woman that came after me before was shot out of the well, then went towards me. I held up my hands in defense, hoping for a blast to help me out once again. Nothing. I screamed, clamping my eyes shut in fear, and then I peeked.

"Iron reaver soul stealer!!" The odd looking boy said, and slashed out at the demon woman with....CLAWS?! I had heavy breathing as I tried to recover. The boy looked at me, and then ran off.

"Hey! Wait! Wait up!" I called, I ran off after him.

"What do you want?" He asked grimly. He looked me up and down. "You're from the future era aren't you?"

"I want to thank you! You saved me, and it's only right to thank your savior. Wait....future era?" I replied. He explained it to me.

"Oh, well anyways, thank you for saving me...uh..." I said, not knowing his name.

"Inuyasha." He said. I smiled.

"Well thank you for saving me Inuyasha. My name is Andrea. Hope to see you again but...I gotta go. I have no idea how I got here, maybe if I go back through that creepy well..." I said.

"Well? What well?" Inuyasha asked. I showed him to it. "It's not Kagome's well...I wonder how this got here. Hmm...oh well."

"Mmhmm...well I have to go. I hope this works! I enjoyed your company!" I said, and jumped in, ending up in my own time. I climbed out. I could've sworn I heard Inuyasha say, "Bye...Another person abandons me through the well." as I jumped in.

Thanks for reading! Sorry if it was a little bit too much of a based-on-the-series thing, but it was a summer thing that wasn't meant for reading but it ended up here. It's not like this for the rest of the story mind you! So don't forget to R&R and read chapter 2 when it's out!