InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Making Things Right ❯ Lost and Found ( Chapter 30 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

(**) a dream/vision
(~~) a note/letter
(*****) a scene/time change
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Sango stood in front of a group of nine men and four women all of whom had been trained to fight, subdue, and if necessary, to kill youkai. Eight were sent by the Youkai Enforcement Agency, which Sango had learned was despite the protests of her father. The other five were from Sesshomaru's own security team, and it was her job to train them in the lost ways of the taijiya.
Sango had insisted that she be given full discretion in choosing whom to train. It was her responsibility to make sure that she did not pass on her knowledge to those who would abuse it. Sesshomaru had agreed at once and it was his persuasion that had convinced those in government. The taiyoukai had understood with much less difficulty than others had, that it was either Sango's way or not at all.
Miroku returned from lunch, during which he had spent much less time eating than he had spent consoling Sango. He could not understand why her father would be so against something that clearly made her happy. There was danger involved, but Sango could handle herself, and he would not fail to protect her again.
Maybe that was where the problem lie. Miroku held no delusions about what Sango's father thought of him. He had initially hoped that it was simply his profession that her father did not approve of, but now he knew that was not the case.
Miroku sighed and pushed thoughts of Sango and her father aside and returned them to the task at hand. Before him were six men all possessing spiritual powers. It was his job to see to their combat training and increasing both their physical and spiritual strength.
He was to evaluate the level of their power in comparison to his own, and use the vast experience he had gained in his previous life to prepare them to face youkai in hand to hand combat.
Miroku was about to continue explaining his personal meditation technique when his cell phone rang. He flipped it open and turned his back to the gathered men. Without a word, he ran from the room to find Sango.
A whispered explanation as to his intrusion in her class and Sango was rapidly offering apologies as she grabbed her equipment. Both Sango and Miroku hurried out of the room together. They didn't have an exact location, but set off in the general direction that Sesshomaru, Kagome, and InuYasha were headed in, so that they could be close enough to aid them in the fight.
Sesshomaru sat behind the wheel of the car, doing something he had not done in many years - driving.
While it was true that he had much quicker means of travel at his disposal, they were either impractical or too noticeable. After all, a man flying through the air on something resembling a cloud along with two other people could hardly go unnoticed, and InuYasha and his miko had no energy forms in which to travel. Nor could he go bounding through the city as a giant dog.
He could not ask his brother to cease offering support to his mate, and so, he was forced to drive.
The taiyoukai paid little regard to traffic laws as he followed Kagome's directions. They had no time to waste. His only guide's powers would wane, and the tea would only replenish them by half each time she used it. Since she had already used it once to restore her energy to its full potential, the next time she would only regain half her power. And when her power ran out, the protection she was offering his mate would vanish as well.
Sesshomaru looked at the small box sitting on the seat beside him. Inside was the fan his mate used to command the wind. He did not wish for her to have to fight, but knew that she needed to be able to defend herself, since they knew not what to expect upon finding her.
InuYasha looked at Kagome. Already he could see that she was growing weary, and he prayed that the repeated draining of her energy would not harm the new life growing inside her. A sharp pain struck him when she gave him a reassuring smile. That she would worry about comforting him even though she was the one at risk provided proof, yet again, of the depth of her love for him.
The buildings grew smaller and thinned out as they reached the outskirts of the city, and Kagome fighting to stay conscious, asked for another dose of tea.
Kagome swallowed the slightly bitter mixture and felt some of her strength returning. She noticed that Sesshomaru had increased the speed of the car yet again, and was relieved. Time was running out. If they didn't get to where Kagura was being held soon, she would be out of power and unable to replenish it.
Kagura sat in a straight-backed chair. It was the only piece of furniture in the dank room she found herself in upon waking. Though she did not possess her mate's acute sense of smell - her's was still far better than a human's would be - and the odors of blood and death permeated the air around her, making her slightly ill.
The door opened and out of the shadows came two human men and two youkai. She evaluated the situation. The human men were of no consequence to her. She might not have her fan, but she was still a youkai and no human would be a match for her, especially since she would be protecting more than just her own life.
The youkai, though, could pose a problem. Perhaps if it were only one youkai she could escape, but with two as well as the human men, the chances of getting free without injury were not worth the risk of attempting it.
She had no doubt in her mind that Sesshomaru was coming for her. As soon as she was noticed missing, no force on earth or the heavens would be able to keep him from finding her. Her only concern was what her captors had planned for her until then. She didn't dare hope that they would be content to leave her alone. Men and youkai like these did not simply hold their captives and bide their time. She might be bait, but she was also a liability, even more so with the child she carried.
Those things, however, mattered not. No matter what her captor's intentions, she would not go quietly.
“So, the Great Dog's bitch has finally come to,” one of the youkai said.
Kagura thought he might be a vulture, with his talon like claws, but she couldn't be sure. He could just as easily have been any other bird type youkai.
“What's the matter, bitch? Cat got your tongue?” the bird squawked.
Kagura remained silent and wore the same stoic mask that usual adorned her mate's face. She ignored the asinine laughter of both the humans and the youkai at the ridiculously pathetic pun. If this was a measure of the intelligence of her captor, then she had nothing to fear.
The second youkai approached, and to her horror she noted that her was an inu youkai, a traitor to his own kind, and most likely, to his blood. There were few inu youkai that were not related - no matter how distantly - to Sesshomaru. She did not pity him what her mate was going to do when he was caught.
“Don't you know it's rude not to answer when someone is speaking to you?” the inu asked. “I would have thought the Inu no Taisho would have taught his bitch better manners than that. I guess I'll have to do it for him.”
Kagura waited, showing no signs that she would try and intercept his attack. Much to her surprise, before his hand could make contact with her face it was repelled with a burst of pink light and the scent of burning flesh filled the room. She could feel heat from the talisman against her chest and forced herself not to show her surprise.
“Did you think a youkai of my mate's power and standing would not have me protected in ways filth like you could never breach, nor even begin to comprehend?” Kagura laughed. “You are fools.”
“Insolent bitch,” the inu growled. Holding his burned hand he turned to the humans. “You two, strip her down. Take everything off her. That purifying energy ain't coming from her. She must have some sort protective item on her.”
Kagura sneered as the men approached. As soon as they were in her reach, she used her youki to repel then. While she needed her fan to direct most of her attacks, she was not without some small ability to command the wind without it. The two humans were knocked back into the wall.
“Enough,” a male voice commanded.
Kagura shuddered as the most unnatural youki she had ever felt brushed along her senses. The owner of that youki stepped into the light. His red eyes burned into her. Finally, her true enemy was revealed. She could tell at once that he was not as mindless as those who served his wishes were.
Without warning, he lashed out at her with several different attacks at once. Thankfully the barrier sprang to life on its own accord and repelled them all.
“The power of your sister-mate will not last forever,” Kousotsu said. “I am willing to wager that every attack on you weakens her, and so it is only a matter of time before she will no longer be able to protect you.”
Kagura flinched as an electric bolt of youki flew at her. She knew his assessment was most likely correct and wondered exactly how strong InuYasha's mate was. She was probably the first youkai to every pray for a miko to have limitless power.
"What makes you so sure that I need her protection?" Kagura asked. "I am not without power if my own."
"Ah yes, you command the wind, but I command the wind as well, and without that fan of yours, you are no match for me," Kousotsu taunted. "So do not think to intimidate me, or that you will be able to stand against my power once you no longer have the miko's protection."
"I fear not the likes of you. You are nothing but a coward, too afraid to face my mate in the open with honor. You hide behind those that are foolish enough to do your bidding," Kagura replied. "Release me now, and perhaps I can convince my mate to spare your life.
"I am what I was made to be," Kousotsu growled. "You have no idea of the torment I have faced at the hands of humans. It is beyond your comprehension what I was forced to endure as little more than a child. Your Great Dog Lord, your precious mate; it was because of his father that I lost my own and my mother and was turned into what I am now. Humans will never be able to handle the knowledge that youkai exist. They are petty, spiteful, fearful creatures that will wish only to have us under their control. I am going to set us free, and no one, not even the Inu no Taisho is going to stop me."
The assault on Kagura resumed with an attack of youki turned to fire, and this time Kagura felt the heat of the flame. She wondered if it meant that her protection was running short already.
When the next attack came in the form of blades of wind and she felt nothing, she began to think she had imagined the heat. The onslaught continued and the shield held.
Kagome was lying curled up in the back seat with her head in InuYasha's lap. She wanted to expend as little energy as possible. They weren't even there yet and she was going to have to ask for another dose of the tea soon. If she was lucky, it would work twice more before becoming ineffective.
Again she felt a pull on her power, and for a moment, darkness threatened. She curled her fingers and gripped the leg of InuYasha's pants to get his attention. She felt his hand smooth her hair gently.
“Did you need something, koibito?” he asked gently.
“Tired...” she murmured. “Tea.”
Had InuYasha not been hanyou, he would not have heard her request, but as it was, he lifted her slightly and held the nearly empty thermos to her lips. When Kagome finished drinking and once again rested in his lap, he noted that there was only enough tea for one more dose.
“Oi, Sesshomaru, step on it, would ya?” he asked, trying not to let his concern seep into his voice.
“Close,” Kagome said quietly. “To the left.”
No sooner than she had spoken, a small, unpaved road came into sight on the left. Sesshomaru slowed only slightly as he turned. Less then five minutes had passed when a large white building came into view. It was only two stories high, but encompassed a large amount of land.
Sesshomaru pulled the car to a stop. He stepped out and used all his senses to search for any traces of human or youkai in the surrounding area. Though he found none, his instincts were telling him that he could not believe what his senses were telling him.
InuYasha exited the car and came to stand beside his brother. “You see what the monk and I meant by the balance around here being too perfect?”
“Will you be staying with your miko?” Sesshomaru asked.
“I'm not staying here,” Kagome said as she tried to climb out of the car unsuccessfully.
InuYasha went to kneel before her, hearing Sesshomaru issuing orders into his cell phone. “It'll be safer for both you and the pup if you stay out here.”
“But it won't be safer for you,” Kagome told him. “I know that you are going to need me.”
“How do you know that?” InuYasha questioned.
“I can't explain it, I just do,” Kagome replied. “Please? I don't have the energy to argue with you.”
InuYasha growled, sighing, “Do you have the strength to hold on, wench?”
Kagome took the last dose of the tea, nodded, and climbed on as he offered her his back.
As they approached the building, Kagome tugged gently at InuYasha's hair. “Use the Red Tetsusaiga on the door.”
InuYasha set Kagome gently on the ground.
Sesshomaru stepped aside as InuYasha drew the fang of his father and it transformed. He watched as his brother closed his eyes, and soon the sword was engulfed in a red glow. InuYasha raised the sword over his head and brought it down. A barrier could bee seen shimmering, then dissolving, and the door was blown open behind it from the force of the sword's power.
InuYasha flattened his ears to his head as an alarm started to sound from inside. While he picked Kagome up, Sesshomaru went on ahead and into the building, leaving InuYasha hurrying to catch up.
In a flash of green, one alarm box was silenced by Sesshomaru's energy whip. He watched his brother pushed a locked door off its hinges with no effort at all.
The youkai managing the security controls came to his feet. He didn't have time to utter a word as Sesshomaru's poison claws shot through his chest and out the other side, dripping the corrosive poison onto the control panel and silencing all the alarms permanently.
Sesshomaru pulled his hand free and headed out of the room ignoring the convulsing youkai on the floor.
“Which way, miko?” he asked.
Kagome closed her eyes. “She's below us, and to the left.”
Kagura smiled inwardly as an alarm sounded. She knew it could only mean one thing: Sesshomaru had arrived.
Kousotsu growled. “Damn it.”
“Is there something wrong?” Kagura asked sweetly. “Are things not going according to your plan?”
“Quiet, bitch!” he yelled. “So the Great Dog arrived sooner than I expected. This changes things, but fear not, I have another plan that will not fail. I leave you now.” He turned to his youkai and human servant. “Continue to attack her barrier. You must drain it completely for my plan to succeed. Fail me and discover that there are many fates far worse than death.”
Sango and Miroku received the call from Sesshomaru and sped to the location. When they arrived, a pair of helicopters were also landing nearby. A tactical team of six men exited each chopper, followed by Sango's father.
In defiance, Sango took Miroku's hand as he approached.
Her father's frown deepened as he observed her gesture. “I see you have made your choice.”
“I have,” Sango replied.
“Then I-” her father began, but was cut off as Miroku grabbed him and pulled him close.
A shining barrier surrounded the three of them as a giant centipede demon came up, from the exact spot her father had been standing, and charged at them. The barrier fell and Sango wasted no time in throwing her Hiraikotsu, pushing her father to the ground as the giant bone came flying back into her hand, having completed its task.
The two teams of men ran over to offer aid to their commander. None had been prepared to act against such a threat. Lesser youkai were nonexistent in this time, or so they had thought. It had apparently never occurred to those in charge that even lesser youkai could have adapted and gone into hiding in remote areas, surviving on livestock and each other.
Miroku pulled out several sutras and readied his staff. “There are more coming.”
“What was that?” Sango's father asked.
“A youkai, now stay out of the way,” Sango replied as she launched her giant boomerang at a youkai about to take the heads off three of his men.
Both Miroku and Sango were wondering why youkai such as these would be working together at the command of another youkai, and both came to the same conclusion. Kousotsu must have promised them free reign to kill and eat humans in exchange for their cooperation.
Miroku spun as a serpent youkai sought to attack Sango from behind. He threw a holy sutra and then smashed his staff into the beast's head, destroying it.
“Thanks, monk,” Sango said with a smile as she glanced over her shoulder.
“Think nothing of it,” he replied. “You know, I enjoy watching your back, almost as much as I enjoy watching the rest of you.”
“Pervert,” she laughed. “Duck!”
Miroku crouched down and Sango swung her Hiraikotsu over his head, killing yet another youkai.
InuYasha carried Kagome down the stairs, following closely behind his brother. There were four hallways extending in opposite directions and Kagome directed them down the correct one.
The air was stale and InuYasha wrinkled his nose as the stench of death and blood began to fill the air around him. He couldn't even smell Kagome. It would have taken them forever to find Kagura without Kagome's help, since it was impossible to catch her scent.
Sesshomaru was about to open the door at the end of the hall, when Kagome stopped him.
“Wait...” She said weakly. “Trap... Will purify.”
Kagome raised her arm and reached out, over InuYasha's shoulder. There was a flash of pink light then Kagome's grip loosened completely. InuYasha moved to catch her, but Sesshomaru was quicker, and the taiyoukai gently lowered her to the floor.
A low growl filled the hall as Sesshomaru stood, and InuYasha knew why, as the faint smell of Kagura's blood reached him from the other side of the door.
The inu youkai guard sent a blade of his youki at Kagura, and the barrier that surrounded her was only able to slow it. She had just enough time to jump out of the way to avoid the full force of the attack, but it grazed her arm, making a shallow cut.
“It looks like your time has finally run out, bitch,” he growled.
The inu youkai paused in his journey across the room toward Kagura as the door came flying off its hinges and into the far wall at the back of the room. Faster than the eye could see he found himself suspended in the air, one clawed hand around his throat, and the other imbedded in his stomach.
“Your lack of respect for my mate has sealed your fate,” Sesshomaru growled. “My poison will see to it that you die a slow painful death.”
A Sesshomaru spoke the bird youkai thought to sneak up on him and attack. Before the badly wounded body of the offending inu youkai even hit the floor, Sesshomaru spun and used his energy whip to decapitate the coward who had thought to attack his back.
The two humans stood huddled together, pressed tightly against the wall as far away from the red-eyed taiyoukai as they could be.
Kagura approached her mate. She didn't so much as flinch when he ripped off the sleeve of her shirt and inspected her wound. It was already healing, but he wrapped it with fabric torn from her garment. When he was satisfied, he turned his sights on the humans.
As he stalked toward them the pungent stench of urine and excrement filled the air. With a hand on each of their throats he pinned them to the wall.
“Do you wish to share his fate?” Sesshomaru asked, indicating with his head the inu youkai on the floor, currently convulsing and coughing up blood.
Both human men shook their heads as best they could, being pinned to the wall.
“Then you will tell me everything you know about the demon you work for,” he said.
InuYasha carried Kagome away from the door and a good distance down the hall, so that if anyone were to manage to get past his brother and come running out, he would have the room to defend Kagome and prevent their escape.
He crouched down in front of her and smoothed her hair, planting a soft kiss on her forehead. “Soon, koibito, I'll take you home so you can rest and recover your strength. Just stay strong a little bit longer for me.”
InuYasha spun when he sensed someone approach. He stood knees slightly bent and arms at his side, ready to attack
“It is only I,” Kagura said. “Sesshomaru asked that I come and tell you that he requires your assistance.”
InuYasha looked at Kagome and back at Kagura.
“Worry not. I will watch over her and defend her with my life if need be,” she assured him. Kagura walked over to Kagome and kneeled down. “She will be safe with me.”
InuYasha didn't want to leave her, but knew that Kagura would keep her word. He raced down the hall to see what Sesshomaru needed.
Miroku and Sango were both panting lightly by the time the last demon was slain. It would have been much less tiring if the special government soldiers had been of more help, but it was obvious that none had been trained to deal with youkai like the ones they had just encountered.
Miroku pulled Sango into his embrace. “Are you unharmed?”
“I'm fine,” she assured him. “What about you?”
“In need of a bath, but otherwise unscathed,” Miroku replied.
Sango laughed lightly, even though it was her fault he had been sprayed with youkai guts as she killed a flying insect youkai right over his head. “Maybe next time I tell you to move, you'll do it a little more quickly.”
“Ah, but then I would have no reason to ask you to bathe with me,” Miroku whispered against her ear.
Sango blushed and looked up as her father cleared his throat for a few feet away. The look on his face was inscrutable. Miroku started to release her but she held him more tightly around the waist, and in response to her cue, he did the same.
“I am not a man who easily admits when he has made a mistake,” her father said. “Though this is one I cannot afford to leave uncorrected. No father ever thinks any man is good enough for his daughter, but it became clear to me watching the two of you today that you, daughter, have made a wise choice. I have in the past given him no reason to aid me, and yet, he saved me without a second thought and protected you as well. I hope you both can forgive a man his mistakes and that we can start again from this point.”
Miroku looked at Sango only to find her looking up at him with damp eyes. He could see that she was waiting for him to decide whether or not to give her father a chance.
“I have made plenty of mistake of my own,” Miroku offered. “I would be willing to put any past hostilities aside and move forward. There is only one thing to be discussed before we do so.”
Sango looked at him questioningly, and her father waited to hear what he would say.
“Will you also be willing to accept Sango's chosen profession and still allow her to see Kohaku?” Miroku asked.
“She clearly has a gift,” her father said at last. “It would be wrong of me not to acknowledge it. It was also wrong of me to resort to such a threat. Can you forgive me Sango?”
Sango finally released Miroku and went to her father. She hugged him tightly. “Of course I can father,” she said softly.
Sango released her father as InuYasha stepped outside with Kagome in his arms.
“Is she all right?” Miroku called.
InuYasha looked at him strangely for a moment before answering. “She just used too much of her energy. I am going to go ahead and get her out of here.”
InuYasha continued on to a parked car, loaded Kagome in the back seat, and drove away.
InuYasha entered the room where his brother had two humans pinned to the wall.
“Hey Sesshomaru, what did you-” he didn't finish, looking to the corner of the room to find Kagura sitting in a chair waiting for her mate to finish his interrogation.
“InuYasha, what are you doing in here?” Sesshomaru asked. “Surely you did not leave your mate vulnerable and unattended.”
Without a word InuYasha ran back out into the hall.
Kagome was gone.
He raced up the stairs and through the building, stopping once he was outside. He spotted Sango and Miroku at once.
“Did you see Kagome?” he asked.
Miroku and Sango just gaped at him, neither able to comprehend how exactly InuYasha had managed to leave with Kagome in a car and then come running out of the building within the span of a minute.
“Damn it, answer me!” he yelled.
“We saw her,” Miroku offered. “We saw you carry her out of the building and drive off with her in a car.”
“How?” Sango questioned.
“That fucking bastard tricked me,” he growled. “He's got Kagome, and it's all my fault. I promised to protect her and I failed when she needed me most.”
InuYasha sunk to his knees.