InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Milkshakes on Saturday Afternoons ❯ Chapter 1: Rollerskates and Broken Dishes ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Milkshakes on Saturday Afternoons
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of Inuyasha, nor do I own the following songs. Please review!!!!
Inspirations (listen while you read)
“Sherry” by The 4 Seasons
“Splish Splash” by Bobby Darin
“Jailhouse Rock” by Elvis
Chapter 1: Roller-skates and Broken Dishes
A puddle of filth clouded the diner's coral and java colored tiles, as a lone employee scrubbed vigorously on all fours while “Sherry” by The 4 Seasons played brightly out of the jukebox in the corner. Her inky black hair sat upon her head in a disheveled bun and sweat dripped from her brow.
It had been a summer of extreme heat and new responsibilities. That was the same summer that 16 year old Kagome, the official name of the previously mentioned waitress, had become eligible to work in the town's diner. Accepting the job that was offered to her, instantly, she really had no room for complaints. Though the extensive hours could sometimes feel unbearable and the labor merciless, but overall Kagome felt at home simply being in Little Betty's Diner.
Though adapting to the bitter and unpleasant personality of her new boss had been an obstacle at first, making friends had never been an issue for Kagome and her upbeat, energetic self. It had only been her third day working in the diner that she was assigned dish washing duty due to shortness of staff…
`oh shit! oh shit!' Kagome panicked as she kicked fragments of another broken dish under the sink. Bubbles overflowed at a violent rate and soon a flood of dirty water collected under Kagome's feet. 'What did I get myself into? Hell, I don't even wash my own dishes at home'.
“You's easier if you just brush them under the rug,” a chuckling voice stated from the kitchen doors.
Another dish dropped from Kagome's frigid hands while she turned ever-so-slowly towards the mysterious voice. With guilty, frightened eyes Kagome observed as a woman about the age of 19 strutted towards her and the mess she had created.
“You can speak English right?” the unfamiliar girl joked as she nudged Kagome's fragile shoulder with her fist.
Kagome let out a chain of nervous, dry giggles.
“Hey, lighten up kid…I was just joking around,” the girl said while she eyed Kagome with a concerned wonder in her eyes. “The name's Sango. I take it you're the fresh meat that Sesshomaru convinced to work in this lovely dump,” she stuck out her hand and firmly grasped Kagome's own soapy hand.
Sango's dark auburn hair was pulled up into a high ponytail that rested contently on top of her head. It wasn't that her face gave away her mature age, for it was decorated with light pink eye shadow and magenta eyeliner with only a clear gloss to coat her plump lips, but really her figure. Sango appeared a couple inches taller than Kagome, despite the fact both were wearing their robin's egg blue roller-skates, and Kagome couldn't help but notice Sango's curvy, slim body filled out her uniform quite well. Unconsciously Kagome looked down at her own lean figure disappointed when it wasn't as womanly and full.
Finally, A comfortable smile slowly spread itself across Kagome's rosy lips. “Heh, you can call me Kagome. And if I didn't need the money so bad, I'd gather my belongings and sprint like hell,” Kagome confided in Sango. “I really don't recall ever agreeing to this kind of labor…”
“At least you haven't been working here for three very slow years. Let me tell ya, the constant sound of fifties music can really get to your head when you've been working eight hours straight,” Sango warned in a grim tone. “It's nice to see a new face around here, Kagome. I can already tell we're gonna be great friends!”
Sango greeted Kagome with a warm chuckle while she picked up the recent cracked dish Kagome had mindlessly dropped. “Why don't I show you around? Ya know, so you can get to know the rest of us here at the diner!” As if Kagome had a choice… Sango gripped Kagome's wrist securely and led her through the Kitchen's large off-white doors.
“Hey pervert! Get over here and introduce yourself to my new friend. And behave yourself or I'll adorn your nasty head with another bump,” Sango warned abusively to the boy wiping down the bar's counter.
“Oh Sango, how you pain me so,” whined the older boy with a mischievous gleam in his eyes. He walked forward to examine the new beauty that accompanied his precious Sango. “Ahem,” he cleared his throat in what was supposed to be a seductive manner, “I'm Miroku, I do all of the cooking around here. And what might you're name be, earthly angel?”
Miroku's unusual violet eyes intimidated Kagome, as well as his smooth, masculine voice. His sleek black hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail at the nape of his neck and his face showed no signs of stubble as it were freshly shaven and baby-butt soft. Kagome hadn't been around many guys in her lifetime, but it wasn't difficult to tell that this guy was definitely coming on to her and that wasn't a pleasant thought.
“Um oh well… I-,” Kagome's weak voice stumbled while Miroku twirled a loose strand of her ebony hair around his finger. “My name's Kagome,” she said while cautiously backing up into a safer area.
“Ah. My dear Kagome, what a delightful name for such a dainty broad,” Miroku winked at her discreetly. “Would you please do the honor of bearing my children, my beautiful Ka-“ Miroku had barely spit out her name before Sango, with darkness shadowing her eyes, clobbered Miroku on the skull. All the while a petrified Kagome watched from afar as her new friend heaved Miroku's unconscious body over her shoulder and back into the Kitchen's flapping doors.
Alone at last, Kagome wandered over to the bar with its glittered, java stools and recently waxed countertop. Kagome let out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding in and leaned her elbows on the counter, closing her eyes and humming along to Elvis', “Jailhouse Rock”, that boomed throughout the empty diner. A content grin played on her lips as she spun her stool round and round along with the music.
“Hey! That looks like fun,” two sugary, sweet voices yelled in unison over the genius of Elvis' music.
Kagome cracked open her eyes and watched as two girls skated towards her in uniforms similar to her own. Both wearing friend smiles on their faces, the eldest of the two decided to speak out first.
“Hmmm, I don't recall seeing you around here before so that must make you the new girl,” the older girl observed. Just as Kagome reached her hand towards the stranger, a shriek arose from the kitchen following the sound of pots and pans banging.
They turned their attention back towards each other giggling. “I take it you've already been introduced to Sango and Miroku. They love each other…I just don't think they realize it yet,” spoke the shorter girl.
Kagome feeling the need to say something shook both girls' hands, introducing herself as the new waitress Sesshomaru had hired. When and excited gasp came from the younger of the two, the other shook her head in embarrassment.
“We apologize for not introducing ourselves before. My name is Ayame and this here is Rin. Actually you two look to be about the same age, perhaps you've met before. I've been working here along with Sango and Miroku for about 3 years, well at least since this place opened up. And well, as you can see little Rin hasn't had much more experience as you,” she spoke while poking Rin in the shoulder.
A darling smile replaced itself on Ayame's face as she directed her attention to the large cerise doors that served as an entrance to the diner, when a broad shouldered man walked towards the group of girls.
Kagome gazed enviously as Ayame was swept off her feet and into the man's arms while they kissed passionately, oblivious to the others watching while the lovers laughed to themselves.
“Her boyfriend…” Rin whispered excitedly as she sat down next to Kagome. “Kouga works as a cook here along with Miroku.”
While the two girls watched dazed by the love shared between Ayame and her boyfriend, the kitchen doors swung open followed by an unusually calm Sango and a badly beaten Miroku.
“Sorry to keep you waiting,” Sango stated in a composed voice, “Miroku had a bad accident in the Kitchen.” The group's attention was then directed towards Miroku who was sporting a fashionably bandaged head and black eye. Giggles suddenly erupted as Miroku and Sango sat down at the bar.
“Well I'm happy to see that you've met the rest of the crew, Kagome! We're like a little dysfunctional family, this diner. Haha they don't bite…well except maybe Kouga, but he's another story,” Sango teased earning a sharp glare from Kouga that she instantly brushed off.
“Welcome to the family, Kagome!” they all shouted in unison while parading around the diner's spacious eating area.
End of Flashback
Kagome looked up from the soapy scum covering the floor and wrung the dripping towel out in the bucket. Two weeks had passed since she met her “diner family” and things had been looking up for her. Even her boss, Sesshomaru, had been cutting her some slack and let her take off work earlier every now and then. Craning her neck to look at the large clock that hung above the boxy, emerald jukebox she clumsily dropped her towel back into the bucket when she realized the time.
'Oh gods! How could I have not realized the time going by?' Kagome shot up onto her skates, grabbed her coat and dashed for the door colliding into the poor soul that decided to walk into the diner just at that moment.