InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miroku and Sango: A Deadly Relationship ❯ Reunited ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Miroku: It’s over. I’ll miss you, Sango…
He turned around, looking for an exit. Miroku felt something behind him and quickly turned around. There was Sango.. the real one. Miroku knelt down beside her and lifted her.
Miroku: I hope this will make you happy, I did it for you… I’m sorry for everything that happened. I just love you so much…
Miroku leaned down and kissed her.
Suddenly, Sango started to glow, then the glow faded. She slowly opened her eyes. She saw Miroku kissing her, and let the moment pass by for a few seconds, then gently slapped him on his cheek. Miroku stopped kissing her and looked at her, very shocked yet relived.
Sango*cheerfully*: Your such a pervert, Miroku…
Miroku smiled relieving and Sango hugged him. She was crying.
Sango: Oh Miroku.. I love you so much. You are the type of man I have been dreaming of.
Miroku laughed to himself: I’m glad you feel that way. *Hugs her back*
The two stand up, Sango puts her arm around Miroku’s neck and her hand on his wound as Miroku opened a portal with his spiritual powers.
They were back in the real world. They picked up Kirara, and Sango got her armor and hirakostu back. The two started walking through a path in the forest leading to the village. Kagome, Inuyasha and Shippo ran toward them.
Kagome: Oh, I’m so glad you both are ok!
Shippo: Are you alright, Miroku?
Miroku: Yeah, did you destroy Naoko’s demon?
Inuyasha: Yeah, it was too easy.
Shippo glared at him: Is that why you fell unconscious eight times?
Inuyasha punched Shippo on the head: SHUT UP!
*Inuyasha falls to the ground. Miroku and Sango look at each other and laugh*
*On the way to Kaede’s Village*
Sango*holding Miroku’s hand*: Well, that was sure the adventure, eh Miroku?
Miroku smiled at her.
Kagome and Shippo watched dreamily at the couple. Inuyasha stared blankly.
Kagome: They do make the best couple.
Shippo: Maybe today, Miroku can avoid being a lech-
*Sango squeals*
Inuyasha, Kagome, Shippo: EH?
Miroku: What?! I can’t help it!
Shippo: Never mind.
*Sango walks ahead angrily, then stops and starts giggling. She heard Miroku doing the same*
Sango *in head while looking at the ring she bought for Miroku*: I wonder if he’ll ever change.