InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miroku and Sango: A Deadly Relationship ❯ Final Battle ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Miroku: Where...where am I?
He looked around. He could see nothing but the shadowy dome around him. Suddenly, Miroku heard a voice behind him. A voice that made him gasp.
He quickly turned around.. there was Sango, smiling at him. Miroku's emotion could not be described in words. He dropped his staff and slowly walked toward her.
Sango: I'm so glad your ok.
Miroku: I..c-can't believe it. Y-your a-alive?
Sango giggled and threw her arms around Miroku's neck. She nodded.
Sango: I love you more than anyone I've ever met.
Miroku gasped, then held Sango slightly tighter. He looked down at her face, smiling.
Miroku than reached for her "backside" and rubbed. She didn't do anything.
He quickly stuck a sutra on her forehead and jumped backward. Steam was coming from "Sango" and she screamed in pain.
Miroku: Hmph.. Sango would have reacted differently. Your not her and you'll never will be.
The fake Sango dissolved and Naoko's voice was speaking in the background.
Naoko: Really, I thought that you would like to be with your so called "Love".
Naoko: You will perish! *blasts black lightning*
*The bolt went around his tunnel and struck Miroku*
Miroku*blocking his head with his arm*: ( Will this really be it? I can't..)
Voice: Don't give up just yet, my young Miroku
Miroku looked up. Everything disappeared except his grandfather smiling in front of him.
Miroku: What?! Grandfather?!
Monk Miatsu: Dear Miroku. You can't give up just yet. Use the love for the girl burning in your heart to power up your gift.
Miroku looked at his hand: My Gift? The Wind Tunnel?
Miatsu nodded: Gather all that love and use it along with the wind tunnel.
Miroku nodded as his grandfather disappeared.
Miroku: I understand. Sango...
*Everything goes back to normal and Naoko still is laughing*
Naoko gasped as the wind tunnel was as powerful as ever before. He could hear her scream fainting, and stopped when she was completely gone.
Everything was black now. Miroku placed a hand over a wound on his arm.