InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Heart Will Never Know ❯ Sessho My Lover ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
My Heart Will Never Know
By Moonraker One

CHAPTER TWO - Sessho My Lover

A gentle breeze whooshed by a feminine figure as she inched backwards, gathering strength in her limbs. Squinting her eyes in order to get her target within her immediate sight only, she clenched her fists and held her breath a moment. Faster than anyone could blink, she flung herself forth with all the speed of a lightning bolt, stopping an inch short of the tree. It was a mighty one; no less than three hundred feet tall and six feet wide. Thrusting her right fist forward with left fist directly beneath it, she transferred almost all of her momentum into the blows, feeling the impact as her hands struck the tree, the force of which blasted a cleanly-round hole through the tree. Separated from its base by her powerful strike, the part of the tree above the impact zone leaned forward, snapping off and plummeting downward. She shot a single hand upward and caught the massive piece of wood and pushed it aside as though it were nothing, although the thud rattled the ground for hundreds of yards in every direction when the tree’s upper section landed. That seems like an adequate test of my abilities, even if it was only a tiny fraction of my capability, Kagome thought.
A rustling caught her attention a moment before several human auras along with one particularly powerful demon one came into her field of sensing. Looking around, she recognized some of the figures–Kikyo, Sango, Miroku, Inu-Yasha, to name a few–but there happened to be a few new ones she hadn’t before seen. Obviously, some of the villagers had been brought against their will by Kaede. Inu-Yasha looked at his former partner, half in disgust, half happier than ever because she was alive and okay. However, he knew the energies coming off of her were vastly different than had previously been.
He spat on the ground and regarded her with calm authority. “Kagome,” he half said half grunted. “I see you’ve somehow decided to become demonic.”
She cocked her lip upward into a grin. “The idea struck me as a good deal,” she fired off. “Besides, I always knew I had more potential in me than you gave me credit for.” Inu-Yasha mimicked her grin; she was correct.
“Yeah, I thought you could possibly become something more than what I thought originally. But now that you’re a demon, it’s gonna make it that much easier for me to let go.” She saw his hand rocket towards his side in attempt to unsheathe Tetsusaiga. Before the blade could even be touched by his hand, a white figure descended from the thick layer created by the dense leaf-filled tree tops, and landed in the center of the circle of warriors. Effortlessly, he drew his own sword and, lifting it above his head, hastily drove it into the soil, shattering the ground seemingly like glass and throwing dirt clods in every direction, temporarily distracting everyone except Kagome. A hand waved.
“LET’S GO!” Sesshomaru shouted. Dashing off, she quickly decided to follow him. She sped up to him hastily and they ran side-by-side at a pace far too quick for any of Inu-Yasha’s group to catch up to. Going more than forty miles per hour, it didn’t take long for them to be far out of sight of their pursuers. They slowed to a stop outside the forest. “Now–what’d you say your name was? Kagome?”
She blinked. “Yeah, that’s it.” Her smile returned. “You decided to take me up on my offer?”
“Yes! Yes!” he said, surrendering to her in a sense. “I’ll help you get revenge on my brother.”
“No you don’t; that’s my task alone. My offer was for you and I to get along and become partners!” He stood apprehensively; never before had he met a demon who could potentially be as manipulative as this former human girl. Then again, he would be gaining a powerful ally, who’d be sure to help him in times of despair.
Clenching his teeth grudgingly, he replied, “Fine. I’ll be your partner.” He shook an index finger in her face. “But you listen here! I’m in charge of Shikon shards! Those damned things are mine!” He and her began to walk lockstep with each other out of the forest. The whole way, she was contemplating things that Inu-Yasha would consider frightening, and Sesshomaru found himself repeatedly glancing off and on at her rear. His instinctual desire confused him; when she was human, sexual desires never touched him, for he could dismiss her as a useless mortal. Now that demon energies–whose magnitudes rivaled his own–came off of her, it was as if lust itself had possessed him. He used his demonic eyes to look through her clothing at her perfect frame–her body seemed devoid of bulges and unsightly imperfections–and he wanted her. He wanted so badly to touch every inch of her body. As a human, she repulsed him; as a demon, she suddenly found herself the answer to his every sexual desire he’d ever felt, and a few he’d never felt. She reached over and rubbed the back of his neck with her right hand, he stopped midstep as though she’d melted him. It took every bit of free will in his mind to remind himself that she only wanted more power; he knew this because he’d been used before. She smiled as though she took delight in being accepted and loved, while Sesshomaru, was on fire inside.
“Please…” he half-spoke half-moaned. She winked at him.
“No,” he heard her say. It was as if a gigantic rock had fallen from the sky and flattened him beneath it; his world just slipped downward a bit. At first it confused him, but a few moments later, it angered him; how could she, a relatively unknown demon, refuse him, the Lord of the Western Lands!? Without a word, he grasped her shoulders tightly and pushed her to the ground with him on top of her. He took her shirt in his right hand and effortlessly tore it off of her body. He’d prepared to tear off her skirt, but looking at her breasts–supported perfectly by her bra–he began to drool.
She smiled sweetly. “Good job; you were preparing to take exactly what you wanted,” she said, analyzing his actions. She placed both hands on his chest and thrust him off of her and into a tree. “But you hesitated, so the answer is no,” she finished, mentally summoning a new set of clothes. She stood up and waited for him to brush himself off and do the same. “If there’s anything you want in this world, you have to simply take it and damn the consequences.”
He chuckled. “When did this wondrous revelation strike you?”
“You passed my test, now let’s go. We’ve got shikon shards to gather. Before we try to storm Inu-Yasha and his group for theirs, let’s get the rest from Naraku and any other demons.” He clenched his teeth; she had complete and utter control over him and he hated every second of it. As long as he kept resisting her temptations, they would only build within him and cause him to want her more. He wondered how long exactly he could keep up the I-don’t-care attitude. Maybe he could try again later. She knew she had just enslaved his instincts, and secure in that knowledge, she could bend him like a rubber band to her will. She savored every second of knowing that a flame of lust burned deep inside him, and she had far too much power for him to act on those instincts.


“Damn it all!” shouted Inu-Yasha, kicking up dust around the campfire. All his allies sat around him waiting for his next words. He regarded them all with anger in his eyes; they had followed his plan exactly, Kaede had used her best possible demon tracking spell to locate Kagome, and they made sure that all escapes were covered, but still there’d been a way to defeat his perfect plan. The truth was, he hadn’t counted on her having discussed anything with Sesshomaru that would warrant his intervention. “How the hell did she tempt my brother?!” Sango had a potential idea.
“Inu-Yasha,” she said, staring up at him from her position near the campfire. “You know she’s become a demon, right?” Inu-Yasha angrily interrupted her.
“What is it!? I’m trying to think!”
“Didn’t you notice that Sesshomaru had his right arm?” she said to him. The hanyou stared at her as though she were nuts, and then he realized that she was correct. He remembered having seen–even if only briefly–that his brother had the arm that Inu-Yasha himself had cut off. He thought it either Kagome’s doing, or Naraku’s doing, and he was banking on the former. “Didn’t that strike you as weird? Weird, I mean, that not only did he have his right arm, but he saved Kagome? I think they made some sort of deal!”
“There was no deal, idiot!” he shouted, causing her to sit down. “If I know Kagome, she did better than any measly deal. I’m sure she found a way to ensnare him within her complete control. She found a way to get him to obey her every wish. I think she’s used her feminine qualities and his…instincts…to enslave him by means of lust.” The idea seemed so foreign to Kaede and the others whom had been around Kagome long enough to get to know her more intricately. Not even Kikyo could possibly imagine that such a thing could be true; that a woman that had so selflessly given it her all in order to help them track down the shikon shards, would be so manipulative as to use a male demon’s natural urges to put him under her spell. Especially not Miroku, who deep inside, wanted to act upon his male urges towards her.
“Inu-Yasha!” shouted the elderly Kaede. “You can’t possibly believe that!” He shot her a glance that immediately seemed to prove his point in her mind, against her hopes.
“It’s my fault, you know.” He shook his head with a solemn look in his eyes. It seemed like he was wallowing, but he wasn’t; he knew it had partially been his fault. “If I hadn’t been so quick to announce my choice of Kikyo over her,” he was quick to turn to her, “which I don’t regret and I DID mean, maybe it wouldn’t have driven her to make herself a demon.”
“You really can’t blame her though,” Miroku added to Inu-Yasha’s statement. The hanyou wanted to blame her, but he knew part of the blame rested upon the weakness of the proverbial heart. “You know she did it just to get over you.”
“Or worse,” Kikyo finally added, by means of her woman’s wisdom. “she did it to get revenge upon you. She figured you seeing her with your ass of a brother would make you jealous.” She elbowed him in the chest. “Which won’t happen, will it Inu-Yasha?” He forcefully shook his head, despite the fact that deep down, he refused to believe that a tainted soul such as Sesshomaru deserved a priceless, perfect jewel such as Kagome.
Miroku had a question on his mind created by the events of earlier. “Inu-Yasha, you went for Tetsusaiga. Were you really intent on killing her?”
The hanyou shook his head. “Nope. I just wanted to scare her a bit, frighten her into submission.”
The perverted priest cracked a mild laugh. “Fat lot of good THAT did.”


Sesshomaru sat in front of the campfire at his temporary campsite, surrounded by trees on all sides and the sounds of the forest keeping him at attention at all times. He was the Lord of the Western Lands; usurpers were about–as were demons–and neither ever seemed to require much sleep. Across from him sat the manipulative demoness that knew just which strings of his to pull to mold him to her will. She sat gnawing upon a morgia root, a plant that concealed bad breath and increased a person’s stamina with a certain chemical released upon chewing. She held it up, a wordless offer to him; he accepted with a mere nod of his head, and she hurled it over the flame for him to catch. She’d chewed off a good portion of the nutrient-rich upper root, but at least she’d left him the lower root. Jaken, who sat adjacent to his master, lifted his meager plate of scraps, a small bit of food gathered hastily during the short servant’s free time. Sesshomaru tore off a section of the lower portion of the morgia root and placed it upon his servant’s plate. It was a useful plant to have on a long journey. Plus, the root could be boiled and the chemical would be extracted into the water, where it would become a thick paste for tending to more severe puncture wounds.
“Kagome,” he said, finishing the last bit of food she’d brought him from the inner forest, “you were around my brother a lot, other than fighting demons, what training did he undergo that prepared him for his fights against me?” She shook her head.
“I don’t remember him ever training outside of fighting demons for their jewel shards,” she explained. “I don’t know how he got the skill to defeat you so easily. Maybe YOU should train.”
Sesshomaru gritted his teeth. “I DO train,” he grudgingly admitted. “That’s what confuses me. I don’t understand his power.” Kagome rolled her eyes.
“Let ME help you out with the whole ‘power issue,’” she uttered, taking a sheet of paper from her pocket. She’d kept a few extra sheets in case something came about. Drawing quickly, she made a sketch of black armor with spikes around the edges. It consisted of a torso plate, covering chest, stomach, and back, as well as shoulders. Along with it were gloves that were quite flexible and hard, as well as the most durable of boots. Once she was finished, she handed the sheet to Sesshomaru, who stared at the piece of paper without comprehension. “Now imagine yourself wearing this outfit, and it will happen.”
He closed his eyes and pictured himself wearing the armor she’d designed, and immediately the paper vanished in a bit of flame, changing his outfit to the armor. He examined himself and found it to be very comfortable and flexible, and not at all in the way of his movement. She looked at it on him and smiled.
“I call this, your spirit armor,” she explained. “With this on, your power is magnified by a factor of ten. Also, it will enable you to see enemies even in the pitch black.” He turned to her with a confused look.
“And of you…?” he asked. She rolled her eyes again. With a single thought, she changed her outfit to an exact duplicate of his, with one visible exception: hers was pale white instead of all black.
She winked at him. “I save the best for myself.”
“Ah, I see. So, when do we launch our first attack?”
She scoffed. “On Inu-Yasha and his friends? They have at least half the shikon jewel; we attack them tomorrow morning. First, we take away from someone who has at least four shards. He’s a demon that lives on the other side of those tall mountains you see behind you.”
He turned his head to examine the mountains behind him, and then turned to her and laughed. She couldn’t possibly be serious, he thought. “Are you joking? That’s at least a six hour climb!” He folded his arms, unable to believe that she knew what she was saying. She, however, didn’t seem phased by his realization.
“That’s what the armor does also,” she reminded him, hovering a few feet above the ground and coming back down. He looked at her and could barely believe what he saw. He could imagine her creating an armor from nothing that had immense power, but how could she so easily break the boundaries of gravity? She took to the air, and stopped only for a moment to wave him on. He took to the air–a new action for him–and clumsily hovered around a bit until he could catch up and fly in unison with her. He marveled at her hair; how it fluttered about in the breeze as they streaked through the sky seemed to be the essence of beauty to him. He shook his head; it was such thoughts that enslaved him to her will. It was dazzling to him; the thrill of flying by your own ability. Never before had he experienced such a thing, with the knowledge that it was your own energy that flew you through the air. Suddenly he shook his head; what demon lived on the other side of the mountains? He didn’t remember any such demon. Then again, the last time he went to the other side of those mountains was at least thirty years ago.
Once over the mountains, the cold air near the summit causing a chill to pass through them, she came to a landing just twenty feet away from a small hut a short ways’ descent from the peak. Sesshomaru looked around; the cold air of the evening almost caused him to shiver as he walked just behind Kagome towards a small hut. It looked more like a shack than a dwelling, but then again, demons didn’t like conspicuousness very much; it drew unwanted guests. He analyzed the way she walked towards the building, and wondered how she suddenly became so knowledgeable in the demonic locals that inhabited this area of the mountains. Surely, he thought, she couldn’t have learned about all the demons that lived in these parts just in her short time adventuring with his ignorant brother, Inu-Yasha. It burned his mind to think of his brother, that insignificant hanyou that had bested him numerous times. If only he’d had the tetsusaiga instead of his brother, if only, he thought. Then again, he DID have the tokijin, which was equal in power, if not better. His thought process suddenly got broken when he heard her call to the inhabitants of the dwelling.
“Kaagan,” she called out, causing a cloud of vapor to come from underneath the door to the hut. “You know you can’t hide from me, Kaagan.” He squinted as he watched the cloud rapidly assume a more physical body, a form that towered at least three feet above Kagome. He instinctively drew tokijin, but she motioned for him to put it away, and he did.
“What are YOU doing here, Kagome?” the ugly mass of flesh and muscle demanded. “I told your friend, that hanyou what’s-his-name, to get the hell off my property and never come back! If you don’t leave at once, I’ll kill you!” She smiled; it was a smile that meant she had something planned.
“Kaagan,” she told the creature, “I thought we were friends!” Sesshomaru flinched; he felt an enormous energy coming off of the demon at hand, and his eyes grew wide as he saw the creature drawing back his giant hand.
“I warned you,” the creature merely stated, and drew a mighty claw-like hand above its head. Kagome stood hard as a stone, refusing to move with a smirk on her face. Sesshomaru couldn’t stand the thought of her getting killed so quickly into their adventure, and leapt toward the creature, tokijin drawn and ready to attack. Before he could get within range to strike at the beast, she slammed her right fist into the abdomen of the creature. Immediately upon impact, her fist separated his upper torso from his lower legs, splattering blood on the hut and dropping both halves of him on the ground, turning the snow red. Sesshomaru put his sword back into its sheath, standing agape in disbelief at the sudden display of power. He looked at her.
“Kagome,” he uttered, attempting to understand what had just happened. The beast she’d just destroyed emitted quite a bit more powerful aura than her one minute, then the next she powered up so quickly that he didn’t sense the increase in ability. One hit destroyed a creature that was several times more powerful than he predicted. At this point, he began to doubt his own abilities when compared with hers. “What the hell just happened?” She reached downward and pulled the Shikon shard out of the creature’s head. It was roughly a sixth of the whole jewel, which was even more of a cause of concern for him. That creature had a great deal of power thanks to a large portion of the jewel, yet she still was able to annihilate him quickly. She tossed the jewel shard to him.
“You said you wanted to hold on to these, right?” she said, smirking. “Well, go on ahead; I don’t need ‘em.” As he looked at the portion of the Shikon jewel, he tossed it into his mouth and swallowed it. His power, predictably, went up several times, yet his female companion did not seem fazed.
He shook his head; he doubted he’d ever fully understand women.
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