InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Life With You ❯ Prove It To Me ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

This is my 3rd fanfic and please let me know what you think about.
Hope that you enjoy.
Chapter One
Prove It To Me.
She stood at the top of the hill, looking down at the village that she had grown to love. The breeze was lightly blowing across her face, blowing her long ebony hair behind her.
She sighed and thought about the events that happened the day before she had returned to her time.
~ * ~
Flash Back
“You are such a lecture! I can't believe that I could of even considered…!”
“Considered what, Sango?” Miroku interrupted the very annoyed demon slayer. “That perhaps you would want to be with me or even bear my children?”
Sango just stood there with her eyes frozen on the monk, her face red with anger and embarrassment. Kagome sat next to the fire acting like she was studying one of her books. With Shippou sound asleep in her lap and Inuyasha leaning against a tree behind her.
“How can I think that with you wandering off with every woman that crosses your eyes!” She yelled back in defense.
Miroku couldn't comment to her rebuttal; it was true that Miroku was a lover of all woman, but the truth was he really only had eyes for one woman and that was the woman standing right in front of him. The woman, who at that point of time wanted him dead and he couldn't blame her. Miroku then looked at the woman he had desired to have since they had met. His heart was beating fast. He tried to look angry but fail, with his head down and eyes shut, and with a heart broken voice said softly.
“You honestly don't know Sango..?
Sango looked into the eyes of the man that she loved, her heart was full of anger and betrayal, she couldn't stand to look into his eyes, those eyes that were normally blue but for some reason they were dark full of pain and the suffering , reflecting the flames of the campfire in them. She sighed and walked off. Leaving the monk standing there to watch her fade into the dark forest.
Miroku stood in front of the fire staring down at the dancing flames not knowing what to do, he knew that he loved her, but what could he do to convince her of that? With a swift motion he turned and headed off in the direction that Sango left in. Not knowing what he was going to do or say, but he just couldn't lose her.
Kagome sat there with disbelief of what she just heard from her two friends. She looked over to the right of her where Inuyasha sat leaning against a tree with his eyes shut. “Hey, Inuyasha, stay here and look after Shippou for me, I'll be right back.” She got up brushed the dirt off her skirt and headed towards the forest.
“Where the hell do you think you are goin', wench?” Inuyasha asked with his eyes still shut. Kagome gave the half-asleep hanyou a smirk
“I don't think that is any of your business Inuyasha.”
Inuyasha looked over at the girl, “Don't do it, Kagome, this is none of your concern.”
Kagome looked over towards him and said with a falsely serene voice, “I am just going to the bathroom, if that is alright with you?” With that said, she faded into the darkness of the forest.
Inuyasha knew better then to believe her. So with a groan he got up and stared to follow the girl.
In the woods, Kagome was having a hard time finding her two friends. She stopped where she was to see if she could hear them. All around she could hear crickets and owls, the sounds that she would never hear in her own time. The peaceful sounds that made this era so wonderful, but the sounds were interrupted by a loud smack. `There they are.' She thought, and in no time she had caught up with them. She slounched down behind a tree so that they wouldn't see her. She sat in silence and listened.
“Sango, you can run all you want but I'm not going to stop following you until you hear me out!” he shouted to the annoyed slayer.
Sango stopped in her tracks and with her back still turned she finally gave in. “Fine, what is it that you want to say?”
Miroku stood there for a moment to try to gather up all of his courage to tell her what was in his heart.
“Sango, I…I don't blame you for being upset, but…you…you have to believe me when I tell you… tell you that…”
“Tell me what, Miroku?”
“To tell you that I love you, and that I want to spend the rest of my days with you.”
Sango just stood there not knowing what to say. Her arms were folded in front of her chest like she was trying to protect her heart. She wanted to believe him, she really did but how could she when he did those things to her.
“Well you have a very weird way of showing it.” Sango said with her back still towards him not wanting him to see the tears that were over flowing her eyes.
Miroku stood there trying not to let anything stupid come out of his mouth.
Meanwhile, behind the tree, a very curious miko was listening and trying not to say anything. She felt a slight breeze form in front of her, she looked up and all she could see was red. Inuyasha just looked at her and all she could do was smile at him. She pulled on his leg to have him to crouch down next to her, he tuned his concentration on the conversation at hand. .
“Miroku, I guess you have to prove to me that you want me and no one else but me, and I don't know if you are going to be able to do that.”
She was trying not to let her tears fall down her face. She hated crying, she never wanted anybody to see her cry, expectedly him. She was strong, she knew that, she was raised like that, but for some reason he always was able to break down her walls that she had protecting her heart and she hated that feeling.
Miroku wasn't sure what she meant; she wanted him to prove to her that all he wanted was her. `What dose she mean? How in the world am I supposed to prove that I love her?' After a minute of fighting with himself, only one thing came to mind, with all of his will and love for her he walked over to her stopping just behind the woman that he loved so much.
“You want me to prove it to you? If that is what you wish.” Without warning he grabbed her by the shoulders, spun her around so that she was looking at him right in the eyes.
“What are you doing?” she whispered
Miroku cupped Sango's face while looking right into her eyes, her eyes that were full of shock and confusion. “Something that I should have done a long time ago.”
Sango's eyes widened, he was slowly getting closer to her face. `What's he doin'?' Just then she felt his warm lips touch hers. . Sango's eyes where still wide with the shock of his action then she slowly closed her eyes, letting herself fall into him. The passion that she was feeling from his kiss was overwhelming. In her she felt those walls that she had up for so long break. Her heart was free to love him like she wanted too. Sango loved his touch, it was gentle and sincere, she loved him, and with in that moment, she knew that he loved her.
Kagome and Inuyasha's eyes widened and they cheeks blushed at the sight of their companions actions towards each other. Slowly and quietly so they wouldn't disturb their friends and be caught the two sneaked back to the camp where they had left Shippou asleep. Kagome quickly crawled into her sleeping bag, and Inuyasha jumped into the nearby tree, so that when others came back there would be no suspicion of their actions. Kagome fell asleep quickly with a smile on her face. Inuyasha looked down at the sleeping girl that looked so happy for her friends wondering. `Could I ever maker that happy?”
~ * ~
End of Flash Back
The smells of stews being cooked crossed her nose; the smell of vegetables overwhelmed her drew her back to reality. In the distance she saw a small kit running her way.
“Kagome, your back, we've been waiting for you!” Yelled the small child.
Kagome, bent down with her arms wide open to capture him a hug. The small fox jumped right into her arms. Looking down at him, her stare was met with his big green eyes and a grin. His light brown hair was blowing across his face making it hard for him to see his adopted mother's smile.
“I missed you too, Shippou, have you been good?”
Shippou grinned at the girl. “Of course I have, I even left Inuyasha alone, for the most part.” Kagome smiled at his news.
“And what about Miroku and Sango? How are they doing?”
“Well since you have been gone, they have been taking long walks together and always come back with smiles on their faces. I ask Inuyasha why that is, but he never answers all he dose is get really red and says “Keh, like I care!”
Kagome looked at him with a flushed face. She could remember the talk that her and her mother had about the birds and bees, and how hard it was on her mother to talk to her about it. So she decided that she would also avoid the conversation but in a better way that the young boy would understand. “Um…tell you what, I'll tell you when you are older, ok?”
Shippou didn't like the answer but accepted it anyways
With that out of the way she and Shippou headed back to the village. The smells of the stews were getting stronger and stronger. `Man, I hope that supper will be ready when we get there because I am so hungry'