InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mystic Beginnings ❯ Awakening ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: See First Chapter

Warnings: Sess and Shikaru Fluff

‘...' Thoughts

"..." Speaking

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Chapter 4: Awakening

Sesshomaru led the way as they walked down the great hall in the palace toward the doors that led to the outside. As he walked he contemplated his next actions toward the horrid Lady of the Eastern Lands. He could kill her. Or he could completely disfigure her with his poison. These plans wouldn’t work though, since he would be most likely punished far worse for marring or even injury the Demoness. He could tell her to leave. That he had no desire to wed Shikaru. That wouldn’t work either. No matter how hard he tried to get the conniving bitch to leave his lands, his father would just tell him to be quiet. All sorts of ideas came and went, with none of them possibly working. He couldn’t kill the wench. He couldn’t cause her bodily harm. Hell he couldn’t even throw her out, without his father interfering. So Sesshomaru came to a conclusion. He would have to marry the Princess, even if it was against his better judgment. It wouldn’t be all bad though. He at least would be able to see what was under that veil. That was one thing he could look forward to.

Shikaru followed silently, her head downcast, lost in thought. If the Western Prince hated her then why was he leading them somewhere else? Perhaps he wished to kill her? No. Sesshomaru was far too good for something that callous. Besides, he had not said anything rude or even out of line toward her. Although he was silent, his body posture told Shikaru that he would not harm her. The Lady of Eastern Lands, her mother, though had it coming. On that she was sure. First she had accused the young Prince of causing his mothers untimely death. That was the worst possible thing she could have done. Shikaru believed in her heart that Sesshomaru had nothing to do with his mothers passing. Then the Eastern Demoness had sat on his throne. That was completely uncalled for. It was as if Sesshomaru was right about her wanting to take over the Western Lands. But that was preposterous. Shikaru knew her mother wasn’t that dim-witted. Besides, how could she take over if Lord Toga was still in charge? Unless she tried to kill the Great Dog Lord, Michiru had no way at all in taking over.

“What are you thinking about?”

Shikaru stopped, not noticing that she still had her head down.

“I was thinking nothing My Lord. I was only following as you ordered.” Shikaru replied.

“I ordered no such thing. It was your choice to follow me. Now, what were you thinking of since you never noticed this Sesshomaru stopping?” Sesshomaru asked again.

As if noticing it for the first time, Shikaru suddenly became aware of just how close she was to Sesshomaru. Slowing lifting her head, she was surprised to see that she had bumped into the Demon Prince. Backing away, she brought herself to the floor in a low bow.

“I am sorry my Lord. I had no idea I was this close. Please forgive me.” she whispered.

“Stand up. Do not grovel girl. You did nothing wrong. You were only occupied in your own thoughts to take notice of my stopping. Now I will ask you one more time. What were you thinking of?” Sesshomaru asked one last time.

“I was thinking of my mother My Lord. Nothing less, nothing more.” Shikaru said, her head still down.

“Your mother? I see. And what about your mother was you thinking?”

“The way she has been acting My Lord. My mother has acted rather unruly since we first arrived. But please, do not be angry with her. It is just how she is. I know she is truly sorry for everything she has said or done.” the Princess said.

“Your mother apologizes for nothing. Unless she herself comes out and says it or grovels at my feet for forgiveness this Sesshomaru does not believe your mother is sorry for anything. Be grateful girl that I haven’t killed her the first time she shot her mouth off.” Sesshomaru growled low.

“I know. She was most improper in her choice of words. She should have never said those horrendous things to his Lordship.”

“Indeed.” Sesshomaru said before he began walking once more.

Shikaru followed once again, this time with her head up incase she bumped into the Demon Prince in front of her again. After walking past different doors and down another long corridor they finally stepped outside into the sunlight. Shielding her eyes from the ever powerful beams of the sun, Shikaru waited till they had time to adjust. When she opened them, what she saw brought out a gasp. They were standing in a large and very beautiful garden. Flowers of all kinds, including those not indigenous to Japan, were everywhere. Large apple trees, maples, oaks, and trees so large that their branches seemed to vanish into the ever expanding sky were planted as well. There were a few birds that seemed to have taken residence in the trees, as well as a few other animals. As Shikaru looked around her, taking all the sites in with awe, she never noticed Sesshomaru walk away.

“It’s beautiful.” she gasped. “Mother and I could never dream of having anything so wonderful in our lives. Where we live, gardens of such beauty and splendor would be frowned upon. How did your family come to have such a place so lovely?” Shikaru asked. Not receiving an answer, the Demoness turned to find Sesshomaru nowhere to be found. ‘That’s strange.’ she thought, ‘He was here a moment ago. I wonder where he went.’

Following a small path that led a little deeper into the garden, Shikaru took in the sight of everything until she saw Sesshomaru a little ways ahead of her. Noticing that he wasn’t moving, said Princess walked carefully toward him, being sure to stay upwind incase he was in defense mode. As she edged closer, never keeping her eyes off him, she finally came to stand beside him. Sesshomaru never once moved his head to acknowledge her presence, but his ever roaming eyes did glance at her for a spilt second before continuing to stare ahead. Both never said a word as they both looked on, Sesshomaru looking straight ahead while Shikaru looked around the garden.

“It was my mother’s.” Sesshomaru finally broke the silence.

It took Shikaru only a minute to realize he was talking about the garden when she smiled.

“Your mother loved nice things didn’t she?”

At his nod, the Princess smiled again, this time turning to look at Sesshomaru.

“Your mother had very fine tastes. I’ve never seen such a beautiful place. Thank you for showing this to me My Lord. I am very grateful that you have decided to share this wonderful garden with me.”

“Do not thank me. This Sesshomaru only led you here because I had some thinking to do. I will not receive thanks for something so trivial.”

“I don’t find any part of your mothers’ garden “trivial” my lord. I am pleased that you have brought me here. I can’t think of anywhere I would love to be right now. Thank you again My Lord.” Shikaru thanked him again, this time directing her smile at him.

“You’re welcome.” Sesshomaru replied with a small smile of his own as he continued to stare ahead, taking Shikaru’s hand in his own.


Inside the Palace...
Toga laughed aloud at something that Michiru said that most of the servants stopped to ponder what had their Lord amused all of a sudden. When they noticed the Lady of the Western Lands looking at them though, they continued on with their duties as if nothing had happened.

“It is as I told my Lord. Okon was caught with one of my Ladies of Court with his pants down. When my late husband found them, Okon was too embarrassed to even deny anything. Lord Takanawa didn’t take away his status as General of our armies, but he did let others know what had happened. From that day on poor Okon couldn’t show his face in fear that the other Ladies of Court would laugh. He was afraid he would be caught again.” Michiru giggled as she took a sip from her tea that had been refilled since Sesshomaru and her daughter had left.

“Okon should be more careful when he tries to court another. What happened to the Lady he was so occupied with?” Toga asked enthralled with the tales Michiru had been telling him for the past hour.

“She was embarrassed as well. She hid herself in her chambers in fear of the ridicule she would most likely receive. But in the end everything worked out and they are now mated with a son on the way. After everyone settled down and Okon got over his embarrassment, as well as Toki, they were mated with mine and my husbands blessing.”

“I am glad everything turned out fine with your General and his chosen mate.” Toga said as he took a sip from his tea, which had gone cold while talking to Michiru. Signaling to a servant, he handed him the cup, who took it and swiftly brought him another.

“My Lord, I have been meaning to ask you something since I came here.” Michiru said as she looked at the elder Dog Demon.


“Why is that you have chosen a human Princess to be your mate other than another Inu-Youkai? I do not mean any dishonor My Lord, I was just curious as well as several of my Court as to why you would have done something like that” Michiru asked.

Toga was busy taking another sip of his tea when this question was directed at him. Setting the cup down gently, he turned toward Michiru and looked at her. From the corner of his eye he could see that Izayoi was looking at her as well, wondering where this seemingly harmless question would lead.

“I chose Izayoi because she alone knew how I felt when my previous mate became ill. Because she was young, she was able to see past my Demon nature and care for me as I mourned over my beloved mate. Lady Senn knew of my choice as well long before she passed on. Besides, Izayoi was already with child by the time Senn died that I only did what was right. I brought Izayoi here to conclude our mating once Inuyasha was born. She stayed in her village long enough to bear me a healthy son, but left as soon as the villagers became a threat.” Toga explained, silently wondering what was going through the Eastern Demonesses mind.

“Such a heart breaking tale of love and tragedy My Lord. But considering your choice in mates, wouldn’t you have been happier with another demon other than that with a human?” Michiru asked.

“I am happy with Izayoi. Her human ancestry has nothing to do with anything. She makes this old dog feel young every time I am with her.” Toga replied.

“What if you had never courted Izayoi? What would you have done then My Lord?”

“Possibly spent the rest of my life alone. Sesshomaru is old enough that he could leave now if he so desired. But seeing that he is next in line for my Kingdom, he chose to stay. Even without Izayoi or any other mate, my life would have some meaning since my son has chosen to remain here.”

Michiru nodded that she understood and looked over at Izayoi who was watching them both with a small gleam in her eye that Michiru took as slight jealousy. Nodding her head at the lady of the Western Lands, Michiru smiled.

‘Lord Toga is so enthralled with the human Izayoi that he would most likely die than be apart from her. If I want to proceed with my plans than I need to keep a closer eye on the human. She could be the one to undo my plans for the Western Lands if I allow her to snoop.’ Michiru thought as she smiled once again at Izayoi.


Back in the garden, Sesshomaru and Shikaru was enjoying each others company as they both together. With his hand in her hand, the Demon Prince was aware of the change in feelings that went through the young Demoness. She had been surprised at first with this simple act of kindness he had shown her that she was basically speechless for some time. It was just as well. Sesshomaru had some thinking to do and if Shikaru kept asking questions and looking at him, then he would have lost all train of thought. It was in this peaceful moment that Sesshomaru chose that Shikaru would be his mate. Already the young Princess had warmed his heart in the past couple of days she had been there. She was quiet and only talked when necessary. She brought with her a warmth that his father Toga, his stepmother, and even his younger half brother seemed to feel as soon as she walked into the room. She showed happiness at the most trivial of things. Sesshomaru had some time to think about Shikaru that he was certain that she felt something as well when she was with him. Deciding to find out what those feelings were, said Demon Prince turned his head a little to look at the girl beside him.

“Shikaru?” he began.

When Shikaru heard her name, she looked up at Sesshomaru to find him looking at her. Her breath caught at the sheer beauty of his amber eyes that she could do no more than stare at them. When he raised an eyebrow, she averted her eyes and looked ahead once again. Her cheeks had taken on a slightly red hue at the way he looked at her.

“Yes My Lord?” Shikaru said in almost a whisper, knowing that with his heightened senses, Sesshomaru would be able to hear her. She wasn’t aware though that her heartbeat had increased when he looked at her.

Sesshomaru was aware of it though.

“This Sesshomaru wonders something. Are you happy that you were chosen as my mate?” he asked, listening as Shikaru’s heart beat increased. It was almost as if it was trying to break free from her chest.

“I am happy My Lord. Just a little surprised at first.” Shikaru said.

“Surprised?” Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow once again at this statement. “Explain to this Sesshomaru.”

“I was surprised when my mother told me of the mating. I wasn’t sure what to expect once I met you. But all that changed after I remembered who it was I would be mated too. The surprise has left. Now it is no more than a feeling of contentment. So yes My Lord, I am happy to be your intended mate. I would have no other.” Shikaru said as she squeezed Sesshomaru’s hand a little.

Sesshomaru considered this and nodded. “Call me Sesshomaru since we are to be mates.” he concluded.

“Yes Sesshomaru.” Shikaru smiled.
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