InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Never Forget ❯ One-Shot

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Never Forget
By: SakuraFox
All those years ago
we were different from the others.
You a priestess
longing for a normal life
and me wanting to be full demon.
I couldn't get you out of my mind,
I felt guilty at first...
then it turned to compassion.
Soon I made up my mind
that I wanted to be with you...
to do that I would have to become human.
However the day you
were to help me make that a reality
a demon named Naraku took my form
stealing the sacred jewel from you
filling your once pure heart with hatred.
Then he took your form
and made me feel the same.
You sealed me to a tree
with your sacred arrow,
then died.
Though it was by another's hand
I feel responsible.
When your reincarnated body
brought me back to this world
you became reborn with clay
with nothing but pure hatred for me
and I you.
When I found out it was Naraku
I swore to take revenge
because I still love you.
The compassion never left me.
For you were my first love.
My first friend.
If I hadn't meet you
then my heart would still be stone
and I wouldn't trust anyone and be alone.
I'll never forget you Kikyo.