InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ New Life ❯ Chapter 16 ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Year: 1535
Month: March

She was waiting for their outburst. She could almost taste the tension in the air. Peeking up, she saw that Sango was pale and Kikyo was staring at her oddly. Looking back down, she waited quietly.

Suddenly, a large amount of water washed over her head. Blinking in surprise, she glanced over and saw Rin. She was giggling. Rin was now thirteen if she remembered correctly. She herself would be turning eighteen this year. In fact, her birthday was only a couple of months away. She would need to go back to her time for that day. Just so she could spend some time with her family.

You will not be able to return Kagome.

`What do you mean?'

You are no longer the same. The fallen will have closed off the well in hopes to have broken you. We will ensure that we will be there in the future to celebrate the day with our family.

Kagome dropped her chin to her chest, tears pricking her eyes. Taking a breath, she made sure that all pain was hidden away as she smiled at her friends. Her new family.

It was Kikyo that made the first move. “Kagome.” She moved forward and wrapped her in a hug. Stilling momentarily, she felt shock. She had never known Kikyo to be like this. In the time she had traveled with the group, Kikyo had been warmer to her yes but she had never outright made any type of familial contact with her. After a moment, she sank into her arms and began to cry. After a moment, Sango came forward, holding her too. Rin was sitting to the side, watching the three women in confusion.

Rin glanced at her guardian and then back toward the others. The light seemed to dim until a little girl like Rin stood there. On her back were a pair of wings. This of course wasn't the guardian's true form, but it was the form that Rin wished her to hold. It was because of Rin's desire to fly. The guardian watched the three quietly before a small smile appeared.

She is just frightened Rin. There is a lot that she has been dealing with. You served our Lord as a child, so it comes easily to you. For her… She is frightened by the prospect of everything He provides.

Rin frowned but shrugged it away. She glanced around at the barrier around the spring. The other two guardians were standing sentinel by the outer edges as her own was. They were keeping the barrier up. Satisfied, she began to kick her feet to occupy her time.

A sudden thought came into her mind. Could she become like Kagome? Her guardian gave her a sad look.

Do not even think that Rin. It is not a blessing to live forever. Even were you to find a pure youkai, your mate would die long before you. Kagome will live to the end of this world until the next comes, bringing with its peace. It is not a fate you would wish. She will be forever trapped at the age when she fully combines with Sanctus Flamma. Rin cocked her head to the side in confusion at the name. The guardian gave a soft laugh and caressed Rin's cheek.

Sanctus Flamma is Chi Ken No Tama's real name. It means Holy Flame. Do not envy her Rin. It is a fate that we would not wish on anyone. She accepted the fate, knowing the consequences. She will watch her friends and family die. She will long survive her son and if she were to find a companion, she will outlive him as well. Should she have children, she will outlive them for they will be mortal.

Rin looked down, tears appearing in her eyes. It sounded sad. She would not like to outlive any children she may have. Glancing up, she watched as the women separated.

Kagome wiped her eyes. She gave a strained smile. She opened her mouth to speak but Sango shook her head. “No Kagome. You don't have to talk about it. We had a suspicion.” Kagome's bottom lip trembled. Sango sighed. “No matter how long we live Kagome, we will always be by your side. Even if it means we need to demand ourselves to be reborn to do so.”

Kagome opened her mouth and then giggled. “Chi said that being reborn is not natural.”

Sango rolled her eyes. “Then we will be spirits. Either way, you will always find us near.” Kikyo nodded her assent. Rin suddenly came forward and latched herself on to Kagome's form.

“So, will I Kagome-Sama. I'll make sure Shippo comes too.” Kagome laughed brightly, her eyes dancing.

At that moment, Kagome tilted her head as though listening. Then she grimaced and looked around. “I think we should get dressed. Sesshomaru, Inuyasha and Miroku are getting pretty pissed.” The others nodded and quickly got dressed. Once they were all ready, Kagome clapped her hands together. “Please take the barrier down.” She didn't know exactly how to do it but hopefully it would be enough. Raising her head, she watched as the barrier slid away. The females immediately separated to prevent the males from damaging the others.

Kagome moved away to Shippo who was leaning against a tree. “That was longer than usual Mama.” Kagome shrugged. Glancing at the others, a sad smile appeared.

“Let's go to camp.” Shippo nodded.

After the males had finished checking over the girls, they finally looked around. Inuyasha blinked. “Where did Kagome go?”

Sango growled, shoving Miroku away. “She's probably back at camp already.”

“The miko did not stay.” It sounded more of a statement than a question. Kikyo glanced down as Rin tugged on her arm.

“It's time to sleep. Kagome-Sama doesn't like to be alone.” Kikyo nodded. She, Sango and Rin began to walk back to camp. The males watched, Inuyasha and Miroku's expressions showing their confusion. Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes on his ward. She seemed far too comfortable around these human females. Rin had never enjoyed the company of humans, although she had enjoyed spending some time with human children. Once she turned twelve, she had refused to spend time with humans, preferring to spend time with youkai. Following the others back, his thoughts turned to the miko.

Once Kagome had returned to camp, she had begun preparations for bed. Things were stopped however when movement caught her eye. Whirling, her eyes widened as she stared at the beautiful woman that stood in the center of the camp. She was staring at Kagome in disgust and revulsion.

“So, this is the miko that dares to defy the kami.” Kagome tensed, her eyes narrowing. Within Chi was demanding that she let her slaughter the female before them. Kagome eyed the woman, her gaze coming to rest on the crescent moon that rested on her forehead. She had to be of some relation to Sesshomaru. She could see that the woman before her thought she was filth. Kagome snarled low causing the woman to raise a brow. So that's where Sesshomaru got that ability. Her temper rose.

“Those creatures you call Kami are not my Kami. They can rot in hell.”

Kagome leapt to the side as a whip tore the blanket, she had previously been about to lay down into two. Kagome narrowed her eyes, studying the woman. “Wench, you shall respect the Kamis.” Kagome let off a bitter laugh. Shippo was standing off to the side, hiding behind a tree, hiding his scent and aura. He knew that this youkai would tear him to pieces for the thrill of it. Evil coursed through this woman.

“I shall not Youkai. They do not deserve my respect. They wish me to end my existance, taking Midoriko's place within the jewel. They want me as a breeder! I do not give respect unless it is earned.” Kagome's eyes were flashing purple. Mentally she yelled at Chi. She, Kagome, would take care of this.

The youkai's eyes narrowed in anger as her claws clenched briefly. She held the look that Kagome was beneath her and that alone infuriated Kagome.

Kimi, Lady of the West watched the woman with disgust. She had been informed how to destroy this creature. She was not to destroy her yet though. This was for her own curiosity. Once the woman defeated the creature Naraku, the task would be carried out. They had even sent one of their many assassins to keep watch over the woman. Should she fail though, she would be entrusted with the task. It was obvious that her son had no intention of destroying the human. She could smell his scent covering this campsite. It was he that betrayed her. He had chosen to forsake the Kamis.

This child did not know her betters either. She had watched her and the kit for some time. The kit was a traitor to his race. Once she found his location, she would end his miserable existance. He was weak. This human was weak. She would have to punish the unruly child. She sought to better herself when her place was with the rest of the vermin weaklings in this world.

Kagome almost missed the female move. Dodging to the left, she prepared herself in a stance that was different. She did not want to harm this woman as she was in fact some type of relative of Sesshomaru. It would not do to alienate a possible ally. She would not use the blade of her sword. It was obvious that she would have to pull her weapon.

As the woman whirled, coming at her quickly, Kagome dodged once more. She would however avoid having to pull her weapon. Chi disagreed with her decision but agreed to allow her to battle. A warning was made that if she were to come close to death, Chi would take over. Kagome smirked, somehow like Sesshomaru's smirk.

Kimi sneered as the woman yet again dodged. She hadn't stopped moving, testing the miko. She refused to pull the weapon that rested on her side although she continued to grip the hilt. It was a strange looking hilt as well. She had never seen one designed as such. It held no guard to protect the hands when wielding. It appeared to be a katana of some form.

Anger sailed through her breast. The woman thought her no threat if she refused to pull her weapon. She would correct the girl's assessment. Calling forth her youki, she advanced, watching for the woman to move. Once the girl began to move, Kimi whirled on her, guaranteed that the girl would be unable to block the attack. At that moment, she smelled her son's scent.

Kagome had darted to the side but found the female moving after her, barely shifting to follow her move. Realizing that she wouldn't be able to dodge, she began to pull her sword.

At that moment, she felt Sesshomaru's aura enter the clearing. She focused on the task and pulled her blade, dull side up. The clang of her claws on the blade made them all freeze. The woman eyed the blade, curiosity evident in her eyes. Disgust shimmered in their depths before a smug look appeared. The woman moved back off her blade and landed on the other side of the campsite. Kagome narrowed her eyes.

Kimi watched the woman briefly. She deigned to ignore her son for the time being. “Pathetic.” She turned, scenting the Miko's anger rising.

Glancing towards her son, she narrowed her eyes. “You are no longer any son of mine. Reside within the disgrace that you have willingly joined. No longer will the Kamis bear witness to allow the west to flourish.” As she had spoken the word disgrace, her gaze had flicked to the hanyou and the miko she had battled. Turning, her hair flying over her shoulder as she did so, she walked away.

Kagome watched the woman walk away. Her blade tip rested gently on the ground as her anger brewed. No doubt this was Sesshomaru's mother. There was no other way around it. It was the way she called her weapon pathetic. Or was she calling her pathetic. Either way, it was obvious the woman thought her beneath her. Also, that her sword was worthless.

It was confirmed when the woman turned to Sesshomaru. Her anger faded away as she dropped her head some. She was the reason for this. Apparently, the woman was someone who spoke with the fallen. She jolted. When did she start calling them the fallen?

No, I did not push my belief onto you. You accepted them for what they were. Nothing more. Kagome nodded. Looking up, her eyes widened.

Sesshomaru watched his mother leave. He refused to show any of the emotion within. Turning his gaze to the secretive miko, his eyes narrowed. She was at fault here. One of the reasons the west was so prosperous was because of his mother's connection to the Kamis.

He held little thought of the practices and did not worship them nor provide sacrifice or whatever they wished for, but he acknowledged when his mother had forsaken his father, he had died. He had searched years for the truth of his sire's death, but it seemed only the Kami knew the answers. He would gain those answers. For now, she would pay the price until he could track down himself one of the Kami.

He advanced until he stood right before her. She was a disrespectful human and he tired of her existance. Somehow, she had evaded death before. He doubted she could do so now. As she lifted her head and gasped, his hand closed around her throat, lifting her high in the air and clenched. He watched as she struggled to breathe. Her pack scrambled to free her from his grip, but he flared his youki to push them back. Only the kit stood strong in the face of his power. As her heartbeat began to slow to a stop, he dropped her. “You will learn respect miko.”

Kagome coughed harshly, struggling to get in some much-needed air. Her gaze narrowed on Sesshomaru. `Filth…'

Calm yourself.

Focusing on her breathing, she felt Shippo move next to her and help her to her side so that she might be more comfortable. As soon as Sesshomaru walked away, the rest of the group advanced quickly to her side. Kikyo lifted her against her and handed Sango some herbs. Sango immediately began to mash them up, placing the paste on her throat.