InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ New Life ❯ Chapter 37 ( Chapter 37 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Year: 1536
Month: March

Dorian paused as he heard arguing. This wasn't anything new considering there were so many different breeds of youkai. This sounded off though. Frowning, he followed the voice. It was a female and it sounded vaguely familiar. Leaving the children, he glanced up to see it was still bright out. No doubt they would all be stopping within a few hours. They usually stopped for camp when the sun was almost down. Glancing behind him, he saw his father heading towards the council. It consisted of the leaders of each continent. The ones from Turtle Island had a total of 5 leaders, the land to the south had two, Africa has a total of 3 and his father and another male consisted of Ireland, Scotland and Europe. Shrugging, he continued his search.

Dorian's father, Richard Williams, sighed as he listened to his companion Alec Douglas. Their land had been in great turmoil for the whole year before. His human counterpart, Henry VIII had up and removed the pope from the church of England in January of the previous year. It was all because of the greed of the humans that their country had started falling apart at the seams. Henry had already begun to kill off the youkai in the land secretly by the end of the year. Richard had already started gathering the youkai of England when word had reached him that Spain and France had begun to excommunicate the youkai in their lands. Angry over the entire situation, he had begun seeking an answer.

That answer had come unexpectedly when his scouts had told him of strange ships landing in a hidden alcove. Going to meet with them, he found himself curious about these people. They found an answer to his prayers. He learned that they were going to a strange land called Japan. They informed him that a savior was there. There was someone that would help save the youkai that were worthy. In that moment, he had made his decision. With his counterpart Alec, King of the youkai in Scotland and Ireland, they had gathered what remained of the youkai tribes, even going so far as to visit the gypsies. Not all of them joined him but he was ever grateful that most of them did. With the events of his land being greeted by rumors from the humans, he was ever grateful. The fact that Catherine had been killed had been a blow to begin the mass exodus. Once she had been beheaded, Henry had begun the killing of the youkai out in the open, daring them to retaliate.

A hand on his shoulder caused Richard to glance behind him. Alec grinned at him, revealing his solemn nature. Alec was usually on the boisterous side. “Calm yerself Richard. All is well. We be leaving those humans behind that refused ta accept us.” Indeed, they had. They had allowed the humans that wanted to journey with them to do so. Only a few hundred humans had come from their own lands.

“Papa!” Richard watched Alec turn and lift his daughter. Alec was a Wild cat. Their kind were very rare but very protective. Alec's mate was a human. To be honest, Richard still found himself surprised with Alec. Most of his kind were gone. The ones alive had agreed to join them but even now tended to stay on the outreaches of their group. Alec was different. Surprisingly, he spent quite a bit more time with his human mate than most of his kind. He always hovered right nearby his mate, only going out to patrol his territory. When his daughter had been born, he had been ecstatic.

Drawing himself back, he watched Alec's mate appear and gently take their daughter. He had missed the conversation. Alec glanced over at him and grinned. “Come on fox. Let's go find the other council members. I heard that we are to be expectin' more ta join us. Word has reached me that more youkai is coming from Africa and the leader of Russia is journeying toward us. From what I hear, they will be meetin' us within a fortnight.” Richard nodded.

Dorian blinked in amazement at the woman before him. He vaguely remembered this girl from court. Frowning, he tried to come up with a name. After a moment, it came to him. Ayano Akiko Boleyn. She was the daughter of Lord Kaito Boleyn and had a younger brother named Hayate. If he remembered correctly, they were distant cousins to Anne Boleyn, the current human queen. Ayano was currently yelling at a wolf youkai. He frowned in confusion. Then understanding rushed through him. Her little brother was nearby with a couple of scraped knees.

Moving to where Hayate was, he kneeled by him. “Hey, you're Hayate right?”

The boy looked up in surprise which instantly turned into a respectful gaze. “Prince Dorian! Please, call me Yate!”

Dorian grinned. Looking at his knees, he tilted his head. “What happened to your knees?”

Hayate scowled unhappily. “That filthy wolf pushed me down and started mocking me about being human.”

Dorian frowned. “If you aren't human, what are you?” Hayate grinned. “I'm an elemental youkai.” He said it proudly. Dorian instantly understood. The elemental youkai was almost extinct.

Inspecting Hayate, he studied him. The boy only appeared to be 8 years old in human years. His hair was odd as well. It seemed to shimmer between gold and red. His eyes were light blue. He didn't appear too muscular, but he could see the hidden strength within him. Hearing something hit the ground, he turned and saw that the wolf was on the ground. Ayano was growling darkly at him. Rising, he helped Hayate to his feet. At that moment, Ayano turned around.

Upon seeing Dorian, she instantly bowed low. “Prince Dorian.” He waved it away. He really didn't like all the court stuff. Studying Ayano, he smiled. She had even more coloring to her own hair than her brother. White, orange, light pink and red shimmered within. Her eyes were different as well. She had light blue coloring on the outside but on the inside, they were violet. She appeared to be about 17 years old. He glanced at the wolf that was now slinking away.

“What happened?”

Ayano smiled serenely. “That stupid wolf was picking on my brother.” Ayano's eyes darkened briefly. That wolf had insulted her family. Just because their human counterparts had gone and done such an unspeakable thing did not mean her family were traitors to the crown. She stared at the prince calmly.

Dorian chuckled. “There is no need. At the very least he was taken care of.” Ayano nodded.

Hayate pranced in place. The wounds on his knees were already long gone. “Hey Prince Dorian, do you want to eat with us?”

Ayano smiled, setting a hand on her brother's shoulder. “I'm pretty sure he has other plans.”

Dorian shook his head. “Actually, I would like that a lot!”

Ayano glanced at him in surprise. Finally, she nodded. “Alright, follow us your majesty.” She led the way to their camp.

Richard scowled as the sun dropped. Thankfully, their group had paused for the night. They had gone hunting and had managed to bring back a good amount of food. At that moment, the council was arguing. Food was beginning to become just a little bit scarcer and there was even more youkai joining their group by the day. He wasn't all too sure how to fix these issues. Closing his eyes, he sighed softly.

Somewhere far to the south in the lands of an endless desert and drought, a young woman lifted her gaze to the sky. The hazel eyes glittered eerily in the setting sun. Straight black hair flowed softly over her shoulders, revealing elf like ears. (1)”شقيقة هي لكم التوفيق?”

Turning, the woman gave a small smile to her younger brother. “Brother, I am well.” Turning her gaze back to the sands shifting around them, towards the east, she seemed to become lost in them. Her brother Amun Ari slipped a hand into her own. The siblings, so far apart in age stared across the desert.

“The place won't be ready when we arrive…”

Glancing down, she gave him a distant smile. “No, it will not. When we arrive, we will have to make a stand against them all.” This disconcerted Amun.

“We will not be as we are now then, Amunet?”

Shaking her head, she looked back up with a smile. “We will remain the same. We will no longer be forced to follow something that isn't quite… real.”

The two turned as one suddenly and waited as the messenger reached them. He bowed. “High Priestess, Pharaoh has demanded your presence.” A flicker of distaste appeared in her eyes, but it faded away. Many of the youkai left in their land had fallen prey to the monster that called himself pharaoh. Nodding regally, she watched the messenger flee in fear.

Glancing to her brother, she nodded to him. “Go to the council and tell them we leave now.” Amun nodded and took off into the desert. She herself would free the youkai that remained bound to the humans in the city. It was only thanks to her power as a seer that protected her and her brother from that same fate.

As she walked back to the city, she closed her eyes, feeling her way with her youki. Within, her beast purred quite happily thinking of decapitating the man that now ruled. With the Ottoman rule, the land had become… rather barren. She would end this Khissru Pasha's reign. Her mind moved to the youkai on the edges of the land. They had been freeing the youkai slowly over time for centuries now. Her power had mostly protected the youkai thus far, but it was straining. Already most of the other youkai were prepared to leave. By the time she finished her task, the rest would be as well. They had supplies ready.

Arriving at the gate to the city, she released her full aura out on the unsuspecting city. She could instantly feel the acknowledgement of the hundreds of youkais within. It also removed the collars that had been forced on their necks to fall to the ground useless. She walked through the streets as the scent of blood grew. The humans that were with the youkai had already been removed from the city. All that was left were cruel masters. Even the young that had been kind had been removed. They would repopulate the city. Only a select number of humans would journey with them.

Screams echoed through the streets and she smirked, fangs flashing brightly in pleasure. She didn't bother with the dead bodies. As soon as the enslaved were done with the murder of their masters, they fled the city to the now blatant aura of her brother. As she reached the palace gates, she paused to stare at the guards. There was still one within that would need to be taken with them and she herself would ensure the girl left with her people. She was the only daughter of that monster. She had always helped Amunet out when it was needed.

Not bothering with the guards, she killed the more adamant ones that attacked her. The rest fled but were cut down in the streets. Stepping into the throne room, she lifted her chin. She would not bow before that monster. A dark chuckle caressed her ears. “Ah, little priestess… You have come.”

“Your time comes now.” She immediately sent a bolt of lightning for him. At the last moment, he pulled a chain causing her dearest friend to stumble into the bolt. Her heart stuttered in shock and pain. No, it wasn't fair. His laughter grew. Growling softly, she brought her hands before her and began to pray.

“That does nothing woman. You will be the one to die this day.” He rose and threw the remains of his daughter to the side. He didn't notice the wind picking up. As he reached her, he expelled some of the darkness within him to surround her. Vicious, sightless, invisible beasts began to lash out at her.

It was sudden when she rose. Wind billowed around her, forcing the darkness away. “You die now!” Lifting an axe from her back, she swung it heavily down, the steel slicing quite willingly through the man.

He stared in shock. “But… they said…”

She spat on his body angrily. “They were wrong.” Turning, she moved over to the burnt body of her dearest friend. Lifting it gently, she saw her hands were clenched. Opening it gently, she saw a key attached to a dagger that had once been stolen from her people. Within the dagger was the ability to kill the gods. Taking it gently, she tucked it into her sleeve and rose.

Going to her bedroom, she followed the scent of her friend to a wall where a single keyhole rested hidden among the decorations. Opening it, she followed the path until she reached the bottom. To her shock, she saw the youkai that sat huddled and waiting. They rose immediately and bowed. These were the other shrine keepers that had long ago been thought to have been killed. She nodded to them. Their leader moved forward and offered armor of the royals. Smiling, she allowed them to dress her. Once the shimmering iron armor rested on her form, she watched them leave. The last to leave pointed to the back of the room. They had all had their tongues removed and seared so that they would not regrow.

Moving to the back of the room, she stared in awe at the pair of children within a reed basket. She watched their eyes open to reveal bright golden eyes. One was human looking while the other looked more like a desert cat. Lifting both, she studied them. Both were extremely solemn. Their black hair was fuzzy on their heads. Then she saw the mark on their neck. It was the same mark her friend had had. A sad smile appeared. “Come little ones… we go on to a new home.” Turning, she exited the underground secret.

Arriving at camp, her brother studied the babes quietly. He didn't ask. He didn't need to. Both were seers after all. They knew. They knew not of their exact future, but they knew some. The past was much clearer to them than the future. Moving forward to the head of the thousands of youkais, she nodded and began walking. They walked to their future and away from their pasts. Only those who had turned the humans to their side turned back to wave goodbye to their once masters. The humans left behind waved until the multitude could no longer be seen before heading back to their city to try and right what had been taken away.

شقيقة هي لكم التوفيق = Sister, are you well?