InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ New Life ❯ Chapter 50 ( Chapter 50 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


Blue eyes studied the map before her. Something just wasn't adding up right. She had been busy but there hadn't been any reason why she shouldn't have received the missive from Uesugi. Matsuyama Castle was one of the more notable of her daimyo. The winter itself had been relatively hard so it could be possible that no messages had been able to make it through to her.

Hearing noise at the door, she turned and focused. “Enter.” A young wolf entered and bowed. Trailing behind were the pups. A smile appeared instantly. They were growing so big. Kouga would have been proud. Turning her thoughts from darker ones, she moved forward.

“Lady Ayame, a messenger has arrived.” Nodding, she patted each of her pup's heads, lovingly looking on the marks on them that had been inherited from Kagome.

“Where is this messenger and from whom is, he from?”

The wolf looked uncertain for a moment. “The man did not say from whom he was from Milady. He carries no marks upon him, and he is human. He waits in the cave entrance.”

Ayame gave a small nod. “Are the rooms prepared for Lady Kagome?”

The wolf instantly smiled; all apprehension gone. “Yes, My Lady. The other rooms in the family caves have been aired out and prepped for her arrival. Places have been made amongst the nursery for the children as well.”

Ayame nodded briskly, kissing each of her pup's foreheads before leaving the maid behind. This messenger interested her. Usually the humans tended to not come to her location, often making her go to their homes. It helped them to be surrounded by their own kind when dealing with youkai.

Arriving at the cave entrance, she witnessed the human standing awkwardly, his wary gaze on those that moved in and out of the cave fortress. It was obvious that the human wished he could be anywhere but there in that moment. Inhaling gently, she could tell that he hadn't washed and if anything, it seemed that he had ridden extremely hard to reach her. She could practically taste the exhaustion that permeated his scent.

Sighing heavily, she straightened and moved quietly forward. Making sure to make enough noise to attract the human's attention, she watched his reaction. He appeared startled and if anything, a bit shocked. “Come, you've come quite a way. You need to settle yourself and have a drink.”

The messenger bowed low, his voice low and strained. “No Milady. I don't mean to be rude, but I cannot stay. I cannot rest until my message has been delivered.”

Ayame gave him an annoyed look but turned and motioned for him to follow. He trailed after her after a moment of confusion. Once deeper in the mountain, it grew quieter and the human began to relax a little more. Entering her study, Ayame settled on her mat and watched the messenger settle across from her. “State your message.”

The messenger hesitated. “I was told to relay it only to the Lord of these lands Milady.”

Ayame let out a low growl causing the messenger to shiver in fear. “There is no Lord of these Lands. Speak your message lest I lose my patience.”

The messenger shivered once again in fear. “Forgive me Milady. I come bearing a message from Hosokawa-Sama.”

Ayame narrowed her eyes. Why would the Shogun be seeking her out? No doubt it had something to do with her lands. The Shogun was currently the only link between the youkai government and the human government.


Ayame's voice was tense and a little on the irritated side. She did not need this now. Kagome was to be arriving at any moment.

“Hosokawa-Sama is requesting a detachment of soldiers in order to end the conflict at Matsuyama Castle. The Hojo clan has successfully taken the castle.”


Ayame's head shot upward as the messenger whirled to glare at the person that had spoken. Standing in the doorway, Kagome appeared to be the very image of the Warrior Priestess of legend. Ayame glanced at the messenger and could tell he was struggling to remain quiet. She smirked in humor, leaning back.

“You have my answer Messenger.”

“You would allow a lowly Miko…” Thankfully the messenger caught himself and bowed stiffly. “Forgive me Milady. I misspoke. I will deliver your answer.” He bowed once more before exiting, throwing a nasty glare at Kagome.

Once he was gone, Kagome came into the room, hugging Ayame tightly. “The pups?”

Ayame chuckled. “They are well and growing quickly. Why now am I not aiding the Uesugi Clan in the keeping of their stronghold?”

Kagome gave a small shrug as her eyes twinkled. “Let's just say I have a feeling that if Uesugi failed in keeping the Castle, it is meant to be.”

Ayame simply laughed lightly. “Come, no more of this talk then. Allow me to get you settled into your rooms. Where are the children?”

Kagome hummed softly. “Oh, Shippo took Izayoi and Kimiko to go to see the pups. They were overly excited about seeing them.”

Ayame frowned softly. “Where is Rin? The child was clinging to you as though she had taken you as her mother last, I saw.”

Kagome chuckled. “Oh, she went back to Sesshomaru for a time. She was missing his presence. And she did adopt me as her mother. I adopted her as well.”

Ayame snickered, earning a miniscule glare from Kagome. “What?”

“I just find it funny that you share a daughter with the icicle.”

Kagome gasped and lightly smacked Ayame's arm. “Ayame!”

“What! He might as well be one! I think Inuyasha has always been right that he has one shoved up his…”

Kagome cut her off before she could finish the sentence by slapping a hand over the wolf's mouth.

After a moment, the hand dropped and Ayame held her hands up in surrender. “I give! Anyways, we have lots of things planned for your stay here. In three days, we are hosting a ball to welcome you to the lands where you will then be introduced as the `Seer'. Then we get to spend the next month proving your legitimacy to the masses and that includes physical prowess as well as mental.”

Kagome raised a brow. “All that within the first month?”

Ayame rolled her eyes. Yeah well that is just with the youkai that come to court. After that month, we spend the next 3 to 6 months traveling the eastern territories and visiting each human and youkai village. You'll be allowed a month to rest before we begin those travels though.”

Kagome snorted. “Sheesh. That it?”

Ayame gave a small shrug. “That is just here in the eastern lands. The other lands may do things differently. Well here is your room. The children's rooms are next to yours. I put you in the family wing.”

“To keep an eye on me?”

Ayame scoffed. “As if I can keep an eye on you. Trouble sticks to you!”

Kagome didn't bother responding past sticking out her tongue. Ayame chuckled and moved to the rooms next to Kagome. “This one on this side is Shippo's room and the other room on the other side is for the twins. Next to the twins are my pups and then myself. Your room is connected to their rooms.”

Kagome grinned and hugged Ayame tightly. “It's so good to be with you again Aya.”

Ayame responded in kind, making sure not to hug her too tightly. “I missed you too Kag. Now, why don't we go see my pups while the servants finish putting your things up appropriately. I also have a feeling that we'll be needing to make some more kimonos for you.”

Kagome tucked her arm in Ayame's. “Please, no more! The village packed me off with more than I think is necessary. I alone arrived with at least five bags for myself. Each of the girls came with three bags and Shippo with two.”

Ayame tapped her chin thoughtfully. “We will definitely need to get you some more kimonos then. You can leave them here for when you come to visit. After all, you are to become a great Lady, on par with any Lord of Nippon. It is a requirement to have a lot of clothing.”

Kagome groaned softly as the two women opened the door to view a mass tangle of youkai pups playing.