InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ New Life ❯ Chapter 52 ( Chapter 52 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]




“I don't want to!”

“That's too bad!”

“You can't make me!”

“Watch me!”

Shippo, Izayoi and Kimiko all were settled back against a wall watching the interaction between Arie and Kagome. Currently the argument was over clothing for the ball. Kagome was determined to wear one of her simple kimonos, something that she would be able to move easily in. Arie on the other hand was determined to get Kagome into a formal kimono, which was also restrictive. The kids had long ago stopped trying to make the two-stop arguing.

As Arie lunged for Kagome, the door opened and Ayame appeared. She stared in puzzlement for a moment before moving over to the kids. “Do I want to know?”

Shippo snorted, placing an arm on his raised knee, an ironically very Inuyasha like pose. “Not really. It's over clothes.”

Ayame sighed. “I sent a kimono for her to wear already. Hey!”

Ayame's voice echoed in the room causing the two women to freeze and stare at her as though in a daze. “Arie, I already got a kimono for her and Kagome you simply can't wear your usual clothing. Period.” Moving to the closet, she pulled out a kimono that looked like it was a cross between a fighting kimono and a royal kimono.

Kagome squealed, slipping out of Arie's grip. “It's gorgeous! Thank you so much Ayame! It's perfect!”

Arie grumbled in frustration and slight pain. “Did you have to squeal in my ear?”

Kagome ignored the comment thankfully.

Ayame shook her head in exasperation before turning to the kids. “You guys need to get ready as well. Izayoi and Kimiko are going to be getting ready for bed and Shippo, you will be attending the ball tonight. You've reached your first age of maturity and you are Kagome's heir.” Her tone did not allow for argument.

Kagome grinned. “If you guys get ready for bed, I'll come read you a story when I finish getting dressed Iza and Kimi.” The twins giggled happily and rushed off. Shippo had a small pout on his lips. Kagome chuckled and ruffled his head. “Hey, it just means you can show off in front of everyone Shippo.”

His eyes glimmered in excitement at the prospect. That meant he could pull off some tricks.

As he headed toward the door, Kagome spoke again. “Nothing too bad though!”

“Yes, Mama!”

Ayame sighed. “How you manage to control him I don't know how.”

Kagome gave a small shrug. For a moment, the flames in the pit flared up causing Kagome to narrow her eyes. Ayame blinked in confusion. Arie stared between Kagome and the flames in suspicion.

“I just manage. Now, I need to get dressed so out you two!”

Kagome ushered the two women out of her room and then promptly shut the door.

Once she was sure the room was cleared, Kagome stretched her arms, keeping her gaze on the flames. Once again, they gave a small surge. A frown appeared. This wasn't good. She'd managed to keep that side of her quiet for all her life mostly. Why would it start acting up now?

“I wouldn't worry too much…”

Raising a brow, Kagome placed the kimono on the bed and began to get dressed. “What do you mean?”

“You got a boost in power. It's to be expected that your own personal power become more. Nice little trick there though. “

Kagome rolled her eyes. Her other half could be so aggravating at times. “Your point Chi?”

“Now don't be like that. I remember what you remember. Your memories are becoming clear to me the longer I am within you. I remember what she said. Didn't you ever think that it might be time to let other people see? I mean we do live in a time where this stuff is normal practically.”

Kagome paused at that. Chi did have a point. Shaking her head, she sighed. “I don't really want to show anyone right now. That is that.”

The time spent with the twins had been relaxing and eased the tension out of Kagome. Now as she slipped out of the room, she couldn't prevent the small smile that tickled at her lips. Moving down the halls, she reached out and felt the direction of the mass of youki. It wasn't exactly easy going through the halls since she couldn't go straight as the crow flies.

Finally, her feet brought her to a large, heavy door. Two wolf youkais stood in armor outside the doors. Staring at them, she waited but they showed no sign of moving. Shrugging, she moved to open the door when a spear blocked her path. “Humans are not permitted through this door.”

Kagome gave him an exasperated look. “Look here, I'm the guest of honor at this ball. Ask Ayame.”

The other guard spoke, his voice wary and guarded. “We understand that you are Milady, but humans are not permitted through this door. It will not open unless one has youki present in their blood. As a Miko it would not permit you to open it, let alone touch the door.”

For a moment, Chi surfaced. The guards instantly tensed up, feeling the oppressive power that weighed heavily around them. Their eyes remained focused ahead even as their instincts demanded to stifle the source of that power.

Just as suddenly as it was there, the power dissipated into nothingness. Kagome turned away slightly. “Where is the other door?”

The guards pointed down the hall to what looked to be a smaller door in an alcove. It looked like a servant's entrance. Kagome moved to the door steadily. Once she was out of hearing distance, the guards glanced at each other. “It isn't right.”

“I'm with you. That thing shouldn't be here.”

“Nothing we can do about it. They say that without her, all of youkai kind will fade into nonexistence.”

One of them snorted. “Unlikely. It's not like humans can overpower us.”

The other shook his head. “You haven't heard the stories then?”

“What stories?”

“There is a disease that is taking over. It is causing our females to not be able to pup. Not to mention the humans have been getting a bit more violent.”

“Fairytales, nothing more.”

As Kagome entered the ballroom, she blinked in surprise. There wasn't really a whole lot of youkai in here. There was maybe a hundred or so bodies. She had expected a whole lot more considering the mass of youki she had felt and with her thoughts on how court life was. Looking around, she took note of the different clothing they wore. It wasn't just those of the Eastern Court here. She caught a few glimpses of Western, Northern and Southern Courts.

It was about this time that the youkai around her started to notice her. She could hear their whispered insults and remarks from them. Moving further into the room, her gaze sought out her son and Ayame. Ayame was reclined near the front of the room on a pillow, watching the others in the crowd. At first, she didn't easily spot Shippo. A burst of color brought her attention to a small grouping. Most of them were young female youkai.

Smiling, she merged into the group silently. A few of the girls gave her surprised looks but didn't seem to give her any dark glares. If anything, they appeared curious about her. Reaching the front, she found Shippo beaming broadly. “So, you got started early then…”

Shippo's eyes brightened and his grin broadened even more. A light blush appeared on his cheeks. “Hey Mom, I didn't see you come in.”

This caused whispers to race through the small group of females. Kagome ignored them though. “Yes, well I'm going to go up and sit with Ayame. Do you want to come or continue showing off for your fans.”

Shippo's blush deepened. “Mom!”

Kagome chuckled and brushed a kiss over his forehead, laughing again as he wiped off his forehead. “I'll see you later.”

Turning, she could feel the stares. It seemed the younger ones were avidly curious about her while the elder youkai stared at her with hatred. It was curious to her. “The young ones are not fully in tune with their beast.

`That makes sense. At least it will be easier to convince the younger ones to travel when the time comes.'

Arriving at the dais, Kagome grinned. “So, this is what you do all the time when you aren't on the road.”

Ayame snorted. “These things get tedious. Sit down already and grab a bite.”

Kagome settled herself on the pillow next to Ayame. She could hear the insults begin to escalate. Ayame gave the courtiers a dark look and made to rise but Kagome placed a hand on her arm and shook her head. “No Ayame. Let them talk. It doesn't matter.”

Ayame growled. “It does matter Kagome. You are my friend, my sister.”

Kagome smiled lightly. “I know Ayame. It doesn't matter though. Either they will listen, or they won't. Sadly, we won't be able to save them all. We can only do what we can do. For now, let us enjoy ourselves. Tell me about the youkai here and why there are so few. I thought the courts consisted of many more people than this.”

Ayame sighed and leaned back. “Honestly, this is what consists of the youkai courts. They travel around to the different lands with their families. The human courts can withstand a court that remains in one location. For youkai there are more uncivilized youkai than those of us that are more humane.”

As the girls talked about the youkai courts and the habits of the different youkai in the vicinity, a pair of grey eyes watched in anger and hate. They belonged to a female with black hair in an intricate bun. There was no immediate notice of the type of youkai she was but that was how she wanted it.

Turning from the dais, the woman moved quietly through the crowds. Every so often she whispered new insults in the ears of those she passed by. The youkai she passed didn't even seem to see her, let alone recognize her presence. As she reached the edge of the crowd, another stepped out in front of her.

“Leave this place. You are not welcome.” Arie stood tensely, her eyes narrowed.

The female smirked and lifted a clawed hand, inspecting her nails. “Impertinent child. You think to order me around?”

Arie let loose a small growl of irritation. “You attacked Kagome. I will not stand by and watch you attempt to destroy her. She is our savior.”

The female chuckled. “You are blinded. You are a disgrace to your species and kind. You and all those that side with her will feel my wrath.”

“You will have to get through all of us before you get to her. Now leave… Lilith.” Arie spoke her name in a dark tone that bordered on evil.

The female now revealed, narrowed her eyes before she dropped her hand. “You have been given your warning little one. Next time you will not leave my presence unscathed.” Lilith moved out of Arie's path and out the doors into the gardens.

Arie watched until Lilith had completely vanished. Once she could no longer sense her presence, she turned back to the ball room.