InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Nigousan ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters associated with the manga or anime .They are just too much fun for me to resist, though. All rights go to Rumiko Takahashi and VIZ productions.
Kagome groaned as she stepped under the hot spray. This last week had been nothing short of hell. Between washing all her belongings, dealing with the college administration about setting up online classes, packing, and making arrangements to have everything moved across town to her Aunt's new house, she'd been forced to get her hair cut. The last time she sat in a stylist's chair she'd been five years old and decided to see how much hair she could wrap around her mother's favorite round brush. Now, her raven black strands only fell to her chin, instead of just passed the lower swell of her rump. It hadn't been a pretty conversation, either…
Kikyou arrived at her sister's home two days after the wedding ceremony. She exchanged pleasantries over tea with her only sibling until she spied Kagome sneaking in the front door. Then she pounced.
“Child, you need to cut your hair before you move in with us,” Kikyou demanded as soon as Kagome sat down.
“Aunt Kikyou? What - why? I haven't cut my hair since I was little.” Kagome grabbed a fistful of her hair and held it protectively to her chest.
Kikyou shook her head. “That's not the point. With how sensitive my husband's sense of smell is, I can only image how he'll react to that much hair. You can't possibly be getting it as clean as you should. It will be cut before next week.”
“I notice you're still wearing your favorite perfume,” the teen retorted.
“Kagome!” her mother cried. “That is no way to talk to your aunt. You should be thankful that you have the opportunity to help your family like this. I'll have Mary fit you in tomorrow.”
“But Mama…”
Kikyou sipped her tea, hiding a smug smile. It wasn't that she disliked her niece, but the situation that she was being forced to endure. The fact that her husband's mistress would be living under her roof was almost more than she could handle. Everyone complimented Kagome on her hair, the color, the texture, the blend of waves and curls, and Kikyou would not have anything in the house that might distract her husband from his loving (and tolerant) wife.
Nothing would be the same anymore. She couldn't even enjoy a soak in a tub of fragrant bubbles anymore! The damn things had to be “fragrance free” lest she offend the delicate senses of her new uncle. Closing her eyes, Kagome worked up a lather with her new shampoo, the same kind that Inuyasha Inoue used. All natural, as few chemicals as scientifically possible, and obscenely expensive. It wasn't his fault and she shouldn't be bad mouthing him. She knew full well what she was getting herself into; probably better than her mother did. Lord Sesshomaru had been very frank about what the duties of a hanyou's nigousan would be. All the duties. In and out of bed. Though, most of them would be in bed.
The wedding ceremony was first time the girl was graced with the sight of a human Inuyasha. She had to admit, she understood why her Aunt Kikyou wanted him. He was beautiful. Deep violet eyes that would have made Elizabeth Taylor jealous, ink black hair, the kind that looked like it would simply soak up light rather than give off any highlights. High cheekbones, which could have looked feminine, if not offset by a square jaw and a broad forehead, giving him a rugged appeal. He looked older than 28, but his eyes held a playful sparkle. The only think Kagome didn't like was the cut of his hair. She just knew it was Kikyou's idea. While her Aunt's hair was styled in elaborate twists and coils, pearls and lace contrasting with the dark crown, Inuyasha's was short and modern. Longer on the top to allow for his bangs, it was slicked back on the sides, leaving his neck and ears bare. It was too stylized for the wild hanyou that Kagome was used to seeing.
They didn't talk too much, only exchanging pleasantries. Kikyou kept a close eye on her new husband that evening. Kagome couldn't ever remember talking with the hanyou without her Aunt present. She chuckled as she rinsed the suds, remembering that first meeting in April. Aunt Kikyou always did have a knack for springing things on the family at the very last possible minute.
“Mama, I'm home! I hope you don't mind, but I brought laundry! With finals coming up, this really isn't a good tim…”
There, sitting on the worn couch in the living room, was a gorgeous man with silver hair and the brightest eyes Kagome had ever seen. They glittered liked polished amber, dark and light flecks swirling to create a sun storm effect. What caught her immediate attention though, was the pair of snowy white puppy ears nestled into silvery bangs. They were so fascinating that Kagome found herself perched on the arm of the sofa, both ears under her fingers, without so much as a hello of introduction.
“Kagome! Do you make it a habit to touch all the men that happen to be waiting in your mother's living room?” Kikyou's icy voice drifted over from the kitchen.
The teen jumped up and resorted to bowing her apologies, hands tightly clasped in front of her, the result of a lifetime of training from her grandfather.
“I'm so sorry! I don't know what I was thinking. I didn't mean to offend you!”
Kikyou glided into the room and sat next to the hanyou, giving him a tiny peck on the cheek.
“That's just it, Kagome. You weren't thinking. This is my fiancé, Inuyasha Inoue. The wedding will be the first weekend in May, the night of the new moon. You will be in attendance.”
Kagome smiled. She was genuinely happy for her Aunt. Kikyou's first marriage wasn't a happy one. She married Naraku Onigumo because they were youthful, successful, and rising in the fashion industry. Unfortunately, he seemed to have a penchant for fellow up and comings, and their marriage was rocky from the start. Kagome didn't think the woman was ever going to settle on one man, especially now that she'd reached the ripe age of forty.
“Aunt Kikyou, that's great! It's right after finals, though. The girls and I were planning on taking a trip to the coast, seeing the ocean, gambling a bit since I can't drink. Maybe I could throw your bachelorette party! It would be so much fun to plan! I would keep it really sophisticated, I-”
“Kagome, you misunderstand me, dear. You will be coming to the wedding. Not in it, of course, bridal parties are so out of style with today's fashion, but I will have you in attendance.”
The teen's jaw dropped. Before she could come up with a response, Mrs. Higurashi came in carrying a tray laden with tea and cookies.
“Now, Kikyou, you have the poor girl confused. Perhaps you should let Inuyasha explain a few things to her first, so she has some understanding of what you are asking of her?”
Blue eyes darted between brown and golden. “Could someone please start at the beginning? What are you asking of me? To go to the wedding? It might take some rearranging, Aunt Kikyou, but I think I can do it.”
It was Inuyasha who reached for Kagome's hand. “Please, sit down. Things will…well, not so much go easier, but you won't collapse into anything if you're already sitting.”
Pulling a floor pillow over, Kagome dropped down at the corner of the coffee table.
“Okay. Talk.”
“Kagome. What do you know about hanyous?”
Her nose scrunched up. “Ummm, well, they are half-human, half-demon and can result from any sort of pairing. Unlike common hybrids, they do carry the ability to reproduce, but only twice a month; once on the night their demon blood wanes and once on the opposite night, when their demon blood is at full strength. That pretty much covers it.”
“Not bad for a human. Know anything about hanyous taking a mate?” He asked with a grin.
“A mate? Like marrying? Isn't it the same thing as with humans? Take the vows, exchange the rings, and be in debt for the rest of your life for a fancy dress and over-priced cake?” Kagome asked, snacking on a cookie.
Inuyasha laughed and Kagome found she liked the sound. It was rich, deep and just a bit gravely. “Not at all. There are a lot of layers to it. If a hanyou mates a demon or another hanyou, they go through a demon ceremony. Traditional, but different from a wedding. The bands binding them are physical rather than external. If a hanyou decides to take a human, certain…complications come into play.”
Kagome cocked her head. “Complications? Like what? Everything fits the same with humans and demons, right? Otherwise there wouldn't be hanyous.”
“KAGOME!” Mama shouted, her hands covering her very red cheeks.
Kikyou choked on her tea, nearly spitting it onto her white on white ensemble. Inuyasha blushed a pretty shade of pink, but simply shook his head. Bonus points for him. Kagome wasn't the least bit ashamed of what she said. She was still in diapers when she discovered boys were different than girls and proceeded to ask `why' with the enthusiasm of a toddler.
“It's alright Mrs. Higurashi, Kagome does have a point. Even with lizard and snake demons, the mechanics are the same, at least when they take on human form. Some hanyous have a bit more of a problem, but it's known and dealt with from birth. The complications I'm talking about are when the human partner does not want to go through the demon mating ceremonies. They only want to be bound by the human tradition.”
Kagome looked at her Aunt. Kikyou nodded her assent.
“I do not wish to live the life of a hanyou. It's long and I was raised in a shrine family, I don't want to take tainted blood into my body. It goes against what your mother and I were taught, Kagome.”
“But, Aunt Kikyou, this will be your husband! How are you going to have sex? Have kids?”
Kikyou frowned. “I don't see how that is any of your concern.”
The hanyou sighed and laid a hand over his fiancé's. “Honey, this is why we came. All of that concerns Kagome now. Do you want to explain the rest or do you want me to?”
“You can. She might take it better coming from you.”
“Take what better? None of you are making any sense yet!” Kagome growled, frustrated with all the beating around the bush.
“Kagome, a hanyou will bind their human partner to them, share their lifespan so both will live the same amount of time. Otherwise, a human lifetime is like a page in a novel to a demon. Kikyou doesn't want that. She will wed my human half, but not my demon half. The High Consulate has laws for when this happens. If a human only wants the hanyou's humanity, the hanyou must take a mistress to serve his demon side. In other words, Kikyou will only be with me when I'm human.
Kagome sat in silence for a few moments. Then she looked at her mother. The woman wasn't shocked at all. Her brown eyes were shining with…happiness…as she looked at her elder sister.
“Mama? You knew about this?”
The woman tucked an errant strand of short brown hair behind her ear. “Yes, I've met Inuyasha several times while you ere busy with school, though today was the first time I saw him as a hanyou. He and your Aunt have been dating for over a year. Anyway, Kikyou came by not long ago and told me that Inuyasha was a hanyou and then gave me the details of the situation. She wanted my help in selecting a suitable nigousan, a mistress. It was your Aunt who thought of you.
“Me?” She squeaked. “And you thought this was a good idea?”
“Kagome, you haven't found a definite direction for your life. You've never had a serious boyfriend. You're still a virgin-”
“You've never spoken of having children. And Kikyou is family. Your family should come first in all things,” Mrs. Higurashi finished, leaning back against the cushions.
Kagome was still fuming. “But you knew about how serious Aunt Kikyou was about Inuyasha for a year and didn't bother to tell me? Didn't I have the right to know I could have been getting a new uncle?”
“I was out of the country when I met Inuyasha, and my affairs are my business, Kagome,” Kikyou responded.
“Until you want me to be a part of them, is that right?”
Resting his clawed hands on his knees, Inuyasha leaned over to peer into Kagome's eyes.
“Kagome, I know this is a shock, but there is no other way to put this. Kikyou and I are asking you become my nigousan. I'll take care you, pay for school, clothes, anything you need or want. You'll be my family, just like Kikyou. The only law that cannot be broken, by either of you, is neither of you may have children. If my wife will not accept my demon blood, then I cannot have children. I'm considered unfit to reproduce.”
That had been the most shocking, frightening, confusing, and angering moment in her life! She'd raged, thrown a fit, broken several dishes, and refused to come out of her room the entire time she was at the shrine. She knew both Inuyasha and Kikyou had come back, she heard them downstairs talking to her mother and grandfather, but she refused to see them. Before she'd headed back to the dorms, a letter and gift basket had arrived from the head of the Demon Consulate, Lord Sesshomaru. It contained further explanations of what it meant to be a hanyou's mistress, as well as books on several famous mistresses throughout history. The basket was filled with unscented soaps, shampoos, deodorants, and detergents. Apparently, a nigousan could carry no scent other than that of her master. Everything would have to be washed over with the new products. Linens changed three times a week or more and she would have to shower twice a day, once in the morning and once before bed, to remove any scents she picked up during the day. Any lotions or hair products had to be approved by the Consulate or by Inuyasha before she could buy them.
At the time, Kagome hadn't decided what she was going to do (not that her family was adding any pressure) but she would have to begin the washing and bathing ritual immediately. Her friends asked so many questions! And then they wanted to meet Inuyasha. Hell, she barely got to see the man. A few lunch or dinner dates here and there, either with her Aunt or with both Kikyou and Lord Sesshomaru present. The girls thought it was so romantic that her Aunt would go so far for her husband. Kagome thought it was the other way around. Inuyasha was doing all this for Kikyou. He would be taking a total stranger to his bed; just so he could marry the woman he loved. What must that feel like?
After drying off and tossing the used towel in the hamper (she didn't think she'd ever get used to the obscene amount of laundry. Maybe Kikyou would have a maid), Kagome donned thin sweat pants with her old college logo across the butt and a capped sleeved tee shirt. She and Souta would be taking the shrine's ancient truck and moving her boxes across town. Inuyasha had offered to pay for a moving company, but at this point she didn't feel right taking his money. And what she made from her work study job was going to have to last her until she settled in.
She'd left the bedspread and some of her older clothes, just in case she wanted to spend a weekend at home, but the rest was in plastic storage bins (cardboard was too smelly) or the new eight piece luggage set she received from Inuyasha. Kagome had to admit, the deep red with a royal purple tapestry pattern woven in fit her perfectly. And it was something he must have picked out. Kikyou would have gone with black and white. It was always in style and could be coordinated with everything. Kagome hoped her outfit clashed.
With one last look at her mostly empty room, the teen bounced out the door and down the stairs for breakfast, ready to start on her new life.