InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ No More Mr.Nice Guy ❯ Kagome's Tale ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

When Kagome looked up into InuYashas eyes she knew he was worried but she couldn't bring herself to say anything yet. She was still so wounded emotionally as well as physically. InuYasha carefully helped Kagome to sit down with her back against the well and his arm around her. Kagome timidly crossed her legs and leaned against InuYashas chest.
InuYasha watched the tears roll down Kagomes cheeks and nose, he gently brushed them away with his thumb. Kagome stared into his big, compassionate yellow eyes and was pleasantly shocked with his mood change. She knew he loved her now…
“InuYasha.” She finally said in the loudest voice she could muster which was not above a whisper.
“Kagome!” Just before InuYasha could question; Miroku, Sango, and Shippo ran up. “Kagome!” Sango repeated in her yelling tone, “You've been gone for ever!”
“Yeah, Kagome we've missed you.” Called Shippo though he was very close now. “Huh, what's wrong?”
Kagome was wiping her tears away and InuYasha was still looking at her with great concern. The group became quiet and then loud all at once.
“What happened?”
“What's wrong?”
“Who did this?”
“Did InuYasha hurt you? Were you in a fight”
“Was Naraku here?”
“Did something happen at home?”
“Why are you crying?”
“Why won't you answer us?”
“Shut up!” yelled InuYasha leaning his head as far from Kagome as he did so. Kagome had her hands over her ears to block out all their questions. “Damn you guys! Leave Kagome alone for just a minute would you?”
The trio quietly repented with their unison “Sorry InuYasha. Sorry Kagome.”
They all sat together quietly embracing Kagome and stroking her hair, and generously for Miroku, nowhere else. They waited patiently for Kagome to work up the courage and strength to tell them all what was so wrong.
Finally she began, “I am not going back to my time any more, I've decided I'm more afraid of what is there than what is here…”
They all seemed to be waiting for her to continue but when she didn't they berated her with new questions. They were all talking at once and Kagome put her hands over her ears again and tightly shut her eyes so they stopped.
“Okay, we're sorry Kagome. Now first of all, why?” asked Sango calmly ever so gently.
“I've discovered I'm more afraid of what is there than what is here.” She said looking down at her feet.
“Something is more terrifying to you than all the demons here, including Naraku?” asked Miroku as equally calm as Sango had been.
“Yes.” She answered plainly
“Okay. Then would you mind telling us what it is?” asked Sango.
Through all this time InuYasha was sitting holding Kagome and wiping tears and quietly listening as to quite the contrary of what his persona would normally dictate.
Kagome began, “Do you remember me telling you about Hojo, the boy from my school?”
“Oh yes, the nice one?”
“Kind of. I guess he was tired of waiting for me because he came to my house today and… my mother wasn't home and… my grand father and brother were out and…”
“Kagome, I catch the sent of stalling.” Said Miroku patiently as he could.
“I'm sorry… well any way, he came up to my room while I was changing and didn't wait for me to tell him to give me a moment. He attacked me.”
“But isn't he just a little human boy? What harm could he have done?”
“A lot actually.” She said quietly, re-crossing her legs.
“What did he do Kagome, it's okay we're here for you.” Said Shippo.
“I don't want to say it in front of Shippo.” Said Kagome all at once.
“Shippo leave!” said InuYasha in such a firm voice that Shippo didn't even argue, he just walked off into the forest with Kirara.
“Now please tell us Kagome we can't help until you tell us.” Said Sango with an ere of urgency in her voice.
“You see Hojo did something I would never thought any man, especially like Hojo, would do.” She paused and looked up from the tips of her shoes, “Hojo, Hojo raped me!” She cried then buried her head in InuYashas warm chest and began sobbing again, as if re-living it.
“Oh my god Kagome!” exclaimed Sango and Miroku together. InuYasha was placed in a state of shock. After Kagomes explanation his head jerked up and he just sat holding Kagome and staring forward a glazed look over his eyes.