InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Nonexistent Fairy Tale ❯ Chapter 16 ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Nonexistent Fairy Tale

Chapter 15

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters.

The hanyou sighed and slowly opened his amber orbs. ‘Everything’s fine. I’m fine. It’s true. Man, I really must stop doubting myself! This is getting annoying! Damn…I’m bored…I wish someone were here with me…’ A light knocking on his door brought him from his contemplations.

“Come in, Rin.” The small girl shyly entered the room.

“Inu…Rin had a bad dream…” She sniffled and wiped at her eyes. The hanyou glanced at the clock across his room. It read 10:00 p.m.

“Come here, Rin.” He pulled the covers up and patted the bed next to him. She smiled slightly and ran over to him, jumping into the warm bed. The small child snuggled up to the elder boy. “Why didn’t you go to Sesshomaru’s room?”

“I didn’t want to walk that far…” She muttered shyly. The hanyou laughed and hugged the little girl.

“Are you going to be able to sleep now?” She nodded and snuggled closer to the hanyou. The corners of his mouth slowly turned upwards into a slight smile.

“Sweet dreams Rin.” He leaned down and lightly kissed the child’s forehead. She giggled slightly and kissed his cheek in return.

“G’night Uncle Inu.”

With those words, the girl drifted to the world of slumber with pleasant dreams to comfort her. The hanyou didn’t sleep most of the night. He couldn’t fathom why the little girl would seek him out for comfort.

‘It could be the fact that I found her in the park…But shouldn’t her seeing me lose it have made her fear me? She does like Sesshomaru better, that much I know…I don’t get it…Wait…Did she call me Uncle!? Sesshomaru has some explaining to do!! What is it about this little girl that makes everything better?’ He looked lovingly down at the girl before drifting off to a peaceful slumber of his own.

Naraku opened his eyes and yawned. His eyes focused on the calendar near his bed and a smile formed on his face. “Well, well, well…Today is the day Higurashi.” He smirked, his smile becoming increasingly more creepy. “I will finally get that jewel of yours…And Kikyou will finally be rid of you and get that stupid hanyou to herself…Although I don’t know why the hell she’s so infatuated with him…” A cross look took over his features as he realized he had to go to that damned school he was forced to attend. “Damn government, making me get an education. What more could I possibly need to learn, when everything I want will be fulfilled by one little jewel?” He rolled his eyes and frowned.

“Hello, Higurashi!” The girl turned around at the sound of her name. A look of surprise crossed her features as she realized whom had called out.

“He-Hello, Naraku. What time are you coming over?” Upon hearing this, the hanyou gawked.

“Kagome!? What about our ‘friends’ time!? And why the hell is Naraku going to your house!? What aren’t you telling me!? Are you two dating!? What is poor Kouga going to think?! Did I just say poor-” The agitated miko put her hand on the boy’s mouth to shut him up. She glared crossly at him.

“Inuyasha, if you expect me to answer those, will ya just shut up!?” He nodded and looked down blushing. ‘Why the hell is he blushing? Oh well.’

“Now, in that order: Our friends time will not be jeopardized; I’m tutoring him; I’m not withholding any information from you, why would I do that?; God forbid! I wouldn’t date him!” She paused and looked at Naraku, “No offense of course!” She turned back to the silver haired boy. “Yeah…You did say poor Kouga…Are you feeling alright?” She placed her palm on his forehead, only to have it smacked away.

“I’m fine!!” He crossed his arms across his chest, childishly. She giggled at the sight.

“Stop laughing at me!” He pouted, causing him to look even more childish.

“Ahem…Kagome, I’ll be coming over directly after school. Is that alright?”

“Why yes, it is. Since you don’t know where I live, you can walk home with me!” She smiled brightly at the greasy-haired boy.

“Alright. I shall see you then. Goodbye.” She waved after him.

“Kagome!!” The whiny voice of the hanyou caused her to once more turn her attention towards him.


“What about our ‘friends’ time!?” She sighed.

“The tutoring should only last about an hour and a half…Come over then. You can make out-Oops I meant ‘hang out’ with Kikyou until then.” She giggled at the semi-angry look on his face.

“Ha-ha. Very funny.” He stuck his tongue out at the girl. And a tickle fight ensued.

A greasy haired teenager was looking across the bed he was currently sitting on at the girl who was supposed to be teaching him something he wasn’t paying attention to. He couldn’t take his eyes off of the jewel around her neck.

‘Why do I have this feeling someone is staring at me?’ She glanced up to find Naraku working intently on his math problems. ‘Must be my imagination. I have got to stop being so paranoid!’ She mentally scolded herself. She was about to open her mouth to say something to Naraku when she felt herself being pushed down on the bed. She was going to scream, but a mouth quickly covered hers. ‘What the hell is going on!? Help!’

Naraku was pretending to try to take advantage of the girl below him. Well, actually, that idea didn’t sound too bad to him. His hands fumbled with her shirt as she struggled to get away from him. He was about to reach the jewel when…

Cliffy!!! Haha! I’m so evil!! Review if you want to know what happens!! :p

Do fairy tales exist?
