InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Nonexistent Fairy Tale ❯ Chapter 17 ( Chapter 17 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Nonexistent Fairy Tale

Chapter 17

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters.

The door busted open and wood flew everywhere. Kagome’s eyes shined with tears as she looked to see who had saved her.

“Kagome!! What the hell is Naraku…” The wolf youkai trailed off as the dust cleared and he saw the scene before him. “Kagome! Hey bastard, get offa my woman!” The boy charged at the offending boy and knocked him off the defenseless miko. He pulled his fist back to punch the greasy-haired teen, when the teen disappeared in a cloud of poisonous gas. He fell into a coughing fit.

“Kouga!!” The miko launched herself at the boy and threw her arms around him. “Thank you sooo much!!” She kissed his cheek and the boy stared at her in shock.

‘Oh my god…She kissed my cheek!! I always knew she’d realize her true feelings for me!’ He smiled smugly and wrapped his arms around the girl. “Anything for someone as exquisite as you, Kagome.” A light blush crawled up her face at his flattering words.

At school, word was buzzing around: Kouga was dating Kagome. A usually bright strong girl heard this news. Her head shot up and she brushed her red hair away from her face. ‘Kouga…And Higurashi?’ Tears welled up in her bright green eyes and she quickly wiped them away. ‘Why would Kouga choose Higurashi over me?! He is my betrothed!’ Anger so fierce that it chased away all of her sadness filled her features. ‘I will win you back Kouga! You will pay for stealing my man, Kagome!!’

“Naraku…What the hell happened to you?” The raven-haired girl looked the boy over. “I mean, no offense, of course.”

“We had a glitch in our plans. It turns out that stupid wolf, Kouga, is more obsessed with the miko than we had anticipated. He busted in right as I was about to steal the jewel!!” He threw his arms in the air. “Kikyou, this may be harder than we thought.”

The girl nodded. “I’ll call Kagura and Kanna.”

“Sango…We’re bored.” A young boy blinked innocently up at the girl. She took the hair band out of her hair and shook her head.

“I know…But I’m sorry, I have to go to work. You two can go to your friend Rin’s or Shippou’s if you get too bored. If you do, don’t forget to call me, okay? And Souta, if you want to go to Kagome’s tonight, I’ll bring you home since I’ll be there after work.” She rushed around, gathering things for work.

“Oooh! Gonna go see your boyfriend!?” Kohaku teased his sister. She merely stared blankly at him.

“Why yes, yes I am.” His eyes widened in shock as she turned around and left, shutting the door behind her. He looked at Souta and Souta looked back at him.

“What the hell was that?”

“I dunno, man…Where ya wanna go?”

“How about Rin’s? We haven’t visited her since she moved into her new house.” Souta looked at Kohaku for an answer. He nodded in response and ran over to the phone to inform his sister, then call Rin and ask if they could come over.

Kagome was helping Miroku with his language work.

“Hey, Kagome, do you think Sango really likes me?” His eyes never left his book. He was too ashamed to be questioning such things. She blinked at the poor boy and stifled a giggle.

“Miroku…I know for a fact that Sango likes you! You see how jealous she gets when you grope other women!” His violet eyes snapped up at her and he smiled.

“Yeah…Her beatings show her love for me. Quite a painful way, though…” He rubbed one of his many bruises. Kagome laughed at him.

“Miroku…I’m confused as well.” He turned his attention to her.

“Go on…”

“Well…I know Hojo likes me…And he is a nice boy…And Naraku like, tried to rape me…That was unpleasant…But now I’m dating Kouga…And the weirdest thing happened today…”


Earlier that day, Kagome was walking the halls towards her next class. A very angry looking female abruptly cut off her path.

“A-Ayame! What’s wrong?” Her chocolate orbs stared innocently as she racked her brain for anything she could have done. She drew a blank.

“Don’t you act innocent with me, Higurashi!” She roughly shoved the miko into the nearby lockers. “You stole my guy, and I won’t let you get away with it!” Realization hit Kagome like a ton of bricks.
‘Ayame’s talking about Kouga, isn’t she…I didn’t steal him! He agreed to go out with me!’

“Kagome, I swear-” But the wolf girl never got to finish her threat; fore Kouga then showed up and set matters straight. He told Ayame, that even though she may be his betrothed, he was very much in love with Kagome and would continue to date her and he didn’t need Ayame’s approval. The poor girl was grief stricken. She rushed away so quickly with tears in her eyes she was almost a blur.

Kagome mumbled incoherently as Kouga helped her up and kissed her cheek, asking if she was okay.

-End Flashback

Miroku laughed at Kagome’s misfortune.

“Hey! It’s not funny! What if she would have hurt me!?” The girl pouted, crossing her arms over her chest. This only received more laughs from the boy as he almost fell out of his chair.

“Shut up you stupid lecher!” He stuck his tongue out and launched himself at the girl, ensuing a tickle war.

A young girl skipped happily through the halls of her new home. She had been living here for a short while, but was already very comfortable. She had a new ‘daddy’, and a new ‘uncle’. Her daddy may have appeared stoic and uncaring to most, but she knew he wasn’t. She could see through his façade. In addition, her uncle did show his feelings, and he was a great comfort to her when she had nightmares during the night. She giggled at recalling when her uncle had questioned her daddy about him being an uncle.


“Sesshomaru!!” The hanyou barked out to his brother (no pun intended).

“What do you want, Inuyasha?” He poked his head out of his office. The hanyou walked into the room as the inu youkai sat at the desk.

“What’s this about me being an uncle?” A smile-yes an actual
smile- appeared on the man’s face. The hanyou’s eyes widened in surprise and he stuttered over words.

“You mean Rin? Ah, yes. I have adopted the human girl. She has grown quite attached to me, you see, and would not quit bothering me until I agreed to do so.” He shuffled some papers around. The hanyou’s eyes only grew wider.

“Sesshomaru! You-You’re smiling!” He pointed to his brother’s face, you know, just in case he hadn’t realized what he was doing.

“Oh! Good job, Inuyasha! I do believe you’re learning well at that school of yours! What grade are you in now, 3rd?” The smiled turned into that of a smirk before fading to stoicness once more.

“Ha ha! You’re a bastard, you know that!? First you don’t tell me I’m an uncle, which I would have liked to know!” He pouted rather childishly upon saying that. “Then, you mock me for pointing out that the Ice King was showing emotion! Stupid arrogant ass!”

-End Flashback

“Rin thought that was funny. Uncle Inu sure does say a lot of ‘No-no words’.” She smiled to herself as she made her way to the ringing doorbell. “Oh! Rin’s friends are here!”

Review please! I am quite disappointed at the lack of reviews for the number of hits. : ( I have a total of over 2,000 hits on FF and over 1,000 on MM and less than 20 reviews on each! I want more reviews, please!!

Life is but a fairy tale. Whether good, or bad, tis only what you make of it.
