InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Not letting you go ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“WHAT?” the waitress for their table, who was coming by to refill their cups of coffee, abruptly threw her coffee pot and just shook her head as it hit a poor old man in his walker.
Having seen all of this, Kagome just had to glare at her companion, “Koga! Quieter please.”
“O fuck that, Kagome! You're getting married in two weeks to HIM!”
“What's so bad about that?” giving a quick shake of her head she just had to give a small smile before continuing, “I mean he and I are friends-“
“And I'm not your friend?”
“Koga! You're already married!”
He frowned before giving her a toothy smile, “Yea, you're right.”
The silence that followed was deafening, only the sounds of the waitress cleaning up the spilled coffee on the ground and people cooking in the kitchen could be heard.
“Ya know Kagome,” Koga instantly spoke, sounding like Crispin when he suggested the marriage, “I know what you're doing.”
Startled, Kagome looked at Koga as though he grew a second head, “What do you mean, Koga, what do you mean by you know what I am `doing'?”
Giving a small chuckle, he stated his thought, “You got me for a second there Kagome,” he gave a pause as he looked out the window before continuing, “I didn't take you as the type of gal that would actually give herself to marriage because one relationship didn't work out. Hell, I thought that you would NEVER do something like that.”
All Kagome did was sit there, wondering where Koga was getting at, before she heard what he thought.
“And I never thought that you would use jealousy to get the man you want, the one you dumped, back.”
“Then why don't you tell me what happened?”
The question caught Sesshomaru off guard as he stared at his brother for what seemed like hours in his own mind, `What did happen?'
He began to silently review what occurred between Kagome and himself the night of the phone call. Obviously he forgot their anniversary, but that was easily remedied. Before he thought that it was his entire fault and the only thing that he had to do was apologize to his love and fix whatever he had forgotten.
It seemed that he had forgotten too much, that Kagome couldn't take it.
Sesshomaru shook his head and turned towards his window so he wouldn't have to see the stare his younger sibling was giving to him. He had to think, to analyze, to fix the relationship that he and Kagome had and will forever have if he had a say in it.
“I think that it was because Kagome was sick and tired of waiting around for a REAL relationship.”
Sesshomaru's head snapped to the door and there stood a man about his age and height. He had blonde hair and a deep set of blue eyes that were a shade darker than his Kagome's. He was handsome, looked American though. The man wore an obviously expensive suit and carried a business suitcase in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other.
Deciding about what he should say to the intruder, his dear brother didn't even use the ten seconds rule before speaking to the man, “And who the hell are you!?”
“The name is Crispin McBain,” he said glaring at Inuyasha who was still on the floor, “and I am here because of a scheduled appointment that I have with a Mr. Takahashi.”
Sesshomaru nodded his head, “That is I. I apologize for my rude brother, but as you can tell, you caught us at the wrong time.”
“I can tell that I have,” he looked straight into Sesshomaru's eyes before continuing, “but I came only to give you an invitation.”
“To what may I ask?”
“O, just my wedding.”
Inuyasha stood up and glared at Crispin, “Why should he or I go to your wedding? We don't even know you or her.”
“There are many reasons,” he walked over to Sesshomaru's desk and set his suitcase on there, “one is because it shows good faith since we are going to work together,” he began to unbuckle his case, “two is because I thought it was gentlemanly to invite you,” he opened it and pulled two envelopes out, “and three is because you DO know the bride.”
Sesshomaru merely took the envelope and held it in his hand, “And what, may I ask, are these?”
Giving his charming smile, Crisping responded, “Those are my invitations. I actually asked her today to marry me and I made the invitations straight away. Those two were the first to be made and I though that since I was on my way, I could give them to you.”
“When's the wedding?” Inuyasha suddenly spoke, “Just incase we can't make it.”
“It's in two weeks.”
Giving a low whistle, Inuyasha continued, “That soon, huh?”
“Yea,” Crispin closed his suitcase, and before leaving the office Sesshomaru's voice stopped him.
“You said that we knew who your bride is, who is she?”
He smiled before answering, “Read the invitation.” With that he left.
“That guy's really odd.” Inuyasha then began to try and open the envelope.
“Can you be anymore savage, brother?” Sesshomaru grabbed his letter opener and gracefully open his letter and began to read the content before the letter dropped to the floor.
“Waz the matter with you?” Inuyasha dropped his letter on his brothers desk.
“We do know the bride Inuyasha,” he then looked at his brother with a look of pure pain on his face, “It's Kagome.”
“Yes, jealousy. I understand that you want him back, Kagome, but you shouldn't try it that way. Go to him and apologize-“
Koga was interrupted by a slap in the face, literally. Breathing heavily from her anger, Kagome calmly placed her hand down before picking up her purse and leaving their booth.
“I don't know why you said that Koga,” she paused as she was about to walk out, “but the reason why I am marrying Cris, is ONLY because I HAVE to get over Sesshomaru. I can't be in a relationship that goes only in circles and broken hearts.”
She then left the diner, leaving Koga sitting there by himself thinking about what had happened.
“You gonna pay for that, Sonny?”
Looking up he saw the bill he had to pay, and gave a silent curse before grabbing his wallet.