InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Now And Forever ❯ The End Is The Beginning ( Chapter 33 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


Lets see if it will all end here shall we!


`Where am I'?

Kagome looked around in the large space she was standing in, everything was black and silent.

`Am I dead!? No I can't leave my friends and I can't leave Inuyasha!!'

`Calm down Kagome, you are not dead'

`Who are you and where am I!?'

Kagome searched around franticly for the owner of the voice; until her eyes landed on white light that seem to be getting larger, no closer.

`You are in realm between worlds, and I have come to thank you'

The person came into view bathe in that white light, Kagome gasped and covered her mouth and the women standing before her smiled.

`Do you know who I am Kagome?'

`You're Midoriko!'

`Yes I am, and I want to thank you for everything you and your friends have done. You have rid the world of a great evil and now you deserve to live your life.'

`What about you and the jewel?'

`One final wish and the jewel will be gone as will I and my eternal struggle will be over.'

`What if the wish is evil or selfish?'

`I have a feeling it won't be, now go back to your mate, he has hardly left your side these six days that you have slept.'

`Wow! Six days!'

She found herself being blinded by the light, and when she opened her eyes next she was staring into worried amber ones.



Suddenly she was lifted off the sleeping bag with Inuyasha hugging her tightly.

"I was worried that you wouldn't wake up, you've asleep for…"

"Six days?"

He pulled back and looked into her eyes with a puzzled face.

"How did you know?"

"Midoriko told me."


"I'll tell you later, where is everyone?"

"Well when Sango woke up after the battle she went into a slight depression over her brother."

"Poor Sango is she okay?"

Inuyasha pulled her into his lap and laid her head on his shoulder.

"She's fine now, we buried her brother with rest of her people from her village, and she and Miroku are together now and are going to make their own family and name their first male child after her brother. She's been worried about you too. Roshi and Kagura are together now."

"Inuyasha what happened to me?"

"Kikyou hit you in the back with her miko powers."

"I guess I'm going have to have someone with me wherever I go."

"I didn't want you to live like that, you're my mate and I have to protect you from, even from her and sense she would always have been a threat I stopped her."

"What do you mean?"

"After I brought you back to Keada to take care of you, I hunted Kikyou down and released her soul and the part she stole from you like I said I would."

"I'm sorry you had to do that, I know you loved her."

"I did love her a long time ago, but I love you now."

Kagome wasted no time in kissing him, to her that was the sweetest thing he could have said at the moment. Then she remembered something and pulled away.

"Inuyasha where is the jewel?"

He reached in the folds of her sleeping bag and pulled out the completed jewel back on its chain. Kagome held it back out to him.

"I want to give it to you to make your wish."

"I don't think I want to become full demon anymore, I realized that I didn't need to, to be excepted, I have friends now that except me the way I am, and you."

"I still want you to have it just in case you think of something to wish for."

She handed him the jewel and he put it into his shirt.

"Come on I promised I would take you to see everyone if you woke up, Shippou would hardly go anywhere while you were sleep."

They walked out of the hut and everyone in the village seemed to stop and look at her as if they had never seen her before.

"Get on my back it'll be faster."

She got on his back and he ran to the other side of the village and stopped in front of a house that everyone was helping to build. When they saw Inuyasha come running up with her on his back everyone immediately stopped what they were doing and ran to her. As soon as she got down and took two steps Shippou launched himself at her and she found herself under a pill of hugging people.

"I'm okay guys really, hey who's house?"

"It's your surprise Kagome, it's our house."

Kagome knocked the breath out of him with the force of her hug, and started jumping up and down.

"Thank you guys so much!"

They stayed to watch the progress on her new home. She wanted to help but Inuyasha wouldn't let her, saying she was still to weak to do anything. After everyone was done for the day they went back to Keada's and Kagome told them about her visit from Midoriko. They all couldn't believe that they were getting a thank you from the most powerful miko that any had ever heard of. And they were all happy that she told them that they could now live their lives.


The house was finished over the next week and a half and after Kagome and Sango drove the boys crazy about painting and furniture Inuyasha had an idea.

"Kagome why don't we go get some of the furniture from your world?"

"I would love that, but we don't know if the well will stop working as soon as we're over there, we might not be able to get back."

Inuyasha pulled out the jewel and decided to use his wish to make his mate happy and keep his sanity about this decorating thing.

"I wish that the Bone Eaters Well would remain open to us."

One bright pink flash and the jewel was gone, over in the direction of the well in Inuyasha's forest a blue light shot up into the sky, it seemed to be coming from the well and then it disappeared.

"Inuyasha what did you do?"

"I wished for the well to stay open. Now lets go and get the stuff so you girls can stop running me and Miroku nuts."

He just walked out of the hut not even looking back while they all just stared in his direction and then at each other.


Weeks later Inuyasha and Kagome lying in their new bed brought from Kagome's time. Her mother had been happy that the well wouldn't close and bought them a bigger bed sense they would be cramped in her old one. They had couches chairs in their house and had completely furnished Shippou's room and Kagome had been moving furniture into one of the other rooms but wouldn't let Inuyasha see it. They had finished building Miroku and Sango's house and after seeing the things from Kagome's time and how comfortable they were, they wanted a couch too.

"Inuyasha do you want to see what's in the room now?"

"Yeah what's such a big secret?"

Kagome led him to the door but she needed to tell him something before she showed him.

"Inuyasha I've been hiding something from you for about two weeks, I just wanted it to be a surprise and to get the room finished first. I had to mask half my scent to do it."


"You'll see when you see the room."

She opened the door and stepped aside to let him in. Inuyasha just stood there and stared wide eyed and then looked back at Kagome.

"K-Kagome y-y-you"

"I'm pregnant Inuyasha. Do you like the nursery?"

He didn't answer her just hugged and kissed her all he could.

`I finally have a family'

"Thank you Kagome"

"For what?"

"For loving me, for everything."

"Inuyasha I'll always love you."

They hugged again, but this time not too tight, Inuyasha didn't want to hurt his pup.



"Can go to my time and get me some tacos, I think I'm having a craving. And some pizza, and some of mom's oden please.



Well that is the end people, I hoped you like my story and read my new one the first chapter should be up today!

Thank yous:

Debbie the rex







Ice princess 1185


Katrina Xaten


Suzumi Tenshi




Clouded eyes

Iota The Sweet

The guardian angel

Sorry to anyone that I missed, but we all know my review page and me don't get along.

My next story is called "Anything For Love" check it out!