InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Obsession ❯ Confrontation ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I am but a fan who likes to mess with the characters' lives.
Chapter 3:Confrontation
Sada `borrowed' one of the horses from the village and headed east. The thought of an actual challenge got her even more excited and she forced the horse to go faster than it could handle. After the horse collapsed from exhaustion, Sada didn't see the use for it any further, so she sliced off its head. She licked the blood and smirked. “So that's what horse blood tastes like.” She shook the thought from her mind and set her sights on Inuyasha again. She darted east as fast as she could, a speed that could easily rival any demon's speed. When she felt she was getting closer, she hopped from tree to tree in hopes of remaining hidden. Her plan worked; she had found Inuyasha and he couldn't even sense her there. Urasue's had taught Sada well, no one could sense her.
Kagome stopped in her tracks, something creeping her out. “What's wrong, Kagome?” Sango asked. “It feels like someone's watching me,” Kagome said, getting the jitters. “Quit being a baby, Kagome. If anything was here, we'd sense it,” Inuyasha snapped, not really in the mood for this. He wanted to find the Band of Seven as soon as possible. “You're not as sharp as you think,” a female voice said. Inuyasha snapped his head towards the voice and saw a woman decked out in black and red. He didn't understand her outfit, but the weapon fastened to her back worried him, he had never seen a weapon like that before. “My, what a pretty woman,” Miroku said with a lecherous smile. That smiled faded when a crescent blade was held to his neck. “That was so fast, I didn't see it,” Inuyasha thought as he gritted his teeth. “Who are you?” Sango demanded. The woman scoffed, “Me? I'm Sada.”
Sada smirked inwardly when they didn't show fear at her name. “I see my reputation isn't as well known as I was led to believe,” she said with a smirk. She pulled her Jakujou to her side and she looked at the group. “What do you want?” Miroku asked. Sada smirked, “I want Inuyasha's head.” Inuyasha instantly went into a fighting stance, “You work for Naraku?”
“Don't insult me! As if I would work for anyone. And so you know, Naraku's on my hit list as well,” Sada said as she twirled her Jakujou like it was a baton. “Why do you want to kill Inuyasha?” Shippou asked. “He butted in my business. I don't tolerate that from anyone.” Inuyasha stared at Sada confused. Sada sighed. “When you killed Urasue; she was mine to kill,” Sada said as she slashed Inuyasha's chest with the blade at the end of her Jakujou. Inuyasha clenched his chest and glared at Sada. He didn't even see her move. He growled at her and pulled out Tetsusaiga.
Sada looked at Inuyasha's sword and scoffed at laugh. “That's supposed to scare me?”
“No, this is. Wind Scar!” Inuyasha said as he swung his mighty sword down at Sada. Sada quickly jumped up and to the left then stabbed Inuyasha in the stomach with the same blade she used to slash his chest. Inuyasha cried out in pain as he fell forward onto the weapon. “Inuyasha!” Kagome shouted. Sada scoffed and ripped out her weapon while she jumped back. She watched as Inuyasha's friends ran over to him, then two of them, a very pissed demon slayer and monk, stood in front of Inuyasha, both ready to fight. Sada ignored the two and licked some of the blood on her Jakujou. Miroku and Sango looked at her with disgusted expressions pasted on their faces. They quickly shook off their disgust and decided to attack. “Hiraikotsu!” Sango shouted as she threw her giant boomerang at Sada. Sada just simply jumped up and evaded the attack then grabbed it as it passed under her. Sango's eyes grew wide as her own weapon was hurled back at her with much more force. “Sango!” Miroku cried as he ran over to Sango. “Two down,” Sada said. The remaining members of the group glared at Sada. Sada scoffed disgustedly at the group and looked down upon them. “Pathetic. I was at least hoping for a challenge. Not even worth the blood,” she said and disappeared from sight.
Sada watched Kagome and Miroku tend to the severely wounded Inuyasha and Sango from a tree nearby. She shook her head and thought to herself, “Only one reason I left you alive. I need you to lead me to the Band of Seven, and Naraku.”