InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Old and New ❯ A cat demon, am I? ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own anything.
A/N: Here is the story that will accompany "Little Meilin." This story will focus on the beginning, when Kagome finds out about her demon side, and the events leading up to her introducing Meilin to Inuyasha.
Hope you enjoy it!
iiiiii are thoughts of the person's POV.
uuuuuu is Yoko talking to Kurama and Kagome.
+llllll+ is Kurama talking to Yoko and Kagome.
-aaaaa- is Kagome talking to Yoko and Kurama.
(jfjfjfj) is Hiei talking to Yoko and Kurama.
/lllll/ is change between point of views. Note: Story is in Kagome's POV unless noted.
"Momma!" Shippo cried out as the demon swiped at him, missing by a hair.
It was the final battle with Naraku. Demons were everywhere, surrounding us more and more.
Kagura and Kanna were off to the side, not really into the fight.
Inuyasha was fighting Naraku along with Sesshoumaru. Sango and Miroku were fighting Naraku's other incarnations...There were so many to count.
Kikyo was on the sidelines, not really caring at all.
Stupid corpse.
Kirara was with me, as I struggled to aim my arrows at the demons surrounding my son.
"Shippo!" I called as I purified the demons to dust. He jumped into my arms.
I left Shippo on Kirara and jumped onto the ground.
The battle was becoming endless, neither side winning as of yet. Only endless bloodshed.
Kouga was fighing with us as well, wanting to avenge his fallen comrades.
I turned and aimed another arrow, taking out a couple of more demons.
"Aaaah!" I heard Inuyasha cry.
I turned and saw Inuyasha with one of Naraku's tentacles in his stomach. Sesshoumaru was trying to stop the other demons.
"Inuyasha!" I growled as my appearace changed.
My hair grew slightly longer. My ears were no longer on the sides of my head but on top, like Inuyasha's dog ears. I now wore my priestess outfit, similar to Kikyo's except it was a lavender where hers is red. I now had a long black tail and claws on my hands. Fangs grew and my eyes turned a silvery-blue.
Kikyo gasped and glared at me.
I ran to Inuyasha and swiped at the tentacle, setting him free. I then screamed and released all of my miko energy to purify Naraku to dust.
All of the other demons perished, except for Kagura and Kanna. I had set them free.
Thank you Kagome I heard in my head. Kagura and Kanna left.
I looked at the unconscious hanyou before me. I used my power to heal his wound. I picked up the last pieces of the jewel and fused them together.
Kikyo walked over to me.
"Stupid bitch," she hissed, "I wanted you to die so that I could get my soul back."
"Guess what?" I asked, "I do not give a damn what you want. You are lucky that Inuyasha cares for you, otherwise you would be dead now...Oh, wait...You already are!"
She glared at me.
"I will get my soul," she promised, "mark my words."
She left on her soul stealers.
Everyone was staring at me, amazed at my change. Shippo jumped into my arms.
"Momma!" Shippo exlcaimed, "You're a demon now."
Kouga sniffed the air around me.
"You're a cat demon," he said in amazement.
Sesshoumaru stared at me. Sango and Miroku were speechless.
"I don't know how," I explained, "it just happened."
I stood outside Kaede's house with Shippo and Sango. Miroku and Inuyasha were both asleep, having received more injuries than the rest of us.
Miroku's wind tunnel is gone. Sango's brother's soul was free to move on from this world. Everything was peaceful again.
"What's going on?" a growl came from Kaede's door.
Inuyasha stood there, Tetsusaiga ready.
"Who the hell are you?" he growled at me.
He didn't notice.
"Inuyasha," I said calmly, "sit."
"K...Kagome?" he asked, lifting himself off the ground.
"Who else would it be?" I asked.
He growled at me.
I put Shippo down and ran off, Inuyasha following.
Cats and dogs don't really like each other...
I continued running until I made it to the well.
Our little chasing games continued throughout the days.
"Stop chasing me, Inuyasha!" I cried out.
It does get tiring.
He pinned me on the ground.
"Get off," I growled at him.
He sniffed the air around me.
That was when I remembered that it was that time of the month for me.
Inuyasha's eyes turned red and he kissed me.
It continued from there.
A/N: Sorry so short. Hope you like it. More soon. Sorry but I'm not good at lemons.