InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ On a Leash ❯ Dreaming ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: You have got to be kidding me…

A/N: Busy! Busy, busy, busy, busy! Quick thing to EspeonX: Actually, Tetsusaiga can be spelled both ways. It's a thing in Japanese that the 'tsu' can sound like a 's', hence, Tessaiga or Tetsusaiga. Thanks for trying to be helpful. Quatic: you weren't clear, but thanks all the same.

Someone asked how old Inuyasha is, which I already said, but I'll say it again; he was 17 when he was placed under the spell.

Thanks also to the compliment that my writing has improved; I noticed the shift, too, actually-but opening chapters to this were more lighthearted, so I guess I don't create such a strong atmosphere unless there's a 'darker' mood. There was description, just nothing overly critical to put down. Now however…

Chapter Thirteen: Dreaming

The streetlamps shined gently through the misty night air, allowing the boy to pass through the hoops of light as he trudged his way home. The hailstorm had lessened considerably as Inuyasha made his way home to the Higurashi Shrine. Even though the ice pellets weren't assaulting him physically, they took on the form of thoughts, pounding his mind into puzzled submission.

Myouga had blathered on about how much he'd missed his young lord, but had eventually given up when a grunt seemed like a wordy response. Brooding always kept Inuyasha especially tightlipped.

Tokyo was a sleeping giant tonight, and that didn't help with the eerie ambiance as shadows and light took turns chasing each down the valleys of his face.

Inuyasha kept his hands tucked into his coat pockets, feeling twice as warm as he had been when he left the shrine-house, although it was only bodily warmth.

As he finally climbed the familiar steps, that out-of-body sensations touched his soul again, yet in a good way. His heart beat faster, eager and jubilant to return to the place in which he had begun to call his home while at the same time his breathing was even and calm, taking solace in the quiet serenity of the shrine and the guardian forest that lay near him.

He drifted over to the Goshinboku, and placed a hand on the careworn bark. All of a sudden, all the doubts and worries and confusion he'd been suffering seemed to fly straight out of Inuyasha and into the tree. That lulling tranquility that breathed from this god-tree wrapped protectively around the boy, and he felt more in control and his tired mind much clearer.

Half-smiling, Inuyasha backed away and made his way to the kitchen door at the rear of the house. Carefully he turned the knob and pushed it open, mentally whispering a thanks to whatever deity was cutting him some slack by allowing it to stay unlocked as he had left it, the boy crept inside the noiseless house. He shut the door in the same way in which he'd opened it, and fastened all three locks on it; the one on the knob, the chain, and the slider.

Leaning against the wood frame, Inuyasha slipped the boots and socks off-he had always been fonder of prowling around barefoot. Taking them in hand, he went to the storeroom, unzipping his coat as he did. "Myouga," Inuyasha whispered, quietly sliding the storeroom door.

"Hmm-wah!" the flea yawned, stretching both sets of arms. "Yes, Master?" he asked from his spot in his lord's inside coat pocket.

"See that cat?" He pointed to the obese feline curled upon a stack of brochures. "That's Buyo. Hop over and get some shut-eye, old man. I don't think he'll mind.

"But make yourself discreet, hide-something you're good at."

Myouga yawned again, apparently too exhausted to defend his non-existent valor. He bounced from his perch to the dozing Buyo's backside without a single protest.

Inuyasha shook off his coat and hid it, along with his shoes, beneath an upturned cardboard box. He made for a corner to sleep in, yet he suddenly paused.

Then, while a smirk bloomed across his face, he crept to the entryway and slid it open once more.

He soundlessly crossed over the kitchen floor, bare feet touching the linoleum carefully, in case of something in his way. The nightlights cast quiet glows at the darkest areas of the house, like near the bottom of the stairs.

Inuyasha climbed the carpeted steps, hand hovering above the banister. The air was warm, and sympathized with his wear body's desire for rest. Still, he made to the second floor; the old priest's snoring wove in as distant background noise.

The boy carefully glided down the hall, detouring once into Souta's room to cover the little boy, who had kicked his blankets off; Souta continued to snooze happily away.

He passed by Mama's closed door and the upstairs bathroom only a few paces away. Finally, he reached his destination.

Kagome's door was ajar, probably so Shippou could run into the bathroom in case of 'emergency' without a hassle. Quietly, Inuyasha padded in--the indirect city nightlights lessened the darkness slightly, making it easier for him to step over the fox child.

The kitsune was curled up in his sleeping bag with one of Kagome's old stuffed bears. Inuyasha smirked faintly as Shippou grumbled, "Boogey man…don't taste good…gotta run…"

First looking to the bed, Inuyasha was alarmed when he didn't see Kagome. When he spotted her pillowed on the sill, relief washed over his muzzy brain. That girl could get into all forms of trouble when he wasn't around.

Well, and plenty of it when he was around but that's beside the point.

The boy walked over to her, hearing her soft breathing; her breath made a circle of fog on the frigid glass. He pushed back the pink curtains, shaking his head. You're going to be really sore if you sleep that, you twit…

Gingerly, he wrapped his arms around her waist. He quickly adjusted her so she was in a one-armed hold, leaned up against his chest-he was careful to make sure the rolling chair didn't move too much. Then, he used his other hand to uncross her legs, stretching them out, and crouched so he could slip his other arm underneath her knees.

Inuyasha gently lifted Kagome, her blanket sliding off. She lolled against his chest once more, finding a comfortable place by the front of his shoulder. Carrying her bridal-style, he leaned over the bed to lay her down; he gulped nervously when she cuddled closer, one dainty hand falling upon the flesh that protected his mortal heart.

Kagome murmured in her sleep numerous unclear words. Her long fingers reached out and gripped the boy's shirt laxly as she was tipped onto her bed, drawing the already-deep neck of his shirt lower until it hit about the middle of his sternum.

Even though the grasp was not stalwart, Inuyasha found that when he tried to back away, he was still captive to her hold, only centimeters away from her lips.

Inuyasha made another anxious swallow as his heart swelled in copious angst. He released a slow, constricted breath, watching as it teased the tendrils that framed her shadow-cast face. Without thinking, he wet his own dry lips, pondering an odd little notion that seemed to arise every time he was near her in this form, though he knew not why.

Hesitantly, he tested how much Kagome's grip would tether without disrupting her.

It kept him very near.

His traitorous heart beat lucidly in his human ears and hummed in his chest like a plucked guitar string. His mind became devoid of any thoughts…

As Inuyasha's lips met Kagome's.

It was feather-light and chaste, yet tentative and swift, and sent disconnected sensation through his body.

His wide violet eyes blinked largely at his boldness.

A lazy smile spread over the soft lips he'd just touched.

The grip on his shirt relaxed.

Sucking in a deep breath, Inuyasha drew himself up. He retrieved the forgotten blanket and tucked Kagome in.

Kagome's smile continued, but minute lines gradually began to touch her visage. Softly, barely audible, he asked the quiescent girl, "What're you dreaming about, Kagome?"


The air was a hazy white, and Kagome could see something running towards her through the fog. She called out to the figure only to have her voice become trapped in the dense mist. Bit by bit, the form became clearer.


His pitch locks quavered after him, and his wine eyes shined as some unseen celestial light dappled through the mist. At his heels was Inuyasha, looking as determined as it was possible for a canine. The two seemed to run in step towards her ,growing more distinct and closer, even though Kagome she was not moving.

Where are you? Kagome thought, eyes contorting into confused expressions. She wanted to reach out to Taisho, to Inuyasha, but for some reason, she couldn't.

Then Inuyasha and Taisho seemed to overtake each other, and their images grew bigger and bigger until they completely filled her vision. Kagome's focus inadvertently shifted to their eyes, seeing only one gold and one violet eye.

Amber and wine swirled together brightly, blending and swirling and covering the other.

Then the colors whirled and everything went stark white.

"Kagome…" she heard a familiar voice say. It sounded so much like Taisho's, but had a form of roughness to it that Kagome couldn't attribute to anything she knew.

The field of alabaster waned to a pale ocher…

Electric ambry-gold orbs and strands of cesium-silver fluttered before her stormy eyes. A countenance much like Taisho's wavered into view, but it was altered. Husky-like dog ears atop his head, intense-hued eyes, pastel hair, but so enchanting. This very boy stood before her, Kagome now able to see him fully, and with no uncertainty allowed him to lean over and brush his lips against hers.

Kagome's eyes closed as she was wrapped in a warm embrace, indulging in honey-sweetness…


Inuyasha slunk quietly back to the storeroom, carrying a blanket he'd nicked from the laundry room. He undressed and folded his clothes and hid them with his other articles. He wrapped the heavy coverlet around his shoulder and stalked to the darkest, most obscure corner of the storeroom. Laying half the large blue blanket down, the boy folded himself into it, covering the rest of his naked body against the cold air.

He settled into the semi-bed, still contemplating on his actions only moments ago.

What's wrong with me…? His eyelids slid together. Reflections of Kagome's smiling face danced across his mind. I can't stop thinking about her.

Sesshoumaru's words came echoing back to him: "You have to protect the Tetsusaiga, and most assuredly the girl. Your mother wrote the prophesy in one of the books in the library, yet Jaken is too incompetent to find it."

Closely following were Kaede's: "She is an extremely special child, and unfathomably gifted, though she doesn't know it yet. …She is a young miko; however, the problem lies with the fact that she cannot harness and utilize her power to the fullest extent. You must protect her, Inuyasha."

Kagome is a really nice person, and I can't let anything bad happen to her…even if I'm doubly cursed like this… Languidly, said girl's face began to fade and silence crept into Inuyasha's brain. I won't let Naraku hurt her…though I'm not sure what he'd do….


Shippou waved his hand madly at his babysitter. "Bye, Kagome!" he yelled as his mother lead him by the hand.

"Thank you, Kagome," Mrs. Hishinuma said. "My sister lives in Sakura and came down to stay with my mother right now. If you could, dear," she stopped to place a hand on Kagome's shoulder, "would you say a prayer for my mother?"

The girl nodded with a slight smile, keeping a tight hold on Inuyasha's collar. The dog didn't attempt to break away. "Of course."

Mrs. Hishinuma let out a grateful sigh, her hand sliding off. "Thank you again."

She smiled consolingly, the kind of smile mother's always adored and made them want rush over and embrace the bearer. "Bye, Shippou. Be good."

"I will."

With that, Kagome shut the door and released her pet. She looked down at him. "It's about breakfast time. I'm actually pretty hungry, and you weren't around when I tried to feed you last night." She scratched his head. "You really didn't like having Shippou around, huh? Well, I'll bet you're ready for some chow."

Inuyasha made the dog-equivalent of a shrug before trudging after her.

They turned into the kitchen and Kagome started rifling through the cabinets for some of the canned dog food Mama had bought. She snatched the can and an opener. She took the sharp-edged lid and tossed it into the trash receptacle before dumping the contents into Inuyasha's bowl. "There you go."

He rather stared at it, not in the distasteful way he normally did. To be honest, he wasn't even seeing it. He licked a gravy covered cube of lamb meat-finding it wasn't all that bad-and nibbled at it listlessly.

Inuyasha was still puzzled about his behavior when he'd come home, and even more so about the clue his brother had shared with him. Something about it didn't seem quite right…it was too simple….

Or, his paranoia was acting up again.

Still, it was enough to make him slump to the tile floor fore his bowl. Inuyasha's ears twitched of their own accord as Kagome poured herself a bowl of cereal, turning on the radio and listening as her favorite male singer, Atsuhiro Satoh, sang a sweet, little Christmas jingle; it was pretty the way the girl's first soprano hit each note, even much better than the teen idol did-or that was Inuyasha's opinion, at least.

It was then that he came to the open-and-shut conclusion that his human form played more on his emotions-which he already knew-and took his fondness for Kagome further than he meant to; he wasn't in his normal, hanyou faculties during that time.

But… What if it's more than that…? an unknown being continued to nag in the back of his head, but Inuyasha, with practiced determination, wrestled it to the depths of darkness of his mind where it belonged. No need to be thinking of frivolous things right now.

Kagome waltzed around the kitchen singing, putting away the milk and shutting the refrigerator door with her hip as she spun to her left to pull out a spoon from the drawer of the island. She did another twirl as she lifted her bowl of cereal and made her way to the kitchen table. With a flourish, she set it on the table and pulled out a chair, making quite a show of sitting down.

"Taa-daa!" she sang, throwing her arms out to the sides and giving them a good old vaudeville wave as a new song came on.

She laughed like a maniac as Souta shouted, "Shut up, Kagome!" from the den.

Inuyasha waggled his tail a bit and let out a kudos-bark.

"Well, at least someone appreciates my talent." She feigned haughtiness before bursting into hysterics again. Kagome had been in an incredible mood since she woke up. First, she'd been having this weird dream about her Trig teacher trying to eat with her textbook for a mouth, but then it'd shifted to the most wonderful reverie she'd had in a long time.

It had started off with Taisho running towards her, and Inuyasha appearing by him, and they were all in some form of ethereal mist. Then it'd changed again until finally she saw a boy that she could only think of as the hybrid of Inuyasha and Taisho-kind of a like a half-demon, she'd noted-and he was so handsome and…Kagome couldn't quite think of the word that would encompass all the words that popped in her brain, but she was so absolutely fascinated by the very notion him. Too bad there's no one that looks like him, Kagome had thought with slight woe.

And the kiss she dreamt about…! Gods, that was even better since she'd never been kissed and to have some sinfully beautiful boy…well, Kagome wished that dream would have lasted a bit longer. Pity she could not remember a darn thing after that kiss…

To be quite frank…

I wonder how I got into bed last night. I fell asleep on the window… "Maybe I sleepwalked to bed." Kagome glanced down to Inuyasha, who stared pensively over the sink counter. "Do you think it's possible to sleepwalk to bed, Inuyasha?"

His head quickly swiveled towards her, looking very frazzled.

"I used to sleepwalk when I was a kid, so maybe I did. Or maybe I was tired enough that I got up and went to bed but don't remember…" she mused aloud, spooning some cornflakes onto her spoon.

"Yeah…you think that, Kagome. You sleepwalked yourself to bed." Inuyasha sighed, relieved.

"…But I remember feeling like I was lifted up…" the girl mumbled again, twirling her utensil in the bath of milk and cereal.


A high-pitched ringing filled the room. Kagome set her spoon down at toddled over to the other room to answer the phone. She punched the 'talk' button as she lifted the receiver to her ear. "Higurashi residence."

"Hey, Kagome!" Sango's voice bubbled across the line. "I didn't wake you or anything did I?"

"No, I was up early for a change this weekend. What's up?"

"I need a break from finals studying, and I figured you did too, so I wanted to know if you were in the mood to go Christmas shopping with me?"

"Definitely! I'll let Mom know and-oh! We can go to that little boutique that opened up in the central district…"

Inuyasha shook his head as he turned away from the doorway. What is it with girls and shopping?


Kagome grinned merrily as she brushed her inky locks again with a soft-bristled brush. She was ready for some serious shopping, and had changed out of her hanging-around-the-house clothes. Inuyasha was lying beside one of her open texts; she laughingly thought it looked like he was reading.

What a silly thought.

Maybe he was a little put-out that she wasn't taking him with her. That darn dog seemed to almost brood or something when he didn't get his way.

A sound knock came from downstairs. She was halfway descended with her purse and tan leather jacket thrown on when Mama called, "Kagome! Sango and-Sango's here!"

The girl hopped over the last two steps to find Sango standing in the open sliding doorway and Mama beaming.

"Guess what I found on the street corner?" she asked before stepping aside…

"Miroku!" Kagome chirped as an obsidian haired boy gaited over to her and caught her in an embrace. She hugged him return, giggling happily. "It's so nice to see you."

He backed away and smiled a lazy, lopsided grin, violet eyes sparkling with some form of hidden mischief. "Likewise. I swear you get prettier ever time I see you, Kagome. I mean, Mrs. Higurashi, you're going be getting some fine competition if your daughter gets any lovelier."

"Oh, Miroku," Mama laughed, smacking him playfully on the arm.

Sango snorted as she rolled her eyes, but obviously used to the routine. She crossed her arms for a moment before she arched an eyebrow in curiosity. "Is that your dog, Kagome?"

Kagome looked to the foot of the stairs where Inuyasha stood, eyeing the pair of newcomers in his house carefully. "Yeah, this is Inuyasha." She reached over and scratched his ears. "This is Sango and that's Miroku. They're my friends, so don't get all weirded-out."

The canine watched them for a moment more before snorting. "Whatever."

Miroku kind of smirked at his action. "Seems your dog has dismissed us." He hunkered until he was eyelevel with Kagome's pet.

Inuyasha locked gazes with Miroku. He was giving the canine a penetrating stare, one that left him wondering when Miroku patted him on the neck and straightened up.

"He's really gorgeous, Kagome," Sango said, scratching Inuyasha's back a little.

"Yeah, but he's also a handful."

Said animal gave a doggy smirk to his mistress.

"Well, how about we get shopping?" the older girl queried.

"Sounds good."

Miroku gave an askance look to Inuyasha, before turning to the girls and suggesting, "It's a beautiful day out. How about we walk around town?"

"Miroku," Kagome began, linking arms with him and then with Sango, "that sounds like a wonderful idea."


"Oh, wow, Sango, that dress would look so nice on you!" Kagome exclaimed. The group had reached the shopping arcade and was currently window-shopping. Aforementioned dress was a modest black number clothed the mannequin in the display.

"I must agree." Miroku nodded his head. "It would flatter your form well."

Sango tutted prior to hauling the snickering duo to another shop half a block away. "You know, Kagome, he," she promptly poked the boy accompanying them, "was in Tokyo last month."

"Oh, really?" she drawled, deciding to help tag-team the male instead. "You get some time off from college and don't let me know. I'm hurt, Miroku."

He shook his head, his dragon tail waving to and fro. He held up his hands in defense. "As I told Sango, I was only doing a task for my employer and doing a little studying while I was here. It wasn't a fun visit. I did not want to intrude upon either of you, or my psychology paper."

"Speaking of which, how is your job going?"

Miroku's eyes widened a tad in surprise at the inquiry, yet the cool expression he wore only wavered into a content grin. "Quite well, actually. It's a blessing from Buddha," he added, almost cynically. He reached down into his khaki slacks pocket, pulling out a few bills. "How about some hot chocolate? My treat." To that, neither of the shivering girls could say no.

They eventually wandered their way to a large department store where they found the solutions to their gift-giving problems. While Kagome picked out a new sweater and some earrings for Mama and a couple knickknacks for Gramps (or in his case, anything that looked antique or mystical). Miroku horsed around with the toys, chasing Sango around with an open can of silly string. The very cross sales associate advised he pay for it; Miroku only agreed that he would do so, though he never did say when...

Wading through video games and other playthings, presents for Souta and Sango's younger brother Kohaku were purchased along with the rest of the loot, but the shrine-girl kept thinking she was missing a gift for someone.

Later, the trio crammed into a photo booth to have a group shot taken-Kagome pulled a piece of pink silly string from her gal pal's hair. They posed in stupid positions that you can only seem to execute without embarrassment in front of your friends, but eventually took a normal picture, complete with smiles.

"Hey, I saw something a bit further back," Kagome said, sliding carefully out and stepping over the bags that littered the ground immediate to the booth. "Wait for me here, I'll be right back." She disappeared for a few minutes, before returning with a large plastic sack in tow. A few pictures came out from the slat, so the girl waited, giggling quietly at the ridiculous faces her best friends were making within the confines of the private cubicle.

Then, out came a picture of Sango and Miroku sharing a soft, little smooch.

She gaped for a second, hearing only the merry Christmas tunes playing in the background. Kagome quickly ripped the strip off and stuffed it into her jacket pocket. Oh, the fun she could have with these…

Clearing her throat, Kagome piped, "I'm back, guys." She simply grinned as Sango and Miroku emerged, avoiding direct eye contact with her.


Kagome and Sango had made Miroku carry a majority of the bags back. It had been a nice outing with her friends, but Kagome had to admit her feet were awful sore from trotting around for four hours. She kicked off her sneakers and padded upstairs to hide her presents at the furthest part of her closet. She sighed as she picked up a few more books that had been left lying open on the floor.

She ambled downstairs, hanging her jacket on a peg before wandering into the kitchen.

Souta was laughing loudly as he kicked his soccer ball to Inuyasha. The dog pounced on it and knocked it back with his snout and jockeyed from side to side while the child tried to score on him. Kagome smiled contentedly as Inuyasha barked when Souta scored on him; Inuyasha pounced on the boy instead and playfully nosed his shirt with his wet nose.

Inuyasha really has become part of this family. Kagome leaned against the doorjamb. It's like he's been here with me all along.


A/N: Sorry! I just had to re-write some of this! Basically, I also didn't have my computer, and I can't seem to work very well without my computer. Anyway, I am so pleased with the turn out. I finally got around to fixing that mistake with the money, and I am totally thrilled with the reviews. Keep 'em coming!

By the way, yours truly tied for 1st place for Best Song Fic and 3-way tied for 3rd place for Best Drama by the Inuyasha Fanguild. Right now, SH is up for a couple of things, (Best IY/Kag, Best Humor, and Best AU) and "Seeds, Soil, Water, and a Hanyou" is up for best one-shot. So, I'm fairly happy! ^^ Back to no internet, so I'll post from either my friend Erin's house, or from the local library. Sorry, but maybe I'll post more than one chapter at a time. Just be sure to review each one.

Finals are over, summer has begun, so let the madness (and the coming of my 17th birthday) begin!

~Moonlight Shadow