InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Pandora's Box ❯ Epilogue ( Epilogue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]



Inuyasha and Kagome Kag's Home: November 2004


Inuyasha walked into the study and kissed his incredibly intellectual, and beautiful wife, "Good morning sweetheart," Inuyasha paused to kiss her forehead, "How is the book coming?"


Kagome sighed as she finished typing the title page, "I've just finished it. I'm glad it's done now. I'll have more time to set up the baby's room…" Kagome patted her pregnant belly.


"I know you've been working really hard on this Kagome, and I'm proud of you. But to say that I'm not curious as to what you written these past months would be a lie." Inuyasha divulged reluctantly. "What with you acting like a cornered mother dog with her pups, I your devoted husband, have been given the privilege to even get one sneak peak!"


At this Kagome giggled marvelously. She had been acting rather protective of her story. `I guess some shred of my previous lacking self-confidence remained with me.' She thought, `Even now I want to scoop it up and run away… But not anymore, this is a new beginning for me.'


"Kagome, love? Are you even listening to me!?" Inuyasha questioned grumpily.


"Of course I am dear." she replied, silently laughing at his behavior. He could act like a spoiled puppy sometimes.


"Well, as I was saying. I was wondering if I could read some of your story, seeing as how you're finished it, finally," Inuyasha looked over to see his wife looking extremely uncomfortable and quickly began to remove her from her discomfort, "I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to… I'm willing to curb my suspense for when the book comes out. No worries."


Kagome caught the slight look of disappointment in his eyes, unable to bear it she replied, "Wait, Inuyasha! How about I read it to you?" Kagome asked, tapping the seat next to her.


When he sat down next to her, she quickly snuggled up to him and got comfortable, as he put his arm around her, kissing her briefly, in silent thanks.


Kagome took a deep breath calming her nervous reaction, "It's called `Pandora's Box'," she began as she took one more reassuring look at Inuyasha before continuing, "`Dad, Kagome and I are going upstairs!' 18 year old Inuyasha Youkai yelled to his father. As he ascended the stairs, a raven-haired, cocoa eyed Kagome Higurashi followed humbly but happily behind him…"










Written by:

Jacqueline Robinson