InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Passion Flowers and the Moonlight Path ❯ Danger Is Closer Than You Think ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Inuyasha slowly opened his eyes then let out a soft groan. Morning had come once more, and all too quickly, in his opinion. All mornings came too quickly anymore. It seemed that, after he and Torie spent hours of just worshipping each other, the sun came up moments after they'd gone to sleep.

'I just want this moment to last forever,' he thought with a sigh.

Still, it couldn't be helped. Another day had started. Already, he could hear Torie's neighbours going about their daily activities.

'We're probably the ones still in bed.'

That thought brought a smile to his face as he glanced at the golden-haired woman who slept next to him. It wasn't lost on him that he owed her. He owed her a lot. She had saved him from a life of being poked and prodded, and ultimately being used, against his will, as a weapon. He didn't even want to think of what would be happening to him right now if she hadn't intervened, though he still had nightmares about the possibilities. Inuyasha never told her about them, the ones that he could remember, anyway. He was sure that she suspected something, though. He could see it in her eyes whenever she made a comment about the dark circles under his eyes. Eventually, he'd have to tell her . . . but not right now. He couldn't. Something inside of him prevented from doing so.

'Someday, I will. Just . . . not now.'

With another soft sigh, Inuyasha pushed himself up into a sitting position. Next to him, Torie stirred but otherwise made no other movement. Smiling once more, he leaned over her and kissed her on the neck.

“That . . . tickles,” came the sleepy murmur. His hands slid to her sides as his smile became wolfish .

“I know.”

* * *


Donatello ran into the practice dojo, nearly out of breath. His brothers - Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Raphael - glanced at him, as did their sensei, Splinter.

“What is it, Donnie?”

“Shredder's on the move. It looks like he's heading for Philadelphia!”

For a moment, no one spoke. No one even dared to breathe. Then Raphael shattered the silence.
“He's finally lost it.”

Everyone there knew what he meant. Shredder was going after Torie.

* * *

Ayumi glanced around, her entire form trembling. Every now and then, she glanced over her shoulder, trying to see if anyone was following her. So far, in her mind, she'd been lucky.

Since Eri and Yuka's confession about what they'd done to Inuyasha, Ayumi had not gone to school. She had stayed in the safety of her bedroom, pleading the flu to her parents, and had continued to do so for several days. This was the first time she had ventured out in over a week, and since it was a school day . . . she felt she could make it safely to the Higurashi shrine without running into her so-called friends. However, that didn't mean she could let her guard down. Far from it. For all she knew, they could have hired someone to keep an eye on her and to make a move against her. She didn't trust them. Not anymore. Not after what they had done to Kagome's boyfriend.

'I just hope Kagome doesn't get mad at me for not telling her sooner,' Ayumi prayed as the Higurashi temple came into view . . .