InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Pink Carnation ❯ Eglantine Rose ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Eglantine Rose; A wound to heal

Thank you to Daniella for beta-reading!

Pink Carnation
Chapter 2: Eglantine Rose

Sesshomaru’s grip on the wheel was so tight that he was nearly breaking it in two. The only thing he could think about was getting to the hospital as fast as possible. A car accident. How bad could a car accident be? But Kagome didn’t own a car. To be in a car accident, she had to have been hit by a car. How bad could it be to be hit by a car? It could be a precaution. It could be that she was hit on the leg, and it bruisedÉ

It could be nothing.

It had to be nothing.

ÒWould the fucking light change already!Ó he cursed.

He tapped his fingers against the wheel, his head spinning as he begun to feel dizzier by the second. Once the light finally became the right color, he pressed hard on the pedal and flew through the road rapidly heading towards the hospital. He was afraid that if he was there a second later than he should, she would slip through his fingers and he would lose her.

It took him another five minutes before he finally arrived at the hospital. He parked as quickly as possible, and rushed inside; his blood boiling in his veins. If he caught the idiots who hit her, he was going to crush their heads, break their necks, and grind their bones until there was nothing left.

As soon as Sesshomaru dashed the front desk he forcefully pressed his palms against it. ÒExcuse me?Ó he said, his tone anxious.

An older nurse slowly turned around to peer at him. ÒCan I help you?Ó

ÒI’m looking for Kagome. Higurashi Kagome,Ó he said, his feet twitching.

The lady carefully looked through her pile of papers trying to spot the name. Sesshomaru was aware she was doing her best, but it didn’t change the fact that he was that close to losing his patience. His heart was beating like a drum, wanting to rip out of his chest as the seconds ticked away.

ÒI’m sorry Sir, but she is currently in the ER.Ó

ER. That was not precaution that was fatal. Something did happen to her.

Although her words had registered in his brain, it didn’t help him. There was no way he was leaving the hospital until she was out, and well. ÒWhere can I wait?Ó he inquired as calmly as possible.

ÒOver there,Ó she said pointing to the end of the hall.

ÒThank you,Ó he said before turning around ready to sprint down where she was.

But before he could get very far, he was stopped by a voice. ÒSesshomaru!Ó

He didn’t need to glance back to know who it was. Although everything in his body was screaming at him to keep going, even if he couldn’t see her yet, he ceased his movements, and waited for Sango and Miroku to catch up to him. After all, they were just as worried as he was..

Sango was nearly breathless when she finally arrived by his side. ÒIs she okay?Ó she inquired her eyes still red from the tears she had shed earlier.

She didn’t want to picture the worst, but, the lost puppy look on his face was making it difficult to have hope. Sango was afraid to hear the words he had to say. What if they lost her?

Sesshomaru looked away, not bearing to look in anyone’s face for now. ÒShe’s in the ER,Ó he said, almost all in one breath.

For a brief instant, Sango’s heart stopped beating, and she reached out for Miroku, grabbing his arm for support. Her fingers were digging in his flesh, but he didn’t even flinch. Miroku himself was too stunned to be able to feel any kind of pain, the news still not processing through his brain.

ÒER?Ó he asked, almost wanting Sesshomaru to deny it, to tell him he had heard wrong.

The only answered he offered him was a nod.

All of them felt silent, everyone glancing at the floor. Sesshomaru felt his heart constrict in his chest at the thought of having her ripped away from him. He wasn’t a violent person, but he hoped that the people who put her in the hospital were in a worse state than she was, or he’d take care of them.

Without saying a word, Sesshomaru turned around; ready to resume the path he had began to follow. Even if he couldn’t see her yet, he would remain by her side as close as possible. If anything was to be announced, good news or bad news, he wanted to be the first to know.

Sango raised her head as soon as she heard movements. When she noticed Sesshomaru walked away, she began to follow him without speaking. Even if she wanted to talk, she could no longer ask. Her heart was hammering within, and she was praying Kagome would pull through.

She only wished they had more information.

All three friends silently walked towards the ER and once they reached the area all they could do was sit in the nearest chairs and wait.

It wasn’t until there was a few minutes of silence, that Sango realized something. ÒSomeone should call Kagome’s mother.Ó Before the silence fell, she offered herself. ÒI’ll do it.Ó

Sitting there would drive her insane; at least, walking, and going outside, where she would have some fresh air would perhaps help her clear the whirlpool of emotions she was currently experiencing. While her whole body was trembling with anxiety, Sango rose to her feet, and headed outside, where she could use her cell phone.

With Sango gone, an awkward silence was left between Sesshomaru and Miroku who were not extremely familiar with one another. Nonetheless, Miroku wanted to offer some of his support. He loved Kagome dearly, but as a friend, while Sesshomaru seemed much more linked to her.

ÒShe’ll be fine.Ó

He wasn’t certain his words bore the truth, but he truly wanted to believe that the words he spoke were sincere. ÒKagome’s a fighter, she’ll pull through.Ó

After all, she had survived a major heartache, and she was now stronger than ever. A car accident couldn’t take Kagome away, not when she had so many things to live for. She was still so young, and hadn’t accomplished any of the dreams she had.

Sesshomaru never answered, or glanced his way, but Miroku knew he heard his words. A sigh escaped the older man, as he hoped Miroku was right. He had almost lost her once, back when he didn’t know her, back when he didn’t care. Even then, the urge to protect her had surged, leading him to wonder how badly he would take it now.

He raised his head, still not peering at Miroku, waiting for someone to pass by. Sesshomaru was fairly humble, but he had learned over the years that most people had no virtue and could be bought off. All he had to do was find the right one, and perhaps he’d obtain a bit of information on Kagome.

A doctor passed by but he knew they didn’t need money. He needed someone with a lesser salary, who worked exhausting amount of hours. Sesshomaru’s emotions were boiling within, but he had the skills to hide it from the outside world. He patiently waited, observing everyone that walked in front of him, until he found the right person.

Slowly he rose to his feet, attracting Miroku’s attention, before aiming for the woman. ÒExcuse me?Ó he said in his most polite tone.

He would first try to ask questions, without offering any type of bribes, and then if she refused, he’d propose her a silent deal.

The woman turned around, her glasses on the tip of her nose. Her hair was a bit messy, mostly due to the fact that she was in a constant rush. She tried her best to offer a sincere smile as she came to a halt. ÒCan I help you Sir?Ó

Sesshomaru’s eyebrow twitched involuntarily as he attempted to find the right words. ÒMy,Ó one little lie couldn’t hurt. ÒFiancŽe is in the ER. I was just called here, but nobody will tell me what happened to her.Ó

The eyes of the woman saddened a bit before she slowly nodded. Her own husband had been hospitalized a year back, and she had been left to worry all by herself. Of course, they could not disclose much informationÉ ÒWhat is her name?Ó

ÒHigurashi Kagome.Ó

The nurse nodded again, before offering him a small smile. ÒI’ll see what I can do.Ó

ÒThank you,Ó said Sesshomaru before finding his seat again.

Perhaps he had been wrong, and maybe there were still a few people that were nice without receiving anything in exchange. He could feel Miroku’s eyes on him, but all he did was tap his foot against the hard floor, the noise echoing through the hospital. Usually, such thing would have driven him crazy but at the moment, he could not stand the silence.

ÒShe’s on her way.Ó

The sound of Sango’s voice nearly made Miroku and Sesshomaru jump. Both tilted their heads in her direction as she resumed her seat, her eyes extremely puffy. It had been difficult for her to hold the tears back while discussing the situation with Kagome’s mother. Since they didn’t know what was happening with Kagome, it was hard for Sango to tell Miyu to not be concerned, or to not come.

What if Kagome didn’t make it?

It was true that she didn’t wish for such thoughts to fill her mind, but they had to consider every possibility.

ÒShould she be driving?Ó Miyu could be very emotional, and in such a situation who could blame her.

ÒSota is going to drive.Ó

Sango’s lifted her brown eyes to fix the door of the ER. Somewhere behind it, there was Kagome, helplessly lying on a table. A rage was developing inside Sango, and that fury was directed at herself. When Kagome had the incident, she hadn’t been able to help. At first, it had been difficult to not provide her friend with the support she required, but she got over it.

But now, once again, there was nothing she could do.

She felt useless.

Her head dropped and she found herself staring at the tiles of the floor. It was then that she felt a warm hand on her back. Usually she would have slapped said hand away, but today it was different. It wasn’t a gesture of perversion, but a gesture of compassion. Sango raised her head ever so slightly, before nodding his way.

All they could do was wait.


Three long hours had passed without any answers.

Kagome’s mother and her brother had arrived an hour after Sango had called them, and ever since, Miyu and Sango had been sitting close to each other, holding back tears. Miroku and Sota had chatted a bit, trying to take their minds off things, but Sesshomaru hadn’t been able to fit in either group.

Since his nerves had given up on him and all the stress had drained his energy, he was soullessly wandering around the hospital, perhaps trying to find a coffee machine so he could be more alert.

Unfortunately for them, they hadn’t been able to find out anything about Kagome’s condition. The nurse he had inquired information from had done her best, but apparently it was difficult to even get near Kagome. Her state was critical, and the area was closed off while they operated on her.

Just that little bit of information had made him sick to his stomach.

Now, the only way he could picture her was lifelessly lying in a bloodbath.

Obviously it had been useless to ask the nurse about the other people involved in the incident, but that didn’t mean he had given up on them. He had money, he had power. As soon as Kagome would be on her feet, he would deal with them his own way, and he didn’t care what it involved.

His eyes flickered to the right when the light from a coffee machine caught his attention. Slowly, he dragged himself towards it before taking his wallet out. He mindlessly pressed a few buttons before putting the cup in place, waiting for it to be filled with the hot beverage.

Time was passing by even slower in a hospital.

He heard the final drip as the machine ceased its noise, but he didn’t reach it for the cup immediately. Sesshomaru’s hand was extremely shaky and he was afraid that if he grabbed it, he would drop it. He was a fairly collected person who had control over their own emotions, but when it came to her he would lose it all.

Since that night, all it took from her was a glance and he was bare and vulnerable. She never had the chance to find out how much power she had over him, or how he felt about her. Perhaps it was his biggest regret, and relief at the same time. He didn’t want to burden her with the way he felt.


Immediately he raised his head only to see Sango sprinting his way, a blush of exhausting coloring her cheeks. ÒThe-d doctor,Ó she said, quickly, Òhe’s out. I mean, they’re done.Ó

A light of hope was created in his chest as he hurried to follow her through the halls, leaving his coffee untouched. Could it be that if Sango was still hopeful, that Kagome was still alive, that everything had gone well?

When the doctor finally came in view, Kagome’s friends and family surrounded him. Sesshomaru increased his speed to try and catch most of what was being said. He politely slid himself in between Miroku and Miyu as the doctor kept on telling them about the situation.

ÒWhen your daughter arrived at the hospital, Miss Higurashi,Ó he began, his eyes locked on Miyu, Òshe was in a bad state. She had received the biggest impact on her legs, and on her head.Ó

The head, that could not be good, in fact, it could be deadly. Sesshomaru was beginning to breathe so hard to contain his emotions that it could be heard loudly, but nobody said anything.

ÒOur main priority was the wound on her head since it was causing an extreme amount of blood loss. We were able to stabilize it during the first hour.Ó

A sigh of relief could be heard among the group, but no one dared to celebrate too early.

ÒHer state is still a bit critical, but she’s out of danger. Unfortunately, there was severe damage done to her head, and we will not know the extent of her injuries until she wakes up.Ó

ÒCan we see her?Ó inquired Sota, his bottom lip quivering.

The doctor sighed before running his fingers through his hair. ÒShe is still in a comaÉ but if it is done quickly yes. However, you should go one at a time.Ó

Miyu nodded. ÒThank you.Ó

ÒYou’re welcome,Ó said the doctor before moving out of the way.

It was a relief to all that Kagome was alive, and would wake up. The down side was the last thing the doctor said. Head injuries could be very serious, and all they could do was pray that she would be fine, and recover.

Without any question, Miyu was the first one to go in while everyone else resumed their seats, waiting for their turn. Sesshomaru sat a bit further from everyone else, his thoughts invading his mind. He had so many things he wished to say to her, yet she was unconscious. He didn’t even know what is reaction would be like. It was one thing to keep his emotions hidden from the others, but in her presence, it would be different.

He sat there, completely motionless, lost in his own mind as everyone went in. He could recall a few of them asking if he wanted to go, but he refused. He didn’t want to be press for time; he wanted to enter her room last. Although he had to admit he was growing rather impatient by the second.

His heart was beating slowly in his chest, as if every pump, every badump was taking the energy straight from his soul. It took him a few minutes, but Sesshomaru finally managed to gather the strength to raise his head. His eyes were locked on the door waiting for Miroku, the last person to see her to come out. He was counting the seconds in his mind, his toes twitching.

Then finally it happened; Miroku emerged.

Sesshomaru pushed aside the look on his face; he didn’t want to know how bad her state was.

His heart in his stomach, he rose to his feet, before gently making his way into her room. For a second, it was if he could feel their eyes on him, but he never looked back. As his trembling hand reached out for the door, he took a deep breath. While he slowly opened the door, he could do nothing but close his eyes; he wasn’t ready to see her yet.

He closed the door behind him, blindly advancing in the room. Sesshomaru took a few more steps before he opened his eyes. His breath was caught in his throat as the sight in front of him burned his eyes. Kagome was lying in a bed, a tube coming out of everywhere like snakes surrounding her. There were bandages wrapped around her head, making her look even more fragile.

Sesshomaru was afraid to take one more step in her direction, terrified that it would shatter her. The beeping coming from the machines was ringing in his mind as he gently closed the distance between himself and the bed. His fingers trailed upon the rail until he reached the nearest chair. He plopped down on it; his legs had finally given up on him.

He took a firm grip on the rail before lifting himself from the chair and moving closer to her bed. His amber eyes were locked on her visage, unable to tear himself away. He wanted nothing more than to take her in his arms, and soothe her sorrow away. Hadn’t she had enough pain, why did she require more? Especially now; she was finally steady on her own two feet.

With hesitance, he raised his hand, and slowly, he inched it towards her face. All it took was one more second, and his palm cupped her left cheek. Her porcelain skin was cold which sent a shiver down his spine. Kagome was always warm, even during her deepest melancholies.

The fragile, breakable being in front of him, it could not be her, yet it was.

Sesshomaru never cried, not once in his life, but for the first time, he felt the sting of tears in his eyes.

He would not let them fall, his eyes would not get watery, but he would know, he had almost shed a tear.

His hands remained against her cheek a little longer before he moved it up. Carefully, he brushed away her tangled bangs, much like he had done many times in the past. The scene almost felt familiar, except, before she hadn’t been hooked up to so many machines, fighting for her life.


The near scream had been so loud that Sesshomaru had been able to hear it from the other side. There was no mistaken that it was Sango’s voice, but he could only hope that he had heard the name wrong. He peered in direction of Kagome one last time before retracting his hand. He wouldn’t allow the idiot anywhere near her.

He gently retracted his hand, frustrated that his moment with her had been cut short before rapidly heading for the door. Sesshomaru couldn’t even imagine what he would do to Inuyasha if he truly was there. How could he be? There was no way anyone would have told him Kagome was in the hospital! Nobody spoke to him anymore!

He quietly opened the door, but unfortunately it attracted everyone’s attention nonetheless. It was when his worthless half brother turned around that Sesshomaru’s fears were confirmed; it was him. His eyes narrowed, and he couldn’t find the words to express the rage he felt inside.

He had no right to be anywhere near her.

But before Sesshomaru could speak, Inuyasha was already on his case. ÒWhat the hell are ya doin’ here?Ó Without giving his brother a chance to answer, he turned to Sango. ÒWhy’s he here?Ó

Since nobody was talking to Inuyasha since the incident, he never learned of the relationship between Kagome and Sesshomaru. Over the months, even Sesshomaru himself didn’t bother telling him because it was none of his business, and he didn’t wish for him to do something stupid, like harassing Kagome over it.

ÒWhy are you here?Ó asked Sesshomaru, hissing through his teeth.

ÒMrs. Higurashi called me.Ó At least someone had the decency to alert him that Kagome was in the hospital.

Miyu hadn’t been told about what Inuyasha had done to her daughter. Since the situation had been complicated enough, and Miyu considered Inuyasha like a son, they had decided, following Kagome’s wish of course, to not tell her the two of them were not talking anymore. Nobody had thought she might call him, causing chaos in the hospital.

How would Kagome react if she woke up with Inuyasha right by her side? They had to find a subtle way to make him leave before a fight would break between him and Sesshomaru.

Sango put her hand on Sesshomaru’s arm attracting his attention. ÒLook, I don’t want him here more than you do, but it’s not the time to make a scene. Not here, not like this. You can deal with him when we’re outside,Ó she said, semi-whispering.

She was infuriated beyond belief, but this was still a hospital, and it was no place to fight.

Unfortunately for all of them, the way some tones had been raised had attracted the attention of a nurse nearby. She approached the loud group, a frown on her face. ÒI’m sorry but visiting hours are over, you will have to leave.Ó

In his mind, Sesshomaru cursed his half brother. Everything he did always ruined it for everyone else. He was a selfish bastard that only thought about himself. A sigh of frustrated escaped him, before his face crisped a bit. He was going to deal with Inuyasha, now.

ÒSota, Mrs. Higurashi, you’re welcome to stay at my house while Kagome is in the hospital, it’s much closer.Ó

Mrs. Higurashi smiled through her pain. ÒOh we wouldn’t want to impose.Ó

Miyu didn’t know about Inuyasha and Kagome, but she was aware that Sesshomaru was a growing presence in her daughter’s life, she simply did not know to what extent.

ÒNonsense, I insist. I will call for someone to pick you. Someone will also take care of you car.Ó

Miyu’s eyes were watery as she bowed ever so slightly. ÒThank you Sesshomaru.Ó

Sango was the first to catch on the hint that Sesshomaru wanted to talk to Inuyasha, and she had no intention of stopping him. She offered her best smile to Miyu, before semi leading her outside with Sota and Miroku following him. Miroku couldn’t help but glance back, giving a supportive nod to Sesshomaru.

It wasn’t too long before the only people left in the surrounding area were Sesshomaru, and Inuyasha. The older man was staring down at his brother, wanting to burn him alive with his eyes.

ÒFollow me,Ó he said before moving forward.

Inuyasha was extremely confused. Everyone was acting so familiar around his brother, yet none of them had seen him more than twice. Plus, none of it explained why he was in Kagome’s hospital room. Never had he said anything nice about her, or talked to her. Now he was worried about her?

Just what the fuck had been going on behind his back?

He wanted to push his brother around, demand answers, but all he did was exhale loudly. He would wait until they were out of the hospital before demanding answers from Sesshomaru. Inuyasha had a bad feeling about having him around his Kagome.

The time seemed to pass slowly as they finally emerged outside, the sun blinding them both. Sesshomaru wanted nothing more than to rip Inuyasha’s neck especially since his emotions were currently out of control, but he took a deep breath.

ÒWhy did you come?Ó he asked before sitting down on the nearest bench.

ÒWhaddaya mean? Kagome is in the hospital! Why wouldn’t I come! The question is why you are here?Ó

He really wanted to keep it to himself that he was good friends with Kagome, but the bastard was making it so tempting. He wanted Inuyasha to know that what he threw away, Sesshomaru was taking care of. That he had no idea what he lost, that Kagome was a pure jewel.

Yet he shouldn’t. Although, would Inuyasha really bother Kagome? He had given up on trying to make contact with her since everyone had begun threatening him so perhaps he would remain the same. Plus, Sesshomaru could make his life extremely miserable.

ÒBecause she is important to me.Ó

Inuyasha knitted his eyebrows together before tilting his head to the side. ÒSay what?Ó

ÒYou might have been cut out of her life because of your stupidity, but we are not all as foolish.Ó

Taken back by his brother’s words, Inuyasha backed away a bit, a ferocious look on his face. ÒYou been hangin’ out with her? Huh?Ó

ÒPerhaps. This is none of your concern.Ó

Such a childish and provocative reaction had been expected coming from Inuyasha, but Sesshomaru had always thought that when the situation would come, he would be more in control. Unfortunately for Inuyasha, he had caught him in a bad moment. He needed to release his anger one way or another.

ÒNone of my concern? None of my fucking concern?! Everything about her is my business.Ó How dare him! Kagome was his! How could he put his filthy hands on her. How could he even be around her!

He had tried for weeks to get in contact with her, to explain things, but they hadn’t let him. They were the reason he moved on. He couldn’t keep waiting at her door if they didn’t give him a chance. Inuyasha simply couldn’t waste his life waiting for her. But now, they hadn’t done anything to stop him because Miyu was there. It was his chance to get close to Kagome, to talk her.

Especially since Kikyo was gone. He had all the time in the world.

ÒShe isn’t your possession, Inuyasha. She makes her own decision. If Kagome didn’t want me around her, I wouldn’t be there. If she didn’t want me in her apartment, I wouldn’t spend the night.Ó

Perhaps the last bit was too much, and was left to interpretation. He had spent a few nights there, simply never in the circumstances Inuyasha was thinking of.

Inuyasha’s usual amber eyes had turned a deep boiling red as his brother’s words rung in his mind. Spent the night?

ÒYou turned her into your own personal whore?Ó

His hand clenched into a fist as he resisted the urge to hit his older brother. Nobody could have her. ÒYou think I’m gonna believe this bullshit? I know for a fact she doesn’t put out.Ó

A cable in Sesshomaru’s brain snapped, and before he knew what he was doing, he landed a punch right on Inuyasha’s jaw, knocking him back. His blood was boiling in his veins as he took a step forward, not holding himself back. The bastard was making it very hard to not kill him.

Did he ever think before he spoke all his bullshit?

Inuyasha and Sesshomaru had a lot of fights in the past but it never got physical. What the fuck was going on between him and Kagome that he was willing to fight for her? It didn’t take him too long to find his balance, and when he did he charged for his older brother with everything he had.

Sesshomaru, unlike Inuyasha, was able to avoid the hit. It didn’t help soothe away Inuyasha’s pain, who then tried to land a punch again. Although this time, he felt something restraining him. Slowly he looked back only to see Miroku holding his hand back.

ÒThat’s enough Inuyasha,Ó said Miroku as he completely put his arm down. ÒThis isn’t appropriate behavior to have in front of a hospital.Ó

Miroku had wanted to let the fight keep going, after all, if any injuries were to happen, both men were fairly close to the hospital, but he knew he had to stop it. Obviously, if Sesshomaru had hit Inuyasha, who was bleeding from the corner of his lip, there was a reason.

He actually wouldn’t mind hitting him as well, but it wouldn’t solve any current problems they had.

ÒIf you care about Kagome,Ó God, why was it even so hard to say those words to him, Òyou will leave.Ó

Inuyasha was puffing and huffing as he snatched his hand away from Miroku. He felt something drip down in his chin, and his first instinct was to lift his arm, and wipe it off. It was then that Inuyasha saw the blood, causing his inner rage to expand.


Who the fuck did Miroku think he was ordering him around? They weren’t friends, not anymore. He didn’t get to be involved in his life. Inuyasha glanced back at the hospital where Kagome was, and he sighed heavily.

ÒThis isn’t over,Ó warned Inuyasha, pointing his finger at his brother.

He slowly peered at Miroku, before taking his leave, his frustration rising to a new level. They couldn’t keep him out of the hospital, meaning he would still get to see Kagome. At least he had Mrs. Higurashi to keep him updated on the situation. If he could only have a chance to talk to Kagome, he knew he could fix things.

ÒAre you okay?Ó inquired Miroku as he looked over in Sesshomaru’s direction.

Sesshomaru slowly nodded before running his fingers through his long locks. ÒI’ll drive Mrs. Higurashi to my house, can you drive her car?Ó He could call someone, but now he was out, and he was done dealing with his brother. Having someone with him in the car might help him calm down a bit. In front of Kagome’s mother he’d have to be serene, and it would increase his control over his emotions.

This stress was going to kill him.


The burgundy drapes of his window were opened as he stared out at the moon. His fingers were gently tapping against the wooden frame, his breathing rate slow. The bright red numbers of his alarm were flashing, indicating it was 4:00 am. He had attempted to get some sleep, but his mind refused to be put to rest.

All he could think about was her.

At least he knew he would be the first to know everything since Mrs. Higurashi had been put as the number to contact. If they didn’t call before visiting hours started, he would spend the whole day there until they kicked him out.

This was not the way he had hoped for her to spend her birthday. Sesshomaru couldn’t chase away the feeling of guilt he was experiencing. What if he had spent the day with her? It would have still been some sort of cover. Instead, he had been stuck in an office, doing the work his half brother had failed to do.

If Sesshomaru had been with her, he could have pushed her out of the way; he could be the one laying in a hospital bed instead of her.

In a moment of rage he hit the window, almost hard enough to shatter it.

He tilted his head back before allowing himself to drop on the ground. His body was beyond exhausted from all the stress, but he could not sleep. His heart was constantly hammering in his chest so hard that it almost hurt.

Kagome was an angel, someone he had to protect, and he had failed.

She was different from everyone he knew, he had found out a year ago. It was why he couldn’t let her go. Never had he been lovesick before, but she had strung a cord in his heart and it kept echoing ever since. His life without her would be empty. He was a shell before and she added life into his soul.

He couldn’t lose her now.

Suddenly, the phone rang, the sound filling the whole room.

It was his house, thus his phone, yet he couldn’t bring himself to answer it. What if it was the hospital? Miyu already knew she could answer herself if the hospital was to call, so he wouldn’t have to. Sesshomaru didn’t even want to look who was calling, but when the sound ceased after the second ring, he knew.

Mrs. Higurashi had answered.

His heart was pounding through, nearly breaking out of his chest as he waited, silence invading the room. He waited to hear her footsteps, waited to hear her voice. All he could hope was that she was bearing good news. He could feel his blood pumping through his veins as he finally heard the gentle knock on his bedroom door.


He rose to his feet, and rushed to the door as fast as possible, nearly swinging it open.

ÒIt’s Kagome, she’s awake,Ó said Miyu through the tears.

Without thinking, she reached out for him in relief pressing her face in his chest. Sesshomaru, a bit taken back, gently wrapped his arms around her, holding her. He could feel her body shaking, and he held her a bit tighter.

The feeling of knowing Kagome was awake washed over him. It didn’t matter that she wasn’t perfectly fine, but at least they were heading in the right direction. All he wanted to do was hold her, and promise her everything would be okay. He’d take care of her 24/7 if he had too.

ÒI’ll drive us there,Ó he said as she pulled away.

Sesshomaru was about to walk in to grab his jacket when he felt Miyu’s hand on his arm stopping him. ÒKagome is lucky to have you. I know you’ve been a good friend to her.Ó

He was a bit surprised by her words, especially since he didn’t know she was aware of her daughter’s pain since Kagome had kept it from her. A bit uncomfortable, he wasn’t sure what to say.

A small laugh escaped Miyu as she noticed his confused expression. ÒA mother knows.Ó

She didn’t know how badly her daughter had been hurt, but during the last year she had been able to hear pain hidden in Kagome’s voice. She never mentioned it, knowing that if Kagome wanted to share she would do it when she would be ready. However, when her daughter spoke about Sesshomaru, that pain disappeared.

Miyu didn’t know what he did for her, but whatever it was, she was grateful. She was far from her daughter now, and she was glad to know she was looked after.

Sesshomaru nodded, understand it was a mother thing. ÒI’m doing my best.Ó Apparently though, it wasn’t enough since she had gotten hurt anyway.

ÒDon’t be so hard on yourself,Ó she said before lifting her hand, wiping her tears away. ÒI’m sure she’ll be happy to see you once we arrived.Ó

Miyu gave his arm a gentle squeeze before walking out of his doorway. ÒI’ll get Sota.Ó

As Sesshomaru watched her leave, he realized just how much Kagome was taking after her mother. Both of them appeared very strong, yet you had this inner desire to protect them.

The rush of things caught up to him again, and he grabbed his jacket before heading out. They could always call Miroku and Sango in the car, for now, he just wanted to arrive by her side as quickly as possible. Hopefully, this time, Inuyasha wouldn’t be around.

He couldn’t ask for his half brother to be kept out of the hospital, but he could make sure he couldn’t get anywhere near Kagome’s room. If he had to beat the living out of him, he would.

But for now, he’d focus on getting to her, and making sure with his own two eyes that she was fine. He wanted to hear her voice, he wanted to see her. All he wanted to do was see her smile again, and her eyes shine.

That alone would make his heart beat right again.
