InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Pint Sized! ❯ Of dolls and baths ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Ch. 6  Of dolls and baths  
By Lunaticneko 
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ 
Kagome tilted her head back and sighed as she leaned against a rock. â€œThere is nothing 
better& nbsp;than a hot spring.† 
 < br> “Mmm.†Was Sango only response as she laid back on her own rock with her eyes 
closed. The girls had taken Rin and Shippou with them to the hot spring, partly to get Rin 
more comfortable around them, partly to relieve Jaken of his suffering that occurred at 
the kids hands. They were currently splashing each other. 
Kagome’s brow furr ow as she suddenly felt a tingling sensation on her collar bone. She 
went to wipe away what she assumed was hair, and started. On her semi wet skin was a 
daddy long legs trying to get it’s legs unstuck. Of course she did the only normal thing.  
“AH!â ;€ She stood up, all the while trying to wipe the foul creature off her being. The 
result was it sliding down further. 
Sango shot  up right and stared at her friend. As she was about to ask what was wrong she 
saw the Kagome flick the spider off her chest. â€œKago me you shouldn’t sc-†
&ac irc;€œKagome! What‘s -† Came Inu Yasha voice as he, Miroku, and a mini Sesshoumaru 
came into view, and gave pause. Kagome felt like a dear in head lights. It took her a 
second to recover, before jumping down to cover herself in the depths of the water. 
Sesshoumaru was the first to turn, and after a moment kicked Inuyasha, and he turned as 
well. Miroku on the other hand had no problem taking in the view, and Sango relieved 
him of conscious thought with her Hiraikotsu.  
Inu yasha huffed. â€œWench, why the hell did you scream?†
 Kagome lifted her red face that was half buried in water. She meekly whispered out. â€œA 
spider…startl ed me.† 
Inu yasha nearly turned to glare at her, while Sesshoumaru just smirked in amusement. 
“Stupid. Just don’t scream unless it important.†With that Inu yasha dragged Miroku back 
to camp, the mini youkai already ahead of him. 
Kagome was still trying&nb sp;to decided what she felt more. Angry, or embarrassed. Rin voice 
brought her back to attention. 
&n bsp;

Rin peered over at her in confusion. â€œHey, Kagome?†
“hm.â&eu ro;  
“Why did you guys get so upset when they came?†Rin  
 Kagome&n bsp;sighed. â€œIt’s not  proper for men to be with women when they bath.† 
Rin innocently countered. â€œShippou here, and he’s a guy.†
 Kagome stared. â€œBut he’s litt le.†  
“Sessh oumaru little too.†Rin using her little girl wisdom. 
&nbs p; Kagome blushed. â€œItâ€&trade ;s different.†When she saw Rin was about to open her mouth 
again,  Kagome said the only thing she could think of. â€œ Just trust me, when your older 
you’ll understand. Ok?†Kagome was still flushed. Rin just nodded. She knew any 
conversation on it was dead. Kagome now loved that line that she use to hate so much as 
a kid. 
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 
The dark miko sighed. It had been rather dull watching the odd group. â€˜Why can’t a hawk 
fly in and swoop him up, or something!’ She wasnâ€&trad e;t even sure why she was still 
watching, it was just so addictive. If only it liven up again. 
A dark smile curved her lips. â€œMaybe there s omething I can do about that.†
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 
Kagome walked through the woods with her bathing supplies in hand. She saw the hot 
spring beyond the trees and quickened her pace.  
When she heard the sudden sound of water shifting she stopped and hid behind a tree. 
Slowly she poked her head around the tree and gasped. There waist deep in water was a 
stunning creature with silver hair. Some of it sticking to the curved muscles of masculine 
Tr ouble with her gasping is that it made a sound, thus letting&nb sp;him know she was there. 
Quickly he stepped out of the water and turned towards her. She gasped again in 
 < br>
recognition as she saw his face. â€œS-Sesshoumaru…â&eu ro; Her breathing sped up and against 
her will she lowered her gaze. It was then she took a disturbed step back.  
“Wh- What the  - !†She said starring in disbelief. 
Kagome shot up in bed with a muffled cry. She sat their catching her breath and could 
feel a cold sweat covering her skin. â€˜That was just disturbing.’ 
A half awake  Shippou poked her and asked if she was ok. It was then she noticed she had 
the whole attention of the camp, and a blush formed.  
Miroku gave her a odd look. â€œKagome~sa ma are you quite alright?†
“Y es. I-it was nothing.† 
The&nbs p;odd look continued and after a moment later. â€œYouâ&eu ro;™re sure?†
She was  ;looking elsewhere. â€œYes.† 
He shrugged and settle back down for the night. â€˜I can always get it out of her later.’ 
 Her blush depended when she saw Sesshoumaru lift a brow. She just shook her head, and 
whispered. â€œ Trust me, you don’t want to know.† 
He trusted her judgment and went back to trying to get his own rest. He had been trying t 
o recover from his own dream when she woke. He had been dreaming he been running 
after silhouettes of women in the forest and soft laughter that reminded him of a certain 
miko. â€˜Bl asted woman.’ Her latest little stunt at the bath was what he was sure brought 
this on, he was only half-satisfied that her sleep had been disturb too. If he only knew 
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ 
Later in the day, the group stopped to take a break from hunting down the dark miko. 
Sesshoumaru was pretending not to be watching the kids torturing Jaken. Sango was 
resting under a tree and drinking water, and  Inu yasha was up in a tree. 
“I’ ll be back.†Kagome walked off to refill water bottles. Coming to the stream she went 
to work. â€˜I wonder if they do look just like people.. Or…Gah! Who would I ask?’ She 
hardly thought  ;Sango would know, as she primarily focus on killing them, not studying 
their body. And Shippou was right out.  
& nbsp;

“That was&nb sp;quite a blush you had there this morning. Oh, and it seems to have returned.†
Kagome snapped her head up to see Miroku grinning down at her. 
She glared up at him. â€œOh shut up.†
Miroku gave her his best hurt face. â€&oe lig; And here I came to ease your mind from your night 
  “Ugh. Don’t remind me.†
He plopped down next to her. â€œOh, so what was it? Come, you can tell your friend 
Miroku.†He said brotherly. 
She eyed him. â€œ Why do you want to know?†
He grinned. â€ œ I know no normal dream makes someone blush like that.†
She made a sour face. â€˜So he thought he get something good.’  
“Yo u‘ll feel better if you talk about it.†He offered. 
“Fine. I had a dream where Sesshoumaru was…well not clothed.†She buried her burning 
face in her hands. 
Miroku smiled slightly in understanding, and put a hand on her shoulder. â€œKagome 
there& acirc;€™s no shame in that. Everyone has fantasy dreams eventually.†
â€&oel ig;No Miroku that’s not it. And I don‘t fantasize!“ Sh e glare at him the continued.“& nbsp;But it 
was so wrong!†Her head finding her hands again. 
Miroku removed his hand and stared at her. â€œSo…wh at was wrong?†
Kagome muffl ed a suffering groan in her hand. â€œ More of what was missing?†This had 
the monks attention. 
â&e uro;œExcuse me?†
Kagome glared up and harshly whispered. â€œHe looked like a Ken Doll!† 
Miroku just blinked. â€œWhat’s a ken doll?†
&n bsp;

She sighed. â€œIt&aci rc;€™s these plastic dolls. They have girls and boys. The boys are referred to as 
Ken, and are very detailed.†She paused. â€œ  ;Except they made for kids so the lack any 
detail there.†
He chuckled. â&eur o;œOh come on then. It couldn’t have been that bad.†Her look swiftly killed 
his amusement. 
“ Miroku. Picture Sango with back to you…but she’s in the buff.†
“Easily doing.†He said with a smirk. 
Kagome smirked as well. â€œGood. Now she turning toward you..†
“uh huh.†his eyes distant. 
She quickly rushed on. â€œAnd her front is completely blank and lacking any detail about 
her sex.†
That brought him back. â€œWhat?â ;€ He looked down right horrified. 
Smiling in victory. â€œAnd now you see.†  
Later that nig ht a scream pieced the air and everyone shot up and turned to look at 
Kagome glared. â& euro;œHey! It wasn’t me this time.†She pointed to the culprit, and they all 
saw Miroku trying to catch his breath with a terrified look on his face. Though the look 
didn’t last long as he turned to glare at Kagome. She just sent him a&nbs p;smirk and then laid 
back down sighing in contentment that she was no longer suffering alone.  
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ 
End of chapter 6 
Sorry It was just a crack chapter…bu t the second part of what was this  will be out soon. I 
post a estimate d date on my profile when I get a feel for it. Next chapter b ig changes 
happen in the plot. >.< Hope you continue reading. Please review if you like the story 
thus far. 
&nbs p;