InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Pirates of the Caribbean: Inu-Yasha Style ❯ The Duel Between Miroku and Inu-Yasha ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

::sigh:: I have decided to make it more Inu-Yasha oriented. Yep.... I know, the readers that didn't want me to change it are gonna be pissed... ::sigh:: but oh well.


Disclaimer: God damn your soul to hell, disclaimer..... I don't own Inu-Yasha, the characters, the plot.... BUT I DO OWN JOHNNY DEPP!!! *is lying* ::runs into a corner and cries::

Chapter five- The Duel Between Miroku and Will

Miroku entered the empty black smith shop. He saw the drunk Mr. Brownai *A/N-I changed his name a bit* and poked him to see if he'd wake up. He stayed asleep. 'Good,' Miroku thought. He walked over to the hammer and tried to get rid of the chains around his wrist, but it didn't work.

Miroku walked over to the fire. He picked up the metal rod, and he grinned at the red-hot tip. He walked over to the donkey and spurred it. The donkey let out a "he-haw" and walked away quickly. The two wheels in the machinery powered by the donkey started turning, and Miroku put the chain around his wrists between the two wheels and the chain broke.

Inu-Yasha entered and Miroku hid quickly. Inu-Yasha saw the donkey walking and the two wheels moving, and he quickly calmed down the donkey. He smiled as he saw Brownai. "Right where I left you," he walked over to the hammer. "Not where I left you." Inu-Yasha noticed Miroku's hat and reached for it. Miroku's unsheathed sword hit Inu-Yasha on the hand. Miroku stepped into the light and Inu-Yasha could see him. "You're the one they're hunting... the demon."

Miroku looked at him. "You seem somewhat familiar. Have I threatened you before?"

Inu-Yasha gave him an evil look. "I make a point to avoid familiarity with demons."

"Ah, well, then it would be a shame to put a black mark on your record. So, if you'll excuse me..." Miroku turned away and was about to leave when Inu-Yasha got his own sword and stopped him. "Do you think this wise, boy-," Miroku said as he got ready to fight,"crossing blades with a demon?"

Inu-Yasha glared at him. "You threatened Miss Higurashi."

"Only a little," Miroku grinned as their swords clanged against each other. "You know what you're doing. I'll give you that. Excellent form. But how's your footwork? If I step here," Miroku stepped and him and Inu-Yasha's sword's struck for a few moments. "Very good. Now I step again," him and Inu-Yasha sword fought for a few seconds and Miroku ended it. "Ta." Miroku sheated his sword and walked to the door.

Inu-Yasha wouldn't stand for this. He quickly threw his sword, barring Miroku's exit. Miroku struggled in trying to get the sword out of the door for a few seconds, but finally gave up. "That is a wonderful trick... except, once again you are between me and my way out," Miroku continued to walk towards Inu-Yasha. "And now you have weapon."

Inu-Yasha quickly grabbed a sword out of the fire with a heated tip. They sword fought for a few minutes. Miroku knocked the sword out of Inu-Yasha's hand. But he quickly recovered and grabbed another one out of a whole rack of swords. "Who makes all these??" Miroku asked as he looked pointedly at the swords.

"I do!" Inu-Yasha continued to sword fight with Miroku. "And I practice with them... three hours a day!"

"You need to find yourself a girl mate!" Miroku narrowly dodged Inu-Yasha's sword. They paused for a second, with their swords above their heads. "Or perhaps the reason you practice three hours a day is that you already found one and are otherwise incapable of wooing said strumpet." Miroku then put on a disgusted look as he looked down at Inu-Yasha's... nevermind area. "You're not a eunuch, are you?"

Inu-Yasha glared at him. "I practice three hours a day so that when I meet a demon, I can kill it!" They continued to swordfight. They jumped down onto a cart that swayed under them. Inu-Yasha hooked a knife in the irons hanging from Miroku's left wrist and threw it up so it embedded in the beam above. In return, Miroku hit a loose board which threw Miroku off the cart.

Miroku used his body wight to get the knife out of the wood and fell back on the cart just as Inu-Yasha climbed back on. Inu-Yasha was thrown up into the rafters and cut free heavy sack which vaulted Miroku up into the rafters as well. They sword fought, jumping from beam to beam for awhile.

Miroku lost his weapon and quickly blinded Inu-Yasha with the sand. Miroku took out his pistol as Inu-Yasha was clearing the sand out of his eyes. "You cheated!" Inu-Yasha said angrily.

"Demon," Miroku replied, indicating himself. The door was being broken down by men. "Move away," he continued, his pistol still aimed at Inu-Yasha.

"No," he replied simply.

"Please move," Miroku begged desprately.

"No!" Inu-Yasha said defiantly. "I cannot just step aside and let you escape."

Miroku loaded his gun. "This shot was not meant for you." He then got hit on the head with a bottle of the alcahol and fell unconsious.

Hojo's men broke the door. A soldier pointed to Miroku. "There he is. Over there."

"Excellent work, Mr. Brownai," Hojo thanked him. "You've assisted in the capture of a dangerous fugitive."

"Just doing my civic duty, sir," he replied, drunkenly.

"Well, I trust you will always remember this as the day that Captain Miroku Sparrow almost escaped," Hojo said as he turned his back. "Take him away."


End of Chapter five!! I am watching the movie right now!! I got it for christmas! ::huggles parents:: THANK YOU!! It's the part where Elizabeth is walking down the stairs and tells Will that she had a dram about him last night. 'Til the next chpater... ja ne!