InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Price was Part of the Problem ❯ Chapter One: The Invitation ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Revised for

This chapter is just a hook, it doesn't really lead anywhere. Don't worry, I'm working on the 15th chapter of that other story, but I have another story coming out later. It's going to be a short one, though. So, since I have a bit of writer's block on They Must Be Put to Rest, this is probably going to be updated more often. Also, I need someone to help me with the title.

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

Notice: this story is not for Kikyo haters in the beginning and end.

This story contains a lot of changed, Sesshomaru has both arms, their father is alive, and Kikyo is "good".

Summary: Inuyasha's family falls in disfavor with the king for losing his three most pricey slaves after being entrusted with their care. When the king finds out just what Kagome, Sango, and Rin could have done, Inuyasha, Sesshomaru, and their servant Miroku must find the girls before their parents are executed. Pairings will be traditional.

Price was the Least Part of the Problem

Chapter One: The Invitation

The great dog demon lord was practicing his fencing when the message that would soon change their lives was brought. The messenger, Kikyo, was a good friend of his hanyou son Inuyasha.

"My lord, the king-" her lips twitched a little in distaste. "- the king wished for you to read this message and respond." She handed the heavily perfumed letter to Lord Shi Noriko, who sighed and opened the seal.

To my dear right-hand man, Lord Noriko,

Greetings. I wish to extend an invitation to you to my palace in two weeks for a length of 5 days. You may bring your sons; my daughters are waiting eagerly to see their betrotheds. I expect that your wife shall be pleased to note that her request for a tiger-demon slave has been filled. She has been broken in by my best slave trainer, Master Naraku. You may be wondering why I wish to see you again. Unfortunately, your curiosity must wait for a time. the matter is far too important to entrust to parchment or messenger. Please send messenger Kikyo back with a response, although if she and your son Inuyasha wish, they may catch up for a few days.

Best wishes,

King Onigumo Ichiro

Lord Shi wrinkled his nose. He preferred the previous king to King Onigumo.

"My wife did not ask for a slave, she asked for a maid to be her companion. Trust that Naraku to break the spirit again." He muttered. Kikyo looked sympathetic, although a little scared. Naraku was one to be feared, those who went into his care came out like broken animals, and no intelligence left whatsoever. He enjoyed his job too much. King Onigumo had recently allowed him to take to bed the more troublesome ones. It took only one night.

Abruptly, he smiled. "Kikyo, would you like me to get Inuyasha for you?" her face brightened at his name.

Laughing, he went to get Inuyasha,

"Sesshomaru, stop taking it easy!" Inuyasha yelled as he swung the practice sword at Sesshomaru's legs. Sesshomaru leapt away easily, waiting long enough to make Inuyasha think he was going to make contact.

As he raised his hand for a counter-attack, he was stopped with a great shadow.

"Father!" grunted Sesshomaru in surprise, trying to control his acid whip, which was taking the opportunity to twist around his arm.

After delivering Kikyo's message, the Lord walked back into his rooms. His wife, Lady Emi, was reclining on the bed, focused on her weaving.

"My lady." He said, stooping to kiss her hand.

He then proceeded to tell her of the message, grimacing as he relayed the invitation.

"Another slave." She said flatly. "One of these days, Onigumo will capture too many slaves to train at a time. What will he do then?"

Her husband shook his head in agreement, and then rose to begin making preparations for the journey. It took one week and two days to travel to the castle in good weather. His shadow dog senses had reported a heavy thunderstorm due in one week. Arriving late to King Onigumo's dinner would not sit well with anyone.


Kikyo leaned her head on Inuyasha's shoulder. She wished that she could make him think of her as more than a sister, but it was too much to hope for. She was going to have to ask someone about her past soon. Maybe it would help win him over. At times, everyone treated her as a princess ambassador, but at other times she was like a stable hand. What exactly was her position?

"Thinking on your past again, Kikyo?" asked Inuyasha, startling her from her reverie.

She smiled sheepishly, and nodded.

"You don't have to worry, you know that they'll tell you soon." He said.

"Inuyasha?! You have to start packing and choose your retainers!" a voice called.

They both jerked upright. Inuyasha automatically scooped Kikyo up and jumped out of the tree.

"Well, I have to get going. King Onigumo already threatened once to start sharing me with Naraku." Kikyo said lightly. This was truer than it ssounded; she had noticed the king gazing after her with lust evident in his eyes. Shivering, she jumped onto her gift, a school of soul collectors. At the time, she had not known why she had received this present from the god and goddess of destiny. She still didn't. The only clue they had left was:

To collect your energy, others must sacrifice, willingly, for more, unwillingly, for less.

To Be Continued…


This is where I would reply to certain reviews.

Please review my wonderful chapters. If you have any questions or suggestions, they can come too. Of course, I know that certain people will always review my stories, but I create stories to get ideas out of my head, but mainly to attract new reader.
