InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Price was Part of the Problem ❯ The Slaves ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

No one seems to like this story, except for me. Even on, everyone…just reads and doesn't review. I want you people to know anyways that the summary will pop up whenever something big happens in the story.

Price was Part of the Problem

Chapter Two: The Slaves

Inuyasha scratched his arm. His face spoke quite plainly: I'm bored. Let me out of here. He was wearing his usual red haori, despite his father's wishes.

King Onigumo tapped his glass delicately. Immediately, all fell silent. Everyone remembered that unfortunate fox demon… the Thunder Brothers had made short work of him. And his son was…taken away.

"My Lord Noriko, I believe you want to know what the purpose of this meeting was." Lord Noriko nodded. He very much wanted to know.

"You know, of course, of my personal slave-trainer Naraku's passion for his charges." Everyone nodded. "Because he is so valued, we have kept a constant stream of slaves for him to train." He paused significantly. "But unfortunately, our import of…young females has grown too large for even Master Naraku to handle. So, outside of the ones he has already started, we have three that cannot be left in the barracks with the other girls."

"Why is that, your highness?" inquired Sesshomaru pleasantly.

King Onigumo's face grew a little unsettled.

"Well, they are very valuable. And there's always something about them that says…I am not something to be thrown aside."

"Before we decided, may we have some background on these three slaves?" inquired Lord Noriko.

"They are foreign, and very ethereal. They were captured in a raid of our enemies. However, no one has found out their names yet. This will also be part of your task, should you choose to accept it."


Inuyasha had grumbled a little about being made to ride with one of the slaves, but now that she was actually in front of him, he didn't mind at all. Her soft black hair flowed onto his neck, blending nicely with his own silver hair.

"Wenches." He heard his brother say again. He could have laughed, if he wanted to die. Sesshomaru had also been saddled with a slave, but apparently this one had been trained in fighting. She was keeping a distance of several inches from his brother, with a very effective and large boomerang. Why didn't they relieve their charges of their weapons? Well, they had already tried. Each time, a blue force forced them back.


Several weeks had passed. Inuyasha found himself spending more and more time gazing down at the prisoners in their elaborate cell. He found his personal servant, Miroku, doing the same.

Koga walked into the room.

"Beautiful, aren't they? It's too bad we are only allowed to go in their a few times a week, and that the King expressively said that they are not to be spoiled for Naraku. Otherwise…" he drifted off with a sigh.

Miroku said, "Well, look. That one's examining her thighs again." Inuyasha and Koga rushed to the window. Nothing out of the ordinary was happening.

"Miroku!" they both shouted, racing for him. It was a little late though; he had made it to the door of the cell already. The slaves looked up. The comical sight of Miroku with his face plastered against the wall was enough to send them tinkling into laughter. The one with the weapon stopped chuckling and remarked on something to the one carrying the arrows in their foreign language. The last one smile but said nothing. Inuyasha assumed that she was mute. Even so, Sesshomaru seemed to favor her.

Suddenly, the one with the arrows turned and said quite clearly, although with an accent, "My name is Kagome."

The boomerang girl said, "I am Sango. Our friend there is Rin."

All three boys stumbled into an ungainly heap.

"You can speak?!"

The one called Kagome laughed for a while, before wiping away her tears and nodding assent.

"We have always been able to speak. There just had to be enough time to familiarize ourselves with your language. Even so, it is hard to abandon the tones of our more melodic language. We know why we are here. Do you?"

Inuyasha sat up, mystified.

"King Onigumo and Master Naraku said that you were here just to be taken cared of, until Naraku has more time and room for you." He said.

Koga pushed his way to Kagome and knelt before her.

"However, now that I know your name, Naraku will never get you. This I swear on my life."

"Will you do me the honor of bearing my child?" Miroku asked sincerely, holding Sango by one hand, supporting her boomerang with the other.

Surprisingly, it was Rin who finally slapped him.

"Well, since you can speak, I suppose we can finally ask you about your living conditions. Are they acceptable? Father tried his best. We aren't exactly the King's favorite family." Inuyasha could have punched himself for letting that bit of information through.

"These rooms are fine. Besides, we won't be needing them soon." Kagome said coolly, refusing to explain.


What do you think of my chapter lengths? Should they be longer? Is this story developing alright? Why won't anyone review?