InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ PS: With Love ❯ Onto Us, One Cold Night ( Chapter 21 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
That night was a cold one. Inuyasha had stayed out especially late, nowhere in sight. It hadn’t been obvious until recent weeks, that Inuyasha sometimes even being finished with the work he felt he needed to do, would just go off into the island to be away from Kagome. He would stay late, and deep into the unsettling of the trees. Kagome used to often fall asleep alone, but for fear of something happening to Inuyasha, would secretly stay awake until he came back.

All Kagome wanted was to be loved and cared for. No, she wasn’t inlove with this silver beauty; how could she? But she was stripped away from anyone that could show her any sort of affection – except him. Inuyasha on the other hand, was just well-guarded. He didn’t need anybody to care for him, he was a beast. He lived for adventures like this, no matter how extreme it was. Everything was a learning experience. So how come now that everything was a prime ‘learning-expirience’ for him, it didn’t feel so fulfilling?  It’s because any time Inuyasha was put in the heart of danger, any time he was expected to survive on his own – he was exactly that: on his own. She was here now. She changed everything.

The two hadn’t spoken since the afternoon. As strange, and awkward as it was, to be on a deserted island with eachother – neither of them spoke. It became routine. To hear Inuyasha’s voice today was enough to make Kagome crave a little bit more.

But Inuyasha as always, was out and alone.  She was lying by the fire pretending to sleep. Something was different tonight though. She rolled over to one side, and then the other, and then back to looking at the fire. She sat up.  5 months they had been shipwrecked on this island. 5 months and a lifetime. She had lost all hope, truly she had.

Yes, this night was a cold one, but there was a wildfire burning in both of their hearts tonight.
Inuyasha surprisingly had come back early tonight. It was still late, but for some reason he couldn’t take how quiet it was. He was surprised to find Kagome awake. “You’re usually sleeping by now.” He spoke as he walked, but the way he spoke was soft. It held no harshness, no resentment – he walked and sat on the other side of the fire.

Kagome surprised blurted, “You’re back early.”
Inuyasha gave her a confused look, “What do you mean? How would you know?”
She looked him in the eyes and then looked away. “Sorry,” he began. “I mean I suppose it is earlier than usual, I just didn’t realise.”“Every night I wait for you to come back, and every night is a long one, Inuyasha.” “You wait for me?” He stared into the fire.“I always wait for you.” She stared at him.
“I’m really tired tonight, I think I’m going to go to bed.” He lingered and then he rose, still refusing eye contact.
“Wait” Her voice trailed off. Inuyasha stopped but averted his eye to the ocean. “Please wait..” she spoke again.
“What is it that you want?” Kagome hesitated as she felt her stomach fill with sickness. “I just want to be close to you. I just want to know you.”
For a single second the World was quiet. There were no lights, there was no ocean, there was no crackling fire. For a single second, this was a moment that was taking their breath away.
Inuyasha continued to stare at the ocean, and then he looked at her. He really, really looked at her.  His eyes were the sun, yet they were holding every colour from black to gold. He sighed, but not a sigh of frustration – more like a sigh of relief. He sat down but a little bit closer to her. “What do you want to know… Kagome?

“I have a million things I want to say to you. A millions things I’ve dreamt of screaming at you, but I can’t do this right now. I don’t have the strength in me to get angry right now. I want things to change. You don’t have to like me, but I want to be closer to you. I want to work on getting back to our old lives with you. I’ll help, I’ll do things, but please stop treating me like I’m the problem. I know I can be hard to handle sometimes, but I want to get to know you better, and maybe I can do less things that frustrate you.” She breathed out, and blinked tears back as she felt herself becoming exhausted with her own feelings, and saddened by his lack of response to this.
“Okay fine. Is that all?”Kagome stared him dead in the eye, “Yeah, but I want to know who Kikyou is.”
Inuyasha held her dead-stare perfectly, until Kikyou was mentioned. His eyes flickered.
Kagome lost composure as she realized how much power that one word had.
“What.. what do you ..?” Inuyasha stammered. “How?”
“I hear you every night, talking about her in your sleep. Just saying her name. The way you say it is weird.” Kagome hesitated with her response.“What do you mean ‘weird’?” Inuyasha’s questioned seemed more perplexed than simple.
“I know it’s some girl. I thought maybe you loved her but then no..”“What do you mean no?!” Inuyasha straightened his back. “Of course I..”“No…” Kagome said staring into the fire at first. “Because the way you say her name, is not wistful and dreamy.” She looked back at him. “It’s haunting.”

Inuyasha looked into Kagome’s eyes. He stared intently as well as she.  She might’ve not known it yet, but this dark-haired woman was starting to see Inuyasha, and right through him.