InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Purgatory & Innocence ❯ Chapter Five ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter Five

Sesshoumaru stood up and watched as Kagome fought to regain consciousness. She placed her hand to her forehead as she sat upright. "What happened? Did I hit my head or..?" Kagome looked up to see Sesshoumaru, once again, staring down at her. *He's happy as usual, I can see.* Sesshoumaru held out his hand. A gesture that shock Kagome. *He's offering me help?* Kagome glanced about. *Am I still dreaming?*

Sesshoumaru furrowed his brow at her. He seemed to take it as an insult that she didn't take his hand as soon as it was offered. Just as he was pulling his hand away, Kagome placed her hand in his. With little effort, he helped her to her feet.

"Arigato." Kagome nervously avoided eye contact with the demon lord. "Gomen, Sesshoumaru-sama. I don't know what came over me." She finally took notice that he was no longer holding Rin. "Rin? Where's Rin?"

"I sent her with Jaken. I'm sure she is quite grateful to you." Sesshoumaru turned to walk away.

"Sesshoumaru...please wait. What do you mean...grateful to me?" Sesshoumaru came to a halt and turned his head towards her. Kagome's expression was that of a child's, so innocent. She reminded him of Rin in many ways. *She doesn't know?*

"You saved her life." He paused to examine her reaction. "You do not remember healing her?" A surprised look shown on his face. He raised his eyebrow and gave her a puzzling stare.

"No. Gomen. I don't remember doing anything. I remember talking...and then..." She try to concentrate, but still couldn't recall anything more. "I just don't rememeber. Please, tell me how I saved her."

"Humph! Then it was just a fluke." He turned and walked away from her. *How foolish of me to think she could have done this knowingly.*

Kagome watched as Sesshoumaru disappeared from sight. *A fluke?* Kagome felt her face becoming flushed. *How embarrassing.*

"Kagome!" She heard a familiar voice. "Kagome!" Sango called out. She was relieved to finally see a friendly face. She felt tired and weak though she wasn't sure why. Sango managed to grab ahold of Kagome just before her knees began to buckle. "Are you alright?" Sango asked, concerned.

"Hai. I'm fine." Kagome regained her balance.

"KAGOME!" Shippo cried out. "You're safe!" He jumped into her arms.

Sango had a look of relief as well. "We were so worried. What happened?"

Kagome laughed nervously. "Gomen." Kagome glanced about. "Where's Inuyasha and Miroku?" She was trying to change the subject quickly before Sango realized she was dodging her question.

Sango had a concerned look now. "We were attacked right after you disappeared. Inuyasha fought off whomever it was, so we could escape and look for you. Miroku went back to help him once he got us to safety, but I haven't seen either of them since."

*Inuyasha.* Kagome was worried. "Let's find them."

Sango nodded and led the way.


*This young woman...Kagome...she knows not the power she holds. If she were to understand her powers and harness them...she could...* Sesshoumaru's thoughts were interrupted.

"Lord Seshoumaru! We did as you asked." Jaken was quite proud of himself. "Shall I start a fire now, My Lord?" Sesshoumaru walked past him and stared off into the forest. Rin stumbled behind him.

"Sesshoumaru-sama?" Rin's soft voice was like music to his ears. He enjoyed listening to the child speak. Her voice was as gentle as a slow rain fall. Jaken's, on the other hand, irritated him to no end.

"Nani?" He responded without glancing down at her.

"Ummm..." She looked away for a moment, but when she gazed up at him again, she saw that he was staring back at her. She smiled brightly up at him. "Arigato, Sesshoumaru-sama." She giggled and turned to walk away.

"Rin. It was not I who saved you." She looked back at him with confusion. "Your life was spared by the priestess, Kagome."

"Kagome?" Rin smiled. Sesshoumaru turned his gazed back to the forest.

"Sesshoumaru-sama? Will we see Kagome again? I wish to thank her."

Sesshoumaru didn't answer. He kept his vigil and pretended not to hear her question. *I am certain we will.*


"Kagome!" Inuyasha called out. He could see the two girls and Shippo approaching. He raced over to Kagome and wrapped his arms around her tightly.

"Inuyasha! I'm sorry!" She stumbled for words. Inuyasha tightened his hold on her. "I'm're safe."

*He's not angry?* "Inu...yasha?" Kagome gasped for air. "I...can't...breathe." His loosened his grip. *I will keep you safe. I swear it.*

"I'm sorry to break up your reunion, but what happened to you Kagome?" Miroku asked as Inuyasha pulled away from his embrace.

"Gomen. I don't know. I...I don't remember." Kagome blushed.

"BAKA!" Inuyasha appeared angry. His eyes softened a bit as he continued. "How can I keep you safe if you don't stay with me?"

Kagome felt ashamed. He was right and she knew it. And so was Sesshoumaru and that irritated her. Sesshoumaru could have killed her and there wouldn't have been anything Inuyasha could have done to prevent it. *I'm so foolish.*

"Forgive me. I'm sorry to worry you." Kagome sat down on the ground. She more or less collapsed due to the fact that she was still quite weakened.

"Baka! You're not alright!" Inuyasha knelt down beside her and placed his arm behind her to support her. "Did something happen...something that you're not telling us?"

Kagome became a bit uneasy. "Nothing happened. I saw Sesshoumaru in the forest. That's all."

"What did he do to you?" He growled.

"N..n..nothing. I was lost. We crossed paths in the forest and then...I saw Sango." Kagome couldn't look Inuyasha in the eye. "I'm just really tired. I didn't sleep well last night and I was up so early this morning...I think I just need a bit of rest." *I have to keep my conversation between Sesshoumaru and I secret for now. There's nothing to tell them anyhow until I know exactly what happened myself.*

Sango handed Kagome her backpack. "Arigato, Sango. I didn't even realize that I had dropped it." Sango smiled and placed her hand on her shoulder.

Inuyasha kept glancing at Kagome out of the corner of his eye. *She's not telling me something. I can feel it.* He helped Kagome to her feet and made her climb onto his back. "I'll carry you." Kagome wrapped her arms around his neck and layed her head against his back. She closed her eyes and sighed. *Arigato...Inuyasha.*


The mysterious woman in the cloak held Tensaiga close to her chest. "Without this...he can't save the child. Without this...he is nothing." She laughed to herself. "Naraku told me of its great healing power." She ran a finger down the blade of the Tensaiga.

"Mistress, I did as you asked." A small dragon like creature appeared before her. "I attacked the hanyou and his friends, but why would you not let me kill that monk?" The creature grimaced.

"I will let you have your bit of fun with the monk and the others when I have that young Miko's body. Did you shoot the hanyou with the tainted dart?"

"Yes, Mistress...just as you had commanded." The dragon like creature laughed hysterically. "Is there anything else you wish, Mistress?"

"No, but stay close, for I may need your services again very soon." The creature bowed and backed away quietly.

"Dear sister, you have not died in vain. I will avenge your death. Sesshoumaru will pay deeply. I will kill everyone connected to him, saving his death for last. Oh...he will pay. With the use of the shikon jewel shards...I can't be defeated." She grinned. "And when I give you, dear sister, the sacrifice, flesh and will help me destroy Sesshoumaru."


"Izumi. I will give you these shards of the shikon no tama so that you can resurrect your sister and live, but with a slight catch."

Izumi stood in front of Naraku naked and cold. "You brought me back from the grave to bribe me?" She gave him a devilish grin. " Oh, I am intrigued."

"You must steal Tensaiga and bring it to me."

"HA HA! Is that all?"

"It won't be as easy as you think."

"Who possesses this sword? This Tensaiga?"

"His name you know. Sesshouamru."

Anger raged through her. "Sesshouamru?! HE KILLED MY SISTER AND I! I WILL KILL HIM AND RETRIEVE YOUR SWORD!"

"I don't care what you do to get the sword...that is not my concern. Bring me the sword and will give you the shards."

"I don't need the shards to bring my sister back from the dead." She sneared at him.

"But you will need a body to complete your ritual and the shards will make her invincable. I, Naraku, can give you the perfect victim for your sacrifice." He stepped back a pace. "Think about it. I will give you time to think about it."

"A body? Who's body?"

"A priestess."

Izumi grinned. "Perfect." She stepped closer to Naraku. "What power does this sword hold that you would kill a priestess for?"

"The sword holds the power to reverse death itself, but only just after one has been killed will it work."

"You shall have your sword."

~End flashback~

" will give your life willingly to bring my sister back." Izumi placed her hand over her abdomen. "I cannot be defeated. Not even by you, Lord Sesshoumaru." Her eyes narrowed. "Naraku will get his sword and we shall have our revenge, my dear sister." She grinned menacingly.


Darkness seemed to come quickly. Kagome spent much of her day helping Kaede in the garden and with chores. She couldn't face her friends knowing she had lied to them. She sat by the fire in Kaede's hut trying to recall what had happened when she healed Rin. Sango interrupted her train of thought when she handed her some food.

"You need to eat something, Kagome." Kagome set aside her thoughts and began to eat. "You seem distracted about something. Is there anything you want to talk about?" Sango asked as she sat down beside her.

"No, I'm fine. I've just had a long day. I think I need some sleep. I'll be fine in the morning." Kagome handed her bowl to Sango and layed down by the fire. Sango decided it was best to leave her alone for the night. She got up and moved over to where Miroku and Inuyasha were discussing the days events with Kaede.

"So, ye say that you know not who attacked you?" Kaede asked Miroku and Inuyasha.

"No, but Naraku must be envolved somehow. It may have been another one of his incarnates." Miroku suggested.

"Well, he's not going to get away with this plan any more then he has in the past." Inuyasha folded his arms in front of his chest. "I won't let him harm Kagome."

"What was the reason for luring Kagome away from us? Why didn't he attack her when he had the chance?" Miroku asked. "I mean, other then the saimyoushou, we don't know that Naraku was actually involved."

"You mean, you honestly don't think that Naraku has anything to do with this? It has his name all over it!" Inuyasha spouted.

"She did run into Sesshoumaru. Maybe that's why he didn't attack her." Miroku mentioned. Inuyasha seemed concerned. *She's hiding something. I know it.*

"Ye will find out Naraku's intentions soon enough." Kaede stood up and walked over to the window. "He has a plan, and I think he plans to use Kagome in it somehow. Inuyasha, ye must be on your guard at all times. Keep a close watch on Kagome. Do not let her out of your sight."

Inuyasha nodded.

"Ye need your sleep." Kaede left the men to their thoughts.

Inuyasha glanced over at Kagome. *Good, she's asleep.* It wasn't long after until everyone was asleep.


The room was quiet, except for a slight sound of the wind blowing outside. Kagome opened her eyes and sat up. She glanced around the room and saw that everyone was sound asleep. *I must have been dreaming. I thought I heard...* The wind seemed to call out her name. A whispered voice carried by the wind. Kagome stood and walked over to the door.

"Is someone there?" She called out in a hushed voice. She looked back at her companions and stepped out of the hut. The air became cool instantly. She shivered and started to back up into the hut.

"Kagome..." A voice like a soft whisper carried by the wind, rose to her ears.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Kagome shivered violently.

The cold feeling she had felt before had returned. She was frightened.

"Kagome..." The voice seemed to fade gradually. "Kago...meee..." In the distance, she could hear the voice becoming very faint.

Kagome rubbed her eyes. *I must have been sleep walking.* Kagome rubbed her hands up and down her arms to bring them warmth. *It was just a dream. That's all.* She went back into the hut and layed next to Shippo. She glanced up at the doorway one more time, then closed her eyes and fell fast asleep.


"Jaken. Watch over Rin." Sesshoumaru said as he walked silently into the forest.


*I can smell her scent.* Sesshoumaru took flight into the air. His hair blew wildy about him. He could sense the difference in the air. A much cooler breeze was blowing. A low growl escaped him. *Izumi!*

(NOTES: Thanks for being patient everyone. I am trying to redo the whole story. I was unhappy with what I had already completed, soooooooooooooooo...hopefully this will be a lil' better? LOL! I dunno. I'm trying. LOL! I'm not a writer...but I have the utmost respect for those that are. HOW DO YOU DO IT AND NOT GO INSANE? LMAO! I know what I want to write...and I know what I want to say...but I lack the skill of putting in black & white. LOL! I think this story will cause me mental harm! HEE HEE! Anyhow...thanks for reading. ^_^ I should have another chapter up tomorrow. I have 5 more chapters to fix. ^_^ Then....ON WITH THE SHOW. LOL!)