InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Racing Hearts ❯ Only First Period ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Only First Period

"Pssss. Hey, girl!"

Kagome turned from her seat to look at the annoyingly cute boy called Inuyasha behind her.

"What do you want?"

"What the hell do you think you were doing up there?"

"Just trying to have a good day."

Kagome began to turn her head when she heard a word whispered behind her.


She could feel anger boiling inside but took a long and deep breath. *I'll get him after school,

where his friends won't help* But then she smacked her forehead lightly. *Baka, you're

suppose to be a good girl here...but that jerk! Calling me a wench! He has no right to-GAH, I'm

suppose to be good. I'm a good girl here, a good, proper, and nice girl* She repeated that

over and over like a mantra, but before her mind could argue with itself even more the

teacher began to call off names. Kagome tapped Sango's shoulder.

"Hey, what are we doing right now?"

"A history project on the war era five hundred years ago, we'll be working with partners.

Cross your fingers and hope you get a good partner, better yet, me!"

Kagome did as Sango said and crossed her fingers but her spirits fell when she heard her

name.....and Kouga's. Kouga look at her and rolled his eyes.

"God, I get paired up with her?"

His voiced dripped with disdain when he said her and all his friends began to laugh loudly.

Kagome began to pop her knuckles but stopped, saying her little mantra inside her head

again. *I'm a nice and friendly girl here, I'm a nice and friendly girl here*

"Ok, you may start research right now, ask me for a pass to go to the library. And this project

will be due one week from today. It must be an oral and both partners should split up the


The classroom became loud with the bustling of students moving to their partners and the

complaints of being paired up badly. Kagome reluctantly walked to where Kouga was sitting.

She was trying to get his attention but he ignored her and just talk noisily with his two friends.

After 30 seconds, Kagome lost her patience and walked up to the teacher.

"May we have a pass to the library?"

"Oh sure, your names?"

"Kagome and Kouga."

The teacher handed her a slip and started to answer another student's question. Kagome

stomped to Kouga and grabbed a hunk of his hair. She started to drag him out of the door and

down the hall. Several students poked their heads out of the door, watching Kouga kicking

and yelling in pain. But Kagome ignored them all and proceeded to drag Kouga for several

more feet till she was stopped by Sesshoumaru. He looked down at her with the same amused

smile as before.

"His shrieks are disturbing the classes."

Kagome dropped Kouga's hair in embarassment, wondering why she felt humiliated by one

person. Sesshoumaru walked back inside a classroom and Kouga stood up, rubbing his head.


"You weren't listening and this was the only way to get your attention."


Kouga was immediately silenced by her hand grabbing his throat.

"You want to be quiet? There are other classes studying around here and your voice is

beginning to annoy me. And gentlemen should never insult a lady."

Kouga tried to answer back but was being slowly choked by Kagome's surprisingly strong

grip. He began to nod his head and Kagome let go. She gave a sigh and started walking to the

library, Kouga obediantly following behind.

"Why do you people always have to ruin my day?"

"What are you talking about?" his voice sounding rough from Kagome's chokehold.

"I just wanted my first day at a public school to be good, and then all you guys had to ruin it.

And it's not even second period!"

Kagome opened the door and held it open for Kouga. The library was very large and

extremely quiet.

"You started it first." he whispered.

"Did not, you're the one who was arguing in front of the room." she whispered back.

They started to look through the index for books on the war era.

"It was that stupid dogface that started, so go and choke him."

"What do you guys have against each other anyway?"

"He's just an arrogant, conceited, stupid-"

"Give me a break, I know another person who is the exact same, and he is standing right

beside me."



"You have no right to say that when you don't even know me." he whispered furiously.

"You had no right to be rude to me when you were at fault." she whispered right back.

They stared at each other for a minute, a battle of wills. Finally, Kouga backed down and

started to look through the index cards again.

"Fine, let's start over. I can't get an A on this project if my own partner is pissed off at me." he


"Fine. I apologize for pulling your hair."

"Twice." he remarked.

"For pulling your hair twice."

"And I apologize for being rude, happy?"

"Content, now shall we work?"


"So what should we do?"


"Hmm, not a bad idea, it is interesting."

"You're not gonna argue or anything?"

"What for? Weapons are a good topic."

"I just thought you'd want clothes or something."

Kagome rolled her eyes.

"Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I'm like them."

Kagome pointed her head towards two giggling girls that had just come in.

"Those kind of girls drive me up the wall." Kagome continued.

"Then you're not gonna like her." Kouga said, pointing at another girl who had just floated in.

It was Kikyo and she looked around the library with contempt. The boy from the races last

night was with her and was carrying a huge sparkly purse.

"Put my purse over at that table, and start researching for our project."

He meekly obeyed and set her purse down.

"You little idiot! Put it down gently! That is a Gucci purse!"

"I'm sorry I'm sorry."

Kagome could feel anger boiling again at such cruel treatment. Kikyo noticed her glare and

started to glare back.

"You have a problem with me?"

"Leave the little kid alone."

"Oy! Who said I'm a kid?!" the kid screeched.

"Forget it, he's my ticket to an easy A."

"Why don't you try doing your own research for once? Oh wait, it probably requires brain

cells, right? I'm sooo sorry for asking such a tremendous thing to do, thinking is tough for

such...admirable girls like yourself." Kagome said pleasantly.

Kikyo grew red in the face and was about to insult her back when the librarian walked over.

"You four better be quiet or I'll kick you out, there are students trying to read in here!"

Kouga put his hands up.

"Hey, I wasn't saying anything."

"You four get out right now and I don't want to see you here all day!"

The librarian shooed them out of the library and slammed the door behind her. Kikyo walked

back to her classroom without another word. The little boy stayed behind.

"Hey, I'm not a little kid! I'm 18 years old."

Kagome gave a grin at such familiar words.


"Fine fine fine, 14. But I'm not a kid! I'm a teenager."

He said teenager with so much pride that his chest was puffing out several inches. Kouga was

starting to laugh but Kagome elbowed him in the chest to stop him.

"That's right, you are a teenager."

Kagome's heart went out to the little boy and could feel a motherly protectiveness.

"Ok, I have to get back to class."

The boy scampered off after Kikyo and Kagome and Kouga started to walk back to class.

"Who is that little kid?"

"One of the geniuses in our school, Shippo."

"Shippo? Odd name. But he is so kawaii!!"

"Yeah, whatever."

"Anyways, since we are kicked out of the library, should we use the internet?"

"The period is almost over though."

"Hmm, well, I want to start the research at least. Can we meet after school?"

"Yeah, where?"

"Does this school have a computer room?"

"Sure, we'll meet there."

The bell rang just as he finished and the two quickly ran to the classroom. What Kagome had

forgotten was directions to the computer room, but she could find those later. And if she was

that desperate, she could always ask around. It was only first period, and she still had seven

more periods to go through. The hope of going through a school day without fights was

slowly starting to dwindle.

*Kora is the same as hey! in english. and kawaii means cute. and one more thing, REVIEW!!!!!!