InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Racing the Moon ❯ Racing the Moon ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

*A/N - Okay everyone, this is the very first fic I've ever posted. Yes, after reading thousands of other fics (no exaggeration either) I finally got up the courage to write my own. Woo hoo! Anyways, constructive criticism is welcome, but let's not be to harsh, okay? So, without further ado, on to the fic!

Okay, okay, I lied a little. A little bit more ado. First off, disclaimer people! I don't own Inuyasha blah blah and all that. But rest assured, if there was a way, he would so totally be mine! And the warning: Kikyo bashing ahead for those of you who like her and Inu together. I swear I will never understand you people.

And the fic...

Racing the Moon

By Courtney (a.k.a. MidnightsKeeper)


        ;     It is why I stay, it is how I know that he loves me; when we race the moon.


         &n bsp;  It is almost always on the full moon when his demon blood is at its peak, it makes him restless. But sometimes it just when we need to talk. We wait until everyone is asleep and the moon rides high in the sky. He comes and kneels by my side then softly whispers my name.

          &n bsp; “Kagome.”

             I hear it even if I have fallen asleep. It is the voice of the Inuyasha I love most. The one who doesn’t think he is dirty or worthless or undeserving; the one who isn’t scared to be happy.


         & nbsp;  After he wakes me he stands and turns his back to me. It is not in a cold way though. I know what comes next. I reach my arms around his neck and hoist myself onto his back. He curls his hands beneath my thighs and we leave the ground.

             He leaps from branch to branch with an ease that is almost eerie. It is as if we are floating from branch to branch except for the occasional bump that comes from the harder landings. He jumps high into the trees and glides along. We are racing the moon.

          &n bsp; It flies silently beside us never moving, yet always staying just ahead. He runs and runs hair whipping behind him in the wind. The harsh breeze makes my eyes water eventually so I place my forehead on the nape of his neck. He smells of the forest that bears his name. The slightly spicy scent of bark and the rich smell of loamy soil, the ever so faint sweetness of honeysuckle. I never could figure out how he could always smell faintly of honeysuckle all year round. It was like magic.

          & nbsp; I always love riding Inuyasha. It isn’t like riding a horse or something like that. It is so much more personal. Like in a way we are connected and feeling the same things. The wind whipping by, the roughness of his haori against my bare skin, the ever so slight flip of the stomach on the descent from every leap. It exhilarates me to no end. I feel so much more alive when we fly through the night like this. I know he loves it too.

          &nb sp; We go on and on like this for miles until he feels that his demon blood is settled enough to stop. Then he looks for our resting place for the night. Once he finds a tree that suits our needs he stops and expertly shifts me to the front of him. He leans into the cradle of the tree limb and I settle myself with my back against his chest. It feels like it is where we belong.

             Sometimes, when we need to talk, now is when we do it. We talk about anything and everything that comes to mind. Fights we have had, fights we’re going to have, Naraku, the jewel...her. Yes, even Kikyo. He tells me that he will find a way to make everything alright. He says that he knows he will have to fulfill his promise somehow, but also that he will find a way to make me happy. I hope that he is right.

          & nbsp; Other times we don’t need to talk at all. We just sit and watch the stars and listen to sounds of the forest at night. Sometimes Inuyasha will softly hum songs that he learned in his childhood. Those are my favorite times and once in a while I can get him to sing them for me. Surprisingly his voice is very beautiful. It is deep and smooth and stays so even since he has such powerful lungs and breath control.

           ;  I never would have even found out he could sing but for one time when an especially shrill bird call woke me. I was only awake for a second, but then just before I fell back into the deep slumber I was in I heard the most beautiful music. I listened and listened awestruck. I had never heard such a beautiful voice before. It couldn’t be human. I guess I was right in a way, it wasn’t human; it was half human.

          & nbsp; I stayed awake and listened until he stopped. When he did I turned and looked into his surprised eyes. Those beautiful golden eyes. They held swirls like molten gold and seemed to glow in the darkness of the night.

          & nbsp; “Please don’t stop Inuyasha, that was so beautiful. I never knew that you could sing so well. Why haven’t you ever sang to me before? Please sing some more.”

         & nbsp;  He turned his head to the side and I could see the pink dusting across his cheeks even in the darkness. Of course he was embarrassed. Being able to sing was too much of a weakness. It was too human for Inuyasha.

         &nbs p;  I turned back around and leaned against his chest once more. Then I whispered in a voice that I knew only he would hear even though we were alone.

          & nbsp; “Just for now Inuyasha, when we’re like this. Please.”

          ;   So he sang for me until I fell asleep again and he always sang to me after that when he was in an especially good mood or just feeling happy. It was the best thing about our night time excursions into the forest.

             No one ever knew that we left some nights and no one has found out yet. Every time we went off for the night Inuyasha would have me back in my sleeping bag before anyone woke up. It was as if we never left. Unless we were alone Inuyasha never even acknowledged that we were closer than the others thought and he never spoke of our midnight rides. I think he was afraid that if the others knew the rides would end.

          &nb sp; He has always had the things he loves most snatched away from him. I think that is why he is so protective of me and why he guards the secret of the rides so jealously. I wish that I could help him to forget all his pain somehow. For now with all the things that can go wrong, it is too hectic to find a way. But when everything is settled, said, and done I promise I will find a way. A way for him to be happy. Even if it means letting him go with Kikyo. I know he loves me and I know he loves her too. Despite what he says I think there is a possibility that he will choose her in the end. He is, after all, a man of his word.

          &n bsp; I know that the will wake me tonight. It is a full moon and he has been restless all day. I curl up in my sleeping bag, a knot of excitement in my stomach. I can’t get enough of the feeling of being free that he gives me when we fly through the treetops. It is wonderful.

          & nbsp; “Kagome.”


      ;       I hear the whisper in my dream, the dream where he holds me and tells me he loves me and that he’ll never leave me alone. I almost want to shove the voice away, but I know it is him and that we are going to go and race the moon. I open my eyes to find golden ones staring back into mine. I see something shining there in those eyes I haven’t seen before. I t looks wild and untamed. The knot in my stomach does a flip.

          &n bsp; Before I know it we are racing through the trees far from the campsite and going faster than I can ever remember. The wind burns my eyes and I place my forehead on th nape of his neck. His wonderful scent fills my nose. I will never forget this scent as long as I shall live. It is so wonderful, it makes me happy just to get a whiff of it.

          &nbs p; I am so absorbed in my own musings over his wonderful smell that it takes me a moment to notice we have stopped. I lift up my head expecting to see the branches of a tree and am surprised to see the grassy expanse of a small clearing before us.

          &nbs p; “Inuyasha, what is this?” I ask, “What are we doing here?”

         & nbsp;  “I wanted to talk to you here,” he says, “It’s important and I’ve been meaning to do it for a long time. I was just...afraid, I guess. Afraid of what you would say.”

         &n bsp;  “Well, what is it?” I ask. I feel a little nervous. What could he want to say?

          &nb sp; “I...I can’t...I don’t,” he stammered.

         &nb sp;  “This is about Kikyo,” I whisper my eyes studying the grass surrounding my feet, “I told you I don’t care who you choose as long as you’re happy. But please stay until we complete the jewel and kill Naraku, I can’t do it without you.”

             I look up and I see anxiety on his face. I tell myself I will not cry over and over as a small tear escapes and slips down my cheek. I couldn’t even do that small thing for him, I know he hates it when I cry. It is no wonder that he chose her.

          &nb sp; “No, Kagome, I didn’t choose to go with her. I choose to stay with you.”

         &n bsp;  “Inuyasha,”

    &nbs p;       “No, let me finish. I choose to stay with you and break my promise to Kikyo. With my words I gave myself to her, but my heart has given itself to you.”

         &n bsp;  “Why were you afraid to tell me?” I ask.

          &nb sp; “Because I am afraid you will hate me for breaking the promise. I told you my honor is all I have left. Now I don’t even have that. How can you ever even trust me if you know that I could break my promises. So tell me now what you say, because if it is no then I will finish this quest then go with Kikyo because I will have nothing left in this world.”

             “No, Inuyasha...I mean yes, but how could you think I would hate you? I could never hate you, I...I love you. You know that.”

         & nbsp;  “Sure you did before. Before I broke a promise to someone I loved. How can you trust me still! Now I’m not only a dirty half-breed, I’m a lying dirty half-breed!”

        & nbsp;   He began to pace back and forth. He was so worked up and I wasn’t sure what to do. I couldn’t understand why he was still so worried I would hate him.

          &nb sp; “Listen to me! I love you! That’s that. Why are you still so anxious about this? Are you afraid you made the wrong decision? I told you I only wanted you to be happy.”

             He looked up with something like horror. He stepped forward and hugged me fiercely.

         &nbs p;  “No! Don’t say that! I did make the right decision. But what now? If you stay with me I’ll ruin your life! You will be just as rejected and condemned as me! How could you let me do that to you? It would be easier if you would just hate me and let me go with her to Hell.”

         & nbsp;  When he finished his voice was thick and ragged, tears threatening to fall. My eyes were already overflowing onto my cheeks.

             “Inu...yasha, I...Why can’t you just let it go and use your head?”

         & nbsp;  “What?” His voice was full of confusion now too. Whatever he had expected me to say, that wasn’t it. He began to pull away to look into my face, but I held him even more tightly to me. I would have to make him understand.

         &n bsp;  “You have to let go. I know you had a horrible life and I know I can never even begin to understand how it was, but you don’t have to have that anymore. You do have friends that accept you, human and demon alike. Even a demonslayer and a monk. How many people could claim that? Not a human, not a demon, only a half-demon. How many times do I have to let you know that you are special even if it is only to me? Isn’t that enough? Will it be enough to have friends that love you? The entire world will never accept you. No one will ever be accepted by everyone. Not even I am accepted by everyone. Especially in my own time.”

         & nbsp;  “That can’t be true. How could people not like you? You can’t lie to make me listen to you. I’m the lying one, not you.”

         &n bsp;  I could see that being sweet and gentle about this was getting nowhere. I would have to get just a little mean. No more miss nice girl. I was dealing with the world’s most stubborn person. Probably in his time, my time, and all the time between.

           ;  “Oh, would you come off it already!” I jerked away and looked him straight in the eye, “If we are going to be together in this time or mine, you will have to understand one thing: I don’t care. I don’t care what anyone thinks or says. I don’t care if they shun us, I don’t care if they laugh at us. I don’t care. I love you. That is what I care about. You have to understand that.”

         & nbsp;  “Yeah, but how could you be happy if I caused you to have that life?”

         & nbsp;  “That’s the point Inuyasha. I would have chosen it. I would be choosing to be with you. Do you think that Sango or Miroku or any of our other friends would think of us any differently? They are like our family now and our best friends. We will always have them as well as my family. They love you too even if you think they don’t. All the villages we have ever saved at least respect you. You can’t still believe that we would be so unhappy.”

        &nbs p;   “I...It’s just hard, okay? For me everything good has always been taken away. It would be easier to lose you now before I really get to have you.”

         &n bsp;  “I’m not going anywhere Inuyasha.”

        &nb sp;   “Okay, you’ll stay by me even if I do ruin your life, but what about Kikyo? What I’ve done to her is unforgivable. I made her a promise and now it was nothing but a lie.”

         &n bsp;  “Inuyasha, no one would have been able to keep a promise like that to someone they didn’t love. It would be like you were committing suicide and Kikyo is wrong to hold such an awful promise against you. She should be able to see that Naraku is the one she should be worried about taking to Hell.”

         & nbsp;  “That’s...I...But I still didn’t trust her enough. That’s why things happened the way they did. It was my fault because I didn’t have faith in her.”

         &n bsp;  “She didn’t have faith in you either! She didn’t trust you and she wanted to change you! She wanted to use you to get rid of the jewel and free herself! She didn’t love you! She loved what you could become! She would have killed two birds with one stone! Getting rid of a burden on herself and ridding the world of what she considered impure: you. But she was wrong and you are better than her!”

         &n bsp;  I quickly covered my mouth. I had never spoken an ill word against her out of respect for Inuyasha and I knew this was going too far. I looked at him afraid of what he would say next; afraid that he would take back his choice to be with me. His eyes we hidden behind his thick bangs and I couldn’t read what was in them.

          &n bsp; “You’re... right,” he whispered, “I thought I was being selfish and cruel to think those things, but if you think it too then maybe there is some truth behind them.”

         & nbsp;  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to say that.”

         & nbsp;  “No, don’t be sorry. You shouldn’t be sorry for being right. Sometimes I forget we were both so desperate. I was using her too. I just wanted to be near someone who at least acted as if they cared. At least she pretended.”

             “That’s not the same Inuyasha. The way you used her wouldn’t have hurt anyone. But she would have hurt you. She mightn’t have even stayed with you. I don’t hate her and you shouldn’t either, but she was still wrong. And you don’t have to abandon her. We’ll help her, both of us.”

         &nb sp;  “Do you mean it? Are you sure?”

         & nbsp;  “Yes, I love you remember? I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it and I’m not going anywhere. I’m staying with you. Always with you.”

         &n bsp;  I saw something in his eyes shift and I knew I had gotten through to him. Not all the way I was sure, but enough for now. Seeing the look in his eyes made me smile. I was starting to fulfill my promise. I was beginning to heal him. He kept his eyes trained on mine and those pools of molten gold were all I saw as he leaned forward and wrapped his arms around me. They were all I could see until we both closed our eyes and I felt his lips softly brush mine.

          &n bsp; It was like electricity ran through my entire body from my lips to my toes. It was our first kiss. He kissed me again and this time I kissed back. I felt his tongue hesitantly touch my lower lip and I slightly parted my lips to tell him it was okay. I felt it slip between my lips as I brought my own tongue up to meet his.

          &nb sp; It seemed as if the kiss went on for ever before we parted to catch our breath. As soon as we had each drawn enough to continue, we did. I felt his hands begin to explore my body, finally coming to a rest as he fisted one in my hair and let the other play with the waist band of my skirt.

            ; I let my hands explore his body as well and traced the muscles in his chest; something I had longed to do since I had first glimpsed them so long ago. It wasn’t the same though and to own surprise I made the first move to take off his shirt to get a better feel of his well-toned torso.

            ; When I made the first move, it was like I had broken a barrier within Inuyasha and myself. We began kissing with a renewed fervor and as he finished taking off his shirt and began to remove mine as well. It was a blur of kissing and touching and before I knew it we were both naked, our clothes strewn out around us.

          &nbs p; “Ka...gome,”he huffed, “are you sure?”

         & nbsp;  “Yes, please,” I had never felt like this before save the few times when I had dreamed of me and him together. There was a fire kindled in me and each touch set it burning even hotter. I knew where the fire was and that there was only one way to put it out.

          &nb sp; “Kagome, for us it will be forever. Dog demons mate for life. And I’ll have to mark you,” he managed to get out between the kisses he was placing on my neck and shoulder.

         &nbs p;  “I don’t care. Nothing would make me happier than to be with you forever.”

        &nbs p;   With that said he kissed me hard on the lips before laying me down on the grass. I could feel butterflies in my stomach as he nipped the skin on my collarbones with his fangs and ran his claws down my side. Slowly he made his way down to my breasts. He took one into his mouth and teased the nipple with his tongue as he kneaded the other in his hand. I could feel it harden under his teasing tongue and moaned for more. He switched breasts and the chill night air made the moist nipple harden even more.

          &n bsp; After he had satisfied himself with my breasts he kissed down my entire body, making sure to tease me with slow, sensual kisses and licks on my inner thighs, before making his way down my leg and back up to my bellybutton. He dipped his tongue into the sensitive hollow and made me gasp with surprise. I could feel his stiffened member brush against my leg and the flame in me rose even higher.

             “Inu...please,” I moaned. I could feel him smirk against my skin. He was enjoying teasing me. I would have to play dirty. I reached up and placed my hands on his ears. I rubbed slow circles along the bases and edges of them. He stopped moving completely and I thought I heard the smallest of whimpers. I continued my assault on his ears and he began to pant.

          &n bsp; “Kagome...that feels good,” he moaned.

             I removed one hand and guided his head upwards so that I could look him in the eye. I could see as much need and lust shining in his eyes as I knew there was in mine. He understood the gesture and positioned himself between my legs. I placed my hands on his shoulders and braced myself; I knew that this was going to hurt.

          &n bsp; He looked down at me and I could see love in his eyes as well. Then he placed a kiss on my forehead before dropping his cheek against mine and thrusting into me. I gasped in pain this time and felt tears leak from my eyes.

          &n bsp; “Shh, it’s okay. I’m sorry, I’m sorry. It’ll be over soon,” he whispered in my ear. I could hear regret and worry in his voice and I knew it was because he hated to hurt me. It made me feel wonderful to know that he cared so much. I would have show him everything was alright.

           ;  “I know. I’m fine, it was just a shock,” I said. This was true; it was a shock to feel so full all of the sudden and I had never imagined he would feel so big. But having never had any prior experience, I didn’t have anything to compare him to.

          &nbs p; Slowly I began to relax and bucked against him to show I was ready. He took the signal and began to slowly thrust into me. At first it felt awkward, but then it felt better and better. I had never realized it could feel so good. I began to move in time with thrusts and I urged him to go harder and faster. Eventually, he was pounding into me with everything he had and I moaned his name over and over.

          &n bsp; I begged him not to stop as we clung to each other, sweat coating our bodies. Suddenly I felt a pooling in my lower belly and I knew that I was close to climax. He kept coming harder and deeper with every thrust when I felt the dam break. I screamed his name as my muscles clenched around him and he moaned my name as he pounded even harder into me. He was going faster and harder than I thought possible and I couldn’t do anything but cling to his shoulders as he finished.

         &nbs p;  Then, with a final trust and a growl he came inside me while burying his fangs in my neck at the same time. The bite caused me to come again, even harder than before. I threw my head back as far as it could go and yelled a mangled version of his name. My muscles were still clenching as I felt him get softer inside me.

          &nbs p; When I finally pulled my head back up, he pulled out and lay beside me dragging me up against his chest. I snuggled into the new spooning position as he covered us with his fire-rat robe. I could feel sleep trying to take me, but I had to ask him something while his head was stilled clouded with lust. It might be the only way I ever got a straight answer.

             “Inuyasha,” I said softly.

             “Hum?” he answered.

         &nbs p;  “What made you decide after all this time that you wanted to stay with me?”

         &nb sp;  “I guess I’ve always known I would deep down, but the thing that settled it was last week when you stood up for me at that village. The one where they didn’t want me to come in. You told them that if I was good enough for you then I was good enough for them too. When they asked why you told them because I was your best friend. No one had ever really stood up for me before and no one had ever called me their friend, let alone their best friend. But then later I realized that you had all along. I realized that if you could want me to stay the way I am, then maybe I could want me to stay that way too.”

         &n bsp;  “Really?” I asked.

          & nbsp; “Yeah,” he said, “I promise. Think you can trust me?”

          & nbsp; “I think I can,” I replied and couldn’t help but smile. “I have another question though.”

          ;   “What now?” he asked.

          & nbsp; “Well, why did you bite me?” I could feel the wounds, but they didn’t hurt. He leaned up and licked the spot before he answered. It made me giggle.

             “That’s were I marked you. It means you’re mine forever.”

        &nbs p;   “Forever?”

    & nbsp;       “Yeah until we’re both gone and even after that. It’s like a bonding of body, mind, and soul. What do you call it? Soulmates I think.”

             “That sounds nice.” I let my eyes drift closed. Neither of us said anything for a long time.

             “Inuyasha,” I asked, “are you still awake?”

             “Unfortunately,” he murmured, “What do you want now?”

         &n bsp;  “I was just wondering what we were going to tell everyone in the morning.”

        &nbs p;   “.....”

    &nbs p;       “Inuyasha?”

            &ld quo;Um, I didn’t think of that yet.”

         &n bsp;  “Well, I guess I’ll think of something. Kami knows I’ve told my friends enough stories to be an expert at it now. We will have to tell them eventually though. You know that, right?”

             “I know, but after we kill Naraku. I don’t want to risk him knowing.”

        &nbs p;   “Alright. Sleepy now Inu?”

         &n bsp;  “Yeah, so no more questions, okay?”

         & nbsp;  “Okay, but one more thing.”

             “What now,” he ask. I could hear exasperation, but I was tired too. I just needed to say one more important thing.

          & nbsp; “We have to tell my mom.”

         &n bsp;  “Don’t remind me,” he said burying his nose in my hair. I took that as his consent and snuggled more firmly against him.

          &nb sp; “Careful with that unless you would like a repeat performance of earlier,” he mumbled. I giggled again and snuggled closer. He let out a laugh before quickly pulling me under him. I could see mischief shining in his eyes this time.

          &n bsp; “If that’s the way you want it then,” he said before capturing my lips in yet another kiss. The full moon was the last thing I saw before passion overtook me once again. It looked like it was watching us and waiting for the next time we would race it through the night sky.

The End

So tell me what you think. Should I keep on writing fics, or give it up as a lost cause? It's all up to you now (maybe) so please review. And for those of you who don't review, I forgive you because I am also lazy like that. Knowing you read it is enough.

P.S.- This fic is also posted on under the same name. That one has an additional chapter that is a preview of my next fiction (coming soon I hope). But since we can’t put previews on this site...just thought I’d let you know if you liked this story. Review Please!