InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Raging War ❯ Time to Go ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any others from the actual anime, they belong to the great Rumiko Takahashi. I do own any
characters made up in this story.

Chapter 3: Time to go

"Damn it Kagura! Why did you brake the wall, we're trying to keep the base on lockdown!" Yelled Inuyasha. Kagura just looked at
Inuyasha and shrugged, "Hey I need to see Sesshomaru about someone in your base named Kentari. He has been giving all this
information to Naraku about you guys, thought you would want to know."
Inuyasha growled "Damn, Kagura get to the office quick, Sesshomaru will want to know about this. Kentari should be in the
training quater, so i'll get him there."

Kagura nodded and added "Inuyasha you should be very careful, Kentari is a powerful demon, keep tessaiga with you." Inuyasha
went on his way to the training quater. He saw Sango and Rin on his way. "Hey Sango, Rin, I left Kagome on the top floor near
Sesshomaru's office, I need you to go up there and bring her to his office. I found the traitor and I need to keep him in the

Sango and Rin ran up to get Kagome. Inuyasha ran to catch Kentari at the training quater.

Kagura ran into Sesshomaru's office and said "Sesshomaru, Inuyasha went off to confront Kentari, hes the one who has been
giving Naraku all your information!" Sesshomaru grabbed Tenseiga and Toukijin and went off with Kagura to help Inuyasha.

Kagome saw Rin and Sango coming towards her and said "Guys! I need help, my leg wound opened back up and Inuyasha hasn't come
back yet." Sango picked up Kagome and helped her walk to Sesshomaru's office.
Rin said "Kagome we need to get to Sesshomaru's office and bandage you up, he and Inuyasha went to fight Kentari, apparently
hes the one who's been giving all the information to Naraku."

Kagome groaned at the pain in her leg, "Lets hurry so we can go help them!" Sango shook her head and said "No, Kagome, Inuyasha
said for us to stay in Sesshomaru's office until they came for us, Kentari is a powerful demon, and since Naraku has given him
some power, he could easily kill us." Kagome sighed and automatically knew her friends were right. They reached Sesshomaru's
office and helped Kagome bandage her leg.

Kentari killed the last demon in the training quater when Inuyasha showed up, "Ah, Inuyasha, what brings you here?"
Inuyasha scowled "Kentari, you're going down. Not only have to given Naraku information about my brother's operation, but you've
been killing our men in battle too!" Kentari just smirked and drew his sword, Sengeki.
"come at me then half-breed, your blood will be the first on my sword today."

Inuyasha drew Tessaiga and ran toward Kentari. Keantari parried and kicked Inuyasha back. Inuyasha got back up and charged at
Kentari again and swung, hitting him in his right arm. Kentari wasn't only known for how well he fought with a sword, but also
how fast he was able to move.

Ezune walked in on the scene before him and decided to help Inuyasha. Ezune withdrew his sword and jumped at Kentari.
Kentari saw Ezune and easily dodged. Inuyasha was frustrated 'Damn it! I can't use the wind scar 'cause I would destroy this
whole area of the base, and Kentari is way to fast for me to land a good hit, I need a good opening!'

Inuyasha ran towards Kentari again bringing his sword down onto Kentari's blade then kicking him to the other side of the room.
Kentari smirked "Inuyasha, is that the best you've got? You have Ezune helping you and all you have done this whole battle is
put a tiny cut on my arm that has already healed. You truly are weak." Inuyasha growled at this. He and Ezune charged at
Kentari at the same time. Kentari punched Inuyasha sending him across the room, jumped behind Ezune and drove the sword
through his back, piercing his heart.

Ezune fell to the ground, surrounded by his own blood. Inuyasha watched as his friend lie there motionless, his rage rising.
Inuyasha ran towards Kentari again parrying and throwing his own blows at him.
Sesshomaru arrived well before Kagura and drew Toukijin. Sesshomaru yelled "Inuyasha get out of the way!" Inuyasha jumped
away from Kentari and Sesshomaru yelled "Dragon Strike!"

The dragon like blast aimed straight for Kentari, but Kentari jumped only having his arm ripped off by the blast. Half of the
quater was blown away.
Kentari laughed as he grabbed his stump of an arm, "Well, it seems my time here must come to an end, I will see you at the
Tokyo Tower, if you ever make it there Lord Sesshomaru." Kentari flew through the air away from the base.

Kagura arrived and ran straight to Ezune's side, "Ezune, are you alright!?" Ezune just smiled and coughed up some blood before
he replied, "I am ok Kagura, I am going to join my family in the afterlife now, please don't bring me back with the Tenseiga
my lord, I am happy this way." Sesshomaru just nodded as Ezune drew his last breath, and stilled.

Kagura cried as Ezune was the person who rescued her from a battle one day and brought her to Sesshomaru. They took her in and
trained her to be a spy for the clan. Ezune was like a brother to her, and here he was dead in her arms.
Sesshomaru stated "Ezune was a brave warrior Kagura, one of my best men, he shall be buried with his family. But to know that
Naraku has taken another life just angers me to no end." Kagura nodded but still cradled Ezune in her arms.

Inuyasha got up and said "Ok, this base is not safe anymore, we're leaving, and we will keep going till we reach Tokyo Ruins.
Naraku is going down once and for all, and I won't let him claim another one of my friend's lives." Inuyasha turned and ran back
to Sesshomaru's office to get the girls, they were going to go on a long journey.

The girls felt the whole building shake for a moment and Sango said "Whoa, what was that!?" Kagome gripped her leg trying not
to move it as to open the wound.
Kagome replied "I dont know, but I have a feeling some thing bad happened." All three girls stared at the door, prepaired
for anything that was bound to jump in.

Inuyasha burst through the door causing the girls to scream and him to pin his ears to his head. "Damn, why did you just
scream so loud!? It's just me!" Kagome calmed and yelled "well if you didn't just burst in then we wouldn't of had that
problem would we?!"
Inuyasha stated "feh, lets just get going, we're leaving the base. Kagome get on my back, we need to cover a'lot of distance
before night fall.

The girls nodded while Inuyasha helped Kagome onto his back.

Inuyasha and the girls met up with Sesshomaru and Kagura at the back exit.
Sesshomaru stated "Ok we are not to split up, when night comes we will set up camp. Stick together just in case something attacks.
Oh and watch for Makuras. (A/N: Makuras are like scorpion demons, giant ones.)

The group set out to Tokyo Ruins, it was going to be a long journey.


Naraku smirked as he watched Kanna's mirror. "So, Sesshomaru and Inuyasha are headed here to come and stop me... lets see how they
fair against Zenime." laughed Naraku.

A cloaked figure watched the group as they ventured through the desert.
"So, this is the group Naraku told me about." The figure gripped the hilt of a sword in each hand, "lets see how tough they
really are."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~To be Continued~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

a/n: well theres my third chapter, its a little longer than the other two, but it fit into the story I have in my head. Well
chapter four will be up soon, I always accept reviews. Thanks 8D.