InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Raging War ❯ Valley of Inu-no-Taisho and Sozino ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or any of the characters from the anime, those awesome guys belong to the great Rumiko
Takahashi. The only characters I own are the ones i've made up for the story.

Chapter 4: Valley of Inu-no-Taisho and Sozino

The group set up camp the night before just at the border of the valley of Inu-no-Taisho and Sozino.
Inuyasha and Sesshomaru were already up and ready to go "Sesshomaru, yesterday when we were walking, I sensed a powerful demon
near by. I think we should keep our gaurd up when were walking through the valley today."
Sesshomaru agreed "So do I brother, too bad we didn't get a chance to find the slayers some weapons before we left the base."

Inuyasha groaned "I guess if we do get into a fight Kagura will have to stay and gaurd them then. Especially if we run into
Sozino." Sesshomaru nodded, he knew just as every other living Inu-youkai, that Sozino was the Scorpion demon that defeated
their father in the 'Battle of Fates' fifty years ago, and was highly powerful and dangerous.

Kagome who had been awake with them asked "Who is Sozino? I've never heard of him before." Inuyasha looked to Kagome and said
"Sozino is the demon who my father could not beat. My father fought for him for days, finally while my father was speared in the
shoulder Sozino stung my father through his chest. He didn't have a chance against the poison."

Kagome sat there wondering how Inuyasha's father must of been like. Suddenly his ears caught her attention as the flickered to
a certain direction. Just as Kagome was about to reach for one of Inuyasha's ears, a blast of energy came right at her and
Inuyasha grabbed her and jumped.

The demon came from the smoke "Ah, well nice to see that my enemies aren't weak push overs. I haven't had a good battle in months.
I hope you all can entertain me, lord Sesshomaru and Inuyasha." Inuyasha growled, he set Kagome down next to Kagura, Sango, and
Rin, and drew Tessaiga.
Sesshomaru drew Toukijin and said "Whats your name demon?"
The demon snickered and replied "I am Zenime, the greatest wolf demon to ever live. Naraku sent me to kill you seeing as he
said you would be a good fight, I accepted for free."

Inuyasha smirked "Well, if Naraku sent you then this will be a good fight, been a while since I had to use my full potential
anyways. Kagura keep Kagome safe!"
Sango yelled "What about me and Rin?!" Kagome blushed and Inuyasha replied "Oh uh yea them too Kagura."
Kagura nodded knowing all too well that the hanyou had feelings, though slowly forming, for the slayer.

Zenime drew his swords, Fate and Death, from their sheaths, "well lets get started shall we? I'm eager to see what you've got!"
Sesshomaru ran towards Zenime and struck with Toukijin only to be blasted back into the Valley of Inu-no-Taisho and Sozino.
"Ah damn! Sesshomaru get out of there!" yelled Inuyasha. Sesshomaru quickly jumped back towars Zenime and swung at his legs.
Zenime easily dodged and jumped back.

Inuyasha charged towards Zenime and yelled "WIND SCAR!!!" Zenime saw the blast of energy coming towards him and jumped toward
Sesshomaru and yelled "Death Strike!" Sesshomaru side stepped dodging the attack narrowly, watching as the sword hit the
gound causing it to decay.
Zenime smirked "well so far you two are proving quite the challenge. This will be most certainly fun." Zenime charged at
Inuyasha and said "Soul Shatter!" Inuyasha jumped over Zenime landing behind him, seeing the ground explode as the sword hit it.

Inuyasha took this chance and lunged the sword toward Zenime's back, but was surprised when Zenime did a front flip and
avoided the attack.
Inuyasha stepped forward but was kicked all the way across the field into the valley.
Everyone felt the ground shake as a giant scorpion like demon came from the ground.

Kagome screamed "Is that Sozino?!" Inuyasha turned towards her and yelled "No, not even close to half as big!"
The slayers all just stared in shock and Rin said "well if that scorpion is huge and not even half the size of Sozino....
then Sozino must be gargantuan."

Zenime jumped into the air and crossed both of his swords and yelled "Obliterate!" The blast destroyed the scorpion not even
leaving remains. Everyone but the brothers stared in fear of what power this demon held.

Zenime laughed "well, I can't say that was a challenge, i'm not even using my best sword.
Inuyasha growled "then maybe you should concentrate more on the battle in front of you!" Inuyasha swung his sword down toward
Zenime. Zenime blocked but both of his swords shattered as he jumped back into the clearing.
"Well you seem to have broken my Fate and Death. I guess now I can use my Senjinko.
Zenime unsheathed his sword and lunged toward Sesshomaru. Inuyasha jumped and grabbed Zenime's ankle and threw him across into
the valley.

Sesshomaru and Inuyasha walked onto the valley, knowing that Sozino would awaken sooner or later to the battle waging
above his den.

Zenime got up and screamed "how dare you put your filthy hands on my half-breed, now you will die!"
"Wolves Blast!" yelled Zenime, as a blast of dark energy rushed towards the brothers.
"This is all you Inuyasha, use the backlash wave and i'll power it with my dragon strike" Inuyasha nodded.
"Backlash Wave!" and Sesshomaru said "Dragon Strike!" The backlash wave and the dragon strike mixed and absorbed the attack
Zenime threw and aimed it back at him.

The blast hit Zenime completely, no one could've dodged it.
After the blast cleared Zenime appeared on his knees missing the whole right half of his body and all of his skin was torn off.

A large tail came from the ground, about the size of the earlier scorpion demon, and grabbed Zenima's body and brought it

Inuyasha yelled "That was Sozino! Or at least his tail!"
Inuyasha jumped to Kagome's side and asked "Kagome are you ok? Did you get hurt? Did your wound re-open?"
Kagome giggled and said "I'm alright Inuyasha, thank you for pulling me from the blast earlier."
Rin poked Kagome's arm and grinned at her. Kagome just blushed and looked away.

Kagome thought 'Gee, Inuyasha sounded like he was really worried for me. I can't believe I blushed when Rin grinned at me.'
Rin thought 'Ha I knew it! Kagome is falling for Inuyasha, but I probably shouldn't say anything since I'm falling for

Sesshomaru and Inuyasha both smelled the change in Kagome and Rin's scents. They looked at eachother and grinned.
Kagura broke in and said "Ok, well now that thats over with maybe we should get a move on before Sozino really does come up.
We have to travel across the valley very quickly though."

Inuyasha suggested "well it could go faster if I carry Kagome, Sesshomaru carries Rin, and Kagura takes Sango with her on her
The group nodded and went underway.

Kagome whispered to Inuyasha "Thanks Inu for pulling me out of the way of the blast earlier." Inuyasha replied "Keh"
and Kagome kissed him on his cheek.

The group made it all the way across the valley of Inu-no-Taisho and Sozino by nightfall and set up camp by the border.

Naraku sat in the Tokyo Tower and smirked "well, my daughter seems to be helping Sesshomaru and his friends. They seem to have
beaten Zenime. They will have a surprise in store for them when they cross the mountains tommorrow." Naraku laughed as he
came up with more plans to destroy Sesshomaru and Inuyasha.

a/n: Ok, now so far that was the most fun chapter to write. chapter five will be up for views soon. I'm thinking of what chapter
to put the first lemon. thanks! 8D