InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Rags to Riches ❯ Adolescent Games ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 5- Adolescent Games

"How much further is your palace Inuyasha?" asked Kagome.

"Feh, we'll be there in a few more hours, by dusk, but we're going to stop near a lake beyond those trees to let the horses rest." he answered.

Kagome nodded, `Good, because my butt hurts.' she thought to herself.


"Hey Inuyasha, there's the lake." pointed out Miroku.

Sango smiled as it came into view, `Good, I don't think I could stand another minute sitting on this horse.' she thought.

The boys walked their horses along the river bank and onto a patch of grass. They jumped off their horses, hinting the girls to the same.

"Come here Sango." Miroku opened his arms indicating for her to jump into him.

Sango rolled her eyes. "No way." She jumped off the horse on the opposite side of where Miroku stood, his arms visibly slumping back down.

"Umm, Inuyasha, I don't know how if I told you, but I've never been on a horse and…"

"You already told me that." he interjected.

"If you let me finish Inuyasha, I don't know how to get off."

"Just do what Sango did and jump off." he replied irritably.

Kagome narrowed her eyes at Inuyasha, but then shook her head. In a weak voice she confessed, "I can't, I'm afraid of heights." A soft blushed surfaced on her cheeks.

"Feh. Fine, I'll take you down."

Kagome smiled, "Thank you Inuyasha."

Inuyasha walked over to Kagome, "Now shift both your legs to this side of the horse and leap into my arms."

Kagome eyes him skeptically.

"What? I'll catch you, just do it already." Inuyasha was beginning to lose his patience.

Kagome took in a deep breathe, closed her eyes and jumped off the horse into Inuyasha's arms.

When she felt his arms securely lock around her waist, her sapphire eyes opened and she found herself staring at Inuyasha. Blood rushed to both their cheeks when she realized her arms were encircled around his neck and her legs wrapped around his waist. However something caught her eyes, `What are those triangles on his head? How come I never noticed them before?' she questioned to herself. Releasing one of her hands from his neck she began to rub one of the furry triangles. `Oh, they're his ears, how cute!'

"Hey, what do you think you're…" Inuyasha words trailed off and a soft purr emitted from his throat.

`Oh, he purrs too!' A smile appeared on her lips.

Inuyasha's sensitive ears twitched against Kagome's hand when he heard snickering; Kagome must have heard it too because she stopped massaging his ear.

A few feet away were Sango and Miroku eyeing the pair.

"What's their problem?" he wondered out loud.

"I don't know." replied Kagome.

Once again Inuyasha and Kagome locked gazes, finally realizing in what awkward position they were in. Inuyasha and Kagome looked like two lovers who were reunited after years of separation.

`Oh gods.' she thought, embarrassed by her situation.

Kagome went as red in the face as Inuyasha. He abruptly let go of her waist causing her to land on her rump.

`Oww' she thought. `That was so embarrassing.'

"Are you okay Kagome?" asked a concerned Sango, as she offered Kagome a helping hand.

Kagome took Sango's hand and smiled. When she stood up she rubbed her butt.

"Oww, that really hurt Inuyasha." She glared at the hanyou, who was currently attending his horse.

"Well, if you had better reflexes like me, you wouldn't have fallen." He rebounded, without once turning back to face Kagome.

"You rude, egotistical, jerk." she muttered to herself. Then she saw a small rock beside her. `His good reflexes huh? Then let's test them out.' she thought.

She picked up the rock and sent it hurling to the back of Inuyasha's head. At that precise moment Inuyasha decided to turn around and say something to Miroku, thus getting hit square in the nose by Kagome's rock.

Sango gasped and whispered to Kagome, "Wow Kagome. You have really good aim." The two girls shared a hushed giggle.

"Oww, what the hell was that?" he asked, rubbing his nose gently.

Miroku shrugged, "I don't know, looked like a fly to me." He turned to see the girls smiling and gave them a wink.


Kagome and Sango had taken refuge under a tree near the lake.

Kagome stretched out her arms, "This is great Sango, but I feel dirty. I haven't bathed since yesterday when we left."

Sango sighed, "I know, so then why don't we just dive into the lake?" she suggested.

"Even with our clothes on?" asked Kagome.

"We'll be washing them at the same time, plus our backpacks have another pair of dresses and I wouldn't trust Miroku with two girls in their undergarments bathing." replied Sango, with a smirk on her face.

Kagome's smirk matched her best friend's, "Speaking of Miroku, I have an idea…"


After a few protests from Sango, she finally agreed to her plan.

"Why do I have to it?" she whined, as they made their way to the lake.

"Because, Miroku likes you, isn't it obvious?" she replied, as though it was the most obvious answer.

"Ha! And like you and Inuyasha haven't had moments." argued Sango.

A blush tainted her cheeks, but she hid it from Sango, "Please Sango, I don't like Inuyasha like that. I just tolerate him because he the Prince of the Western lands. That's all."

Sango gave Kagome a `yeah…right' look.

"Anyway, ready Sango?" Both their toes were getting wet by the mini waves coming form the lake.

"Sure, might as well get this over with." she replied.

They ran into the lake and began laughing and splashing loudly enough for the boys to hear them.


"Inuyasha, what do you think about Sango and Kagome?" asked Miroku.

"I don't know. I haven't spoken to Sango that much. Why are you asking?"

"No reason, just that I think I've found my one true love in Sango. So, do you like Kagome?"

Inuyasha narrowed his eyes at his cousin. "No, I don't like Kagome. You forget she is a peasant and I am a prince."

Miroku sighed, "Is position really that important to you Inuyasha? Remember your mother was a peasant when she married your father, who happened to be demon. That didn't sit well with my family. After your father introduced my mother, your aunt and also a peasant, to the Lord of the Southern lands did we all come to power."

Inuyasha shrugged, "I know Miroku. I actually never thought about until a few months ago. You know what I'm being pressured into. I guess the old man forgot how he met my mother."

Miroku nodded and suddenly perked up, "Do you hear that Inuyasha?"

"Why the hell question is that? Of course I do. It's Kagome and Sango in the lake."

Miroku's eyes lightened up, this Inuyasha did not miss.

"Don't think about anything Miroku. Leave them alone, they probably don't want you there anyway."

But a feminine voice cut in, "Ohh Miroku, come in the lake with me and Kagome. We want you to come and splash around, the water is fine!"

Miroku muttered a silent prayer to Buddha, "You were saying Inuyasha?"

Inuyasha's mouth dropped.

"Coming my dear Sango!"


Miroku took off his boots, shirt and pants, leaving himself only in boxers.

Sango gasped at Miroku's physique.

"Who knew Miroku had such a god-like body?" whispered Kagome to Sango.

Sango's lips became very dry, which was strange seeing as she was in water.

`Oh gods!' was the only thought that formulated in her head that moment.

Miroku splashed in front of him. "Hello ladies. Like what you saw Sango?" he teased.

Kagome let out a soft laugh, while Sango blushed ten shades of red and hit Miroku on his shoulder. `Stupid Miroku, why does he have to be good looking and be a pervert at the same time?' Sango asked herself.

Soon they all began to splash each other and have fun, but Kagome spotted a lonely hanyou under a tree.

`He didn't follow Miroku like I thought he would. He looks so lonely, maybe I should go cheer him up.'

"I'll be right back guys. I'll go see if Inuyasha wants to join in on the fun." Kagome winked at Sango, who smiled weakly in return.

`Great, I'm stuck with Miroku. This plan better work.' thought Sango as she let out a sigh and began to play water games with Miroku.


"Hey Inuyasha, why don't you come and join me Sango and Miroku?" asked Kagome.

Inuyasha looked up from under his eyelids at a very wet Kagome.

"You didn't take off your clothes off?" he asked.

"No! Not with you two around, plus I have another dress in my backpack. Anyway, you still haven't answered my question." she responded.

"I don't want to." he said flatly.

Kagome shook her head, but she still took a seat next the grumpy hanyou, causing some water to spray him.

"Come on Inuyasha. We're having fun, or is there something you're not telling me?"

Inuyasha glanced at Kagome out the corner of his eye, before facing her fully.

Kagome felt very embarrassed, `He's scrutinizing my appearance.' Very quickly Kagome brought her hands up to push her wet hair behind her ears.

`She looks somewhat nice when she's wet, for a peasant anyway.' Inuyasha shook his head before anymore weird thoughts surfaced.

"Why don't you want to join us Inuyasha?" Kagome kept pushing Inuyasha to answer her question.

Inuyasha gave Kagome an annoyed look, "You just won't give up will you?"

Kagome smiled, "Nope."

Inuyasha sighed, "I can't swim" he mumbled to himself.

Kagome's eyes furrowed, "I'm sorry Inuyasha. I didn't understand you. You were mumbling."

"Are you making fun of me wench?" he spat coldly.

Kagome was taken aback by Inuyasha's harshness, "No, I wasn't…I mean I didn't mean for it to come that way. I honestly didn't understand you." She lowered her eyes to stare at the ground as though it was the most marvelous thing in the world.

Inuyasha cocked an eyebrow and let out a sigh, `She's not lying, and if she was I would be able to sense it.' "What I said is that I can't swim."

Kagome brought her attention back to the young man standing before her, her eyebrows arched, "Really? You don't know how to swim? I thought demons could do anything."

"Feh, well if you haven't noticed I'm a half demon." He replied coolly.

Kagome nodded, "I already knew that."

Hearing this Inuyasha crouched down before her, "How do YOU know? Only those of higher society know of me being a half demon."

Kagome felt her self-esteem lower a little at how he mentioned her in question, but shook it off. "Well, me and Sango were at the market yesterday and heard these two women, who were of upper class, were saying how one of Lord Inutaisho's son was a half demon, neither completely human or completely demon, and not really having a place in life." Her voice was laced with sympathy as she explained to Inuyasha of her knowledge that he was a half demon.

Inuyasha shrugged his shoulders, "Yeah, well it's not my fault my mother is a human and my father is a demon lord, so those women you speak of can shove it. I don't want your sympathy either, so save it."

`Does being a half-demon bother him so much?' Kagome asked herself. She heard the bitterness in his voice when he spoke of his blood.

"It shouldn't matter to people if you're a half-demon, Inuyasha. I don't care whether your full demon or human, you'll still be lord of the western lands one day. You're fine just the way you are. Now, let's give you a swimming lesson." She stood up, took a shocked Inuyasha by the hand and made her way to the lake.


"Come on Inuyasha. Just do it, all you're doing is just floating in the water. The whole point is for you to swim." scolded Kagome.

Inuyasha crossed his hands over his chest, "What you're telling me to do is not swimming. It's degrading!" he countered.

Kagome held in a frustrated sigh by blowing her bangs out of her face. "It's just the doggy paddle Inuyasha. We're taking baby steps."

Inuyasha glared at Kagome, amber eyes in small slits. "Listen wench, I am not going to `doggy paddle', got it?"

Kagome matched his glare with her own, "Fine Inuyasha. Teach yourself."

Kagome began to swim away humming a tune. `What a jerk. I try and teach him how to swim, but noooo, all he ever does is complain.'

Inuyasha stared at Kagome's fading form, swimming closer and closer to Miroku and Sango, who had been watching them with keen interest.

`Stupid wench. Feh, I can learn on my own.' He took the same position as Kagome and began moving his arms and splashing his legs.

`Ha! I knew I could do it, Oh crap, wait!' Inuyasha began to go under the water.


`Stupid Inuyasha, I try to be nice, but he just throws it in my face.' Kagome looked back at Inuyasha's drowning form.

`Oh no, Inuyasha's drowning!' Kagome took a dive under water and began to swim back towards the drowning hanyou with Miroku and Sango following right behind her.

"Hold on Inuyasha, I'm coming!" hollered Kagome as she came up for air. Back down she went searching frantically for any sign of Inuyasha, then she caught a glimpse of silver hair. She began to swim faster towards the non-breathing body. `Please don't be dead Inuyasha.' she prayed. She took hold on one his hands and began to pull him up, but he was too heavy and she already needed to gasp for air. `I need help.' she thought.

"Miroku, Kagome has been down there for too long. Come on, let's go and find her." Sango looked at Miroku with pleading, worrying eyes. He couldn't resist her.

"Let's go Sango."

They both dived under looking frantically for their best friends. Sango began swimming near a rock when she caught sight of two bodies resting lifelessly at the bottom of the lake. She swam back to Miroku and pointed at where Kagome and Inuyasha were laying next to each other, Kagome's hand cupping Inuyasha's.

Miroku and Sango swam towards their friends, Miroku picking up Inuyasha, while Sango took care of Kagome.

They made it back to the surface of the water desperately gasping for air. "We…we need to get them on land, now!" exclaimed Sango.

Miroku and Sango reached the bank and laid Inuyasha and Kagome down.

"Press against her chest every three counts. Okay?" Sango nodded and did as Miroku told her.

"Come on Inuyasha, 1…2…3" Miroku applied pressure to Inuyasha's chest and water spilled out the hanyou's mouth.

"Breathe Kagome, 1…2…3" Sango pressed against her best friend's chest as tears streamed down her eyes. "Come on Kagome, breathe!!" Once again Sango pressed against Kagome's chest.

Miroku pressed against Inuyasha's chest three more times before Inuyasha began breathing again, however Kagome was having more difficulty.

"*Cough* What the hell happened? *Cough*" asked Inuyasha.

Miroku looked at Inuyasha and abruptly hugged him, but quickly let go when Inuyasha growled. "Ahem, you were drowning and Kagome went back to save you, but she must have lost air, so me and Sango found both of you at the bottom of the lake."

"Kagome came back to save me?"

Before Miroku could answer a shout came from Sango, "Miroku she's still not breathing!"

Miroku kneeled by Kagome's lifeless body. "Okay Sango, keep pressing against her chest and I'll give her mouth to mouth."

Sango eyed him skeptically, but quickly shook it off.

"Hell no. you're not laying a finger on Kagome. I'll do it." Inuyasha kneeled by Kagome and placed his lips near hers.

"What the hell are you waiting for Sango?"

Sango began to apply pressure to Kagome's chest while Inuyasha breathed into Kagome's mouth.


Kagome was ran into the lake and dove under.

`This is great, I never want to leave.' She was swimming as graceful as a mermaid, one with the water all around her.

She swam to her heart's content until a voice called out to her.

"Kagome, come out of there, we'll be back another day. The sun has set." the voiced yelled.

Kagome inwardly sighed and resurfaced. "When will we be back?" she called out towards the figure.

"One day, come on." The mysterious person let out his hand.

Kagome stepped out of the water and gladly took it. "I'm so glad you came with me."

The figure smiled and began walking away with Kagome, hand in hand, with his long silver hair swaying gently with the wind.


Kagome violently shook as she gasped for air.

Sango embraced her friend with tears leaking from her hazel eyes, "Kagome you're alive. I was so worried about you. You…you were laying still at the bottom of the lake with Inuyasha. We thought you die."

Kagome was still a little foggy, but returned her friend's embrace. "I almost died?"

Sango nodded her head. "Yes, I was so worried about you." she sobbed.

Kagome tears sting her behind her eyes. `I almost died.'

Her tears were then replaced with tears of joy, as she sobbed against Sango.

"Oh thank gods."

Kagome and Sango separated, wiping tears from their eyes. "What exactly happened? All I remember was Inuyasha drowning and that I went after him." She looked around the three other people around her. Her cerulean eyes laid upon Inuyasha's golden ones. Suddenly she leaped into his arms.

"I shouldn't have left you alone." Right then she realized how scared she actually was of Inuyasha drowning.

"You baka. Don't scare me again." She let go of Inuyasha and smiled weakly before turning back to Miroku and Sango.

"Please tell what happened.

Miroku cleared his throat, "Sango found you both lying on the floor of the lake, so we rescued you."

Sango nodded, "I think it's best if we start heading back towards the palace."

They all agreed and went opposite ways to change into different attire. Once they were done they headed back to where the horses where waiting.

Kagome leaned into Sango, "When we get to the palace I need to tell you something." she whispered.

Miroku mounted Sango on his horse with Inuyasha doing the same with Inuyasha. Off they went towards the palace of the Western lands. Kagome and Sango forgetting all about the plan they never got a chance to do.
