InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Rain ❯ A Meeting in the Rain ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: DO NOT OWN!
A/N: Hey all and welcome to my first rather long fic on Mediaminer! Yay! I'm really excited to see how it's received so R&R please! Enjoy : )
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All that I can really remember of that day was the rain.
It was pouring buckets and freezing cold, the wind howling so loud I could hardly hear myself think. Streaks of lightning illuminated the city as brightly as in the daytime, the blustery weather screaming bloody murder as it snuck its way through the buttons of the thin jacket Kagura had thrown to me just before we took off...
The downpour coming from the sky was something else in itself: little daggers of ice piercing my pale face made chills race up and down my spine. I numbly reached my hand up to stroke my face, testing out the feeling in my now blue lips and frozen cheeks before finally just wiping away the chilly rain from my eyes. Trying not to cry and give in to my body's desire to collapse, I tried desperately to find someone to help me.
Looking around at the deserted street I realized that it must be very late and I suddenly couldn't remember why I was out myself. I felt something warm trickling down my cheeks and, upon wiping it away, realized that my body had given in to it's impulse and was now leaking tears like a faucet.
At this, I completely gave up, collapsing against a nearby wall and sobbing into my already wet hands. Just before unconsciousness took over, I looked up in time to see a dark and shadowy figure making its way towards me and, with a bitter smile I thought, So that death stuff really is true…who'd have thought…
I glanced at the dashboard and groaned. The tiny red clock on the dashboard read `2:07 a.m.'.
2 in the morning and I was the only loser in Tokyo still driving around, listening to the rain pound into my roof and summarily threatening to sweep me off the road. Ignoring the next clap of thunder that shook the red Jaguar I finally noticed the now ringing quite loudly cell phone buzzing around in the cup holder.
Sighing and stifling a groan at the caller ID I flipped it open with an exasperated, “Hello?”
I dropped the phone as though I'd been burned as a shrill voice hit me like a ton of bricks from the other end, cursing and growling as I searched for it on the floor without taking my eyes off the road.
Once I finally retrieved it the voice on the other end continued to shriek and it was only after regaining partial hearing in the injured ear and turning down the volume quite a bit that I replaced the speaker.
“…and then you didn't call me yesterday or anything after work and you didn't pick up when I called you! Do you have any idea how worried I was? Are you out there with another-!?”
“Kikyo! SHUTUP!”
Kikyo's end of the line went so silent I could hear a pin drop though I could picture her face as she struggled for words to express her sudden irritation with me. Her sharp intake of breath informed me that I might as well have slapped my girlfriend by the tense silence that followed though at the moment I could have cared less. I had actually stunned myself into silence for a moment I and had to quickly regain my composure enough to realize just why I had yelled.
Taking a deep breath and putting a smile on that only I could see I replied innocently, “Listen here Kikyo. First of all, I didn't call you yesterday after work because I was tired and the last person on my mind to talk to was you.”
Enjoying the second intake of breath issued from my soon to be ex-girlfriend I continued as though nothing had happened. “Second of all, when you called me I didn't pick up because I also didn't want to talk to you. And lastly, but most importantly, are you still listening over there Kikyo?”
A croaked, “Yes,” was heard and I once more continued on as though I were talking pleasantly about the weather.
“Well, there's this little thing called suffocating which is what you are currently doing to me. You're what I like to call, `an obsessor'. You're clingy, you're irritating, and I most definitely am not dating you because of your personality.” Another sharp intake of breath told me I was still be listened to and decided to go in for the kill.
“And so, without further ado Kikyo Yokoshima, I am officially break-!”
But I was cut off as my headlights landed on a dark shadow huddled against the wall of a nearby building. Squinting my eyes to see through the torrential rain slowly flooding the street I noticed that the figure was a woman of exceptional shabbiness. Upon closer examination I noticed the long black hair running down the length of her back and the most amazing blue eyes which were swimming with tears. Wondering to myself what she was doing out here all alone and in this horrendous weather I made a quick decision that wound up changing the course of my life.
Unable to resist the seemingly magnetic pull of this girl on the street I scowled, cursed silently and shut the cell phone without bothering to finish breaking up with Kikyo. I was sure she'd gotten the message anyway and if she hadn't she was as stupid as I'd always believed.
Heaving a groan I pulled over on the side of the road and climbed out, flattening my sensitive ears against the wind and rain as I made my way over to the woman slowly so as not to frighten her. It wasn't until I was about 3 feet away that she looked up at me and I nearly stopped breathing.
Her beautiful face was pale from the cold while her gorgeous cerulean eyes gazed up at me with such hope and relief I was a little taken aback. But more than this, I knew this girl. I had been searching for her ever since high school had ended, after everyone else had given up hope that we'd see her.
I reached out my hand as soon as I was close enough and murmured, “Kagome?”
The first thing I noticed when I awoke was how warm I was. Wrapped up in countless blankets I was stifling. Small beads of sweat were beginning to form on my forehead and running gently into my hair line from the way I was lying down. I pushed back the extra blankets with a groan and covered my face with one hand to block the sunlight filtering in through a nearby window.
It was then that my next thought hit me full force and I panicked yet again. Where the hell am I? I shot up to look around and tried my best not to scream. This certainly didn't look like my normal bedroom so he hadn't taken me back…But that still didn't explain exactly where I was.
Glancing around, my eyes darted back and forth, noting different things in the rather large room, the first being the bed in which I was sitting. Silky white sheets ran smooth over my legs, covered by a soft baby blue blanket and a thicker red blanket which I assumed were the covers keeping me warm.
Looking up at last I noticed the walls were painted in a red color covered with different posters of rock bands, hot cars and motorcycles. My eyes had just fallen on the red curtains covering the window when I ran a hand across my stomach to find that there was no fabric there. Panicking once more and trying to stifle the scream tearing up my throat, I looked around frantically for my clothes, or at least something else to wear.
Reluctant to leave the bed and the sanctuary of the warm blanket I was still sitting partially under I moaned longingly at the open closet door across the room which revealed two rows of t-shirts and pants. Taking a long glance at the door I finally gathered up the courage needed to walk across the vast room to the closet.
Sifting through the rather large collection of clothing I found a large baseball shirt that came down to my mid calf and threw it on over my bra and underwear, which, thankfully, had been left on. Not bothering to button up the buttons on the shirt I walked around the room, examining different posters and model cars while keeping my eye continuously on the far door.
I found that the more I looked the more familiar the odd place seemed and I almost felt comfortable…until the door opened. Turning around so fast I thought I'd broken something my heart nearly jumped into my throat as a young man with silvery white hair running the length of his back stood in the doorway looking just as shocked and perplexed as I.
Neither of us moved for a long moment until he held up his hands in a sign of surrender and whispered, “Hey, calm down! It's just me. I brought you some food in case you were finally awake.”
When he made to come in I jumped and backed away, and he stopped, a sad look coming over his face. Of course, he really scared the living daylights out of me as he tried talking to me again.
In soft soothing tones he whispered, “What's wrong? Don't you remember me? I promise I won't hurt you…Kagome.”
If I thought she looked scared before, it was nothing compared to the look she gave me after I said her name. She looked as though I had slapped her across the face and then threatened to kill her. But I had to admit, she looked downright hot, even with her terrified face and accusing eyes.
I noticed she found my closet as soon as I went in the room as she had thrown on a baseball jersey of mine that was completely unbuttoned and gave me a full view of her sumptuous figure. Her long black hair covered most of her chest and worked its way down to her flat tummy where it stopped, as though it were itching to go further but just couldn't. She opened her mouth to speak and my eyes flew up to those electric blue eyes again but when I did she seemed to lose her nerve and instead, turned away from me to look at the food in my hands.
Smiling I said, “You're probably hungry. I'll just put this in the table for you.”
Laying the tray down carefully on the nightstand next to the bed I turned and gave her a salute before walking towards the door.
“I'll be back in a few hours to check on you and give you some dinner,” I called over my shoulder. As I turned away again, my thoughts ran wild and jumbled together as a kind of grief gripped me like an iron fist.
Why doesn't she remember me? Why was she out there alone? Who put her there? I swear, if I find the son of a bitch who hurt her…
I was just making my way out of the door when a small voice stopped me.
Turning, I looked at Kagome expectantly and almost laughed at the look of surprise on her face, like she couldn't believe that she had actually spoken. Locking eyes with her again I noted the curious look on her face before she did the cutest thing. Tilting her head to the side she gave me an expression of complete curiosity and I froze.
Did she possibly remember me? After almost 7 years away did she still know about all the time we'd shared together?
When she opened her mouth to speak again I visibly tensed up and she meekly asked, “Do I know you?”
As I nodded, her eyes widened and what she said next made my heart stop.
Whispering as though it were too good to be true she barely breathed, “Inu…Yasha?”
There was something about him that I recognized even as he had walked in the room but my fear had masked all other instincts except to run. But in just a second, as I had watched him walk out of the room, there was something about his smug little smirk, about that soothing voice that told me to run and hug him and never let go.
And it seemed my instincts were right for the first time in who knew how long. As soon as I whispered his name, unbidden images flashed into my mind:
Walking down the halls at school, laughing at one of his stupid jokes; talking together about our two friends finally getting together; comparing grades and laughing at the knowledge that I had once again gotten an A in Chemistry while he sported a rather large F; Holding hands while he walked me home from school; a deep kiss that had my feet sticking to the floor…
I gasped at this last image and then tears welled in my eyes. Inuyasha!
Here was someone I hadn't seen since my senior year of high school almost 7 years ago, the man that I had dated through most of high school, my first love and my best friend, and yet he stood here talking to me like I had just seen him last week. Tears welled up in my eyes as I whispered, “Inuyasha! Kami, I've missed you so much!”
And just like that we were all over each other. He was across the room in two strides ad I hardly breathed as his mouth captured mine hungrily, his hands sliding down to touch everywhere he could reach and more while I grasped at his hair, clasped the back of his neck, and wove my hands up to reach up and grab the little white, triangular ears on top of his head.
Locked in each other's embrace we only moved to come up for air and even then we never let go, preferring to stand in each other's arms, his nose buried in my hair while I buried my face in his chest.
Tears threatened to consume me as I sobbed into his shirt but he merely smoothed my hair down and pat my back soothingly in little circles. It was a while before the tears stopped and even when they did, we merely looked at each other in disbelief before continuing to hold on tightly to each other.
After another moment, he spoke and the vibrations in his chest caused my own heart beat to speed up a notch.
“Kagome, where the hell have you been?” His voice held so much pain, so much relief, as though he had really suffered while I was gone.
Clenching his fist in my hair even more tightly he continued, “I've missed you so much. I thought I'd…I'd never see you again.” The way he spoke it was hard to tell who was more upset: me or him.
I gave a sardonic sort of grin as I exclaimed, “Oh you know…a little bit of everywhere. You saw where I was currently residing last night…”
His grip on me tightened as he replied, “Kagome…how could you leave me like that? Do you have any idea what you did to me? To us?”
I gave a sharp little intake of breath at the memory as I hadn't thought about it in so many years. It was hard to look back on that single painful memory, when I became separated from him for what seemed like forever. And then there was Naraku…
“I don't know Inuyasha I…I really just don't know. I think I needed to get away from you, to know that I could make it without you since I felt as though I depended on you for everything.”
“But that's what friends are for Kagome. Damn it why didn't you just tell me?”
Shaking my head I pushed myself away from him and looked up into his amber eyes, so concerned, so relieved and so sad…
It take long before I realized that Kagome didn't want to talk about her past just yet, as the look on her face indicated when I asked where she'd been for 7 years, so I took her downstairs to make her a real breakfast. Her whole demeanor screamed that she needed to taken care of and I was more than willing to do just that.
As I added some butter in the pan to make eggs she took a seat at the bar just watching me, her blue eyes taking in everything and nothing, scrutinizing my every move it seemed. I had to admit, it was kind of weird having Kagome back with me after all these years and then we were acting as though it was normal to see friends after such long times apart. But I put my awkward feelings aside as she struck up a conversation.
“So tell me Inuyasha,” She began with that teasing voice that I always detested, “You never said what has been going on in your life these past 7 years…”
For a moment I said nothing, thinking about the things that I could tell her and would not tell her. Becoming one of the corporate heads of the company seemed like a good enough thing to share. Kikyo…maybe not so much.
Shrugging my shoulders nonchalantly I told her, “Well, as you know my father owned Tetsusaiga Inc. and I went into the business with Sesshomaru. You can imagine how that's been working out…”
I heard her giggle and, quite pleased with her reaction, continued, “So we've kept a steady flow of money. Mom's living in some huge estate out in the countryside now, says she likes the quiet. And Sesshomaru's actually settled down with his wife and a kid.”
I turned to look at her shocked expression as she stuttered out, “S-Sesshomaru? Your brother Sesshomaru is married?”
I nodded and chuckled, quite enjoying her expression. “I know, I was about as disbelieving as you when she said yes.”
“Man, what hell had to freeze over for that to happen?” Her incredulity just made me laugh harder as I placed the newly cooked eggs on a plate and started on the bacon.
A few moments went by in silence before she asked, “What about our friends Inuyasha? Sango? Miroku? Shippo?”
This time I frowned slightly at her tone of her voice. She sounded so worried, as though they'd actually forgotten about her. I shook my head at the thought.
“They're okay. Miroku and Sango actually live right around the block in a pretty nice apartment and Shippo's working at Tetsusaiga Inc. with me and Sesshomaru. Miroku's working as a full time screen writer now and Sango's working back at our old high school Shikon High. She's teaching history actually…”
“Sounds like they're doing pretty well for themselves.”
I didn't miss the bitterness behind Kagome's words and I frowned at the hostility they brought with them.
She must have noticed because she smiled a second later and exclaimed, “I'm really happy for them though. I'm glad that our friends are doing so well.” I placed her food down in front of her and all discussion was ceased immediately until she was finished.
In the silence I thought about what could have happened to my best friend to make her so angry towards the rest of the world when she was still so young. There was a reason that she wouldn't talk about what happened while she was away and I thoroughly intended to find out. After breakfast I showed her where the bathroom was so she could shower and get comfortable.
“Hey Kagome?” I asked just as she was entering the bathroom.
She turned expectantly towards me and replied, “Yeah?”
Running my fingers through my hair I thought for a moment before answering.
“When you're done you wanna, you know, go around to Miroku and Sango's place for lunch?”
Squealing with delight Kagome nearly bowled me over with her hug as she shrieked into my chest, “Oh Inuyasha do you mean it?” Nodding my head slightly she pulled away and looked up into my face as she gave me a small peck on the cheek before whispering, “Thanks Inuyasha. For every thing…”
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A/N: Like it? One can only hope! Thanks for reviewing!