InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Reality Of Life ❯ Hojo and Kagome's Break Up ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 8: Hojo and Kagome's Break Up
Kagome did call Sango. She told Sango all of the juicy details, like how many times they kissed, how many times they cuddled.... not that Sango really wanted to or needed to hear them. She acted happy for her friend anyway and giggled excitedly. What Kagome did leave out was how quick to anger Hojo was. She was too happy from all the kisses to even remember herself.

"So by the sounds of it, it was a good date! Did he ask you out again?"

"Yup. We're going to the beach tomorrow for the whole day. Maybe you and the guys can come? It would be really fun."

"Sure I'll talk to the boys. I don't think they will have a problem with it. Especially not Miroku. By the way did you finish your math homework?"


"Darn I was hoping that you were so I could copy it." Kagome laughed.

"I was hoping you were finished it so I could copy it." Sango laughed. "I suppose I should do that before the weekend is over then."

"Yeah you should! I'll talk to you tomorrow then?" Sango said in a scolding tone trying to pretend she cared about the math work.

"Yeah, you do the work to you jerk! I'll talk to Hojo, I'm sure he won't have a problem with it. Hopefully you get to come!"

"He better not have a problem with it!" Sango said jokingly and said her final goodbye before hanging up the phone.
Kagome called Hojo after hanging up the phone.
She smiled confidently. Someone answered after about the third or fourth ring.

"Hello? Is Hojo there?" Kagome asked as politely as she could.

"This is." The voice answered.

"O, it is you. I thought so but I didn't want to assume it was and it really was your father. I was just wondering if it would be all right for my friends to come to the beach tomorrow?" There was a long pause of silence. Kagome waited a few minutes. "Hojo?"

"Why Kagome? We should go alone." Kagome was shocked. She figured he wouldn't have minded.

"Well, I thought it would be fun for us all to hang out"

"I said no!" He yelled into the phone. "If you love me you'll go alone with me!" He softened his tone. "You do love me right?" Kagome was silent. She wasn't sure if she did or not. After about three minutes she decided it was yes and she would just tell Sango not to bother packing a lunch. Hojo said that was a smart idea and hung up the phone. Kagome phoned Sango again and told her. She didn't mind at all.

Kagome went to the beach with Hojo and had a relatively good time. There were a few disputes over guys looking at her. He accused her of flirting and she begged him to believe it wasn't true. He came out of his anger quickly and kissed her as if a warning to all the other guys on the beach.

The two went on many dates and after everyone Kagome called Sango informing her friend of only the good things. She never ever mentioned when he lost his temper or when he sometimes raised his hand to hit her. Kagome hadn't had very much time to spend with her friends, as Hojo would take her out every weekend and insist on driving her home. On the days he couldn't InuYasha would walk her home.

The two went on many dates and after everyone Kagome called Sango informing her friend of only the good things. She never ever mentioned when he lost his temper or when he sometimes raised his hand to hit her. Kagome hadn't had very much time to spend with her friends, as Hojo would take her out every weekend and insist on driving her home. On the days he couldn't InuYasha would walk her home.

Hojo had got word of this and when he picked her up for their next date he was fuming in the car. He didn't drive anywhere. Kagome was puzzled she looked at him.

"Hojo what's wrong?" Kagome asked as he sat drumming his fingers on the steering wheel.

"Its InuYasha, Kagome. He's been walking you home after school for three days now." Kagome laughed at Hojo's insecurity and he glared at her. She stopped laughing and spoke softly.

"Hojo he's just been walking me home. There's nothing that you need to worry about." Hojo glared at Kagome. "We're just friends." Hojo spit at her.

"Friends? Guys aren't just friends with girls like you! All your good for is playing around with and getting action for! I thought I had made that perfectly clear the last time this was brought up! He's out to touch you!" He yelled his face turning red as he started up the car and drove away down the street heading for the park. They had planned a picnic.

"He would never do that Hojo! He's my friend!" Kagome insisted and Hojo pulled the car over just barely missing the car that was parked in front of him. He turned around and glared viciously at her.

"What do you know you damn wench!? " He raised his hand to hit her Kagome cowered. He lowered his hand and started talking again his voice still above talking level. "There was this look in his eye. It was very strange. This look was... I don't know how to describe it. But it was not a good look Kagome." Kagome breathed in.

"Hojo, you're probably making this out to something its not." Kagome said trying to calm herself down.

"DAMN WENCH! I KNOW WHAT I SAW! Are you trying to tell me I'm seeing things? Is that what you're saying you damn whore! Are you messing around with him?" His voice rose again and Kagome shrank back in her seat. Hojo raised his hand and struck her on her left cheek. Kagome started crying quietly. This seemed to anger him more so he kept on hitting her until he wasn't angry anymore. "You're worthless!" He shouted after each hit.

"Hojo, please stop." She muttered softly trying to open the locked door. He finally stopped striking her.

"Kagome!" he barked out, "Get out NOW!" Kagome left and started walking home than burst into a run. Hojo tore off down the street. When she got home, she had a shower and than went to bed. The next day Kagome wore long sleeves to school. It wasn't so unusual as it was the end of October now and it was fairly cold outside.

Kagome did not stop dating Hojo. He called her the next day after school to apologize and he managed to convince her he did it out of love. He told her it was all her fault and that if she knew what was good for her she would stop seeing InuYasha at all. And that is exactly what she did. She only talked to him in class and even then it was minimal. One day the teacher had paired the two up to work on a math project and Kagome absent-mindedly rolled up her sleeves to reveal a large bruise.

"Kagome, what happened to your arm?" InuYasha asked hurriedly. He hadn't seen her in so long that he was missing her. He had suspicions about Hojo and Miroku agreed. Sango did too but the three could never get her alone so were unable to talk to her. InuYasha grew more frustrated everyday, as she would avoid him. He wanted to give up but his heart wouldn't let him. She hadn't answered him. "Kagome? I asked you about your arm."

Kagome unconsciously flinched. "Oh, nothing. I just whacked it on my desk this morning, when I was getting something." InuYasha raised his eyebrows.

"Kagome that doesn't look like you just got it this morning. Why don't we hang out this lunch, you can tell me what happened. Please Kagome?" His eyes were begging her and she wanted to say yes but thought about the warning Hojo had given her.

"Well I did so just leave me alone!" Kagome looked around and saw Hojo glaring at her. "I got to go. Sorry for snapping at you InuYasha." Kagome left the classroom. Hojo met her at her locker.

"Kagome, what were you doing flirting with InuYasha like that?!?!" He spit out at her.

"I wasn't flirting with InuYasha! I swear!" Hojo raised his hand, Kagome flinched, "Please I didn't." Hojo kissed her gently on the cheek, and then the lips. She pulled away.

"Oh, really? Than why won't you kiss me?" Hojo slapped Kagome not waiting for an answer. Kagome didn't show enough of a reaction to his slap so he dragged her off to somewhere private and started beating her. When he was done her nose was bloody and her eyes swollen from crying. That should teach you! Damn Wench!" He left her in the empty classroom and she didn't move for at least fifteen minutes.
InuYasha looked at Sango. "Sango do you know what the hell is going on with Kagome?"

Sango shook her head to say she didn't.

InuYasha turned to Miroku to ask if he did.

Miroku shook his head too. "I'm sorry InuYasha. I honestly don't know."

InuYasha looked frustrated. "Err! I just wish she'd tell me why she's been so... so... so..."

"Distant?" Sango supplied.

"Yes!" He shouted. He looked so worried that he might be sick.

"Well we'll have to find out won't we?" Miroku stated in a sudden burst of loyalty to the missed Kagome. The other two agreed and decided to visit Hojo's house that night as that is where Kagome so often was.
Kagome had fully accepted that Hojo beat her because he 'loved' her. She found herself not worth anything else and Hojo had already told her that if she told anyone they would just shrug and leave her to her tears. He called her weak and mindless between punches and slaps. Just as the regular beating was probably half way through a loud knocking sounding at Hojo's door. He answered it and was very surprised to see InuYasha, Miroku and Sango standing on his doorstep.

"Hello," He said warmly.

"Hi, is Kagome here?" InuYasha asked very hastily trying to sound polite.

"No, I'm sorry she's not." Hojo lied with ease.

"Do you know where she might be?"

"No." He said simply closing the door on InuYasha and the others. InuYasha screamed at the door! He ran down the path back to Miroku's car and punched hood. Kagome looked out the window and saw her three friends leaving. She cried out in despair.

"KAGOME! WHY WERE YOU'RE DAMN FRIENDS HERE!?!?!" Hojo said his face going very red.

"I don't know. I didn't tell them anything." She whimpered as he came at her. "I swear Hojo."

"Whatever. You're a damn bitch! And a whore! A lying ungrateful whore you know that!" Kagome flinched putting her arms over her head, this only angered Hojo more, He punched her in the stomach, ribs, eye, and in the cheek. Kagome started crying, which made Hojo feel good about himself so he just kept on beating her. The feeling of power he got from hurting her was satisfying and he just wouldn't stop hitting and kicking her.

Sango jumped up and own on the ground cursing under her breath. Miroku glared at the house. He didn't even care that InuYasha was denting his car hood.

"THAT DAMN BASTARD! WHO THE HELL DOES HE THINK HE IS!?!?" InuYasha shouted to no one in particular. "I KNOW SHE'S IN THERE YOU ASSHOLE!" He called to the house.

Sango looked just as angry. "I'M GONNA PUNCH HIS FACE IN!"

Miroku pulled out his cell phone that he'd got for a birthday present earlier that year. "I'll call the cops and an ambulance." He said sounding miraculously intelligent.
"KAGOME YOU DAMN WENCH! GET OVER HERE! I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU!" Hojo screamed as she had managed to crawl just out of his reach and start coughing. She was choking on tears and small gouts of blood as Hojo had punched her in the throat in an attempt to silence her. Loud sirens could be heard outside and Hojo looked up as Kagome inched farther away from him barely able to move.

"What the hell could that be!"

Kagome looked in the small mirror that hung on the wall not believing what she saw. A girl stared back at her, with black eyes, bruises everywhere and a bloody nose. A light trail of blood ran down her chin from when she had been coughing.

Hojo dismissed the sirens and came back to continued his beating. A knock sounded on the door just as he was about to punch Kagome.

"What the hell could that be?!?!" He looked at Kagome and gave her one last slap before he went to the door. "Hell..."

The police officer cut him off. "May, I come in?"

Hojo had no choice but to let him in. InuYasha, Sango, and Miroku followed. When those four people saw Kagome lying on the floor bleeding and crying they were shocked. Sango screamed and started crying trying not to throw up. She buried her head in Miroku's chest and he looked away from the grizzly sight as well.

"Kagome!" InuYasha cried rushing over to her. InuYasha picked her up and carried her to the paramedics. Tears were now streaming down his face as Kagome's head lolled about. She was starting to lose consciousness. "Kagome! Please Kagome! Why didn't you tell me!" InuYasha sobbed looking at her bloody face.

"Hojo, you are under arrest for the severe beating of Kagome Higurashi." The officer said hand cuffing the boy. On the way to the police car Hojo spotted Kagome.

"I'll get you for this you DAMN WENCH! I was nice to you! SO you just remember this!"

Kagome flinched. The paramedic soothed her trembling and took her to the hospital. InuYasha was too angry to speak. He just stared at Kagome in disbelief. Sango and Miroku look at their friend also not knowing how they could have let this happen. InuYasha blamed himself the most. He kept saying he should have known. He should have protected her. He should have been there. After all, he did say he loved her.
When Kagome was released from the hospital the next day she went home and slept like the dead. InuYasha, Miroku and Sango came over to make sure she was ok.

InuYasha smoothed her hair against her face, gently so he wouldn't wake her. "O God, Kagome I love you. So much. I'm so sorry. This is my fault. I should have been there." He sobbed his head down not able to look her in the face. "I'm so sorry."

Kagome turned in her sleep and woke to see InuYasha standing over her bed. InuYasha couldn't bring himself to look at her. He merely closed his eyes and muttered I'm sorry to her over and over again.

"So I guess you and Hojo broke up?" Sango said softly not knowing what to say. Kagome smiled for the first time in months.

"I guess we are." She hadn't heard InuYasha apologize to her and therefore couldn't tell him to stop blaming himself. He stared at the girl's bruised arms and hand and whispered over and over that he loved her and he was sorry.

Please R&R Disclaimer: I DO NOT own InuYasha.