InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Reality Of Life ❯ Trouble ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 12: Trouble
'Why am I so nervous around him? I've never been nervous around him before.' Kagome turned around and leaned against the door after closing it. 'Inu has never made me feel so... so...unorganized before. I don't under...'

"Kagome, Kagome, KAGOME!" Souta, who had come from his room after InuYasha left, waved his hand in front of Kagome's dazed face interrupting her train of thought.

"What?" She snapped in a little harsher tone than she had meant to.

"Mom wants you to go to the store and pick up some bread crumbs for the stuffing." He said a little taken back at her harshness, she gave a weak smile.

"Gomen, you just scared me, I thought she had some?" Souta laughed.

"She did. Grandpa fed them to the birds without realizing what they were for." Kagome had to laugh at this too. She shook her head.

"I see, sounds like something grandpa would do. So she used to have some until grandpa had at them?" She asked without really expecting an answer.

"Yup. But you have to go! She needs them right away." Souta handed Kagome her coat and started shooing her out the door.

"Oh, ok I'm going, stop pushing I need to get my shoes on." Kagome slid her feet into her shoes. "Don't wait up." Kagome winked at her little brother.

"Don't do that Kagome. I don't do incest." Kagome laughed.

"Ok, Souta. I'll try not too." Kagome winked at her little brother again, knowing it would irritate him.

"I take back what I said about you being the best big sister." Souta grumbled.


"Nothing." Souta smiled sweetly and sauntered off to his room. Kagome raised her brow at him and shook her head. Her little brother was just so hard to understand sometimes.

"Ok. I'm LEAVING!" Kagome called out to her mother, who was always just a little bit insecure about letting Kagome leave in the cold weather. She came bustling forward out of the kitchen just in time to catch her daughter at the door.

"Kagome wait!" said Mrs. Higurashi. "I still need to give you the money." She pulled a few bills out of her pocket and handed them off to Kagome. The girl laughed and graciously took the bills from her mother.

"I suppose I can't go shopping without money." Her mother chuckled lightly.

"I don't think you could," said Kagome's mother. It was Christmas day and she had nothing on her mind except the dinner preparations and the opening of gifts. She waved excitedly to Kagome, completely unaware of the shadow that loomed over the house.

A man in a dark coat, pants, and boots looked into the window of the Higurashi shrine. "You will not be happy anymore Kagome. I promise you that." The dark stranger swore and it was more to him than anything.

He watched Kagome get the money from her mother and open the door. He heard the irritated "Let me go..." he heard the "Be careful..." he heard everything. He looked in the window one last time, glimpsing only Mrs. Higurashi who turned and went back toward the Kitchen.

"Its time to go," he said to himself before standing up and moving stealthily out of his hiding place.

Kagome opened the door. It was still snowing outside, but very lightly. "Ok mom. I'm GOING." Kagome said to her mom irritatedly.

"Ok hunny. Just becareful."

"I will mom, just let me go ok?" Kagome wanted to go. It was about four o'clock and her friends would be arriving in two hours. Kagome wanted to walk, but it would take a while so if she didn't leave soon she'd have to drive to the south side store. Kagome really preferred to walk, especially in the snow. It was her favourite type of weather. The soft white fuzziness of it reminded her of InuYasha, this for some reason, comforted her.

"Bye." Mrs. Higurashi looked out at winter scene before her. After finally closing the door she had a slight feeling of apprehension. Something was telling her that it wasn't such a good idea for Kagome to be alone. "I'm just being silly." She told herself and went to work.
Kagome walked down the street. It felt like someone was following her but whenever she turned around her there was no one there. She turned around and walked a few more steps but she couldn't shake the eerie feeling of eyes being upon her so she finally asked the seemingly empty street if someone was there.

"Is anyone there?" Silence. Silence wasn't always a good thing. Kagome looked around worriedly and sped up her walking. She wasn't even close to the store. She felt something, or someone watching her." Hojo?" she said very quietly.

Hojo hadn't gone to jail he had been put on house arrest. Somehow he had left. It had been on the news the other day but Kagome hadn't said anything to her family. Now she regretted doing that. She regretted the fact that she turned it off after seeing his face, she should have listened to it... learned more of his condition... so she would be prepared or at least think to defend herself.

"Hojo?" she called out again only a little louder this time. A sick feeling forming in the very pit of her stomach. Kagome turned around to witness a fist come flying at her face. It collided with her and she stumbled backward being caught off guard. When she looked up again she was hit once more and her vision blurred. The last thing she saw before being struck down one final time was a black cloak that swirled in the wind.
Mrs. Higurashi looked at the clock. It read four thirty so Kagome should just about be there. The store was about a forty-five minute walk away, including mishaps. She looked out the window. She felt really nervous, as if a wild animal was sitting caged in front of her and might swipe at her heart in any moment. She couldn't shake off the feeling, but there was nothing happening. Souta was ok. Right?
Kagome woke up in a dark room. She was feeling drowsy and disorganized. She looked up. "Oh, no." An eerie and evil looking face loomed before her. Instantly fear took over her body, she couldn't help but feel sick.
Mrs. Higurashi rushed into Souta's room. He was sleeping soundly. The feeling left. When she got back into the kitchen it returned. Was it the turkey?
She checked the oven. It wasn't. So what was it that was making her so nervous? 'It must be InuYasha and his mom. I haven't seen them for so long. I wonder if she will like me still.'
"Hello Kagome. How are we doing today?" A raspy voice floated through the air it was filled with all sorts of hatred and contempt. Kagome looked up at her captor's face.

"What do you want Hojo?" Kagome said, trying to make it sound like she wasn't scared. This failed. Her voice cracked as the air caught in her throat. Hojo... he was here... standing over her. And she, she was helpless.

"What, are you scared Kagome?" Hojo ran his finger along her jaw, the same movement that she had done to InuYasha only an hour ago.

"N-o-o." She managed to stammer out he laughed and shook his head.

"Pathetic. Maybe I should give you a reason to be scared." Kagome's eyes widened, her fear growing with every second. He laughed again.

"No! Please... Hojo... please no!" She brought her arms up to cover her face as instinct had kicked in.

"Yes." Hojo's eyes glinted evilly. "A million times yes." He raised his hand just as he had so many times before.
"Mom! Lets GO!" InuYasha yelled at his mother, as he pulled on his jacket and slipped into his shoes.

"What's the rush?" said InuYasha's mom as she took her time to pull her coat off its hanger.

"Noting, nothing at all." InuYasha looked away trying to hide the blush that had spread across his face.

"Than why is it so important that we get there early?" InuYasha's mother knew why. It was silly to ask but she was not pleased that he was rushing her.

"Well, uh Kagome's mom wants to catch up with you remember?" She chuckled and finally moved to put on her shoes.

"Yes I do remember but I think that you want to hurry so you can see Kagome." InuYasha blushed, this time unable to turn his face fast enough his mother beamed at him.

"Maybe." She laughed a short laugh and ruffled his hair as she zipped up her jacket.

"AHA! I knew it! You still love her." He looked her right in the face and without any feeling of doubt or nervousness spoke plainly to her.

"Yes, mom i do." InuYasha's mom was surprised, he never actually admitted that he loved her, at least not to her. She knew it was true, as he would always beg her to read the letters over and over again, but to have him say it to her.

InuYasha felt something twinge inside of him. Something was wrong. He ignored it. Nothing was going to stop him from having the perfect Christmas with Kagome.
Kagome looked at Hojo in horror. This was not happening. "Hojo, stop. Just leave me alone." For the first time since she woke up she noticed that all she had on was her underwear. She felt horribly exposed and clambered to cover herself up. He laughed cruelly again and grabbed her arm. He gripped it so tightly that Kagome had to squeal in pain.

"Kagome you don't know how long I've wanted to do this.... Don't deny me what I want!" He shouted as she tried to get him to let go of her.
Mrs. Higurashi looked at the clock. Kagome should be on her way home by now.
InuYasha and his mother arrived at Kagome's house at five thirty. They were a little early but only by a couple minutes. InuYasha knocked on the door and it was answered by Mrs. Higurashi.

"Mrs. Higurashi, where is Kagome?"

"She went to the store."

"Oh." InuYasha's face fell.

"She should be back shortly."

"Ok." InuYasha smiled.
Hojo walked over to Kagome and slowly pulled her underwear down. "Kagome you have such beautiful thighs."

Kagome was extremely frightened. "Hojo, please leave me alone!" Kagome tried to get free.

"No getting free for you Kagome." He looked at Kagome's naked body. "This might hurt." He thrust into her body with fearful ferocity and anger, and started going really fast. Blood started to trickle down Kagome's legs onto the floor. "Ohhh. Kagome you can take part you know."

Kagome looked up at Hojo in revulsion. "Why would I do that!? I hate you HOJO!" With that Hojo thrusted harder.

"Bitch. No one can hate me."

"Sure whatever Hojo."

Hojo punched Kagome. 'Not again.' she thought.

He came out of her after releasing. "That felt good Kagome. We should do it again."

Kagome spit at Hojo. "Bastard!"

He came at her and beat her with fearful anger. "Don't call me a bastard."

Kagome didn't answer. She was unconscious.
"Mrs. Higurashi," said InuYasha as Miroku and Sango arrived at Kagome's house. "Shouldn't Kagome be back by now?"

"She probably had to go to a different store. Don't worry InuYasha. I'm sure she's fine."
Kagome regained consciousness about ten minutes later. "Hojo, leave me alone...." Kagome tried to stop Hojo from raping her, but she was tied up and didn't have the strength. "Noooo." Kagome sobbed.

Hojo seeing her sob liked he way he felt and pushed harder. "Kagome, don't complain. You deserve this for ruining my reputation."

"I didn't do anything...."

"Yes you did!" Hojo left her body and started beating her. He punched her everywhere. He raped her. She couldn't escape. This was finally starting to register in her abused mind when he gave a thrust and knocked her out. "I hate you Kagome. You deserve this." He kept going, even though he knew she was unconscious. This felt good. He kept going on and on. Kagome would cry in her sleep, which would make Hojo go harder. He finally released her after hitting her a couple more times and raping her a couple more times. "I'll be back for you Kagome so don't worry you won't escape." Hojo wrapped Kagome in a blanket and threw her onto the street. "Don't worry someone will find you."
Everyone was sitting in quiet silence. Kagome still wasn't back and they were starting to worry.

When the phone rang Mrs. Higurashi rushed to it. "Hello?"

"Hello," said the monotone voice. "Is this Mrs. Higurashi?"

"Yes it is." She looked at the people around her.

"A manager at a local store found your daughter. She was rushed to the hospital. I suggest you come immediately."

"Ok.... I will." Mrs. Higurashi looked at the people surrounding her. "Kagome's in the hospital..." InuYasha let out a cry.

"No. She can't be!"

Miroku went over to InuYasha and put his arm around his friend's shoulder. "How about we go to the hospital?" Miroku looked at Sango who was over with Mrs. Higurashi and InuYasha's mom.

"That's a good idea Miroku," said Sango. "We can take my car."
They got to the hospital in only ten minutes, scaring the wits out of the people in the car. Sango had been driving so recklessly that InuYasha had yelled at her.

"SLOW DOWN! Or we will all end up in the hospital!" InuYasha saw a look pass across Sango's face and knew he had gone to far. Sango loved Kagome as much as he did, only in a different way.


"I'm sorry Sango. I know you care about her too. As much as I do."

Sango turned around and he saw that tears were streaming down her face. "I don't want Kagome to die...."

InuYasha felt his heart wrench. He didn't know what he'd do without Kagome. "Neither do I."
**********End of FlashBack*********

InuYasha, with Kagome's mom, ran into the hospital while the others parked the car. InuYasha found the nearest nurse. "Can you tell me where I can find Kagome Higurashi's room?"

A look of sympathy passed across the nurses' face. "She's in room 222. Critical care."

InuYasha felt the color drain from his face. "SHIT!" He cursed loudly. "Thank you." He turned to Mrs. Higurashi. "This way." He led her up the stairs. There were signs everywhere. He couldn't find the one that said critical care.

"Excuse me sir," said a doctor who had noticed them talking with the nurse, "Critical Care is down that hallway." The doctor pointed to the left. "Straight down. Room 222."

"Thank you." When InuYasha managed to get down there the doctors were leaving the room. One doctor stayed when he saw the two.

"Excuse me. But are you that girl's close or immediate family?"

"Yes." He pointed to Kagome's mother. "This is her mother."

"To put it bluntly, your daughter might not make it through the night. She suffered severe beatings to the chest and face. A couple ribs are broken and she has a severe concussion. Also her leg is broken. We think that she was thrown. She is now in a coma, which could last any length of time. It's recommended that you talk to her. I'm sorry." Mrs. Higurashi broke down.

"Nooo. Not Kagome too." She continued sobbing.
The rest of the group, Sango, Miroku, Grandpa, Souta, and InuYasha's mom, arrived about ten minutes later. "So what happened?"

"Kagome suffered suffered severe beatings to the chest and face. A couple ribs are broken and she has a severe concussion. Also her leg is broken. The
doctors think that she was thrown. She is now in a coma, which could last any length of time. It's recommended that we talk to her." InuYasha gulped. "She might not make it through the night." InuYasha started sobbing. His mom walked up to Kagome's mother.

"Go see her. I'll comfort her mom." said InuYasha's mom.

"Thank you." InuYasha walked into Kagome's room she was hooked up to IV's and there were tubes in her nose and mouth. He looked at Kagome's face. "Oh, God."