InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Reality Of Life ❯ Kagome, alive and Kickin ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 15: Kagome is alive and kickin


About ten minutes after Kagome had woken up, InuYasha, Sango, Miroku, Shippo, Kagome's mother, InuYasha's mother, her doctor, Kouga, Kikyou, Mrs. Keade, who the class did end up paying, and all of the other friends Kagome had made without realizing it showed up.

"Holy geebers there is a lot of you isn't there." Kagome asked the very large group of people.

The group looked at each other and rejoiced. "Kagome!" They all said at once.

Kagome covered her ears. "WHY ARE YOU SO LOUD?"

The group once again, started talking at the same time. "Kagome," and after that Kagome heard nothing.

"Ok, slow down." Kagome took a deep breath. "Miss. Keade can you tell me what happened at school, while i was in a," Kagome choked on the word. "Coma." InuYasha realizing they were treading on serious ground went through the crowd, pulling Kagome's mom with him, and sat on Kagome's bed. She gave them a look that said thanks, and urged Miss Keade on.

"Well Kagome, exams for diplomas are coming in two weeks. The grade 12's will be graduating." Kagome stared at the bed.

"I was out for so long?" Kagome asked anybody who would answer.

InuYasha replied. "You were 'out' for five months."

"Really?" Kagome looked around in shock.

"Yes." Kagome looked at the person who had said that to her. It had been Kouga. "You missed a lot of stuff." InuYasha glared at Kouga.

"He's right you did miss a lot of stuff. But…" InuYasha looked at Miss. Keade. "Am I allowed to her?" He asked. Miss Keade shook her head.

"I'll tell her."

"Tell me what?" Kagome glared at the roof. People were talking like she was sleeping or something. "Tell me NOW." Everybody in the room hushed and looked at Kagome. "You are all talking like I'm sleeping or not here." InuYasha looked guiltily at the bed.

"Sorry Kagome."

"Its ok. But what were you going to tell me?" Kagome asked Miss Keade.

"Well Kagome, you know how there is two weeks before exams start?"

"Yes, but isn't that the time that everyone uses to study for the exams. And for the grade 12's that is the time they use to study for their diploma exams and SAT's which are in one week."

"Well yes." Miss Keade cleared her throat. "But the principal has allowed me to give you instruction, in the week until SAT's and than the week after until your diploma. In other words, the principal is going to let you graduate with the rest of the grade 12's." Kagome looked like the world could crumble around her and she'd still be happy.

"Really?" InuYasha grinned.

"Really, really."

"Wow." Kagome looked up. "When do I start?"

"Right now." Miss Keade grinned. Kagome smiled.

"Ok." InuYasha pulled some stuff out of his bag.

"Here are your textbooks Kagome." Kagome smiled at him, and InuYasha felt his face going red. "Uhh, well I'd better be going. Talk to you later." InuYasha rushed out of the room followed by the others. Miss Keade laughed.

"He really likes you. Did you know that?" Kagome flushed.

"He does not."

"He does." Miss Keade insisted. "Didn't you see the way he blushed when you smiled at him?" Kagome smirked.

"Sure, sure." Miss Keade grinned.

"What ever you say." Miss Keade turned to her teaching books. "We will start with chemistry." Miss Keade pulled out some of Kagome's previous notes from before Christmas. "You were just about finished chemistry so it shouldn't take us too long. Maybe the rest of today and you can have the test tomorrow. Its good that you took notes, and good ones at that." Kagome flushed.

"I took good notes because my friends went to sleep in that class, it was so boring, and I was the only one that could stay awake."

"I see. Well still. So you were on page on page 400 when you left for Christmas?" Kagome searched her memory.

"Yes, I think we were." Miss Keade laughed.

"I know you were I was testing your memory. Oh and Kagome seen as how we are going to spend so much time together, you may as well call me Keade." Kagome nodded her head. "Pop quiz!" Kagome groaned.

"Do I have to?"

"Yes. So I know if I need to review anything with you." Kagome groaned at the thought of learning the stuff again.

"Ok, give me the best you've got."

Fifteen minutes later Keade came in after leaving for Kagome to do her quiz. "The quiz is now over. Put your pencil down and bring your papers to the front." Kagome laughed at Keade's official teacher's voice.

"I hope I did well," said Kagome to Keade.

"I'm sure you did." Keade came over with her answer sheet and red pen. "Now to mark." Keade smiled as she marked Kagome's quiz.

"Did I do ok?" Kagome asked nervously.

"You did excellent." Keade handed Kagome her quiz back. 95%. Kagome whooped excitedly.

"That's really good! I paid more attention than I thought." Kagome grinned. "NO REVIEW!"

"Well, Kagome the questions you got wrong are very important." Kagome sighed.

"I've never been very good at equations and stuff like that."

"So we will have to work on that." Keade handed Kagome a worksheet and a textbook. "Here work on this."

"What is it?" Kagome asked Keade trying to figure out what it was.

"Its where you left off. It's on chemical, and physical changes."

"Oh." Keade frowned.

"You should know this stuff." Kagome looked at the worksheet reading one of the questions.

"Hehehe. I do know this stuff. I always did really well on it."

"Well that's good." Keade raised her eyebrow. "You've done well in everything this year Kagome."


"Really, really."

"Cool." Kagome looked around. Examining her hospital room. "So I've been in this room for five months? Sleeping?" Kagome thought about her visit with God. She wouldn't tell anyone she'd let them figure it out on their own.

"Yes." Keade saddened. "It was really hard on all of us."

"When you say all of us Keade, who do you mean."

"I mean your really close friends like InuYasha, Sango, Miroku and Shippo."

"Oh." Kagome smiled sadly. "I bet they were here everyday and were often late for it?" Keade grinned.

"Yes." Kagome smiled.

"They are really good friends. I would have missed them terribly had something happened to them." Kagome said out loud.

"Well let's get back to work." Kagome groaned.

"DO I have to?"

"Yes you do." Kagome groaned and Keade laughed.

"Dumb SAT's and diploma exams." Kagome grumbled. Keade laughed and took the finished worksheet from Kagome.

"Here's another one."

"Oh God." Kagome sighed and got to work. She had a lot to do, and not a lot of time to do it. "Well life is still crap, with unexpected rainbows." Kagome said to Keade.

"That it is."

I'll get the next chappie up soon! Hehehe well hope you liked the chapter R&R
