InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Red isn't only blood ❯ Death ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

N/A: Well, I'm sorry if some people think this story is boring and has no originality. And by the way, who said Sesshoumaru was going to fall in love with her because she was going to beat the crap out of him? And then again, Who said she was going to defeat him? I haven't said anything about that, just as far as people know, he could very well turn his back and go away and Kagome could start crying like a baby yelling "shit!", you know. I don't mind critics, but before saying things you should see what happens next. I mean, I didn't contact telepathically anyone telling them what's gonna happen, and as far as I know no one's read my mind lately so. This was just to say that, before saying something you know nothing about, you should see if what you think is what actually the author thinks.

That said, on to other stuff. Yeah, I know I have this thing for putting cliffhanger right when a fight comes in. I know it's mean, but I need something interesting to continue on the next chapter…I hope you understand. And well, for the love between them I think you'll have to wait, the situation is a bit tense now isn't it? I usually tend to drag "happy" things a bit on the long line. As for Japanese terminology, I'll be very happy to put glossary at the end of the chapter, maybe I'll put a chapter only for that in the future, but I think you'll have to wait for that.

I hope that cleared a few things, and now the story!

Chapter V: Death

Somehow Kagome was regretting very fast what she had done. Having a fearsome youkai after her life wasn't all that funny actually. When his claws made a strike for her throat, she threw herself to the left, and managed getting a painful cut in the face. Now realizing what she had done, she got back to reality. She had made Sesshoumaru angry, very angry, and that didn't seem good at all.

Tracing a finger in her newly acquired beauty mark, she started thinking of the consequences of what she had done. And so, her teenage girl part of personality had the best over her rational mind… He ruined her face! How could he do something so, evil. An arm, a leg, hands or feet were ok, but on her face! She couldn't cover her face. She would have an ugly scar on her cheek from now on, like the samurais of old movies, like killers or psycho people. These and many other stupid thoughts were crossing her young, twentieth century, girlish mind.

Sesshoumaru was fed up by now; he should just kill her and be done with it. It wasn't like she was a challenge anyway. The way she had reacted to a simple cut was a fair example. She was shocked and…sad? Why be sad over a bruise, it wasn't like it hurt very badly. He needed to go away, he was feeling sick just looking at her. She had so many mood swings and changes of mind.

His distaste and hate for humans was growing every moment by an inch to what he already felt towards them. And it was a very high even before meeting her. Looking at her in the eyes with a look that could have frozen lave, her launched again for her, sully intending on killing the girl before him.

Kagome watched as the Lord of the Western Lands came again for her. Kagome knew, she had strong miko powers and was quite skilled with her bow, but first, she wasn't trained, and second, bows were long-range weapons and Sesshoumaru was more inclined for close combat, it seemed. Even inexperienced fighters knew, that an archer against a samurai stood no chance… Overtaken by instincts, she again flinched, this time to the right. And right before she knew it, he was behind her and made a deep wound in her stomach, his hand passing through her flesh, one way through the other, damaging a few vital organs.

The wet ground and mud weren't helping as well. She could feel her already wet clothes sticking to her skin and making her injury even worse. Her black hair, were soaked and heavy, making her headache unbearable.

I'll probably have my half-brother looking for revenge from now on. I'll just have to kill him as well. Thought Sesshoumaru smirking as he let the subject fall. The girl wouldn't survive for long now. She would die painfully, from pain and blood loss. He almost felt the urge to smile at that.

Looking at her, he saw a picture of pain and resignation. Her facial features were tense and he watched as blood run free from the gash he had inflicted. He had always liked the color of blood. The almost black shade of red that tainted the ground when one was dying, gave you the idea you the idea of the pain the person was passing. The more the blood, the more the suffering, it was just as clear as that.

It was truly a contrast though, that someone as pure as this girl had to die because of someone so evil. The miko was indeed pure, just as naïve, nobody cruel could be that stupid. It had always been. Good people tend to be more trusting, caring and emotional. That's probably why kind people always suffer more… But then again, that was how life worked, people live, people die. That's fate. Nothing to be dwelling on.

Deciding that his time here was over, he spoke to her the last words she would hear in her pitiful life. Coldly and heartlessly, just as he always did, "Take it this way girl; life is life, someone like yourself would have died anyway, either by my hands or those of others. Consider yourself fortunate it was I who killed you."

Kagome was feeling the soft call of death, and all in all it didn't seem that bad right now. She was stubbornly fighting tears; never would she give Sesshoumaru the satisfaction of seeing her cry because of him. The pain was so strong she had to place her hands at her stomach, trying to soothe it, one way or the other. She closed an eye; both in pain and so she could stare at him without many problems, even though she was already having problems with her sight.

When he spoke those simple, yet cruel words, she could almost feel her strength return, almost. "Fortunate? Go say that to someone else because I don't give a damn!" She spat coughing blood.

"That's none of my business wench. But now I have matters to attend." He tasted her blood from his fingers and licked away what was remaining. That said he fled fast and silent through the woods, leaving a trail of water behind him, like the one cars leave passing in a puddle.

The young miko was truly disgusted.

Kagome was sad after all. Who said she would have regretted dying? She laughed bitterly to the sky, letting the water wash the mud and blood from her face. Who would've said she would die by the hands of Inuyasha's half brother, by a wound very similar to an old one of the hanyou. Who would have said that her life would end here, in Sengoku Jidai, alone.

She couldn't keep herself from asking all these questions. Probably it was normal, they say that at death, your life passes by you in an instant, like a movie. Yet, she was 'watching' it quite slowly. Remembering when Souta had been little, their birthdays, the happy and sad moments she had lived five hundred years from here.

Kagome could still remember the way she felt, the first time she came through the well. She had felt so lost, and Inuyasha, pinned to a tree had calmed her someway. Yes, well, not after that the villagers attacked her... A soft, yet gentle laugh passed by her lips, remembering the events. She saw the first day she encountered Shippo, Miroku, Sango, and all the adventures they had passed. She wanted to cry now. It was true. She always knew, dying wasn't sad because of yourself, you just couldn't because of what the people you cared for would pass, and you didn't want them to suffer.

It was strange actually, she could heal herself like she had done with Rin, but somehow she knew it wasn't going to bring her anywhere, she didn't want to do it. She would just live without a will, only because of her duty, to collect the shards. No, she wasn't going to live like Inuyasha was doing. She wasn't going to exist only because she had to piece the jewel together and kill Naraku. There were many people willing to do so.

Slowly, she got to her feet. Wincing in pain as she moved her muscles. She gritted her teeth in to ease the burning feeling that came from her abdomen. She was going to die, ok, but she didn't want her body to become some youkai's dinner. Sensing many people to the East, she started walking that way. Supporting herself on the trees. Her sight was getting worse by the minute.

Then, just ten meters before the end of the wood she blacked out. Her body wouldn't respond to her mind.

So this was dying. It wasn't that bad after all, apart the heart splitting pain before you fell unconscious and the regrets, it was almost pleasurable. The blackness around you lulled your mind to a state of peace. It was like as if a gentle summer breeze kept passing by and soothing you. No more problems, no more responsibilities, no more nothing… It was truly all one could desire; although it meant no more life as well.

To Kagome, this meant no more shard hunting, no more Naraku, no more Kikyou, no more…Inuyasha. It was like all she had wished before came true. But as all good things, it had a sad and painful part to it. She wasn't going to see Shippo anymore, Sango, Miroku, her Mum, Souta, her Jii-chan, Kaede, and Buyo, even Hojo.

It was a bit hard to digest, very hard. Leaving her friends for her own selfishness because she was fed up of living. She had once been cheerful; thinking every moment of ones life had to be lived to the fullest. It had been only a few weeks ago, but it felt like years to her. Her once lively soul was exhausted; she had kept up as much as she could.

She had always forgiven and forgiven, it didn't matter, and she was a naturally forgiving person. But, as every human being, she could reach only to a point. She couldn't stand betrayal more than a certain amount of times. She couldn't stand being insulted and turned down so many times…

The pain she had felt before was completely forgotten, she simply stood in this black place thinking. It was a bit melodramatic. A young girl dying and thinking about her life. A very good plot for a movie. She though sarcastically.

Kagome, in her state of mind, didn't feel a person picking her limp body from the forest floor and starting to walk away into the forest, totally unaffected by the rain.


Inuyasha and Shippou had smelled Kagome's scent a few hours ago in a small clearing. Miroku had confirmed as well, saying that there was some of Kagome's miko power lingering by the river.

They had been worried sick about Kagome ever since she had disappeared. Shippou woke a few hours before, and was more than determined to find Kagome. He had gotten the habit of referring to her as his mother and she had been happy. Seeing this, the kitsune had been more affectionate and protective of the miko. As a son, that was obvious, but it was certainly something big, for a child as young as him.

The not-so-happy news tough, were that Sesshoumaru had been there as well as the young miko. Inuyasha and Shippou had quickened their pace an hour ago. It had started raining again; it was a horrible storm, but they had to go on, or the water would wash her scent away definitely. That would take from them the only thing they could rely on to find her.

Then, Inuyasha stopped dead in his tracks, his form stiff and eyes narrow, veiled with red. "Guys, we have problem…" he growled

Everybody was taken aback, the hanyou was very tense and looked like he was ready to kill anyone he met. He was showing in fangs in very dog-like way and his gaze was headed west. "I can smell Kagome's blood," He said "a lot of it." With that he jumped as fast as he could and ran westwards.

As if clock-time programmed, Shippou started crying like mad. His already ruffled orange hair got even more electric as he roughly rubbed his head in frustration. "Naaaah! This can't be happening! Kagome-okaasan can't be dead! She can't leave me! I'm too cute! Gimmie back my mummy! I want my mummy!" And again, he passed out.

Sango, while listening to Shippou wailing, had scooped him up and got on Kirara, which had already transformed in its battle form. The demon exterminator missed her friend very much. Without Kagome their group was always quiet and depressed. Miroku would always try to cheer Inuyasha up, and would only end up being smashed to the ground.

Miroku was worried about their friend as well. She could get into any type of trouble. She had a natural talent for getting into problems, not counting the fact that youkai were attracted like moths to a flame by the Shikon shards she kept with her.

They finally caught up Inuyasha, who was running at full speed, and found something rather unpleasant; or rather to be exact, someone.

There, in front of Inuyasha stood his youkai half brother. As arrogant and heartless as ever, watching the hanyou with disgusted eyes. Yet, nor did he say, nor did he do anything to threaten their lives. Everybody guessed that was quite a fortune on some level. He just stood there, golden eyes piercing through their very soul in a stoic gaze.

A few moments later, it was Inuyasha who spoke up for everyone. Even though his vocabulary was a tad more colorful that probably Miroku's or Sango's, "You filthy bastard! What the fuck did you do to Kagome?! I can smell her blood on you!" Now, that, got everyone's attention. Everybody was concerned for the girl's welfare, and only the idea of Kagome lying in a pool of blood made them wan to cry even harder.

Their enemy quirked an eyebrow, and as though talking more to himself than to the people in front of him, he watched his hands "…humans, they are just trouble even after dead." Killing the girl had calmed him in a way. To every person, such a though would be disgusting, cannibalistic in the least, but he wasn't just anyone, he was the Lord of the Western Lands, Lord Sesshoumaru. He was known across all the lands for his merciless, cold, heartless attitude and probably, on some part, personality.

Why divide personality from attitude, even in someone like the cold Lord? Well, it's very simple actually, anyone's attitude is more likely what they tend to be or like in the outside, the side of themselves they show to other people. It's like when someone looks at the mirror. No matter how deeply you know a person, you never knew everything about them. It was true, nobody knew that Inuyasha would've picked Kikyou in the end, they had a feeling he would, but weren't certain.

Personality, instead, is what a person truly thinks in the inside. It's the side of a person that nobody knows or ever will find out; unless it is shown by its 'owner'. This might sound a bit complicated, but that just how things tend to be all the time. You know a person's outside, but not the inside. Who knows, if while you're talking to someone, the person before you're conversing with, would like to tell you to shut up; you'll never know that, unless they tell you directly, but then again, that's a direct personality. I'll let you dwell on that on your own now.

Back to Inuyasha and his friends, they were down right crushed. A simple statement they had heard so many times, had almost killed them. Literally talking obviously. Just imagine if they just told you your little sister was dead. How would you feel? Not in the least pleased, nor happy.

Inuyasha felt like when his mother had died, he felt like something inside of him died; just disappeared. It just vanished with all the thoughts of being able to find Kagome safe again. He had know his brother, he knew he would never leave a human alive, he just hated them with his very being; how someone could hate so deeply, even he didn't know.

Sango was on the edge of fainting, she was crying silently. She had lost everybody, her father, her mother, all the village people, Kohaku… She just couldn't believe she had lost Kagome as well. "You…killed her, you killed her! How could you do that?! Kagome-chan…" Was all that Sango could verbalize of her inner turmoil.

"You killed Kagome, you'll feel our wrath Sesshoumaru." Miroku was the more mentally stable, putting it in short terms. He was a lecher ok, but in serious moments he could become 'normal'. And this was one of those moments. He cared for Kagome, it was she who had let him travel with her and the hanyou the first time they met.

Sesshoumaru simply stood during it all, a simple smirk playing on his lips. He was trying to go back to Rin when the kami decided he just had to meet with the half-breed. The probably wanted some amusement… First he the unpleasant meeting with his now-dead wench, and now him. It certainly wasn't his lucky day. Yet, none of his frustration showed to the companions of his later victim. His cool and emotionless mask in place as usual.

Inuyasha, fed up with all of it, let go of the little sanity left in his mind…and unleashed a powerful Kaze No Kizu against his half-brother.

The wave of energy crackled as it destroyed everything it found in its path between it and it's target, earth, trees and animals alike. Even though there weren't many for even the less intelligent species knew what was about to happen. The rain poured from the sky, soaking everything it came in contact with. Humans, youkai, hanyou. All the creatures heard the rumbling in the forest, all heard the inhuman growl and all felt two powerful youkai battling each other.

Yet, all apart a little group and the Taiyoukai of the West already were in a shelter. These, differently from all the other beings, had just started a fight over the death of someone, very dear to someone, nearly hated by other.

After Inuyasha's attack, Sesshoumaru decided to take the hanyou seriously. He took Toukijin from his sash and holding it with one hand, he kept it in front of him. He really didn't understand why such a fuss over the death of one simple girl, she didn't look like anything special. Anyway, if the stupid brat wanted to fight, he might as well play along. He was a bit stressed lately, and maybe in the end he could retrieve Tetsusaiga. Yes, that sounded like a good plan to the Youkai Lord.

Inuyasha charged at him at full speed with homicidal rage. His mind was blinded by the thought of having lost the only person after Kikyou who could understand and accept him. He didn't know any other person apart from Kagome with such a gentle heart; the almost funny thing was that he she had given him her friendship for nothing. Kagome trusted him for who he was. But now, he felt guilty for what happened to her. He kept secret what went on between him and Kikyou, and here were the results, he couldn't even tell Kagome the truth himself. He couldn't tell her she was his best friend and would forever be. Al this was screwed up because of him. He felt like crying. But he knew better than to do that. It was time for revenge, then they would look for her body and give the young miko a funeral. With this thought in mind, the hanyou swung the demon sword aiming for the spot his merciless youkai brother stood.

Sesshoumaru dodged and punched Inuyasha in the jaw with his free hand, and while he was flying, he sliced Toukijin at his right arm which started bleeding. The hanyou went crashing into a tree and the youkai simply stood there waiting for another attack. Just as he fell, Inuyasha was again on his feet. He didn't seem to feel any pain as he launched himself at his enemy; yet again, this time he effectively did some damage. Sesshoumaru's armour was just a memory and on his chest was now a newly formed wound.

Ok, so much for the playing and retrieving Tetsusaiga easily. Maybe this time he should take it seriously. Sesshoumaru sped twards his step-brother and when they met the sound of metal hitting metal could be heard in the whole forest. Both brothers were sent meters one from the other by the attack; but neither of them fell to the ground. Just as they stopped they re-started and they were fighting at such a speed that Miroku and Sango didn't even bother to follow them anymore.

The two kept going on like that for what seemed like hours. Inuyasha now had superficial cuts and deep gashes nearly everywhere on is body, while Sesshoumaru had one badly injured arm, a wound in his abdomen and a few cuts on his face. Both look horrible. If one of the two didn't stop or at least overcome the other, they would end dead, both of them. It was then that the younger of the two decided that he couldn't leave the girl's death unpunished, even if he died, he would avenge her.

Sesshoumaru stood in front of the hanyou, yet he didn't know what was passing in the other's mind; or he would be sheathing Tenseiga.

Inuyasha looked for Miroku and Sango. They were behind him, good. Jumping high, he smirked at his 'beloved' half-brother, "You'll regret killing her Sesshoumaru, maybe in your next life you'll think twice before killing someone." An with that he lept towards the Lord of the West thrusting Tetsusaiga's crimson blade "Bakuryuuha!!"

The attack went straight for the inu-youkai and it surrounded him completely. Sesshoumaru didn't know that Inuyasha could use the Bakuryuuha, and even though Tenseiga protected him again, the damage his half-brother inflicted on him this time…was far worse than the one he had done with his first Kaze No Kizu many months before.


A/N: So, that was chapter 5, how was it? It was fairly long…and I did it in only a few days-I guess I'm getting better at updating! Hehe… Anyways, I haven't edited, I just don't like doing it and I personally wasn't in the mood to do it. In fact things are probably a bit messed up… Oh please tell me I'm wrong! Well, I hope you liked it people… r/r ne? ^-^