InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Red isn't only blood ❯ The look in your eyes ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hi everybody! I know it took a little but just deal with me ok? This is a little teaser though… I know you want to kill me but please understand!

Ok, probably you're fed up of reading, or maybe you haven't even read, anyway, I hope you'll like it because it was really tough writing it out while studying. Hey, I even woke up at the sound of my telephone with my mum yelling " Wake up! Study!" And that's NOT pleasant if you're a person who sleeps till 10:30 in average.

So, on to the story shall we?

Disclaimer: I don't own Inu-tachi. I wished I could..sniff…sniff

Chapter IV: The look in your eyes

Her eyes held no emotion but pure hatred. 'The girl has courage… Yet, no such being as her can remain wild like this. Stupid and disgusting humans.' He thought. "I guess it would help, woman. Now, tell me, what, are you?" He asked, as cold as ever.

Just then, the wind started blowing and the sky became gray. The trees were rustling and the animals franticly searching for a shelter. After a few moments, the water started to pour again from the sky, heavy and fast. Both the taiyoukai's and the miko's clothes were already soaked wet, but neither cared. They were intently staring at each other with unspoken rage. Yet there was a big difference between the two. One was cold and wore a bored expression, the other's eyes were blazing with emotions and it looked like she wanted to kill the youkai before her.

"What?" Was all Kagome could say. She was human couldn't he tell? That took her a bit off guard and her anger eased a little. She began thinking straight again. Finally realizing her position Kagome noted it was quite dangerous. All through this reasoning her eyes had never left the Lord's and hadn't changed back to the normal color in the slightest although she had regained some lucidity. The young miko could feel something different inside her. It felt a lot like her miko powers but a little different; she had never felt like that. It was comforting and it seemed to lull her.

In that moment a thunder illuminated the gray sky and the two were still standing a few meters from each other. Yet they couldn't stay like that forever. "I asked you a question girl. What and who are you." The Taiyoukai was getting a bit on the edge now; she was hiding something from him; and no one dared to keep something from him when he wanted to know. Most importantly if they were trespassing lands.

He was getting her so angry, oh so angry; and that wasn't a good thing. "First. My name is Kagome, Higurashi Kagome, make sure you use it. I'm not called wench, woman, miko and all those nicknames you seem to like so much. Second. I don't know what the heck you're talking about. I AM human, both my parents were and I guess I look pretty human too don't I?" She said with an edgy and sarcastic kind of voice. She was actually getting really pissed now, first he comes, follows her like a serial killer, then he insinuates, she, hurt Rin, and then, he asks a stupid question such as this? Oh no, the guy was getting it all wrong. 'Yet, I think you could very well define him a serial killer…'she thought.

"Miko, I think you don't realize your current position. I won't lower myself as to call you by name, nor will this Sesshoumaru believe you. Right now, there is little human in you; both in looks and ki." How he hated humans. All slow at comprehending. Couldn't she at least, feel, something different from humanity in her right now? He didn't give her credit as to be able of such, but it would've saved him some time.

Kagome was really, really mad now; and many people knew, an angry Kagome meant pain for whoever was in her way in that same moment. Letting go of her good manners and gentleness she completely freaked out. "Listen to me, you obnoxious serial killer. I don't give a fuck about what you say! I've had a really bad time lately! Not to mention healing Rin got me sleepy for using my miko powers! I couldn't give a damn if you say I'm not human! You're probably not sane anymore. Well, actually, great deal, I always though you were insane on a certain level. So, would you, please, just tell me what the heck you want and leave me alone!" She had put all her anger, frustration and sadness into this. She had shouted as hard as she could to get it into his head that she wasn't in the mood for his mind-twisting freakin' games.

The girl had courage. This wasn't anything about Rin anymore. A growl came at his throat and he didn't stop it. His eyes turned deep crimson and his once emotionless mask broke for the first time. "You, I don't think you know whom you're speaking to. Don't think you can talk that way to me. I could easily kill you here and now. Not counting you are an intruder in my Lands, that adds another inch to your already painful and imminent death."

He thought he could just go all ballistic, threat her and expect her no to react. Oh how wrong he was, if there was something about her people didn't know, it was that while her patience was short, her temper was even worse. "Yeah, dog boy, come here. Kill me, but remember, you have to hit me before."

Kagome grabbed her bow and stood her ground, she felt, more secure of her miko powers now, somehow, she knew that storms were in a way helpful. Just then a thunder passed by, yet it didn't break down distant, it went directly for the young priestess. It surrounded her figure for a moment and when it disappeared, Kagome had an arrow notched in her bow, electricity flowing freely around and in it. She didn't know how she had managed, but it had felt so normal, as if she had done it many times before. Leaving all reasoning behind she looked him in the eye and aimed directly for the Lord's heart.

Sesshoumaru had never seen such a thing before. It was just beyond simple miko powers, the only being whom he had seen displaying something similar, was Hiten, the elder of the thunder brothers; but he was a youkai of that element, a human wasn't. "Looks like you really do desire to die girl."

Her eyes flashing even lighter she let the arrow fly free. It sizzled and spark with yellowish light and electricity, leaving something very akin to a tail behind, burning the ground as it passed. Sesshoumaru dodged, but couldn't stop the arrow from piercing his left shoulder. The demon lord of the Western Lands was now furious. Not only did the girl talk disrespectfully to him; she even had the courage to hit him. This wasn't a parental or political matter anymore; it was simply personal. No one, especially a low human dared to challenge Sesshoumaru.

Though he would never admit it, the arrow hurt, and quite a bit. Electricity and purifying powers combined weren't very pleasant for any living in a wound along with an arrow. It was burning his flesh, attacking his youki, shortening his already worn out patience. Not waiting a moment more, he spun forwards, claws in aiming for her neck.


N/A: Hey, hi! It' been a long time isn't it? Well, anyways, guys I'm just so happy! I think I passed my exams with B+! OMG! Can you understand what that means for me?! I come from a private school and went to a different school to do my exams, heck, I'll be going to high school next year, I hop it's not all that tough! Well, that was as to why it took me so long to update… Well, I hope you like this chapter. Next on, fight! Ja!
