InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Red Moon ❯ Prolouge ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Summary: What will Kagome do??? Inuyasha is gone; left her with two teenage twin boys. Will Sesshomaru help or abandon her........ First fic; please be nice.
Kagome and Inuyasha have been married for 18 years. They have twin boys ( Joshua and Joseph) age 16. Sesshomaru and Rin have been married for 22 year. They have one girl ( Isabella) age 18. All other characters will be explained in the chapters.
Kagome set out the boys lunches on the counter, it was another balmy day in Tucson, AZ. She had 25 minutes to get the boys and Inuyasha out of the house or they would be late. Rushing to the twins room she knocked lightly, “Josh and Seph you have exactly 10 mins. to be downstairs”. “OK MOM WE ARE COMING, jeez can't we be late for one day” asked Seph. “You know better than that Seph, Mom is a psycho about being on time” replied Josh.
Walking out their door they met their Dad in the hall. “Dad can you please talk with Mom, she is way to controlling, how can we be teens when she is always looking over our shoulders.” asked Seph. “Calm down boys, she worries about you, she wants you two to grow up to be respectable men. Give her time, when she realizes you two are almost grown maybe she will lighten up.” replied Inuyasha. Walking into the kitchen, they noticed Kagome had breakfast set out on the table waiting for them.
Inuyasha went into the den to see Kagome on the computer checking her email. “Kags, are you going to town today, or can it wait until I get home, I would like to take you and the boys to dinner.” With a small smile Kagome replied “ I guess I can wait, but I don't want to be out to late, Josh has football practice at 9am.” With that they both went back to the kitchen table and talk with the twins.
Kagome was sitting in the sun room, entranced in a novel when her phone rang. “Hello” “May I speak with Ms. Gates” “Speaking, who is calling” replied Kagome. “This is Celina from Mercy Hospital, there was an accident your husband is in critical condition. Could you please come down.” Stunned Kagome took shallow breaths trying to comprehend what the lady was saying. “Hello, Ms. Gates are you still there” asked Celina. “What did you say” came Kagome's shaky reply. “Ms. Gates, your husband was in an accident, can you please come to the hospital.” “Ok, I'll be there soon”
Kagome grabbed her sneakers and tried several time to put them on and tie them. She could not see from the tears that would not stop coming. “Please be ok Yasha, I am coming” she kept repeating. Finally out the door, she made her way into the garage and into her Chevy Venture. Starting the van and opening the garage door, she made her way to the hospital. It took her 35 mins to drive, due to the lunch time traffic. While driving she called Sango, her best friend since they were 2 years old, and asked her to go and pick Josh and Seph up from school and bring them to the hospital. She told Sango about the call and told her to call when she was on her way.
Pulling into the ER parking lot, she scrambled up to the desk “Were is Inuyasha Gates”. The nurse behind the counter looked up with sorrowful eyes. “He is in ICU; If you will take a seat in the waiting room, I will page his doctor”. She could not sit down, she was pacing up and down the short hallway looking for the doctor to come out of the doors. “Please Yasha Please be OK” was her inward chant.

The doctor came into the hall, his eyes were blood shot and he looked pale. “ Ms. Gates, I am Doctor Leon, would you come with me” Kagome paled “What is wrong with Yasha” was her whisper. Doc. Leon motioned towards the consultation room. “Please Ms. Gates, lets sit down and I will tell you.”
Kagome could not breath, she was fighting to stay conscious while the doctor talked with her. She had not heard his words past his first two sentences. “I have to call Sango, My boys need to be here.” Bolting out the doors of the hospital she ran to her van where she left her phone. “Sango pick up the phone.” After 4 rings Sango answered. “Kagome we are 2 blocks away, is Yasha ok.” “Just hurry please, I need to see Josh and Seph.” was Kagomes whispered reply. “Ok we are almost there. Meet us in the parking lot.” “I am in the parking lot, just hurry.” with that said she hung up the phone. What am I going to tell them, how can I tell them their Dad is gone....................