InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Reincarnation Isn't Always a Good Thing! ❯ 24 ( Chapter 24 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Kotan and her friends followed the lady to her house. She seemed nice enough, offering room and food, but....
"Domo arigatou, ano....." Kagosha was saying. She shrugged sheepishly. They never did introduce themselves...
"Gomen. I should have intoduced myself." The woman laughed and bowed. "I am Mrs. Haruka."
"I am Ookami, this is Hoshi, Houriki, and Seigei." Kotan said, pointing to herself, Kagosha, Santu, and Nakago, respectively. Mrs. Haruka smiled.
"I'll intorduce you to my daughter. She's just about your age- you should get along." The lady opened the door and called out a name, presumably the name of her daughter.
"Shouri!" she called. A loud pounding- like footsteps- was heard, then a girl who looked to be about 13 or 14 stood in the doorway.
"Yes Mommy?" she asked. She was tall, a little bit shorter than Kotan, and had pretty green eyes with a touch of hazel in the middle. The hazel was hard to see, but it was there. The girl had long brown hair- shoulder-length- and no bangs. A mole was just about the only thing that blemished her face- a small mole on her right cheek. The girl looked past her mother and spotted the visitors. She squealed happily.
"Visitors! Are they those orphans, mom?" she asked. Mrs. Haruka nodded.
"They're staying here? Great! I haven't had anyone to play with for a long time!" Kagosha smiled at teh girl.
"Hi, I'm Ka- Hoshi." she said, quickly covering up her slip. The girl bowed and introduced herself.
"I am Haruka Shouri. Pleased to meet you." Santu quickly stepped up and introduced himself.
"I am Houriki." He was quicly followed by Nakago, and then Kotan.
"Why don't you show them their rooms? Then you can show them yours and play for a bit before dinner."
"May I help with dinner?" Santu offered. It would be a good time to get to know their keepers....
"I'd love some help. Arigatou. Let Shouri show your your rooms first, then she'll help you find the kitchen. I have to do some laundry." They parted ways.
"So, are you an only child? Must be nice, just you and this big house." Kagosha commented, smiling. This girl seemed likable enough, and she wanted to be friends. Shouri looked sad for a moment, then spoke.
"It didn't used to be just me. I used to have three sisters and a big brother, but two of them got married and my brother's in the army." She stopped in front of a room. "This was his room, but Nakago can have it." She craned her neck to look at the boy. "You remind me a lot of him."
"Uhh.... thanks." Nakago said, noting the way to his room. A little farther on, she gave her oldest sister's room to Santu, then her older sister's room to Kotan.
Then there was the slight problem of Kagosha's room.
"Umm.... Hoshi, right? Would you mind sharing a room with either Ookami or me? I shared a room with my last sister, and we don't have any other rooms......"
"Oh." Kagosha said, a bit surprised. "Sure. I'll share with Ookami."
"Can we go to the kitchen now?" Santu asked. "I promised your mother that I'd help with the cooking- I'd feel useless if I did nothing."
"Okay. That's our next stop then." She lead the way.
'Doesn't this sound a bit too familiar? I'm getting a sense of deja vu. Haven't we heard this story before? Three sister's, one brother?' Nakago asked.
'Mahkoto!' Kagosha exclaimed. 'But... that would be just too weird.'
'One way to find out.' Kotan said.
"Out of curiosity, what were your siblings names?" Santu asked.
"Oh, why would you wnat to know that?"
"Just curious." Kotan said.
"Oh well, it can't hurt to tell you. My brother is Sutijn, and my sister's are Nenj, Lijl, and Mahkoto." They nearly fell over from surprise.
'How in the world did we end up with Mahkoto's family?!' Kotan asked.
'They don't seem as bad as she described them.' Nakago said.
'Looks can be decieving.' Santu remarked.
Shouri stopped.
"This is the kitchen. I believe you wanted to help my mom?" she asked. Santu nodded, and left. Nakago and Kagohsa made excuses to leave.
'Kotan, get her to open up. I want to explore- see what can be useful.' Kagosha told her, going off. She gave an excuse out loud too, saying that she wanted to rest.
"I'll help in the kitchen." Nakago said. He went after Santu. The kitchen door closed, leaving Kotan and Shorui in the hall.
"So... what do you do for fun?" Kotan asked.
"Nothing much. It's just me now...." She sniffed, then her head snapped up. She had obviously remembered something.
"Oh! I have so much homework!" she groused. She gave hurried instructions for Kotan to go back to her room, and left, running off- presumably to where she had her homework.
'That was rude.....'