InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Reincarnation Isn't Always a Good Thing! ❯ 26 ( Chapter 26 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Kotan entered Shouri's room. She had said something about 'homework', and Kotan thought about offering to help. It was the least she could do- help out, you know....
"Hello?" she asked, knocking quietly. Shouri jumped.
"Come in then." she said, facing teh door. Kotan entered.
"Oh, Ookami, it's you. What do you want?" she asked.
"I wanted to know if you needed help with your homework." Kotan said. Shouri brightened and invited Kotan to sit nearby.
"Yes, I do." Kotan sat, looking at the homework as she did.
"Oh, you're in algebra right now?" she asked, curious. Shouri nodded.
"It's so difficult! The teacher's never explain anything, and they expect us to know everything right away!" Shouri pouted.
"It's okay. This stuff is easy- I'll help you through this." Shouri looked at her.
"Well, I am having some problems with number 4." Kotan looked at number 4. It was so easy, she almost laughed. She could figure it out in her head, but to be sure not to make any mistakes, she asked for a sheet of paper.
"May I have a scratch sheet of paper and a brush?" she asked. Shouri just looked at her before handing her over the materials she requested, rather gruffly.
"Thanks." Kotan said, a bit shocked. Was everyone in this town this rude? She figured it out in minutes, and went over it step-by-step with Shouri.
"Now, you see, the formula is the y-intercept equals the slope multiplied by the variable, and then you add in the starting point." Of course, Shorui had about 10 different questions on just the formula, then more and more, so it took about a half-hour to get through what would have taken Kotan 10 minutes.
A knock on the door came just as they finished the homework.
"Shorui, Ookami! Dinner!" Santu's voice called, then opened the door. "Do you know where Hoshi is?" he asked. Shouri and Kotan shook their heads. Santu nodded and left.
"Yay! Time to eat!" Shorui said, getting up and heading towards the kitchen. Kotan followed.
'It's just been a few hours, and I don't like her already.'

Dinner was fairly uneventful. Santu had managed to locate Kagosha, and they finally managed to bring up their leaving at the end of the meal.
"You're leaving? Tomorrow?" Shouri asked. "Isn't that too soon? What about Ookami's arm?!"
"I'll be fine." Kotan said, indicating her broken arm. "Your doctor did a fine job. It doesn't hurt." Shorui pouted.
"But now I'll have no one to play with!" Kagosha, ever the peacekeeper, came up with an excuse.
"We're just orphans. We want to get to our uncle's house as soon as possible. We can stay tonight, but we really have to go tomorrow." Shorui pouted, but accepted it in the end.
The mother was more accepting.
"Of course you can leave tomorrow, just be careful." she said, shrugging. "You probably should get there as soon as possible."

Kagosha lay awake. She had- against her better judgement, and her friends better judgement, had reverted to hanyou form, and now couldn't sleep because someone was crying.
'Shouri.' she thought. She stood up and walked down the hall to Shouri's room. She couldn't ignore someone in tears, no matter who they may be.
She knocked.
"Shorui?" she asked, remembering in time to change back into a human.
"What?" an irate voice from within demanded. Shouri.
"I just wanted to know what was wrong. Are you okay? May I come in?"
"Just a minute." Shouri said crossly, and Kagosha could hear movement inside.
"Come in." Shorui said. Kagosha opened the door and enetered.
"I heard you crying, and I wanted to know what was wrong." Kagosha said, encouraging the girl to speak to her. Shouri sniffled once.
"Why should I tell you? It's none of your business!"
"I just wanted to know- I wnat to help." Kagosha said, undaunted. Shouri sniffled again, and then the story came out.
Her sister- Mahkoto- had abandoned her. Her mother ignored her. Her dad was gone. None of the older kids were there to play with her. Her friends didn't talk to her all the time- sometimes they talked to other people and ignored her during break. Her, her, her, her, her! Everything was about what she was 'suffering', and not a word about how Mahkoto must feel.
"It doesn't seem like such a big deal- I mean, your friends can talk to other poeple, right?" It was the wrong thing to say. Shorui started shouting at her and threw Kagosha out of her room.
"If you want to help, come up with a solution!" Shorui said angrily, slamming the door shut. Kagosha just stared for a moment.
'Now I can understand why Mahkoto didnt' like her....'
*Next Morning*
"It's too bad that you have to leave....." Shorui said, sighing.
"Yeah, but we should meet up with our uncle as soon as possible." Kotan said.
"Of course. I'm sure he's worried, isn't he?" the mother asked. Kagosha nodded.
"Goodbye, and thanks for everything!" Santu said, waving goodbye as they headed west out of the village.
"Bye!" Shouri and her mother called.
*Out of the Village*
"Finally!" Kotan said, pulling off her cast that Kagosha had so nice cut in two for her. "My arm was getting so sweaty..."
"We should circle around and pick up Mahkoto." Santu said. Kotan looked at him.
"She's so depressing though.... but we did promise." She nodded. "Let's go."