InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Remember Me ❯ An Alteration ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

…*… signifies a flashback beginning and end.
Chapter Three
Sesshoumaru bit back a derisive snort before it slipped past his emotionless façade. “Bound to the hanyou?” He was unworthy of her.
Kagome winced again. He found the movement unusual and rather unnatural on her. Strangely, he found that he wished she'd stop doing it.
“Well, I mean, it could have be—well anyway,” she cut herself off before she said the Miroku comment she was trying not to say. “I mean, hey, not too bad. He is my friend and all. So we'll be…companionable…ish.”
After a heavy sigh and equally heavy silence Sesshoumaru took a chance. “But you're not happy about it.”
Kagome's head snapped up, her eyes wide, lips slightly parted in surprise. She began to protest but something in his eyes, the way he looked at her made her stop. She couldn't lie to him. Not now.
“No,” she admitted. “I'm not happy with the arrangement. But it was the best um…we could come up with.” There it was, the hint Sesshoumaru was looking for.
“Who thought up this ludicrous idea?”
“We did. All of us.” She was lying. What was worse is she knew he could tell that she was lying. Another moment of silence passed as she tried stubbornly to seem like she wasn't going to give in and Sesshoumaru's narrowed eyes. Finally she mumbled something that even his youkai senses couldn't pick up.
He didn't bother with a `what?' Instead, he fixed her with an annoyed glare.
“Miroku,” She clarified. He repressed the urge to roll his eyes. “The lecher. He proposed to sire my children, like he hasn't been asking to give him a child since we met. Anyway, Kaede-san surprised the hell out of all of us by saying that he might be on the right track. Then everyone was deciding the terms, what should happen, should there be children then ultimately…who it was I was going to marry.”
“Him,” He very nearly growled. Kagome paused, looking slightly surprised by the vehemence behind that one word. “And you had no reservations.”
“Of course I did!” She huffed, crossing her arms over her stomach. “Contrary to what you may believe, I'm not an idiot. It's just…everyone was so excited because they'd finally thought of something helpful. Then there was the little happiness during a war, a wedding is a perfect idea to lighten the dark cloud over us all.”
“So you gave in.” A simple statement but it made her want to cry and scream all at the same time.
“I did. Solely because I couldn't think of a good enough reason to say no.” She wasn't looking him in the eye now. He could think of quite a few reasons more than good enough for her not to marry the damned hanyou. Some of which he would never voice.
“This is madness and it annoys this Sesshoumaru that it must be pointed out.” Before he could think, his hand shot out and gripped her arm in a bruising force. “You will find another way.”
From anyone else it would have sounded consoling but from Sesshoumaru it sounded like a demand. Kagome's gut response was to nod obediently but it was luckily replaced by annoyance.
She was suddenly overcome with the urge to hit him.
“And what exactly do you propose Sesshoumaru? I'm not marrying Miroku; I'm not having kids out of wedlock. I don't know what else there is for me to attach myself to.”
Sesshoumaru interrupted her triad with a glare. “What about the kitsune pup? He is your surrogate is he not?”
Kagome frowned thoughtfully. “I'm not sure if that would be enough. I imagine that blood, really, would be the only thing strong enough.”
“Thus you mate the hanyou and have his children. Your blood in the children that would remain here would be your link to this time.” Kagome nodded at this, half wanting to correct his use of `mating' instead of `marrying.' “Find another mate.”
“Who the hell are you to command me to…to…to change my life to your liking?” Before Kagome could think rationally, her finger was poking Sesshoumaru's chest over his armor, accusingly. “You do not control my life, Naraku doesn't control my life, and Inuyasha sure as hell doesn't. I will not be ordered around by the likes of you or him, or them or anyone for that matter! I am so close, so close to saying screw you all and going back to my time. Do you have any idea what this…this…journey is doing to me? Do you? No! None of you do.” Mid-triad tears of frustration began sliding silently down her face. Sesshoumaru watched in cool silence as she continued on.
“You just think `Oh, little Kagome, just a reincarnation of the oh-so-wonderful Kikyou, we'll use her then push her aside when the shard's back together—which, by the way, is her fault.' Well I'm sorry I messed up, ok? I admit it! I'm sorry…I'm sorry.” By now the tears were running unchecked down her face, falling freely from her eyes. Unsure what to do, Sesshoumaru put his hand on her shoulder but was surprised when she threw herself at him, crying softly against his chest.
“Sesshoumaru,” she whispered softly but Sesshoumaru heard a scream instead.
............ * …………
“Sesshoumaru!” He barely turned to acknowledge the enraged miko despite his curiosity of the cause of her rage.
“Fear not, Sesshoumaru-sama. I'll dispose of the human.” Before Jaken could move, an arrow whizzed past his head.
“I won't miss again toad.” The toad in question squawked. Sesshoumaru turned fully, still not convinced that this was worth his time. Jaken put his `hands' up, in response the miko turned her attention and arrow toward Sesshoumaru. “You know where Naraku is or at least you can help me find him.”
It was almost laughable. Almost.
He had the daring miko pinned against a tree before she could release the arrow. The girl didn't stand a chance and if he were capable of it, he'd pity her. He lowered his eyes to hers expecting to see the fear he could smell on her but was surprised to see steely defiance. In response he pressed his only arm against her collar bone harder.
She flinched but the look was still there. “I could purify you with a single touch,” she bit out haughtily.
“I would snap your neck before you could move.” It was meant to be intimidating. Anyone else would have backed down.
But she smirked. “I didn't say that I had to touch you. And who said anything about moving?” With that a warm feeling overtook Sesshoumaru's hands and began traveling up his arm at an alarming rate. He jerked away from her as if she'd burned him. She eased away from the tree as he stepped back.
“You try my patience, human.”
“The feeling's mutual, youkai.”
“What have you to offer me?” At this she faltered. A momentary look of panic passed over her face but was quickly replaced with what he imagined was her best blank face.
“Your arm.”
Sesshoumaru turned his back to her. She'd have to do better than that. As he started to walk away she called out.
“Sesshoumaru wait! Please.” Something in her voice made him stop, again turning half way to look at her. “Your ward, Rin. She's sick.”
“You tell me what I already know woman.”
“I may have the power to heal her. Your arm and her health in exchange for you help finding Inuyasha.”
Sesshoumaru paused, taking in the offer. A moment later he turned away from her again. “We leave tomorrow.”
As he began walking again the girl ran after him. “Is that a yes? Sesshoumaru? Is that a yes? Sesshoumaru? Sesshoumaru?”
………… * …………
“Sesshoumaru?” Her muffled voice brought him from his memories. “What am I going to do?”
“It is not my place to tell you what to do.” She snorted.
“That never stopped you before.” Point taken. But then she never listened to him anyway.
“In this matter. I can only offer to help research before you make any hasty decisions.” He paused then gently pushed her away so he could look her in the eye. “Once something is figured out I will no longer be indebted to you.”
Kagome looked down, giving a jerky nod. “After that we're enemies again, I understand.” He didn't think she did but at this particular time he didn't wish to correct her.
“Come, we should get back to the others and break the good new—er bad news to them.” She smiled sheepishly at her slip, blushing prettily. He almost gave into the urge to smile at the display.
JMJ where the hell have I been? Right? Well the answer is; all over the bloody place just not here. Where I belong. But I'm back!
Anyway, I don't know if I mentioned this before or not but the past where Kagome and Sesshoumaru start to “bond” will slowly be revealed as we progress. Please, be patient. I'm trying to make sure it's…jive-y.
Standard disclaimer applies. I own nothing of Inuyasha.