InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Reunited ❯ Goodbye ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Reunited Chapter 1: Goodbye
“Kagome, it's time to go home!” Papa Koji yelled, across the daycare.
The little girl coming down the slide, searched to find her Papa, when she spotted him she yelled “Ok, Papa, let me go say goodbye to Inuyasha!”
As the little girl ran around the play equipment to look for Inuyasha, she spotted his silver hair, and she hurried over towards the sand box, he looked like he was trying to created a sand castle, but it didn't look like he got it right, and started to whine.
“Watch ya, doing Inu?” She peeked over his shoulder.
He growled back at her. “I can't seem to get the sand castle up.” He whined to her.
She looked at him with her big brown eyes, “Aw, come on Inu, don't pout,”
“I DON'T POUT!” He whined back at her.
Tears swelled up in her eyes, “Inu…”
“Aw, come on Kags, you know, I didn't mean that.”
She peeked at him, and saw that his golden eyes, were telling the truth. “Well, you know you'll always be my best friend. Anyways I have to get going, Papa, and I, are going shopping today, so I'm leaving early.”
“Goodbye, Kagome, see you tomorrow.” He yelled as she was running away, towards her father.
“Dum, de dum, dum, dum”
“Papa, may I have some chalkco milk, please?” Kagome asked polity.
“Sweetie, we just got that at the store, you can't have it all, Kodama, is coming from school soon, don't you think he'll wants some?”
“Kodama, Wee!!!!! Can he and I play together?”
“No, just today, bozu, everyday, and forever,” A voice said
“KODAMA!” Kagome jumped up and down hysterically.
“So, what can we play?” He asked.
Later on in the evening, Kagome's mother had come home. Mother looked very sad when she walked through the door, even though, Kagome asked what was the matter, she just placed on her plastic smile, and would reply “Oh, dear, It's nothing to worry about.”
When Kagome had gone to bed, she heard the muffled voices downstairs of her Parents and Kodama, after a few minutes he screamed, “How can you make us move? Don't you see that we have all of are family here, and Kagome, is at such a young age! You're making me move away, from all of the family, and friends we have here, all because, you and Grandpa had a fight. This is not fair, how can you do this to me, I mean us, Kagome will be so disappointed when she figures out that she has to leave her best friend behind!”
“Please stop fighting, I'm already devastated as it is, please, just stop it.” Mother whimpered.
With that comment, Kagome started to cry, she fell asleep with her eyes puffed out red.
Once, the bus dropped her off at her daycare, the next day, she slumped and dragged herself over to the swing set. She placed her books on the rocks, and started to sing one of her favourite song,
Dancing bears,
Painted wings,
Things I almost remember,
and a song someone sings
once upon a December.
Silver hair, slips through her mind, she thinks, `How, will I tell Inu about this.' As she thinks of that tears slip down her cheek, she goes back to singing.

Someone holds me safe and warm.
Horses prance through a silver storm.
Figures dancing gracefully
across my memory...
Someone holds me safe and warm.
Horses prance through a silver storm.
Figures dancing gracefully
across my memory...
Inuyasha, hops off his bus, and sniffs around for Kagome, he smells the salty tears, and hears her singing her song, he runs over to find her on the swing set, crying and singing.
Far away, long ago,
glowing dim as an ember,
Things my heart
Used to know,
Things it yearns to remember...

And a song
someone sings
once upon a December
She looks up at him, and smiles, “Inuyasha, you're my best friend in the whole world, ok, just remember that.”
“Kagome . . . What are you talking about, I know you're my best friend. And why are you crying?”
“Inu… I… I'm … I'm moving, I don't want to leave you.” She cried in his arms.
“Well, I bet you guys will still be able to come and visit me down here, right?”
“I don't know, I don't know where I'm moving I just overheard my parents speaking about it last night, they're going to tell me tonight, I think were moving a month from now.” She whimpered.
“Kagome, it's alright, I'm sure you'll be able to still come visit.”
“I hope so Inu, I hope so.”
*A Month Later*
Everything was packed and ready to go, Kagome, sat by her window, humming her lullaby once again, hoping that she would see Inuyasha again; she figured out that they were moving to a town like 5 hours away. She remembers what happened last night when Inuyasha came to say goodbye.
`Knock, knock.'
Her mother went to the door. “Oh, hi, Izayoi. Yes come on in,”
“Kagome, you have company” Knowing that Izayoi, was Inuyasha mother. She ran towards the door, “Izayoi-san, how are you?”
“Oh, I'm fine, Kagome, Inuyasha should be in the car, he was too scared to come inside. Even thought he won't admit it.”
“Ok, thank you, Izayoi-san” She ran down towards the car, and found Inu, ears sticking out from the window, “Inuyasha, you came!”
“OhhiKagometakethisit'sapresentfromme.” He shoved a small box into her hands, she looked over to him, and he was blushing.
“Thank you… A locket?”
“Yes, it has are, picture in there so you won't forget me.”
“Do, you have one?”
“Eh, why would I were one of those? They're for girls.”
“Inu…” She whimpered.
“Yes, Kagome, I have one, but I doubt I'll wear it, but here it is,” he shoved a locket in her face to prove that he had one.
“Thank you, Inuyasha”
“Kagome, it's time to get to bed we have to be up and early tomorrow, for the ride!” Mother yelled.
“Well, I guess this is goodbye, Kagome.” He gave her a really big hug and went into the car.
When she turned to run up the steps to her house she saw Izayoi descending down.
“Take, care young one. Hope to see you one time in the future.”
“Izayoi-san take care of Inuyasha for me, don't let him make a baka out of himself.”
“Oh, don't worry, I doubt he will do anything bad.”
“Bye, Izayoi-san.”
Kagome ran up and closed the door between Inuyasha and her for the very last time. Tears swelled up in her eyes once more.
“Goodbye Inuyasha…”
Honorifics and Japanese phrases/words:
-san: Mr., Miss, Ms., Mrs., etc.
Bozu: An informal way to say `kid' of `squirt' mostly referred to boys.
Baka: Fool.