InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Reunited ❯ Wake Up Call ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Reunited: Chapter 2: Wake Up Call
`Seven years have past since that day, since the day I left Inuyasha, I can't believe I still think about him' She stared out the window.
“Kagome! Time for school!” Souta her little brother yelled. “Humph, why did mom have to have another boy? I hate being the only girl in this family” she mumbled, “I'm up Souta, be down out soon!”
The Hirgurashi family was living in Osaka, Japan now. Mitsuki, Kagome's mom, had another child, Souta that he's 7 now. Kodama, Kagome's older brother, was 16 now, and still annoying as usual.
Kagome ran downstairs and put her toast on and jumped into the shower. Kodama walked into the kitchen and heard the shower running. “Hmm, should I? Wait a minute why am I asking myself that?” He turned on the hot water. “KODAMA!”
“Still funny, as usual.” He walked out of the house to catch his bus.
Kagome hopped of the bus to get her little brother from his school. Running towards the door, she bumped into an older boy. “Oof, sorry, about that.” She went to walk off.
“Watch where you are going you little wench.”
“I said I was sorry! Now let me go!” She struggled to get out of his grip and couldn't seem to.
“Let my sister go you big bully!” Kagome turned to see her little brother running over to push the man over. He pushed him over on the ground. “STAY OUT OF MY WAY!”
“LET ME GO!” Kagome screamed at the top of her lungs. A pink glow surrounded her. The boy was thrown across the ground.
“What… You're a witch! Get the hell away from me!” He screamed, and ran away.
“Sis, what… what did you do to him?” Her brother quivered.
`What did I do to him. Am I a witch, what is this power I feel inside of me, it growing stronger and stronger. My hand feels like it's on fire. I feel so much power but I don't want it to get out. I will hurt people with it. What is this power.'
“Sis, what… what did you do to him?” Her brother quivered.
“Frankly, I don't know Souta. I feel so much power inside of me that it scares me. Lets go home and ask Mom.”
`Am I such a monster now, that I have these powers?'
“Mom, were home!” I yelled.
“Mom, mom, guess what Kagome did to this guy that wouldn't leave her alone. She like had pink stuff glowing around her and she got mad and the guy flew like 100 feet away from her it was so cool!”
“Mom, what is the matter with me? There's this great power inside of me I can feel it? What is this Mom? Why am I like this?” I demanded.
“Oh, dear. Oh dear. I thought that if we moved you away this wouldn't happen. Oh dear.” She walked out of the room and dialled a phone number.
“Is Koji available, yes it's Mrs. Higurashi. Ok. Koji, honey, you need to come home now. Kagome she found her powers. Yes, I know. Please Koji, Come home.”
I looked at my mom when she came back into the room. “Honey, you're going to have to wait until you father comes home.”
“Yes, so she's found her power's great.” He hung up the phone.
“They should come home soon. Dear Mitsuki, how I missed you.
“So you mean… That Mom's a miko? And you're not my biological father? And that my real father is a monster? And he wanted to use my powers for evil? But you put a seal on my powers so that he wouldn't figure out that I had powers? And now since my powers are surfacing that we have to move back to Tokyo and move into the shrine with Grandpa.”
“Yes, that's what were saying. We thought that if we moved you away from Tokyo away from your father he wouldn't bother us. Grandfather and I argued about the situation with your power's he was mad that we sealed up your powers when we should show that we were powerful. He thought I was disgracing that family by doing so. And he disowned me. But I spoke to him and he'll take us in, but only, you, and I.” Mother Mitsuki said.
“Why just us three?” I asked.
“I can explain that. Well you're older brother is your mom's son, and mine but that's it, he contains no magic within him. And Souta doesn't consist of magic yet. So your Grandfather only wants people who are magic to go into his household.” Papa Koji said.
“We will be moving, in a week. So get your stuff pack. You'll be home
Schooled since you can't control your magic just yet. In about three more years you can go to regular school.” Mother Mitsuki said.
“Humph, all this has come to me so fast. I'm happy that I'll be moving back to Tokyo. But on the other hand, Papa Koji, Kodama, and Souta will still be living here in Kyoto. I may see Inuyasha once more too. But what if he forgotten me. What will I do? And who his my real father? Why is he such an evil man?”
“KAGOME! WE'RE LEAVING!” Mother yelled.
“Goodbye, sis.” Souta mumbled and hugged me. “Don't forget to write to us.
“Bye, bozu. Damn it I have no one to tease anymore. Come visit soon.” Kodama said.
“Bye you cute and annoying brothers. I'll miss you.” I said.
I made my way down stairs. And say Papa Koji on the steps. “Papa…”
“I'm not you're Papa anymore. But I will always think of you as my daughter, Kagome.” He said with tears in his eyes.
“Papa, you'll always be my Papa, don't forget it.” I said to him.
“Oh, Kagome!” He gave me a big hug.
“Come on dear, the train will leave without us.” Mother said.
“Goodbye all. I won't forget you.”
“Last call for all passenger's for the train going to Tokyo!”
`We boarded the train and it took off. In about three hours I will see Tokyo once more. In about three years I'll see Inuyasha once more.'
AN- By the way Chalkco milk is chocolate milk.