InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Revelation, Realization & Redemption ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of its characters they are the property of Rumiko Takahashi. This story was written for the purposes of entertainment and I by no means will profit from the story other than the satisfaction of exercising my imagination and writing abilities.
Chapter 5: Questions
Soon after Sesshomaru and Jaken had left the group, they found a place to rest and have some lunch. Inuyasha, still upset with the others skulked out of earshot as Miroku and Sango finally felt free to ask their questions now that the environment was much less charged. Both were concerned about Sesshomaru's sudden interest in the group, particularly his interest in their friend.
The conversation between Kagome and Sesshomaru may have been unheard, but it was far from being unnoticed by the others. The fact that she was singled out weighed heavy in the minds. All their previous dealings with Sesshomaru the demon lord was only interested in his brother, now suddenly his interest had changed. Between the two of them they intended to get some answers from their friend.
“I wonder what all of a sudden made him want to help us?” Sango asked no one in particular as she Kagome and Miroku sat and ate under the shade of the tree.
“Yes, it is rather curious.” Miroku echoed as the two of them cast questioning glances at Kagome, “And I might add he seems to have been paying particular attention to you Kagome. I can't say that I blame him, you are rather easy on the eyes…”
“Miroku!” Kagome exclaimed incredulously, “Sesshomaru only talked to me because I was the only one trying not to kill him this morning, and because I brought Rin back to him yesterday.”
“Yes, that is curious too. I always thought he hated humans and wanted them all destroyed.” Sango said thoughtfully.
“I thought that too, but when I asked him about it Sesshomaru said that he had the responsibility of the Western Lands and that included the humans that resided there. I had really never thought about it before. And now that I think about it, he is more powerful than any demon that we have ever encountered and if he did truly want us dead we wouldn't have made it this far. I think there is more to him than we think.”
“Then why fight us whenever he got the chance only to have a complete change of heart? How do we know that tomorrow or even later this afternoon he won't change his mind again?” Sango pushed, she was still not certain about trusting Sesshomaru.
“I don't think he will.” Kagome said, she did not want to tell them about what she and Sesshomaru had discussed, she wasn't ready for them to know yet, she wasn't sure she was ready to know herself. “I didn't get to learn much from him as Inuyasha interrupted this morning.”
“Well he seemed to want to talk to you a lot as we were walking.”
“Yeah, so, maybe I was right, Sesshomaru has a crush on you Kagome.” Miroku said laughing a little.
“I sincerely doubt that.” Kagome said forcefully, “I am a human after all, and although he does protect the ones in his lands he thinks we are fickle creatures who have too many emotions, the only human that I think he truly cares about is Rin. He let her hug him yesterday when she found him. I think he was worried about her.”
“Hmm. That is interesting.” Sango said, “maybe he does have feelings after all…” she didn't finish her thought as the energy around them had changed dramatically.
“Demons.” Sango breathed. The word echoed the feeling the three of them felt as the air around them stirred with the unseen menace. Shippo and Rin clung to Kagome's legs as she clutched her bow and notched an arrow ready to let it fly at the first sign of danger.
“BLADES OF BLOOD!!!” Inuyasha's battle cry could be heard from up ahead in the clearing.
They ran in the direction of Inuyasha's yell, and Kagome could sense the presence of a jewel shard as well as several smaller demons. Shippo and Rin stayed close to Kagome as they reached the scene of the battle.
“Stay with the little ones.” Miroku called to Kagome over his shoulder as he and Sango rode off on Kirara who had transformed into her larger form.
“Will do.” Kagome said as she ushered the little ones behind the cover of a large bush. “Stay under the leaves for cover, and try not to be afraid.” She said to Rin as she patted her hand.
“I'm not,” the little girl said her eyes full of trust made Kagome steel her resolve even more not to let anything happen to this little girl. Kagome crouched down, readied her bow and took careful aim as she let loose an arrow which shot straight and true killing one of the several demons that the others were fighting.
“Do you see anything yet?” Inuyasha called as he used Tetsusiaga to slice through several of the demons.
“Not yet, but it's close…Wait…there…the green demon with the three heads, it's in it's tentacle just above the scar.” She called out once she found it.
“Great, it would have to be the one with twenty tentacles.” Inuyasha muttered.
“Look for the scar, on the left side of the thing.”
“Okay, I'll take care of it.” He called back. He faced the demon and was looking at it's many tentacles that he didn't see the other demon to the left of him, but Kagome did. She sent an arrow flying at the bluish gray looking devil thing and injured it, and it shrieked in pain.
There are so many of them. Even if we do get the jewel how are we ever going to take care of this many demons? Inuyasha has killed several of them already and they still keep coming. Such were Kagome's thoughts as she aimed another arrow at the demon that she had just injured, and she failed to notice the demon that had set its sights on her.
“Kagome!!!” she heard Shippo's panicked warning cry, she launched her arrow killing her quarry only to find herself face to face with a more ominous enemy. Heart in her throat she reached for another arrow, before she could do anything she felt herself surrounded by familiar energy, deflecting the monster's deadly attack.
“Sesshomaru.” She breathed the name in thanks as she felt the energy surround her and she watched as a wave of bright blue energy shot through the demon destroying it instantly.
“Miko you need to stay alive.” The Demon Lord's voice said as he appeared beside her. “Kagome, we will begin your training now.” he commanded as he took her up on his cloud with him leaving Jaken with the children.